*/ protected $suppressed_issues; /** * @var bool */ protected $is_static = false; /** * @var StatementsSource */ protected $source; /** * @var ?array */ protected $return_vars_in_scope = []; /** * @var ?array */ protected $return_vars_possibly_in_scope = []; /** * @var Type\Union|null */ private $local_return_type; /** * @var array */ protected static $no_effects_hashes = []; /** * @var FunctionLikeStorage $storage */ protected $storage; /** * @param Closure|Function_|ClassMethod $function * @param SourceAnalyzer $source */ protected function __construct($function, SourceAnalyzer $source, FunctionLikeStorage $storage) { $this->function = $function; $this->source = $source; $this->suppressed_issues = $source->getSuppressedIssues(); $this->codebase = $source->getCodebase(); $this->storage = $storage; } /** * @param Context $context * @param Context|null $global_context * @param bool $add_mutations whether or not to add mutations to this method * @param ?array $byref_uses * * @return false|null */ public function analyze( Context $context, Context $global_context = null, $add_mutations = false, array $byref_uses = null ) { $storage = $this->storage; $function_stmts = $this->function->getStmts() ?: []; $hash = null; $real_method_id = null; $cased_method_id = null; $class_storage = null; if ($global_context) { foreach ($global_context->constants as $const_name => $var_type) { if (!$context->hasVariable($const_name)) { $context->vars_in_scope[$const_name] = clone $var_type; } } } $codebase = $this->codebase; $project_analyzer = $this->getProjectAnalyzer(); $implemented_docblock_param_types = []; $classlike_storage_provider = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider; $overridden_method_ids = []; if ($this->function instanceof ClassMethod) { if (!$storage instanceof MethodStorage) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage must be MethodStorage'); } $real_method_id = (string)$this->getMethodId(); $method_id = (string)$this->getMethodId($context->self); if ($add_mutations) { $hash = md5($real_method_id . '::' . $context->getScopeSummary()); // if we know that the function has no effects on vars, we don't bother rechecking if (isset(self::$no_effects_hashes[$hash])) { return null; } } elseif ($context->self) { $context->vars_in_scope['$this'] = new Type\Union([new TNamedObject($context->self)]); $context->vars_possibly_in_scope['$this'] = true; } $fq_class_name = (string)$context->self; $class_storage = $classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_class_name); if ($class_storage->has_visitor_issues) { return null; } $cased_method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . $storage->cased_name; $overridden_method_ids = $codebase->methods->getOverriddenMethodIds($method_id); if ($this->function->name->name === '__construct') { $context->inside_constructor = true; } $codeLocation = new CodeLocation( $this, $this->function, null, true ); if ($overridden_method_ids && $this->function->name->name !== '__construct' && !$context->collect_initializations && !$context->collect_mutations ) { foreach ($overridden_method_ids as $overridden_method_id) { $parent_method_storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($overridden_method_id); list($overridden_fq_class_name) = explode('::', $overridden_method_id); $parent_storage = $classlike_storage_provider->get($overridden_fq_class_name); $implementer_visibility = $storage->visibility; $implementer_appearing_method_id = $codebase->methods->getAppearingMethodId($cased_method_id); $implementer_declaring_method_id = $real_method_id; if ($implementer_appearing_method_id && $implementer_appearing_method_id !== $implementer_declaring_method_id ) { list($appearing_fq_class_name, $appearing_method_name) = explode( '::', $implementer_appearing_method_id ); $appearing_class_storage = $classlike_storage_provider->get( $appearing_fq_class_name ); if (isset($appearing_class_storage->trait_visibility_map[$appearing_method_name])) { $implementer_visibility = $appearing_class_storage->trait_visibility_map[$appearing_method_name]; } } // we've already checked this in the class checker if (!isset($class_storage->class_implements[strtolower($overridden_fq_class_name)])) { MethodAnalyzer::compareMethods( $codebase, $class_storage, $parent_storage, $storage, $parent_method_storage, $fq_class_name, $implementer_visibility, $codeLocation, $storage->suppressed_issues ); } foreach ($parent_method_storage->params as $i => $guide_param) { if ($guide_param->type && (!