$args */ public static function checkArgumentsMatch( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Context $context, array $args, string $method_id, bool $check_functions ): void { $closure_index = $method_id === 'array_map' ? 0 : 1; $array_arg_types = []; foreach ($args as $i => $arg) { if ($i === 0 && $method_id === 'array_map') { continue; } if ($i === 1 && $method_id === 'array_filter') { break; } /** * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUndefinedStringArrayOffset * @var TKeyedArray|TArray|TList|null */ $array_arg_type = ($arg_value_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($arg->value)) && ($types = $arg_value_type->getAtomicTypes()) && isset($types['array']) ? $types['array'] : null; if ($array_arg_type instanceof TKeyedArray) { $array_arg_type = $array_arg_type->getGenericArrayType(); } if ($array_arg_type instanceof TList) { $array_arg_type = new TArray([Type::getInt(), $array_arg_type->type_param]); } $array_arg_types[] = $array_arg_type; } $closure_arg = isset($args[$closure_index]) ? $args[$closure_index] : null; $closure_arg_type = null; if ($closure_arg) { $closure_arg_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($closure_arg->value); } if ($closure_arg && $closure_arg_type) { $min_closure_param_count = $max_closure_param_count = count($array_arg_types); if ($method_id === 'array_filter') { $max_closure_param_count = count($args) > 2 ? 2 : 1; } foreach ($closure_arg_type->getAtomicTypes() as $closure_type) { self::checkClosureType( $statements_analyzer, $context, $method_id, $closure_type, $closure_arg, $min_closure_param_count, $max_closure_param_count, $array_arg_types, $check_functions ); } } } /** * @param array $args * * @return false|null */ public static function handleAddition( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, array $args, Context $context, bool $is_push ): ?bool { $array_arg = $args[0]->value; $unpacked_args = array_filter( $args, function ($arg) { return $arg->unpack; } ); if ($is_push && !$unpacked_args) { for ($i = 1, $iMax = count($args); $i < $iMax; $i++) { $was_inside_assignment = $context->inside_assignment; $context->inside_assignment = true; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $args[$i]->value, $context ) === false) { return false; } $context->inside_assignment = $was_inside_assignment; $old_node_data = $statements_analyzer->node_data; $statements_analyzer->node_data = clone $statements_analyzer->node_data; ArrayAssignmentAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, new PhpParser\Node\Expr\ArrayDimFetch( $args[0]->value, null, $args[$i]->value->getAttributes() ), $context, $args[$i]->value, $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($args[$i]->value) ?: Type::getMixed() ); $statements_analyzer->node_data = $old_node_data; } return null; } $context->inside_call = true; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } for ($i = 1, $iMax = count($args); $i < $iMax; $i++) { if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $args[$i]->value, $context ) === false) { return false; } } if (($array_arg_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($array_arg)) && $array_arg_type->hasArray() ) { /** * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUndefinedStringArrayOffset * @var TArray|TKeyedArray|TList */ $array_type = $array_arg_type->getAtomicTypes()['array']; $objectlike_list = null; if ($array_type instanceof TKeyedArray) { if ($array_type->is_list) { $objectlike_list = clone $array_type; } $array_type = $array_type->getGenericArrayType(); if ($objectlike_list) { if ($array_type instanceof TNonEmptyArray) { $array_type = new TNonEmptyList($array_type->type_params[1]); } else { $array_type = new TList($array_type->type_params[1]); } } } $by_ref_type = new Type\Union([clone $array_type]); foreach ($args as $argument_offset => $arg) { if ($argument_offset === 0) { continue; } if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $arg->value, $context ) === false) { return false; } if (!($arg_value_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($arg->value)) || $arg_value_type->hasMixed() ) { $by_ref_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $by_ref_type, new Type\Union([new TArray([Type::getInt(), Type::getMixed()])]) ); } elseif ($arg->unpack) { $arg_value_type = clone $arg_value_type; foreach ($arg_value_type->getAtomicTypes() as $arg_value_atomic_type) { if ($arg_value_atomic_type instanceof TKeyedArray) { $was_list = $arg_value_atomic_type->is_list; $arg_value_atomic_type = $arg_value_atomic_type->getGenericArrayType(); if ($was_list) { if ($arg_value_atomic_type instanceof TNonEmptyArray) { $arg_value_atomic_type = new TNonEmptyList($arg_value_atomic_type->type_params[1]); } else { $arg_value_atomic_type = new TList($arg_value_atomic_type->type_params[1]); } } $arg_value_type->addType($arg_value_atomic_type); } } $by_ref_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $by_ref_type, $arg_value_type ); } else { if ($objectlike_list) { \array_unshift($objectlike_list->properties, $arg_value_type); $by_ref_type = new Type\Union([$objectlike_list]); } elseif ($array_type instanceof TList) { $by_ref_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $by_ref_type, new Type\Union( [ new TNonEmptyList(clone $arg_value_type), ] ) ); } else { $by_ref_type = Type::combineUnionTypes( $by_ref_type, new Type\Union( [ new TNonEmptyArray( [ Type::getInt(), clone $arg_value_type ] ), ] ) ); } } } AssignmentAnalyzer::assignByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $by_ref_type, $by_ref_type, $context, false ); } $context->inside_call = false; return null; } /** * @param array $args * * @return false|null */ public static function handleSplice( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, array $args, Context $context ): ?bool { $context->inside_call = true; $array_arg = $args[0]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } $offset_arg = $args[1]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $offset_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } if (!isset($args[2])) { return null; } $length_arg = $args[2]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $length_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } if (!isset($args[3])) { return null; } $replacement_arg = $args[3]->value; if (ExpressionAnalyzer::analyze( $statements_analyzer, $replacement_arg, $context ) === false) { return false; } $context->inside_call = false; $replacement_arg_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($replacement_arg); if ($replacement_arg_type && !$replacement_arg_type->hasArray() && $replacement_arg_type->hasString() && $replacement_arg_type->isSingle() ) { $replacement_arg_type = new Type\Union([ new Type\Atomic\TArray([Type::getInt(), $replacement_arg_type]) ]); $statements_analyzer->node_data->setType($replacement_arg, $replacement_arg_type); } if (($array_arg_type = $statements_analyzer->node_data->getType($array_arg)) && $array_arg_type->hasArray() && $replacement_arg_type && $replacement_arg_type->hasArray() ) { /** * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUndefinedStringArrayOffset * @var TArray|TKeyedArray|TList */ $array_type = $array_arg_type->getAtomicTypes()['array']; if ($array_type instanceof TKeyedArray) { if ($array_type->is_list) { $array_type = new TNonEmptyList($array_type->getGenericValueType()); } else { $array_type = $array_type->getGenericArrayType(); } } if ($array_type instanceof TArray && $array_type->type_params[0]->hasInt() && !$array_type->type_params[0]->hasString() ) { if ($array_type instanceof TNonEmptyArray) { $array_type = new TNonEmptyList($array_type->type_params[1]); } else { $array_type = new TList($array_type->type_params[1]); } } /** * @psalm-suppress PossiblyUndefinedStringArrayOffset * @var TArray|TKeyedArray|TList */ $replacement_array_type = $replacement_arg_type->getAtomicTypes()['array']; if ($replacement_array_type instanceof TKeyedArray) { $was_list = $replacement_array_type->is_list; $replacement_array_type = $replacement_array_type->getGenericArrayType(); if ($was_list) { if ($replacement_array_type instanceof TNonEmptyArray) { $replacement_array_type = new TNonEmptyList($replacement_array_type->type_params[1]); } else { $replacement_array_type = new TList($replacement_array_type->type_params[1]); } } } $by_ref_type = TypeCombination::combineTypes([$array_type, $replacement_array_type]); AssignmentAnalyzer::assignByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $by_ref_type, $by_ref_type, $context, false ); return null; } $array_type = Type::getArray(); AssignmentAnalyzer::assignByRefParam( $statements_analyzer, $array_arg, $array_type, $array_type, $context, false ); return null; } public static function handleByRefArrayAdjustment( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, PhpParser\Node\Arg $arg, Context $context, bool $is_array_shift ): void { $var_id = ExpressionIdentifier::getVarId( $arg->value, $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(), $statements_analyzer ); if ($var_id) { $context->removeVarFromConflictingClauses($var_id, null, $statements_analyzer); if (isset($context->vars_in_scope[$var_id])) { $array_type = clone $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id]; $array_atomic_types = $array_type->getAtomicTypes(); foreach ($array_atomic_types as $array_atomic_type) { if ($array_atomic_type instanceof TKeyedArray) { if ($is_array_shift && $array_atomic_type->is_list) { $array_atomic_type = clone $array_atomic_type; $array_properties = $array_atomic_type->properties; \array_shift($array_properties); if (!$array_properties) { $array_atomic_type = new Type\Atomic\TList( $array_atomic_type->previous_value_type ?: Type::getMixed() ); $array_type->addType($array_atomic_type); } else { $array_atomic_type->properties = $array_properties; } } if ($array_atomic_type instanceof TKeyedArray) { $array_atomic_type = $array_atomic_type->getGenericArrayType(); } } if ($array_atomic_type instanceof TNonEmptyArray) { if (!