mirror of https://github.com/danog/psalm.git synced 2024-12-14 10:17:33 +01:00
Philip Hofstetter 395cf587d3 add plugin hook to be called after every function call
compared to AfterFunctionCallAnalysisInterface which gets only called
after a call to a function declared within the project, a plugin
implementing AfterEveryFunctionCallAnalysisInterface will get called for
every function call, including calls of PHP builtins.

On the other hand, this interface doesn't allow modification of the code
nor tweaking the return type, but it's still useful for accounting
purposes and for depreacting calls to PHP builtins

this fixes #2804
2020-02-13 09:10:24 -05:00

1937 lines
57 KiB

namespace Psalm;
use Composer\Semver\Semver;
use Webmozart\PathUtil\Path;
use function array_merge;
use function array_pop;
use function array_unique;
use function class_exists;
use Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader;
use DOMDocument;
use function count;
use function dirname;
use const E_USER_ERROR;
use function explode;
use function file_exists;
use function file_get_contents;
use function filetype;
use function get_class;
use function get_defined_constants;
use function get_defined_functions;
use function glob;
use function in_array;
use function intval;
use function is_dir;
use function is_file;
use function json_decode;
use function libxml_clear_errors;
use function libxml_get_errors;
use function libxml_use_internal_errors;
use function mkdir;
use const PHP_EOL;
use function phpversion;
use function preg_match;
use function preg_quote;
use function preg_replace;
use Psalm\Config\IssueHandler;
use Psalm\Config\ProjectFileFilter;
use Psalm\Exception\ConfigException;
use Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\ClassLikeAnalyzer;
use Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\FileAnalyzer;
use Psalm\Internal\Analyzer\ProjectAnalyzer;
use Psalm\Internal\Scanner\FileScanner;
use Psalm\Issue\ArgumentIssue;
use Psalm\Issue\ClassIssue;
use Psalm\Issue\CodeIssue;
use Psalm\Issue\FunctionIssue;
use Psalm\Issue\MethodIssue;
use Psalm\Issue\PropertyIssue;
use Psalm\Plugin\Hook;
use Psalm\Progress\Progress;
use Psalm\Progress\VoidProgress;
use function realpath;
use function reset;
use function rmdir;
use function scandir;
use function sha1;
use SimpleXMLElement;
use function strpos;
use function strrpos;
use function strtolower;
use function strtr;
use function substr;
use function substr_count;
use function sys_get_temp_dir;
use function trigger_error;
use function unlink;
use function version_compare;
use function getcwd;
use function chdir;
use function simplexml_import_dom;
use const LIBXML_NONET;
class Config
const DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = 'psalm.xml';
const REPORT_INFO = 'info';
const REPORT_ERROR = 'error';
const REPORT_SUPPRESS = 'suppress';
* @var array<string>
public static $ERROR_LEVELS = [
* @var array
const MIXED_ISSUES = [
* @var self|null
private static $instance;
* Whether or not to use types as defined in docblocks
* @var bool
public $use_docblock_types = true;
* Whether or not to use types as defined in property docblocks.
* This is distinct from the above because you may want to use
* property docblocks, but not function docblocks.
* @var bool
public $use_docblock_property_types = true;
* Whether or not to throw an exception on first error
* @var bool
public $throw_exception = false;
* Whether or not to load Xdebug stub
* @var bool|null
public $load_xdebug_stub = null;
* The directory to store PHP Parser (and other) caches
* @var string
public $cache_directory;
* The directory to store all Psalm project caches
* @var string|null
public $global_cache_directory;
* Path to the autoader
* @var string|null
public $autoloader;
* @var ProjectFileFilter|null
protected $project_files;
* The base directory of this config file
* @var string
public $base_dir;
* The PHP version to assume as declared in the config file
* @var string|null
private $configured_php_version;
* @var array<int, string>
private $file_extensions = ['php'];
* @var array<string, class-string<FileScanner>>
private $filetype_scanners = [];
* @var array<string, class-string<FileAnalyzer>>
private $filetype_analyzers = [];
* @var array<string, string>
private $filetype_scanner_paths = [];
* @var array<string, string>
private $filetype_analyzer_paths = [];
* @var array<string, IssueHandler>
private $issue_handlers = [];
* @var array<int, string>
private $mock_classes = [];
* @var array<int, string>
private $stub_files = [];
