mirror of https://github.com/danog/psalm.git synced 2024-12-12 17:27:28 +01:00
Grégoire Paris ba17015dfb
Allow int keys when calling Redis methods
In 5bfc0f960b, risky casting was invoked
as a way to show there is an issue here. However, it is not always
possible to use a string. For instance, there is no such thing as this
in PHP: ["1" => "whatever"]. If you try to create such an array, you
will obtain [1 => "whatever"] instead.

Ironically, this was copied in jetbrains/phpstorm, which is used in
PHPStan, which exhibited that false positive.

See https://github.com/JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs/pull/1454
2023-11-08 22:15:44 +01:00

557 lines
20 KiB

* @see https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/blob/develop/redis.stub.php
* @see https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/blob/develop/redis_array.stub.php
* @see https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/blob/develop/redis_cluster.stub.php
* @see https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/blob/develop/redis_sentinel.stub.php
class Redis {
public function __construct(array $options = null) {}
public function _compress(string $value): string {}
public function __destruct() {}
public function _pack(mixed $value): string {}
public function _prefix(string $key): string {}
public function _serialize(mixed $value): string {}
public function _uncompress(string $value): string {}
public function _unpack(string $value): mixed {}
public function _unserialize(string $value): mixed {}
* @param string $args
* @return mixed|Redis
public function acl(string $subcmd, ...$args) {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function append(string $key, string $value) {}
public function auth(mixed $credentials): bool {}
public function bgSave(): bool {}
public function bgrewriteaof(): bool {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function bitcount(string $key, int $start = 0, int $end = -1) {}
* @return false|int|Redis
public function bitop(string $operation, string $deskey, string $srckey, string ...$other_keys): int {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function bitpos(string $key, int $bit, int $start = 0, int $end = -1) {}
public function blPop(string|array $key, string|int $timeout_or_key, mixed ...$extra_args): array|null|false {}
public function brPop(string|array $key, string|int $timeout_or_key, mixed ...$extra_args): array|null|false {}
public function brpoplpush(string $src, string $dst, int $timeout): Redis|string|false {}
public function bzPopMax(string|array $key, string|int $timeout_or_key, mixed ...$extra_args): array|false {}
public function bzPopMin(string|array $key, string|int $timeout_or_key, mixed ...$extra_args): array|false {}
public function clearLastError(): bool {}
public function client(string $opt, string $arg = null): mixed {}
public function close(): bool {}
public function command(string $opt = null, string|array $arg): mixed {}
public function config(string $operation, string $key, mixed $value = null): mixed {}
public function connect(string $host, int $port = 6379, float $timeout = 0, string $persistent_id = null, int $retry_interval = 0, float $read_timeout = 0, array $context = null): bool {}
public function copy(string $src, string $dst, array $options = null): bool {}
public function dbSize(): int {}
public function debug(string $key): string {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function decr(string $key, int $by = 1) {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function decrBy(string $key, int $value) {}
* @return false|int|Redis
public function del(array|string $key, string ...$other_keys) {}
* @deprecated
* @alias Redis::del
* @return false|int|Redis
public function delete(array|string $key, string ...$other_keys) {}
public function discard(): bool {}
public function dump(string $key): string {}
/** @return false|string|Redis */
public function echo(string $str) {}
public function eval(string $script, array $keys = null, int $num_keys = 0): mixed {}
public function evalsha(string $sha1, array $keys = null, int $num_keys = 0): mixed {}
public function exec(): Redis|array|false {}
/** @return int|Redis|bool */
public function exists(mixed $key, mixed ...$other_keys) {}
public function expire(string $key, int $timeout): Redis|bool {}
public function expireAt(string $key, int $timestamp): Redis|bool {}
public function flushAll(bool $async = false): bool {}
public function flushDB(bool $async = false): bool {}
public function geoadd(string $key, float $lng, float $lat, string $member, mixed ...$other_triples): int {}
public function geodist(string $key, string $src, string $dst, ?string $unit = null): Redis|float|false {}
public function geohash(string $key, string $member, string ...$other_members): array|false {}
public function geopos(string $key, string $member, string ...$other_members): Redis|array|false {}