$guide_param->signature_type || ($guide_param->signature_type !== $guide_param->type && $storage->inheritdoc) || !$parent_storage->user_defined ) ) { if (!isset($implemented_docblock_param_types[$i])) { $implemented_docblock_param_types[$i] = $guide_param->type; } } } } } MethodAnalyzer::checkMethodSignatureMustOmitReturnType($storage, $codeLocation); $context->calling_method_id = strtolower($method_id); } elseif ($this->function instanceof Function_) { $cased_method_id = $this->function->name; } else { // Closure if ($storage->return_type) { $closure_return_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $storage->return_type, $context->self, $context->self, $this->getParentFQCLN() ); } else { $closure_return_type = Type::getMixed(); } /** @var PhpParser\Node\Expr\Closure $this->function */ $this->function->inferredType = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\Fn( 'Closure', $storage->params, $closure_return_type ), ]); } $this->suppressed_issues = array_merge( $this->getSource()->getSuppressedIssues(), $storage->suppressed_issues ); if ($storage instanceof MethodStorage && $storage->is_static) { $this->is_static = true; } $statements_analyzer = new StatementsAnalyzer($this); if ($byref_uses) { $statements_analyzer->setByRefUses($byref_uses); } if ($storage->template_types) { foreach ($storage->template_types as $param_name => $_) { $fq_classlike_name = Type::getFQCLNFromString( $param_name, $this->getAliases() ); if ($codebase->classOrInterfaceExists($fq_classlike_name)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ReservedWord( 'Cannot use ' . $param_name . ' as template name since the class already exists', new CodeLocation($this, $this->function), 'resource' ), $this->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } $template_types = $storage->template_types; if ($class_storage && $class_storage->template_types) { $template_types = array_merge($template_types ?: [], $class_storage->template_types); } $params = $storage->params; if ($storage instanceof MethodStorage) { $non_null_param_types = array_filter( $storage->params, /** @return bool */ function (FunctionLikeParameter $p) { return $p->type !== null && $p->has_docblock_type; } ); } else { $non_null_param_types = array_filter( $storage->params, /** @return bool */ function (FunctionLikeParameter $p) { return $p->type !== null; } ); } if ($storage instanceof MethodStorage && is_string($cased_method_id) && $overridden_method_ids ) { $types_without_docblocks = array_filter( $storage->params, /** @return bool */ function (FunctionLikeParameter $p) { return !$p->type || !$p->has_docblock_type; } ); if ($types_without_docblocks) { $params = $codebase->methods->getMethodParams($cased_method_id, $this); } } $check_stmts = true; if ($codebase->method_migrations && $context->calling_method_id && isset($codebase->method_migrations[strtolower($context->calling_method_id)]) ) { $destination_method_id = $codebase->method_migrations[strtolower($context->calling_method_id)]; foreach ($this->function->params as $param) { $param_name_node = null; if ($param->type instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name) { $param_name_node = $param->type; } elseif ($param->type instanceof PhpParser\Node\NullableType && $param->type->type instanceof PhpParser\Node\Name ) { $param_name_node = $param->type->type; } if ($param_name_node) { $resolved_name = (string) $param_name_node->getAttribute('resolvedName'); $parent_fqcln = $this->getParentFQCLN(); if ($resolved_name === 'self' && $context->self) { $resolved_name = (string) $context->self; } elseif ($resolved_name === 'parent' && $parent_fqcln) { $resolved_name = $parent_fqcln; } $codebase->classlikes->airliftClassLikeReference( $resolved_name, explode('::', $destination_method_id)[0], $statements_analyzer->getFilePath(), (int) $param_name_node->getAttribute('startFilePos'), (int) $param_name_node->getAttribute('endFilePos') + 1 ); } } } foreach ($params as $offset => $function_param) { $signature_type = $function_param->signature_type; $signature_type_location = $function_param->signature_type_location; if ($signature_type && $signature_type_location && $signature_type->hasObjectType()) { list($start, $end) = $signature_type_location->getSelectionBounds(); $codebase->analyzer->addOffsetReference( $this->getFilePath(), $start, $end, (string) $signature_type ); } if ($signature_type) { $signature_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $signature_type, $context->self, $context->self, $this->getParentFQCLN() ); } if ($function_param->type) { $is_signature_type = $function_param->type === $function_param->signature_type; if ($is_signature_type && $storage instanceof MethodStorage && $storage->inheritdoc && isset($implemented_docblock_param_types[$offset]) ) { $param_type = clone $implemented_docblock_param_types[$offset]; } else { $param_type = clone $function_param->type; } $param_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $param_type, $context->self, $context->self, $this->getParentFQCLN() ); if ($function_param->type_location) { if ($param_type->check( $this, $function_param->type_location, $storage->suppressed_issues, [], false, $this->function instanceof ClassMethod && strtolower($this->function->name->name) !== '__construct' ) === false) { $check_stmts = false; } } } else { if (!$non_null_param_types && isset($implemented_docblock_param_types[$offset])) { $param_type = clone $implemented_docblock_param_types[$offset]; $param_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $codebase, $param_type, $context->self, $context->self, $this->getParentFQCLN() ); } else { $param_type = Type::getMixed(); } } $var_type = $param_type; if ($function_param->is_variadic) { $var_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([ Type::getInt(), $param_type, ]), ]); } $context->vars_in_scope['$' . $function_param->name] = $var_type; $context->vars_possibly_in_scope['$' . $function_param->name] = true; if ($context->collect_references && $function_param->location) { $context->unreferenced_vars['$' . $function_param->name] = [ $function_param->location->getHash() => $function_param->location ]; } if (!$function_param->type_location || !$function_param->location) { continue; } /** * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess * * @var PhpParser\Node\Param */ $parser_param = $this->function->getParams()[$offset]; if ($signature_type) { if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $param_type, $signature_type, false, false, $has_scalar_match, $type_coerced, $type_coerced_from_mixed ) && !$type_coerced_from_mixed ) { if ($codebase->alter_code && isset($project_analyzer->getIssuesToFix()['MismatchingDocblockParamType']) ) { $this->addOrUpdateParamType($project_analyzer, $function_param->name, $signature_type, true); continue; } if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MismatchingDocblockParamType( 'Parameter $' . $function_param->name . ' has wrong type \'' . $param_type . '\', should be \'' . $signature_type . '\'', $function_param->type_location ), $storage->suppressed_issues )) { return false; } if ($signature_type->check( $this, $function_param->type_location, $storage->suppressed_issues, [], false ) === false) { $check_stmts = false; } continue; } } if ($parser_param->default) { ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze($statements_analyzer, $parser_param->default, $context); $default_type = isset($parser_param->default->inferredType) ? $parser_param->default->inferredType : null; if ($default_type && !$default_type->hasMixed() && !TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $default_type, $param_type ) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidParamDefault( 'Default value type ' . $default_type . ' for argument ' . ($offset + 1) . ' of method ' . $cased_method_id . ' does not match the given type ' . $param_type, $function_param->type_location ) )) { // fall through } } } if ($template_types) { $substituted_type = clone $param_type; if ($substituted_type->check( $this->source, $function_param->type_location, $this->suppressed_issues, [], false ) === false) { $check_stmts = false; } } else { if ($param_type->isVoid()) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ReservedWord( 'Parameter cannot be void', $function_param->type_location, 'void' ), $this->suppressed_issues )) { // fall through } } if ($param_type->check( $this->source, $function_param->type_location, $this->suppressed_issues, [], false ) === false) { $check_stmts = false; } } if ($codebase->collect_references) { if ($function_param->type_location !