$context->inside_loop && $array_atomic_type->count !== null) { if ($array_atomic_type->count === 0) { $array_atomic_type = new TArray( [ new Type\Union([new TEmpty]), new Type\Union([new TEmpty]), ] ); } else { $array_atomic_type->count--; } } else { $array_atomic_type = new TArray($array_atomic_type->type_params); } $array_type->addType($array_atomic_type); $context->removeDescendents($var_id, $array_type); } elseif ($array_atomic_type instanceof TNonEmptyList) { if (!$context->inside_loop && $array_atomic_type->count !== null) { if ($array_atomic_type->count === 0) { $array_atomic_type = new TArray( [ new Type\Union([new TEmpty]), new Type\Union([new TEmpty]), ] ); } else { $array_atomic_type->count--; } } else { $array_atomic_type = new TList($array_atomic_type->type_param); } $array_type->addType($array_atomic_type); $context->removeDescendents($var_id, $array_type); } } $context->vars_in_scope[$var_id] = $array_type; } } } /** * @param (TArray|null)[] $array_arg_types * */ private static function checkClosureType( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Context $context, string $method_id, Type\Atomic $closure_type, PhpParser\Node\Arg $closure_arg, int $min_closure_param_count, int $max_closure_param_count, array $array_arg_types, bool $check_functions ): void { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); if (!$closure_type instanceof Type\Atomic\TClosure) { if ($method_id === 'array_map') { return; } if (!$closure_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_ && !$closure_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\Array_ && !$closure_arg->value instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\BinaryOp\Concat ) { return; } $function_ids = CallAnalyzer::getFunctionIdsFromCallableArg( $statements_analyzer, $closure_arg->value ); $closure_types = []; foreach ($function_ids as $function_id) { $function_id = strtolower($function_id); if (strpos($function_id, '::') !== false) { if ($function_id[0] === '$') { $function_id = \substr($function_id, 1); } $function_id_parts = explode('&', $function_id); foreach ($function_id_parts as $function_id_part) { [$callable_fq_class_name, $method_name] = explode('::', $function_id_part); switch ($callable_fq_class_name) { case 'self': case 'static': case 'parent': $container_class = $statements_analyzer->getFQCLN(); if ($callable_fq_class_name === 'parent') { $container_class = $statements_analyzer->getParentFQCLN(); } if (!$container_class) { continue 2; } $callable_fq_class_name = $container_class; } if (!$codebase->classOrInterfaceExists($callable_fq_class_name)) { return; } $function_id_part = new \Psalm\Internal\MethodIdentifier( $callable_fq_class_name, strtolower($method_name) ); try { $method_storage = $codebase->methods->getStorage($function_id_part); } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) { // the method may not exist, but we're suppressing that issue continue; } $closure_types[] = new Type\Atomic\TClosure( 'Closure', $method_storage->params, $method_storage->return_type ?: Type::getMixed() ); } } else { if (!$check_functions) { continue; } if (!$codebase->functions->functionExists($statements_analyzer, $function_id)) { continue; } $function_storage = $codebase->functions->getStorage( $statements_analyzer, $function_id ); if (InternalCallMapHandler::inCallMap($function_id)) { $callmap_callables = InternalCallMapHandler::getCallablesFromCallMap($function_id); if ($callmap_callables === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('This should not happen'); } $passing_callmap_callables = []; foreach ($callmap_callables as $callmap_callable) { $required_param_count = 0; assert($callmap_callable->params !== null); foreach ($callmap_callable->params as $i => $param) { if (!$param->is_optional && !$param->is_variadic) { $required_param_count = $i + 1; } } if ($required_param_count <= $max_closure_param_count) { $passing_callmap_callables[] = $callmap_callable; } } if ($passing_callmap_callables) { foreach ($passing_callmap_callables as $passing_callmap_callable) { $closure_types[] = $passing_callmap_callable; } } else { $closure_types[] = $callmap_callables[0]; } } else { $closure_types[] = new Type\Atomic\TClosure( 'Closure', $function_storage->params, $function_storage->return_type ?: Type::getMixed() ); } } } } else { $closure_types = [$closure_type]; } foreach ($closure_types as $closure_type) { if ($closure_type->params === null) { continue; } self::checkClosureTypeArgs( $statements_analyzer, $context, $method_id, $closure_type, $closure_arg, $min_closure_param_count, $max_closure_param_count, $array_arg_types ); } } /** * @param Type\Atomic\TClosure|Type\Atomic\TCallable $closure_type * @param (TArray|null)[] $array_arg_types */ private static function checkClosureTypeArgs( StatementsAnalyzer $statements_analyzer, Context $context, string $method_id, Type\Atomic $closure_type, PhpParser\Node\Arg $closure_arg, int $min_closure_param_count, int $max_closure_param_count, array $array_arg_types ): void { $codebase = $statements_analyzer->getCodebase(); $closure_params = $closure_type->params; if ($closure_params === null) { throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Closure params should not be null here'); } $required_param_count = 0; foreach ($closure_params as $i => $param) { if (!