public function georadius(string $key, float $lng, float $lat, float $radius, string $unit, array $options = []): Redis|mixed|false {}
public function georadius_ro(string $key, float $lng, float $lat, float $radius, string $unit, array $options = []): Redis|mixed|false {}
public function georadiusbymember(string $key, string $member, float $radius, string $unit, array $options = []): Redis|mixed|false {}
public function georadiusbymember_ro(string $key, string $member, float $radius, string $unit, array $options = []): Redis|mixed|false {}
public function geosearch(string $key, array|string $position, array|int|float $shape, string $unit, array $options = []): array|false {}
public function geosearchstore(string $dst, string $src, array|string $position, array|int|float $shape, string $unit, array $options = []): array|false {}
/** @return false|string|Redis */
public function get(string $key) {}
public function getAuth(): mixed {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function getBit(string $key, int $idx) {}
public function getDBNum(): int {}
public function getHost(): string {}
public function getLastError(): ?string {}
public function getMode(): int {}
public function getOption(int $option): mixed {}
public function getPersistentID(): ?string {}
public function getPort(): int {}
/** @return false|string|Redis */
public function getRange(string $key, int $start, int $end) {}
public function getReadTimeout(): int {}
/** @return false|string|Redis */
public function getset(string $key, string $value) {}
public function getTimeout(): int {}
public function hDel(string $key, string $member, string ...$other_members): Redis|int|false {}
public function hExists(string $key, string $member): Redis|bool {}
public function hGet(string $key, string $member): Redis|mixed|false {}
public function hGetAll(string $key): Redis|array|false {}
public function hIncrBy(string $key, string $member, int $value): Redis|int|false {}
public function hIncrByFloat(string $key, string $member, float $value): Redis|float|false {}
public function hKeys(string $key): Redis|array|false {}
public function hLen(string $key): Redis|int|false {}
public function hMget(string $key, array $keys): Redis|array|false {}
public function hMset(string $key, array $keyvals): Redis|bool|false {}
public function hSet(string $key, string $member, string $value): Redis|int|false {}
public function hSetNx(string $key, string $member, string $value): Redis|bool {}
public function hStrLen(string $key, string $member): int {}
public function hVals(string $key): Redis|array|false {}
public function hscan(string $key, ?int &$iterator, ?string $pattern = null, int $count = 0): bool|array {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function incr(string $key, int $by = 1) {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function incrBy(string $key, int $value) {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function incrByFloat(string $key, float $value) {}
public function info(string $opt = null): Redis|array|false {}
public function isConnected(): bool {}
/** @return false|array|Redis */
public function keys(string $pattern) {}
* @param mixed $elements
* @return false|int|Redis
public function lInsert(string $key, string $pos, mixed $pivot, mixed $value) {}
public function lLen(string $key): Redis|int|false {}
public function lMove(string $src, string $dst, string $wherefrom, string $whereto): string {}
/** @return false|string|Redis */
public function lPop(string $key) {}
* @param mixed $elements
* @return false|int|Redis
public function lPush(string $key, ...$elements) {}
* @param mixed $elements
* @return false|int|Redis
public function rPush(string $key, ...$elements) {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function lPushx(string $key, string $value) {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function rPushx(string $key, string $value) {}
public function lSet(string $key, int $index, string $value): Redis|bool {}
public function lastSave(): int {}
public function lindex(string $key, int $index): Redis|mixed|false {}
public function lrange(string $key, int $start , int $end): Redis|array|false {}
* @return int|Redis|false
public function lrem(string $key, string $value, int $count = 0) {}
public function ltrim(string $key, int $start , int $end): Redis|bool {}
/** @return false|list<false|string>|Redis */
public function mget(array $keys) {}
public function migrate(string $host, int $port, string $key, string $dst, int $timeout, bool $copy = false, bool $replace = false): bool {}
public function move(string $key, int $index): bool {}
* @param array<int|string, string>
public function mset($key_values): Redis|bool {}
* @param array<int|string, string>
public function msetnx($key_values): Redis|bool {}
public function multi(int $value = Redis::MULTI): bool|Redis {}
public function object(string $subcommand, string $key): Redis|int|string|false {}
* @deprecated
* @alias Redis::connect