== $function_param->signature_type_location && $function_param->signature_type_location && $function_param->signature_type ) { if ($function_param->signature_type->check( $this->source, $function_param->signature_type_location, $this->suppressed_issues, [], false ) === false) { $check_stmts = false; } } } if ($function_param->by_ref) { // register by ref params as having been used, to avoid false positives // @todo change the assignment analysis *just* for byref params // so that we don't have to do this $context->hasVariable('$' . $function_param->name); } $statements_analyzer->registerVariable( '$' . $function_param->name, $function_param->location, null ); } if ($storage->unused_docblock_params) { foreach ($storage->unused_docblock_params as $param_name => $param_location) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidDocblockParamName( 'Incorrect param name $' . $param_name . ' in docblock for ' . $cased_method_id, $param_location ) )) { } } } if (ReturnTypeAnalyzer::checkReturnType( $this->function, $project_analyzer, $this, $storage, $context ) === false) { $check_stmts = false; } if (!$check_stmts) { return false; } if ($context->collect_initializations || $context->collect_mutations) { $statements_analyzer->addSuppressedIssues([ 'DocblockTypeContradiction', 'InvalidReturnStatement', 'RedundantCondition', 'RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType', 'TypeDoesNotContainNull', 'TypeDoesNotContainType', 'LoopInvalidation', ]); } $statements_analyzer->analyze($function_stmts, $context, $global_context, true); $this->examineParamTypes($statements_analyzer, $context, $codebase); foreach ($storage->params as $offset => $function_param) { // only complain if there's no type defined by a parent type if (!$function_param->type && $function_param->location && !isset($implemented_docblock_param_types[$offset]) ) { if ($this->function instanceof Closure) { IssueBuffer::accepts( new MissingClosureParamType( 'Parameter $' . $function_param->name . ' has no provided type', $function_param->location ), array_merge($this->suppressed_issues, $storage->suppressed_issues) ); } else { IssueBuffer::accepts( new MissingParamType( 'Parameter $' . $function_param->name . ' has no provided type', $function_param->location ), array_merge($this->suppressed_issues, $storage->suppressed_issues) ); } } } if ($storage->signature_return_type && $storage->signature_return_type_location) { list($start, $end) = $storage->signature_return_type_location->getSelectionBounds(); $codebase->analyzer->addOffsetReference( $this->getFilePath(), $start, $end, (string) $storage->signature_return_type ); } if ($this->function instanceof Closure) { $this->verifyReturnType( $statements_analyzer, $storage->return_type, $this->source->getFQCLN(), $storage->return_type_location, $global_context && $global_context->inside_call ); $closure_yield_types = []; $ignore_nullable_issues = false; $ignore_falsable_issues = false; $closure_return_types = ReturnTypeCollector::getReturnTypes( $this->function->stmts, $closure_yield_types, $ignore_nullable_issues, $ignore_falsable_issues, true ); if ($closure_return_types) { $closure_return_type = new Type\Union($closure_return_types); if (!$storage->return_type || $storage->return_type->hasMixed() || TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $closure_return_type, $storage->return_type ) ) { if ($this->function->inferredType) { /** @var Type\Atomic\Fn */ $closure_atomic = $this->function->inferredType->getTypes()['Closure']; $closure_atomic->return_type = $closure_return_type; } } } } if ($context->collect_references && !$context->collect_initializations && $codebase->find_unused_variables && $context->check_variables ) { foreach ($statements_analyzer->getUnusedVarLocations() as list($var_name, $original_location)) { if (!array_key_exists(substr($var_name, 1), $storage->param_types)) { continue; } if (strpos($var_name, '$_') === 0 || (strpos($var_name, '$unused') === 0 && $var_name !== '$unused')) { continue; } $position = array_search(substr($var_name, 1), array_keys($storage->param_types), true); if ($position === false) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$position should not be false here'); } if ($storage->params[$position]->by_ref) { continue; } if (!($storage instanceof MethodStorage) || $storage->visibility === ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE ) { if ($this->function instanceof Closure) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnusedClosureParam( 'Param ' . $var_name . ' is never referenced in this method', $original_location ), $this->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UnusedParam( 'Param ' . $var_name . ' is never referenced in this method', $original_location ), $this->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } else { $fq_class_name = (string)$context->self; $class_storage = $codebase->classlike_storage_provider->get($fq_class_name); $method_name_lc = strtolower($storage->cased_name); if ($storage->abstract || !isset($class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name_lc])) { continue; } $parent_method_id = end($class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name_lc]); if ($parent_method_id) { $parent_method_storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($parent_method_id); // if the parent method has a param at that position and isn't abstract if (!