$param->is_optional && !$param->is_variadic) { $required_param_count = $i + 1; } } if (count($closure_params) < $min_closure_param_count) { $argument_text = $min_closure_param_count === 1 ? 'one argument' : $min_closure_param_count . ' arguments'; if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TooManyArguments( 'The callable passed to ' . $method_id . ' will be called with ' . $argument_text . ', expecting ' . $required_param_count, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return; } elseif ($required_param_count > $max_closure_param_count) { $argument_text = $max_closure_param_count === 1 ? 'one argument' : $max_closure_param_count . ' arguments'; if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new TooFewArguments( 'The callable passed to ' . $method_id . ' will be called with ' . $argument_text . ', expecting ' . $required_param_count, new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } return; } // abandon attempt to validate closure params if we have an extra arg for ARRAY_FILTER if ($method_id === 'array_filter' && $max_closure_param_count > 1) { return; } foreach ($closure_params as $i => $closure_param) { if (!isset($array_arg_types[$i])) { continue; } $array_arg_type = $array_arg_types[$i]; $input_type = $array_arg_type->type_params[1]; if ($input_type->hasMixed()) { continue; } $closure_param_type = $closure_param->type; if (!$closure_param_type) { continue; } if ($method_id === 'array_map' && $i === 0 && $closure_type->return_type && $closure_param_type->hasTemplate() ) { $closure_param_type = clone $closure_param_type; $closure_type->return_type = clone $closure_type->return_type; $template_result = new \Psalm\Internal\Type\TemplateResult( [], [] ); foreach ($closure_param_type->getTemplateTypes() as $template_type) { $template_result->template_types[$template_type->param_name] = [ ($template_type->defining_class) => [$template_type->as] ]; } $closure_param_type = UnionTemplateHandler::replaceTemplateTypesWithStandins( $closure_param_type, $template_result, $codebase, $statements_analyzer, $input_type, $i, $context->self, $context->calling_method_id ?: $context->calling_function_id ); $closure_type->return_type->replaceTemplateTypesWithArgTypes( $template_result, $codebase ); } $closure_param_type = TypeExpander::expandUnion( $codebase, $closure_param_type, $context->self, null, $statements_analyzer->getParentFQCLN() ); $union_comparison_results = new \Psalm\Internal\Type\Comparator\TypeComparisonResult(); $type_match_found = UnionTypeComparator::isContainedBy( $codebase, $input_type, $closure_param_type, $input_type->ignore_nullable_issues, $input_type->ignore_falsable_issues, $union_comparison_results ); if ($union_comparison_results->type_coerced) { if ($union_comparison_results->type_coerced_from_mixed) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new MixedArgumentTypeCoercion( 'Parameter ' . ($i + 1) . ' of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', parent type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // keep soldiering on } } else { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new ArgumentTypeCoercion( 'Parameter ' . ($i + 1) . ' of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', parent type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // keep soldiering on } } } if (!$union_comparison_results->type_coerced && !$type_match_found) { $types_can_be_identical = UnionTypeComparator::canExpressionTypesBeIdentical( $codebase, $input_type, $closure_param_type ); if ($union_comparison_results->scalar_type_match_found) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidScalarArgument( 'Parameter ' . ($i + 1) . ' of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } elseif ($types_can_be_identical) { if (IssueBuffer::accepts( new PossiblyInvalidArgument( 'Parameter ' . ($i + 1) . ' of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', possibly different type ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } elseif (IssueBuffer::accepts( new InvalidArgument( 'Parameter ' . ($i + 1) . ' of closure passed to function ' . $method_id . ' expects ' . $closure_param_type->getId() . ', ' . $input_type->getId() . ' provided', new CodeLocation($statements_analyzer->getSource(), $closure_arg), $method_id ), $statements_analyzer->getSuppressedIssues() )) { // fall through } } } } }