public function open(string $host, int $port = 6379, float $timeout = 0, string $persistent_id = NULL, int $retry_interval = 0, float $read_timeout = 0, array $context = NULL): bool {}
public function pconnect(string $host, int $port = 6379, float $timeout = 0, string $persistent_id = NULL, int $retry_interval = 0, float $read_timeout = 0, array $context = NULL): bool {}
public function persist(string $key): bool {}
public function pexpire(string $key, int $timeout): bool {}
public function pexpireAt(string $key, int $timestamp): bool {}
public function pfadd(string $key, array $elements): int {}
public function pfcount(string $key): int {}
public function pfmerge(string $dst, array $keys): bool {}
/** @return false|string|Redis */
public function ping(string $key = NULL) {}
public function pipeline(): bool|Redis {}
* @deprecated
* @alias Redis::pconnect
public function popen(string $host, int $port = 6379, float $timeout = 0, string $persistent_id = NULL, int $retry_interval = 0, float $read_timeout = 0, array $context = NULL): bool {}
/** @return bool|Redis */
public function psetex(string $key, int $expire, string $value) {}
public function psubscribe(array $patterns): void {}
public function pttl(string $key): Redis|int|false {}
public function publish(string $channel, string $message): mixed {}
public function pubsub(string $command, mixed $arg = null): mixed {}
public function punsubscribe(array $patterns): array|false {}
/** @return false|string|Redis */
public function rPop(string $key) {}
/** @return false|string|Redis */
public function randomKey() {}
public function rawcommand(string $command, mixed ...$args): mixed {}
/** @return bool|Redis */
public function rename(string $key_src, string $key_dst) {}
/** @return bool|Redis */
public function renameNx(string $key_src, string $key_dst) {}
public function restore(string $key, int $timeout, string $value): bool {}
public function role(): mixed {}
public function rpoplpush(string $src, string $dst): Redis|string|false {}
public function sAdd(string $key, string $value, mixed ...$other_values): Redis|int|false {}
public function sAddArray(string $key, array $values): int {}
public function sDiff(string $key, string ...$other_keys): Redis|array|false {}
public function sDiffStore(string $dst, string $key, string ...$other_keys): Redis|int|false {}
public function sInter(array|string $key, string ...$other_keys): Redis|array|false {}
public function sInterStore(array|string $key, string ...$other_keys): Redis|int|false {}
public function sMembers(string $key): Redis|array|false {}
public function sMisMember(string $key, string $member, string ...$other_members): array|false {}
public function sMove(string $src, string $dst, string $value): Redis|bool {}
public function sPop(string $key, int $count = 0): Redis|string|array|false {}
public function sRandMember(string $key, int $count = 0): Redis|string|array|false {}
public function sUnion(string $key, string ...$other_keys): Redis|array|false {}
public function sUnionStore(string $dst, string $key, string ...$other_keys): Redis|int|false {}
public function save(): bool {}
public function scan(?int &$iterator, ?string $pattern = null, int $count = 0, string $type = NULL): array|false {}
public function scard(string $key): Redis|int|false {}
public function script(string $command, mixed ...$args): mixed {}
public function select(int $db): bool {}
/** @return bool|Redis */
public function set(string $key, string $value, mixed $opt = NULL) {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function setBit(string $key, int $idx, bool $value) {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function setRange(string $key, int $start, string $value) {}
public function setOption(int $option, mixed $value): bool {}
/** @return bool|Redis */
public function setex(string $key, int $expire, string $value) {}
/** @return bool|array|Redis */
public function setnx(string $key, string $value) {}
public function sismember(string $key, string $value): Redis|bool {}
public function slaveof(string $host = null, int $port = 6379): bool {}
public function slowlog(string $mode, int $option = 0): mixed {}
public function sort(string $key, array $options = null): mixed {}
* @deprecated
public function sortAsc(string $key, ?string $pattern = null, mixed $get = null, int $offset = -1, int $count = -1, ?string $store = null): array {}
* @deprecated
public function sortAscAlpha(string $key, ?string $pattern = null, mixed $get = null, int $offset = -1, int $count = -1, ?string $store = null): array {}
* @deprecated
public function sortDesc(string $key, ?string $pattern = null, mixed $get = null, int $offset = -1, int $count = -1, ?string $store = null): array {}
* @deprecated
public function sortDescAlpha(string $key, ?string $pattern = null, mixed $get = null, int $offset = -1, int $count = -1, ?string $store = null): array {}
public function srem(string $key, string $value, mixed ...$other_values): Redis|int|false {}