$parent_method_storage->abstract && isset($parent_method_storage->params[$position]) ) { continue; } } $storage->unused_params[$position] = $original_location; } } if ($storage instanceof MethodStorage && $class_storage && $storage->visibility !== ClassLikeAnalyzer::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE ) { $method_id_lc = strtolower($this->getMethodId()); foreach ($storage->params as $i => $_) { if (!isset($storage->unused_params[$i])) { $codebase->file_reference_provider->addMethodParamUse( $method_id_lc, $i, $method_id_lc ); /** @var ClassMethod $this->function */ $method_name_lc = strtolower($storage->cased_name); if (!isset($class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name_lc])) { continue; } foreach ($class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name_lc] as $parent_method_id) { $codebase->file_reference_provider->addMethodParamUse( strtolower($parent_method_id), $i, $method_id_lc ); } } } } } foreach ($statements_analyzer->getUncaughtThrows($context) as $possibly_thrown_exception => $codelocations) { $is_expected = false; foreach ($storage->throws as $expected_exception => $_) { if ($expected_exception === $possibly_thrown_exception || $codebase->classExtends($possibly_thrown_exception, $expected_exception) ) { $is_expected = true; break; } } if (!$is_expected) { foreach ($codelocations as $codelocation) { // issues are suppressed in ThrowAnalyzer, CallAnalyzer, etc. if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MissingThrowsDocblock( $possibly_thrown_exception . ' is thrown but not caught - please either catch' . ' or add a @throws annotation', $codelocation ) )) { // fall through } } } } if ($add_mutations) { if ($this->return_vars_in_scope !== null) { $context->vars_in_scope = TypeAnalyzer::combineKeyedTypes( $context->vars_in_scope, $this->return_vars_in_scope ); } if ($this->return_vars_possibly_in_scope !== null) { $context->vars_possibly_in_scope = array_merge( $context->vars_possibly_in_scope, $this->return_vars_possibly_in_scope ); } foreach ($context->vars_in_scope as $var => $_) { if (strpos($var, '$this->') !== 0 && $var !== '$this') { unset($context->vars_in_scope[$var]); } } foreach ($context->vars_possibly_in_scope as $var => $_) { if (strpos($var, '$this->') !== 0 && $var !== '$this') { unset($context->vars_possibly_in_scope[$var]); } } if ($hash && $real_method_id && $this instanceof MethodAnalyzer) { $new_hash = md5($real_method_id . '::' . $context->getScopeSummary()); if ($new_hash === $hash) { self::$no_effects_hashes[$hash] = true; } } } return null; } /** * @param Type\Union|null $return_type * @param string $fq_class_name * @param CodeLocation|null $return_type_location * * @return false|null */ public function verifyReturnType( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Type\Union $return_type = null, $fq_class_name = null, CodeLocation $return_type_location = null, bool $closure_inside_call = false ) { ReturnTypeAnalyzer::verifyReturnType( $this->function, $statements_analyzer, $this, $return_type, $fq_class_name, $return_type_location, [], $closure_inside_call ); } /** * @param string $param_name * @param bool $docblock_only * * @return void */ public function addOrUpdateParamType( ProjectAnalyzer $project_analyzer, $param_name, Type\Union $inferred_return_type, $docblock_only = false ) { $manipulator = FunctionDocblockManipulator::getForFunction( $project_analyzer, $this->source->getFilePath(), $this->getMethodId(), $this->function ); $manipulator->setParamType( $param_name, !$docblock_only && $project_analyzer->getCodebase()->php_major_version >= 7 ? $inferred_return_type->toPhpString( $this->source->getNamespace(), $this->source->getAliasedClassesFlipped(), $this->source->getFQCLN(), $project_analyzer->getCodebase()->php_major_version, $project_analyzer->getCodebase()->php_minor_version ) : null, $inferred_return_type->toNamespacedString( $this->source->getNamespace(), $this->source->getAliasedClassesFlipped(), $this->source->getFQCLN(), false ), $inferred_return_type->toNamespacedString( $this->source->getNamespace(), $this->source->getAliasedClassesFlipped(), $this->source->getFQCLN(), true ), $inferred_return_type->canBeFullyExpressedInPhp() ); } /** * Adds return types for the given function * * @param string $return_type * @param Context $context * * @return void */ public function addReturnTypes(Context $context) { if ($this->return_vars_in_scope !