*/ public static function getMethodParams($method_id) { if ($method_id = self::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id)) { $storage = self::getStorage($method_id); if ($storage) { return $storage->params; } } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot get method params for ' . $method_id); } /** * @param string $method_id * @return array */ public static function getDefinedConstants($method_id) { if ($method_id = self::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id)) { $storage = self::getStorage($method_id); if ($storage) { return $storage->defined_constants; } } throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot get defined constants for ' . $method_id); } /** * @param string $method_id * @return boolean */ public static function isVariadic($method_id) { $method_id = (string)self::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); $fq_class_name = strtolower($fq_class_name); return ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name]->methods[$method_name]->variadic; } /** * @param string $method_id * @return Type\Union|null */ public static function getMethodReturnType($method_id) { $method_id = self::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if (!$method_id) { return null; } list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); if (!ClassLikeChecker::isUserDefined($fq_class_name) && FunctionChecker::inCallMap($method_id)) { return FunctionChecker::getReturnTypeFromCallMap($method_id); } $storage = self::getStorage($method_id); if (!$storage) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null'); } if ($storage->return_type) { return clone $storage->return_type; } $fq_class_name = strtolower($fq_class_name); $class_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name]; foreach ($class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name] as $overridden_method_id) { $overridden_storage = self::getStorage($overridden_method_id); if ($overridden_storage && $overridden_storage->return_type) { if ($overridden_storage->return_type->isNull()) { return Type::getVoid(); } return clone $overridden_storage->return_type; } } return null; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param CodeLocation|null $defined_location * @return CodeLocation|null */ public static function getMethodReturnTypeLocation($method_id, CodeLocation &$defined_location = null) { $method_id = self::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); if ($method_id === null) { return null; } $storage = self::getStorage($method_id); if (!$storage) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null'); } if (!$storage->return_type_location) { $overridden_method_ids = self::getOverriddenMethodIds($method_id); foreach ($overridden_method_ids as $overridden_method_id) { $overridden_storage = self::getStorage($overridden_method_id); if ($overridden_storage && $overridden_storage->return_type_location) { $defined_location = $overridden_storage->return_type_location; break; } } } return $storage->return_type_location; } /** * @param \ReflectionMethod $method * @return null */ public static function extractReflectionMethodInfo(\ReflectionMethod $method) { $method_name = strtolower($method->getName()); $class_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($method->class)]; if (isset($class_storage->methods[strtolower($method_name)])) { return; } $method_id = $method->class . '::' . $method_name; $storage = $class_storage->methods[strtolower($method_name)] = new MethodStorage(); $storage->cased_name = $method->name; if (strtolower((string)$method->name) === strtolower((string)$method->class)) { self::setDeclaringMethodId($method->class . '::__construct', $method->class . '::' . $method_name); self::setAppearingMethodId($method->class . '::__construct', $method->class . '::' . $method_name); } /** @var \ReflectionClass */ $declaring_class = $method->getDeclaringClass(); $storage->is_static = $method->isStatic(); $storage->file_name = $method->getFileName(); $storage->namespace = $declaring_class->getNamespaceName(); $class_storage->declaring_method_ids[$method_name] = $declaring_class->name . '::' . strtolower((string)$method->getName()); $class_storage->appearing_method_ids[$method_name] = $class_storage->declaring_method_ids[$method_name]; $class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name] = []; $storage->visibility = $method->isPrivate() ? ClassLikeChecker::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE : ($method->isProtected() ? ClassLikeChecker::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED : ClassLikeChecker::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC); $possible_params = FunctionChecker::getParamsFromCallMap($method_id); if ($possible_params === null) { $params = $method->getParameters(); $storage->params = []; /** @var \ReflectionParameter $param */ foreach ($params as $param) { $param_array = self::getReflectionParamData($param); $storage->params[] = $param_array; $storage->param_types[$param->name] = $param_array->type; } } else { $storage->params = $possible_params[0]; } $storage->required_param_count = 0; foreach ($storage->params as $i => $param) { if (!$param->is_optional) { $storage->required_param_count = $i + 1; } } return null; } /** * Determines whether a given method is static or not * * @param string $method_id * @param bool $self_call * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * @return bool */ public static function checkStatic( $method_id, $self_call, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { /** @var string */ $method_id = self::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); $storage = self::getStorage($method_id); if (!$storage) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null'); } if (!$storage->is_static) { if ($self_call) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new NonStaticSelfCall( 'Method ' . MethodChecker::getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' is not static, but is called using self::', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidStaticInvocation( 'Method ' . MethodChecker::getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' is not static, but is called statically', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * @return bool|null */ public static function checkMethodExists($method_id, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues) { if (self::methodExists($method_id)) { return true; } list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new UndefinedMethod('Method ' . $method_id . ' does not exist', $code_location), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } return null; } /** * Whether or not a given method exists * * @param string $method_id * @return bool */ public static function methodExists($method_id) { // remove trailing backslash if it exists $method_id = preg_replace('/^\\\\/', '', $method_id); list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); $method_name = strtolower($method_name); $method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . $method_name; $old_method_id = null; $fq_class_name_lower = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (!isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name_lower])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Storage should exist for ' . $fq_class_name); } $class_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name_lower]; if (isset($class_storage->declaring_method_ids[$method_name])) { return true; } // support checking oldstyle constructors if ($method_name === '__construct') { $method_name_parts = explode('\\', $fq_class_name); $old_constructor_name = array_pop($method_name_parts); $old_method_id = $fq_class_name . '::' . $old_constructor_name; } if (FunctionChecker::inCallMap($method_id) || ($old_method_id && FunctionChecker::inCallMap($method_id))) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param string $method_id * @return MethodStorage */ public static function getStorage($method_id) { list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); $fq_class_name_lower = strtolower($fq_class_name); if (!isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name_lower])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$class_storage should not be null for ' . $method_id); } $class_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name_lower]; if (!isset($class_storage->methods[strtolower($method_name)])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null for ' . $method_id); } return $class_storage->methods[strtolower($method_name)]; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * @return false|null */ public static function checkMethodNotDeprecated($method_id, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues) { $method_id = (string) self::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); $storage = self::getStorage($method_id); if ($storage->deprecated) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new DeprecatedMethod( 'The method ' . MethodChecker::getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' has been marked as deprecated', $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } return null; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param string|null $calling_context * @param StatementsSource $source * @param CodeLocation $code_location * @param array $suppressed_issues * @return false|null */ public static function checkMethodVisibility( $method_id, $calling_context, StatementsSource $source, CodeLocation $code_location, array $suppressed_issues ) { $declaring_method_id = self::getDeclaringMethodId($method_id); $appearing_method_id = self::getAppearingMethodId($method_id); list($method_class, $method_name) = explode('::', (string)$method_id); list($declaring_method_class) = explode('::', (string)$declaring_method_id); list($appearing_method_class) = explode('::', (string)$appearing_method_id); // if the calling class is the same, we know the method exists, so it must be visible if ($appearing_method_class === $calling_context) { return null; } if ($source->getSource() instanceof TraitChecker && $declaring_method_class === $source->getFQCLN()) { return null; } $storage = self::getStorage((string)$declaring_method_id); if (!$storage) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null'); } switch ($storage->visibility) { case ClassLikeChecker::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC: return null; case ClassLikeChecker::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE: if (!$calling_context || $appearing_method_class !== $calling_context) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleMethod( 'Cannot access private method ' . MethodChecker::getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' from context ' . $calling_context, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } return null; case ClassLikeChecker::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED: if ($appearing_method_class === $calling_context) { return null; } if (!$calling_context) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleMethod( 'Cannot access protected method ' . $method_id, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } return null; } $file_checker = $source->getFileChecker(); if (ClassChecker::classExtends($appearing_method_class, $calling_context)) { return null; } if (!ClassChecker::classExtends($calling_context, $appearing_method_class)) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InaccessibleMethod( 'Cannot access protected method ' . MethodChecker::getCasedMethodId($method_id) . ' from context ' . $calling_context, $code_location ), $suppressed_issues )) { return false; } } } return null; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param string $declaring_method_id * @return void */ public static function setDeclaringMethodId($method_id, $declaring_method_id) { list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($fq_class_name)]->declaring_method_ids[$method_name] = $declaring_method_id; } /** * @param string $method_id * @param string $appearing_method_id * @return void */ public static function setAppearingMethodId($method_id, $appearing_method_id) { list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($fq_class_name)]->appearing_method_ids[$method_name] = $appearing_method_id; } /** * @param string $method_id * @return string|null */ public static function getDeclaringMethodId($method_id) { $method_id = strtolower($method_id); list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); $fq_class_name = $fq_class_name; if (!isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null for ' . $fq_class_name); } if (isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name]->declaring_method_ids[$method_name])) { return ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name]->declaring_method_ids[$method_name]; } } /** * Get the class this method appears in (vs is declared in, which could give a trait) * * @param string $method_id * @return string|null */ public static function getAppearingMethodId($method_id) { $method_id = strtolower($method_id); list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); if (!isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name])) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null for ' . $fq_class_name); } if (isset(ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name]->appearing_method_ids[$method_name])) { return ClassLikeChecker::$storage[$fq_class_name]->appearing_method_ids[$method_name]; } } /** * @param string $method_id * @param string $overridden_method_id * @return void */ public static function setOverriddenMethodId($method_id, $overridden_method_id) { list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($fq_class_name)]->overridden_method_ids[$method_name][] = $overridden_method_id; } /** * @param string $method_id * @return array */ public static function getOverriddenMethodIds($method_id) { list($fq_class_name, $method_name) = explode('::', $method_id); $class_storage = ClassLikeChecker::$storage[strtolower($fq_class_name)]; if (isset($class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name])) { return $class_storage->overridden_method_ids[$method_name]; } return []; } /** * @param string $original_method_id * @return string */ public static function getCasedMethodId($original_method_id) { $method_id = self::getDeclaringMethodId($original_method_id); if ($method_id === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot get declaring method id for ' . $original_method_id); } $storage = self::getStorage($method_id); if (!$storage) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$storage should not be null'); } list($fq_class_name) = explode('::', $method_id); return $fq_class_name . '::' .$storage->cased_name; } }