public function sscan(string $key, int &$iterator, ?string $pattern = null, int $count = 0): array|false {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function strlen(string $key) {}
public function subscribe(string $channel, string ...$other_channels): array|false {}
public function swapdb(string $src, string $dst): bool {}
public function time(): array|false {}
public function ttl(string $key): Redis|int|false {}
/** @return false|int|Redis */
public function type(string $key) {}
* @return false|int|Redis
public function unlink(array|string $key, string ...$other_keys) {}
public function unsubscribe(string $channel, string ...$other_channels): array|false {}
/** @return bool|Redis */
public function unwatch() {}
* @return bool|Redis
public function watch(array|string $key, string ...$other_keys) {}
public function wait(int $count, int $timeout): int|false {}
public function xack(string $key, string $group, array $ids): int|false {}
public function xadd(string $key, string $id, array $values, int $maxlen = 0, bool $approx = false): string|false {}
public function xclaim(string $key, string $group, string $consumer, int $min_iddle, array $ids, array $options): string|array|false {}
public function xdel(string $key, array $ids): Redis|int|false {}
public function xgroup(string $operation, string $key = null, string $arg1 = null, string $arg2 = null, bool $arg3 = false): mixed {}
public function xinfo(string $operation, ?string $arg1 = null, ?string $arg2 = null, int $count = -1): mixed {}
public function xlen(string $key): int {}
public function xpending(string $key, string $group, string $start = null, string $end = null, int $count = -1, string $consumer = null): Redis|array|false {}
public function xrange(string $key, string $start, string $end, int $count = -1): bool|array {}
public function xread(array $streams, int $count = -1, int $block = -1): bool|array {}
public function xreadgroup(string $group, string $consumer, array $streams, int $count = 1, int $block = 1): bool|array {}
public function xrevrange(string $key, string $start, string $end, int $count = -1): bool|array {}
public function xtrim(string $key, int $maxlen, bool $approx = false): int {}
public function zAdd(string $key, array|float $score_or_options, mixed ...$more_scores_and_mems): Redis|int|false {}
public function zCard(string $key): Redis|int|false {}
public function zCount(string $key, string $start , string $end): Redis|int|false {}
public function zIncrBy(string $key, float $value, mixed $member): Redis|float|false {}
public function zLexCount(string $key, string $min, string $max): Redis|int|false {}
public function zMscore(string $key, string $member, string ...$other_members): array|false {}
public function zPopMax(string $key, int $value = null): array|false {}
public function zPopMin(string $key, int $value = null): array|false {}
public function zRange(string $key, int $start, int $end, mixed $scores = null): Redis|array|false {}
public function zRangeByLex(string $key, string $min, string $max, int $offset = -1, int $count = -1): array|false {}
public function zRangeByScore(string $key, string $start, string $end, array $options = []): Redis|array|false {}
public function zRandMember(string $key, array $options = null): string|array|false {}
public function zRank(string $key, mixed $member): Redis|int|false {}
public function zRem(mixed $key, mixed $member, mixed ...$other_members): Redis|int|false {}
public function zRemRangeByLex(string $key, string $min, string $max): int|false {}
public function zRemRangeByRank(string $key, int $start, int $end): Redis|int|false {}
public function zRemRangeByScore(string $key, string $start, string $end): Redis|int|false {}
public function zRevRange(string $key, int $start, int $end, mixed $scores = null): Redis|array|false {}
public function zRevRangeByLex(string $key, string $min, string $max, int $offset = -1, int $count = -1): array|false {}
public function zRevRangeByScore(string $key, string $start, string $end, array $options = []): array|false {}
public function zRevRank(string $key, mixed $member): Redis|int|false {}
public function zScore(string $key, mixed $member): Redis|float|false {}
public function zdiff(array $keys, array $options = null): array|false {}
public function zdiffstore(string $dst, array $keys, array $options = null): int {}
public function zinter(array $keys, ?array $weights = null, ?array $options = null): Redis|array|false {}
public function zinterstore(string $dst, array $keys, ?array $weights = null, ?string $aggregate = null): Redis|int|false {}
public function zscan(string $key, ?int &$iterator, ?string $pattern = null, int $count = 0): bool|array {}
public function zunion(array $keys, ?array $weights = null, ?array $options = null): Redis|array|false {}
public function zunionstore(string $dst, array $keys, ?array $weights = NULL, ?string $aggregate = NULL): Redis|int|false {}