== null) { $this->return_vars_in_scope = TypeAnalyzer::combineKeyedTypes( $context->vars_in_scope, $this->return_vars_in_scope ); } else { $this->return_vars_in_scope = $context->vars_in_scope; } if ($this->return_vars_possibly_in_scope !== null) { $this->return_vars_possibly_in_scope = array_merge( $context->vars_possibly_in_scope, $this->return_vars_possibly_in_scope ); } else { $this->return_vars_possibly_in_scope = $context->vars_possibly_in_scope; } } /** * @return void */ public function examineParamTypes( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Context $context, Codebase $codebase, PhpParser\Node $stmt = null ) { $storage = $this->getFunctionLikeStorage($statements_analyzer); foreach ($storage->params as $i => $param) { if ($param->by_ref && isset($context->vars_in_scope['$' . $param->name]) && !$param->is_variadic) { $actual_type = $context->vars_in_scope['$' . $param->name]; $param_out_type = $param->type; if (isset($storage->param_out_types[$i])) { $param_out_type = $storage->param_out_types[$i]; } if ($param_out_type && !$actual_type->hasMixed() && $param->location) { if (!TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $actual_type, $param_out_type, $actual_type->ignore_nullable_issues, $actual_type->ignore_falsable_issues ) ) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ReferenceConstraintViolation( 'Variable ' . '$' . $param->name . ' is limited to values of type ' . $param_out_type->getId() . ' because it is passed by reference, ' . $actual_type->getId() . ' type found. Use @param-out to specify ' . 'a different output type', $stmt ? new CodeLocation($this, $stmt) : $param->location ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } } } /** * @return null|string */ public function getMethodName() { if ($this->function instanceof ClassMethod) { return (string)$this->function->name; } } /** * @param string|null $context_self * * @return string */ public function getMethodId($context_self = null) { if ($this->function instanceof ClassMethod) { $function_name = (string)$this->function->name; return ($context_self ?: $this->source->getFQCLN()) . '::' . strtolower($function_name); } if ($this->function instanceof Function_) { $namespace = $this->source->getNamespace(); return ($namespace ? strtolower($namespace) . '\\' : '') . strtolower($this->function->name->name); } return $this->getFilePath() . ':' . $this->function->getLine() . ':' . (int)$this->function->getAttribute('startFilePos') . ':-:closure'; } /** * @param string|null $context_self * * @return string */ public function getCorrectlyCasedMethodId($context_self = null) { if ($this->function instanceof ClassMethod) { $function_name = (string)$this->function->name; return ($context_self ?: $this->source->getFQCLN()) . '::' . $function_name; } if ($this->function instanceof Function_) { $namespace = $this->source->getNamespace(); return ($namespace ? $namespace . '\\' : '') . $this->function->name; } return $this->getMethodId(); } /** * @return FunctionLikeStorage */ public function getFunctionLikeStorage(StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer = null) { $codebase = $this->codebase; if ($this->function instanceof ClassMethod) { $method_id = (string) $this->getMethodId(); $codebase_methods = $codebase->methods; try { return $codebase_methods->getStorage($method_id); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { $declaring_method_id = $codebase_methods->getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if (!