*/ private $required_file_paths = []; /** * @var array */ private $parent_file_paths = []; /** * @var array */ private $suppressed_issues = []; /** * @var array> */ private $namespace_aliased_classes = []; /** * @var array> */ private $namespace_aliased_classes_flipped = []; /** * @var array> */ private $namespace_aliased_classes_flipped_replaceable = []; /** * @var array */ public $interface_analyzers_to_analyze = []; /** * @var array */ public $class_analyzers_to_analyze = []; /** * @var null|Context */ public $context; /** * @var ProjectAnalyzer */ public $project_analyzer; /** * @var Codebase */ public $codebase; /** * @var int */ private $first_statement_offset = -1; /** @var ?\Psalm\Internal\Provider\NodeDataProvider */ private $node_data; /** @var ?Type\Union */ private $return_type; /** * @param string $file_path * @param string $file_name */ public function __construct(ProjectAnalyzer $project_analyzer, $file_path, $file_name) { $this->source = $this; $this->file_path = $file_path; $this->file_name = $file_name; $this->project_analyzer = $project_analyzer; $this->codebase = $project_analyzer->getCodebase(); } /** * @param bool $preserve_analyzers * * @return void */ public function analyze( Context $file_context = null, $preserve_analyzers = false, Context $global_context = null ) { $codebase = $this->project_analyzer->getCodebase(); $file_storage = $codebase->file_storage_provider->get($this->file_path); if (!$file_storage->deep_scan && !$codebase->server_mode) { throw new UnpreparedAnalysisException('File ' . $this->file_path . ' has not been properly scanned'); } if ($file_storage->has_visitor_issues) { return; } if ($file_context) { $this->context = $file_context; } if (!$this->context) { $this->context = new Context(); } if ($codebase->config->useStrictTypesForFile($this->file_path)) { $this->context->strict_types = true; } $this->context->is_global = true; $this->context->defineGlobals(); $this->context->collect_exceptions = $codebase->config->check_for_throws_in_global_scope; try { $stmts = $codebase->getStatementsForFile($this->file_path); } catch (PhpParser\Error $e) { return; } foreach ($codebase->config->before_file_checks as $plugin_class) { $plugin_class::beforeAnalyzeFile($this, $this->context, $file_storage, $codebase); } if ($codebase->alter_code) { foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { if (!$stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Declare_) { $this->first_statement_offset = (int) $stmt->getAttribute('startFilePos'); break; } } } $leftover_stmts = $this->populateCheckers($stmts); $this->node_data = new \Psalm\Internal\Provider\NodeDataProvider(); $statements_analyzer = new StatementsAnalyzer($this, $this->node_data); foreach ($file_storage->docblock_issues as $docblock_issue) { IssueBuffer::add($docblock_issue); } // if there are any leftover statements, evaluate them, // in turn causing the classes/interfaces be evaluated if ($leftover_stmts) { $statements_analyzer->analyze($leftover_stmts, $this->context, $global_context, true); foreach ($leftover_stmts as $leftover_stmt) { if ($leftover_stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Return_) { if ($leftover_stmt->expr) { $this->return_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($leftover_stmt->expr) ?: Type::getMixed(); } else { $this->return_type = Type::getVoid(); } break; } } } // check any leftover interfaces not already evaluated foreach ($this->interface_analyzers_to_analyze as $interface_analyzer) { $interface_analyzer->analyze(); } // check any leftover classes not already evaluated foreach ($this->class_analyzers_to_analyze as $class_analyzer) { $class_analyzer->analyze(null, $this->context); } if (!$preserve_analyzers) { $this->class_analyzers_to_analyze = []; $this->interface_analyzers_to_analyze = []; } if ($codebase->config->check_for_throws_in_global_scope) { $uncaught_throws = $statements_analyzer->getUncaughtThrows($this->context); foreach ($uncaught_throws as $possibly_thrown_exception => $codelocations) { foreach ($codelocations as $codelocation) { // issues are suppressed in ThrowAnalyzer, CallAnalyzer, etc. if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UncaughtThrowInGlobalScope( $possibly_thrown_exception . ' is thrown but not caught in global scope', $codelocation ) )) { // fall through } } } } // validate type imports if ($file_storage->type_aliases) { foreach ($file_storage->type_aliases as $alias) { if ($alias instanceof LinkableTypeAlias) { $location = new DocblockTypeLocation( $this->getSource(), $alias->start_offset, $alias->end_offset, $alias->line_number ); $fq_source_classlike = $alias->declaring_fq_classlike_name; if (ClassLikeAnalyzer::checkFullyQualifiedClassLikeName( $this->getSource(), $fq_source_classlike, $location, null, null, $this->suppressed_issues, true, false, true, true ) === false) { continue; }; $referenced_class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_source_classlike); if (!isset($referenced_class_storage->type_aliases[$alias->alias_name])) { IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidTypeImport( 'Type alias ' . $alias->alias_name . ' imported from ' . $fq_source_classlike . ' is not defined on the source class', $location ) ); } } } } foreach ($codebase->config->after_file_checks as $plugin_class) { $plugin_class::afterAnalyzeFile($this, $this->context, $file_storage, $codebase); } } /** * @param array $stmts * * @return array */ public function populateCheckers(array $stmts) { $leftover_stmts = []; foreach ($stmts as $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike) { $this->populateClassLikeAnalyzers($stmt); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Namespace_) { $namespace_name = $stmt->name ? implode('\\', $stmt->name->parts) : ''; $namespace_analyzer = new NamespaceAnalyzer($stmt, $this); $namespace_analyzer->collectAnalyzableInformation(); $this->namespace_aliased_classes[$namespace_name] = $namespace_analyzer->getAliases()->uses; $this->namespace_aliased_classes_flipped[$namespace_name] = $namespace_analyzer->getAliasedClassesFlipped(); $this->namespace_aliased_classes_flipped_replaceable[$namespace_name] = $namespace_analyzer->getAliasedClassesFlippedReplaceable(); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Use_) { $this->visitUse($stmt); } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\GroupUse) { $this->visitGroupUse($stmt); } else { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\If_) { foreach ($stmt->stmts as $if_stmt) { if ($if_stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike) { $this->populateClassLikeAnalyzers($if_stmt); } } } $leftover_stmts[] = $stmt; } } return $leftover_stmts; } /** * @return void */ private function populateClassLikeAnalyzers(PhpParser\Node\Stmt\ClassLike $stmt) { if ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_) { if (!$stmt->name) { return; } // this can happen when stubbing if (!$this->codebase->classExists($stmt->name->name)) { return; } $class_analyzer = new ClassAnalyzer($stmt, $this, $stmt->name->name); $fq_class_name = $class_analyzer->getFQCLN(); $this->class_analyzers_to_analyze[strtolower($fq_class_name)] = $class_analyzer; } elseif ($stmt instanceof PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Interface_) { if (!$stmt->name) { return; } // this can happen when stubbing if (!$this->codebase->interfaceExists($stmt->name->name)) { return; } $class_analyzer = new InterfaceAnalyzer($stmt, $this, $stmt->name->name); $fq_class_name = $class_analyzer->getFQCLN(); $this->interface_analyzers_to_analyze[$fq_class_name] = $class_analyzer; } } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @param ClassAnalyzer $class_analyzer * * @return void */ public function addNamespacedClassAnalyzer($fq_class_name, ClassAnalyzer $class_analyzer) { $this->class_analyzers_to_analyze[strtolower($fq_class_name)] = $class_analyzer; } /** * @param string $fq_class_name * @param InterfaceAnalyzer $interface_analyzer * * @return void */ public function addNamespacedInterfaceAnalyzer($fq_class_name, InterfaceAnalyzer $interface_analyzer) { $this->interface_analyzers_to_analyze[strtolower($fq_class_name)] = $interface_analyzer; } /** * @return void */ public function getMethodMutations( \Psalm\Internal\MethodIdentifier $method_id, Context $this_context, bool $from_project_analyzer = false ) { $fq_class_name = $method_id->fq_class_name; $method_name = $method_id->method_name; $fq_class_name_lc = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (isset($this->class_analyzers_to_analyze[$fq_class_name_lc])) { $class_analyzer_to_examine = $this->class_analyzers_to_analyze[$fq_class_name_lc]; } else { if (!$from_project_analyzer) { $this->project_analyzer->getMethodMutations( $method_id, $this_context, $this->getRootFilePath(), $this->getRootFileName() ); } return; } $call_context = new Context($this_context->self); $call_context->collect_mutations = $this_context->collect_mutations; $call_context->collect_initializations = $this_context->collect_initializations; $call_context->collect_nonprivate_initializations = $this_context->collect_nonprivate_initializations; $call_context->initialized_methods = $this_context->initialized_methods; $call_context->include_location = $this_context->include_location; $call_context->calling_method_id = $this_context->calling_method_id; foreach ($this_context->vars_possibly_in_scope as $var => $_) { if (strpos($var, '$this->') === 0) { $call_context->vars_possibly_in_scope[$var] = true; } } foreach ($this_context->vars_in_scope as $var => $type) { if (strpos($var, '$this->') === 0) { $call_context->vars_in_scope[$var] = $type; } } if (!isset($this_context->vars_in_scope['$this'])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Should exist'); } $call_context->vars_in_scope['$this'] = $this_context->vars_in_scope['$this']; $class_analyzer_to_examine->getMethodMutations($method_name, $call_context); foreach ($call_context->vars_possibly_in_scope as $var => $_) { $this_context->vars_possibly_in_scope[$var] = true; } foreach ($call_context->vars_in_scope as $var => $type) { $this_context->vars_in_scope[$var] = $type; } } public function getFunctionLikeAnalyzer(\Psalm\Internal\MethodIdentifier $method_id) : ?FunctionLikeAnalyzer { $fq_class_name = $method_id->fq_class_name; $method_name = $method_id->method_name; $fq_class_name_lc = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (!isset($this->class_analyzers_to_analyze[$fq_class_name_lc])) { return null; } $class_analyzer_to_examine = $this->class_analyzers_to_analyze[$fq_class_name_lc]; return $class_analyzer_to_examine->getFunctionLikeAnalyzer($method_name); } /** * @return null|string */ public function getNamespace() { return null; } /** * @param string|null $namespace_name * * @return array */ public function getAliasedClassesFlipped($namespace_name = null) { if ($namespace_name && isset($this->namespace_aliased_classes_flipped[$namespace_name])) { return $this->namespace_aliased_classes_flipped[$namespace_name]; } return $this->aliased_classes_flipped; } /** * @param string|null $namespace_name * * @return array */ public function getAliasedClassesFlippedReplaceable($namespace_name = null) { if ($namespace_name && isset($this->namespace_aliased_classes_flipped_replaceable[$namespace_name])) { return $this->namespace_aliased_classes_flipped_replaceable[$namespace_name]; } return $this->aliased_classes_flipped_replaceable; } /** * @return void */ public static function clearCache() { \Psalm\Internal\Type\TypeTokenizer::clearCache(); \Psalm\Internal\Codebase\Reflection::clearCache(); \Psalm\Internal\Codebase\Functions::clearCache(); IssueBuffer::clearCache(); FileManipulationBuffer::clearCache(); FunctionLikeAnalyzer::clearCache(); \Psalm\Internal\Provider\ClassLikeStorageProvider::deleteAll(); \Psalm\Internal\Provider\FileStorageProvider::deleteAll(); \Psalm\Internal\Provider\FileReferenceProvider::clearCache(); } /** * @return string */ public function getFileName() { return $this->file_name; } /** * @return string */ public function getFilePath() { return $this->file_path; } /** * @return string */ public function getRootFileName() { return $this->root_file_name ?: $this->file_name; } /** * @return string */ public function getRootFilePath() { return $this->root_file_path ?: $this->file_path; } /** * @param string $file_path * @param string $file_name * * @return void */ public function setRootFilePath($file_path, $file_name) { $this->root_file_name = $file_name; $this->root_file_path = $file_path; } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return void */ public function addRequiredFilePath($file_path) { $this->required_file_paths[$file_path] = true; } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return void */ public function addParentFilePath($file_path) { $this->parent_file_paths[$file_path] = true; } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return bool */ public function hasParentFilePath($file_path) { return $this->file_path === $file_path || isset($this->parent_file_paths[$file_path]); } /** * @param string $file_path * * @return bool */ public function hasAlreadyRequiredFilePath($file_path) { return isset($this->required_file_paths[$file_path]); } /** * @return array */ public function getRequiredFilePaths() { return array_keys($this->required_file_paths); } /** * @return array */ public function getParentFilePaths() { return array_keys($this->parent_file_paths); } /** * @return int */ public function getRequireNesting() { return count($this->parent_file_paths); } /** * @return array */ public function getSuppressedIssues() { return $this->suppressed_issues; } /** * @param array $new_issues * * @return void */ public function addSuppressedIssues(array $new_issues) { if (isset($new_issues[0])) { $new_issues = \array_combine($new_issues, $new_issues); } $this->suppressed_issues = $new_issues + $this->suppressed_issues; } /** * @param array $new_issues * * @return void */ public function removeSuppressedIssues(array $new_issues) { if (isset($new_issues[0])) { $new_issues = \array_combine($new_issues, $new_issues); } $this->suppressed_issues = \array_diff_key($this->suppressed_issues, $new_issues); } /** * @return null|string */ public function getFQCLN() { return null; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getParentFQCLN() { return null; } /** * @return null|string */ public function getClassName() { return null; } /** * @return array>|null */ public function getTemplateTypeMap() { return null; } /** * @return bool */ public function isStatic() { return false; } /** * @psalm-mutation-free */ public function getFileAnalyzer() : FileAnalyzer { return $this; } /** * @psalm-mutation-free */ public function getProjectAnalyzer() : ProjectAnalyzer { return $this->project_analyzer; } public function getCodebase() : Codebase { return $this->codebase; } public function getFirstStatementOffset() : int { return $this->first_statement_offset; } public function getNodeTypeProvider() : \Psalm\NodeTypeProvider { if (!$this->node_data) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('There should be a node type provider'); } return $this->node_data; } public function getReturnType() : ?Type\Union { return $this->return_type; } public function clearSourceBeforeDestruction() : void { /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullPropertyAssignmentValue */ $this->source = null; } }