file_start = (int)$stmt->getAttribute('startFilePos'); $this->file_end = (int)$stmt->getAttribute('endFilePos'); $this->raw_file_start = $this->file_start; $this->raw_file_end = $this->file_end; $this->file_path = $file_source->getFilePath(); $this->file_name = $file_source->getFileName(); $this->single_line = $single_line; $this->regex_type = $regex_type; $this->previous_location = $previous_location; $this->text = $selected_text; $doc_comment = $stmt->getDocComment(); $this->docblock_start = $doc_comment ? $doc_comment->getStartFilePos() : null; $this->docblock_end = $doc_comment ? $this->file_start : null; $this->docblock_start_line_number = $doc_comment ? $doc_comment->getStartLine() : null; $this->preview_start = $this->docblock_start ?: $this->file_start; $this->raw_line_number = $stmt->getLine(); } public function setCommentLine(int $line): void { $this->docblock_line_number = $line; } /** * @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess */ private function calculateRealLocation(): void { if ($this->have_recalculated) { return; } $this->have_recalculated = true; $this->selection_start = $this->file_start; $this->selection_end = $this->file_end + 1; $project_analyzer = Internal\Analyzer\ProjectAnalyzer::getInstance(); $codebase = $project_analyzer->getCodebase(); $file_contents = $codebase->getFileContents($this->file_path); $file_length = strlen($file_contents); $search_limit = $this->single_line ? $this->selection_start : $this->selection_end; if ($search_limit <= $file_length) { $preview_end = strpos( $file_contents, "\n", $search_limit ); } else { $preview_end = false; } // if the string didn't contain a newline if ($preview_end === false) { $preview_end = $this->selection_end; } $this->preview_end = $preview_end; if ($this->docblock_line_number && $this->docblock_start_line_number && $this->preview_start < $this->selection_start ) { $preview_lines = explode( "\n", substr( $file_contents, $this->preview_start, $this->selection_start - $this->preview_start - 1 ) ); $preview_offset = 0; $comment_line_offset = $this->docblock_line_number - $this->docblock_start_line_number; for ($i = 0; $i < $comment_line_offset; ++$i) { $preview_offset += strlen($preview_lines[$i]) + 1; } if (!isset($preview_lines[$i])) { throw new \Exception('Should have offset'); } $key_line = $preview_lines[$i]; $indentation = (int)strpos($key_line, '@'); $key_line = trim(preg_replace('@\**/\s*@', '', substr($key_line, $indentation))); $this->selection_start = $preview_offset + $indentation + $this->preview_start; $this->selection_end = $this->selection_start + strlen($key_line); } if ($this->regex_type !== null) { switch ($this->regex_type) { case self::VAR_TYPE: $regex = '/@(psalm-)?var[ \t]+' . CommentAnalyzer::TYPE_REGEX . '/'; $match_offset = 2; break; case self::FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE: $regex = '/\\:\s+(\\??\s*[A-Za-z0-9_\\\\\[\]]+)/'; $match_offset = 1; break; case self::FUNCTION_PARAM_TYPE: $regex = '/^(\\??\s*[A-Za-z0-9_\\\\\[\]]+)\s/'; $match_offset = 1; break; case self::FUNCTION_PHPDOC_RETURN_TYPE: $regex = '/@(psalm-)?return[ \t]+' . CommentAnalyzer::TYPE_REGEX . '/'; $match_offset = 2; break; case self::FUNCTION_PHPDOC_METHOD: $regex = '/@(psalm-)method[ \t]+.*/'; $match_offset = 2; break; case self::FUNCTION_PHPDOC_PARAM_TYPE: $regex = '/@(psalm-)?param[ \t]+' . CommentAnalyzer::TYPE_REGEX . '/'; $match_offset = 2; break; case self::FUNCTION_PARAM_VAR: $regex = '/(\$[^ ]*)/'; $match_offset = 1; break; case self::CATCH_VAR: $regex = '/(\$[^ ^\)]*)/'; $match_offset = 1; break; default: throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Unrecognised regex type ' . $this->regex_type); } $preview_snippet = substr( $file_contents, $this->selection_start, $this->selection_end - $this->selection_start ); if ($this->text) { $regex = '/(' . str_replace(',', ',[ ]*', preg_quote($this->text, '/')) . ')/'; $match_offset = 1; } if (preg_match($regex, $preview_snippet, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $this->selection_start = $this->selection_start + (int)$matches[$match_offset][1]; $this->selection_end = $this->selection_start + strlen((string)$matches[$match_offset][0]); } } // reset preview start to beginning of line $this->preview_start = (int)strrpos( $file_contents, "\n", min($this->preview_start, $this->selection_start) - strlen($file_contents) ) + 1; $this->selection_start = max($this->preview_start, $this->selection_start); $this->selection_end = min($this->preview_end, $this->selection_end); if ($this->preview_end - $this->selection_end > 200) { $this->preview_end = (int)strrpos( $file_contents, "\n", $this->selection_end + 200 - strlen($file_contents) ); // if the line is over 200 characters long if ($this->preview_end < $this->selection_end) { $this->preview_end = $this->selection_end + 50; } } $this->snippet = substr($file_contents, $this->preview_start, $this->preview_end - $this->preview_start); $this->text = substr($file_contents, $this->selection_start, $this->selection_end - $this->selection_start); // reset preview start to beginning of line $this->column_from = $this->selection_start - (int)strrpos($file_contents, "\n", $this->selection_start - strlen($file_contents)); $newlines = substr_count($this->text, "\n"); if ($newlines) { $this->column_to = $this->selection_end - (int)strrpos($file_contents, "\n", $this->selection_end - strlen($file_contents)); } else { $this->column_to = $this->column_from + strlen($this->text); } $this->end_line_number = $this->getLineNumber() + $newlines; } public function getLineNumber(): int { return $this->docblock_line_number ?: $this->raw_line_number; } public function getEndLineNumber(): int { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return $this->end_line_number; } public function getSnippet(): string { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return $this->snippet; } public function getSelectedText(): string { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return (string)$this->text; } public function getColumn(): int { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return $this->column_from; } public function getEndColumn(): int { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return $this->column_to; } /** * @return array{0: int, 1: int} */ public function getSelectionBounds(): array { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return [$this->selection_start, $this->selection_end]; } /** * @return array{0: int, 1: int} */ public function getSnippetBounds(): array { $this->calculateRealLocation(); return [$this->preview_start, $this->preview_end]; } public function getHash(): string { return (string) $this->file_start; } public function getShortSummary() : string { return $this->file_name . ':' . $this->getLineNumber() . ':' . $this->getColumn(); } }