$declaring_method_id) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot get storage for function that doesn‘t exist'); } // happens for fake constructors return $codebase_methods->getStorage($declaring_method_id); } } return $codebase->functions->getStorage($statements_analyzer, (string) $this->getMethodId()); } /** * @return array */ public function getAliasedClassesFlipped() { if ($this->source instanceof NamespaceAnalyzer || $this->source instanceof FileAnalyzer || $this->source instanceof ClassLikeAnalyzer ) { return $this->source->getAliasedClassesFlipped(); } return []; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getFQCLN() { return $this->source->getFQCLN(); } /** * @return null|string */ public function getClassName() { return $this->source->getClassName(); } /** * @return array>|null */ public function getTemplateTypeMap() { if ($this->source instanceof ClassLikeAnalyzer) { return ($this->source->getTemplateTypeMap() ?: []) + ($this->storage->template_types ?: []); } return $this->storage->template_types; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getParentFQCLN() { return $this->source->getParentFQCLN(); } /** * @return bool */ public function isStatic() { return $this->is_static; } /** * @return StatementsSource */ public function getSource() { return $this->source; } public function getCodebase() : Codebase { return $this->codebase; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param array $args * * @return array */ public static function getFunctionParamsFromCallMapById(Codebase $codebase, $method_id, array $args) { $function_param_options = CallMap::getParamsFromCallMap($method_id); if ($function_param_options === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException( 'Not expecting $function_param_options to be null for ' . $method_id ); } return self::getMatchingParamsFromCallMapOptions($codebase, $function_param_options, $args); } /** * @param array> $function_param_options * @param array $args * * @return array */ public static function getMatchingParamsFromCallMapOptions( Codebase $codebase, array $function_param_options, array $args ) { if (count($function_param_options) === 1) { return $function_param_options[0]; } foreach ($function_param_options as $possible_function_params) { $all_args_match = true; $last_param = count($possible_function_params) ? $possible_function_params[count($possible_function_params) - 1] : null; $mandatory_param_count = count($possible_function_params); foreach ($possible_function_params as $i => $possible_function_param) { if ($possible_function_param->is_optional) { $mandatory_param_count = $i; break; } } if ($mandatory_param_count > count($args) && !($last_param && $last_param->is_variadic)) { continue; } foreach ($args as $argument_offset => $arg) { if ($argument_offset >= count($possible_function_params)) { if (!$last_param || !$last_param->is_variadic) { $all_args_match = false; break; } $function_param = $last_param; } else { $function_param = $possible_function_params[$argument_offset]; } $param_type = $function_param->type; if (!$param_type) { continue; } if (!isset($arg->value->inferredType)) { continue; } $arg_type = $arg->value->inferredType; if ($arg_type->hasMixed()) { continue; } if ($arg->unpack && !$function_param->is_variadic) { if ($arg_type->hasArray()) { /** @var Type\Atomic\TArray|Type\Atomic\ObjectLike */ $array_atomic_type = $arg_type->getTypes()['array']; if ($array_atomic_type instanceof Type\Atomic\ObjectLike) { $array_atomic_type = $array_atomic_type->getGenericArrayType(); } $arg_type = $array_atomic_type->type_params[1]; } } if (TypeAnalyzer::isContainedBy( $codebase, $arg_type, $param_type, true, true )) { continue; } $all_args_match = false; break; } if ($all_args_match) { return $possible_function_params; } } // if we don't succeed in finding a match, set to the first possible and wait for issues below return $function_param_options[0]; } /** * Get a list of suppressed issues * * @return array */ public function getSuppressedIssues() { return $this->suppressed_issues; } /** * @param array $new_issues * * @return void */ public function addSuppressedIssues(array $new_issues) { $this->suppressed_issues = array_merge($new_issues, $this->suppressed_issues); } /** * @param array $new_issues * * @return void */ public function removeSuppressedIssues(array $new_issues) { $this->suppressed_issues = array_diff($this->suppressed_issues, $new_issues); } /** * Adds a suppressed issue, useful when creating a method checker from scratch * * @param string $issue_name * * @return void */ public function addSuppressedIssue($issue_name) { $this->suppressed_issues[] = $issue_name; } /** * @return void */ public static function clearCache() { self::$no_effects_hashes = []; } /** * @return Type\Union */ public function getLocalReturnType(Type\Union $storage_return_type) { if ($this->local_return_type) { return $this->local_return_type; } $this->local_return_type = ExpressionAnalyzer::fleshOutType( $this->codebase, $storage_return_type, $this->getFQCLN(), $this->getFQCLN(), $this->getParentFQCLN() ); return $this->local_return_type; } }