assertSame('Some Description', $function_docblock->description); } public function testDocblockParamDescription(): void { $doc = '/** * Some Description * * @param string $bli The BLI tag to iterate over. * @param int $bla The blah tags * that has a very long multiline description. * * @throws \Exception * * @return bool */ '; $php_parser_doc = new \PhpParser\Comment\Doc($doc); $function_docblock = FunctionLikeDocblockParser::parse($php_parser_doc); $this->assertTrue(isset($function_docblock->params[0]['description'])); $this->assertSame('The BLI tag to iterate over.', $function_docblock->params[0]['description']); $this->assertTrue(isset($function_docblock->params[1]['description'])); $this->assertSame('The blah tags that has a very long multiline description.', $function_docblock->params[1]['description']); } public function testMisplacedVariableOnNextLine(): void { $doc = '/** * @param * $p */'; $php_parser_doc = new \PhpParser\Comment\Doc($doc); $this->expectException(IncorrectDocblockException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Misplaced variable'); FunctionLikeDocblockParser::parse($php_parser_doc); } public function testPreferPsalmPrefixedAnnotationsOverPhpstanOnes(): void { $doc = '/** * @psalm-template T of string * @phpstan-template T of int */ '; $php_parser_doc = new \PhpParser\Comment\Doc($doc); $function_docblock = FunctionLikeDocblockParser::parse($php_parser_doc); $this->assertSame([['T', 'of', 'string', false]], $function_docblock->templates); } public function testReturnsUnexpectedTags(): void { $doc = '/** * @psalm-import-type abcd * @var int $p */ '; $php_parser_doc = new \PhpParser\Comment\Doc($doc, 0); $function_docblock = FunctionLikeDocblockParser::parse($php_parser_doc); $this->assertEquals( [ 'psalm-import-type' => ['lines' => [1]], 'var' => ['lines' => [2], 'suggested_replacement' => 'param'], ], $function_docblock->unexpected_tags ); } }