* @var bool
public $hide_external_errors = false;
/** @var bool */
public $allow_includes = true;
/** @var bool */
public $totally_typed = false;
/** @var bool */
public $strict_binary_operands = false;
/** @var bool */
public $add_void_docblocks = true;
* If true, assert() calls can be used to check types of variables
* @var bool
public $use_assert_for_type = true;
* @var bool
public $remember_property_assignments_after_call = true;
/** @var bool */
public $use_igbinary = false;
* @var bool
public $allow_phpstorm_generics = false;
* @var bool
public $allow_string_standin_for_class = false;
* @var bool
public $use_phpdoc_method_without_magic_or_parent = false;
* @var bool
public $use_phpdoc_property_without_magic_or_parent = false;
* @var bool
public $memoize_method_calls = false;
* @var bool
public $hoist_constants = false;
* @var bool
public $add_param_default_to_docblock_type = false;
* @var bool
public $check_for_throws_docblock = false;
* @var bool
public $check_for_throws_in_global_scope = false;
* @var bool
public $ignore_internal_falsable_issues = true;
* @var bool
public $ignore_internal_nullable_issues = true;
* @var array<string, bool>
public $ignored_exceptions = [];
* @var array<string, bool>
public $ignored_exceptions_in_global_scope = [];
* @var array<string, bool>
public $ignored_exceptions_and_descendants = [];
* @var array<string, bool>
public $ignored_exceptions_and_descendants_in_global_scope = [];
* @var bool
public $infer_property_types_from_constructor = true;
* @var bool
public $ensure_array_string_offsets_exist = false;
* @var bool
public $ensure_array_int_offsets_exist = false;
* @var array<string, bool>
public $forbidden_functions = [];
* @var bool
public $forbid_echo = false;
* @var bool
public $find_unused_code = false;
* @var bool
public $find_unused_variables = false;
* Whether to resolve file and directory paths from the location of the config file,
* instead of the current working directory.
* @var bool
public $resolve_from_config_file = false;
* @var string[]
public $plugin_paths = [];
* @var array<array{class:string,config:?SimpleXMLElement}>
private $plugin_classes = [];
* Static methods to be called after method checks have completed
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterMethodCallAnalysisInterface>[]
public $after_method_checks = [];
* Static methods to be called after project function checks have completed
* Called after function calls to functions defined in the project.
* Allows influencing the return type and adding of modifications.
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterFunctionCallAnalysisInterface>[]
public $after_function_checks = [];
* Static methods to be called after every function call
* Called after each function call, including php internal functions.
* Cannot change the call or influence its return type
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterEveryFunctionCallAnalysisInterface>[]
public $after_every_function_checks = [];
* Static methods to be called after expression checks have completed
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterExpressionAnalysisInterface>[]
public $after_expression_checks = [];
* Static methods to be called after statement checks have completed
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterStatementAnalysisInterface>[]
public $after_statement_checks = [];
* Static methods to be called after method checks have completed
* @var class-string<Hook\StringInterpreterInterface>[]
public $string_interpreters = [];
* Static methods to be called after classlike exists checks have completed
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterClassLikeExistenceCheckInterface>[]
public $after_classlike_exists_checks = [];
* Static methods to be called after classlike checks have completed
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterClassLikeAnalysisInterface>[]
public $after_classlike_checks = [];
* Static methods to be called after classlikes have been scanned
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterClassLikeVisitInterface>[]
public $after_visit_classlikes = [];
* Static methods to be called after codebase has been populated
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterCodebasePopulatedInterface>[]
public $after_codebase_populated = [];
* Static methods to be called after codebase has been populated
* @var class-string<Hook\AfterAnalysisInterface>[]
public $after_analysis = [];
* Static methods to be called after codebase has been populated
* @var class-string<Hook\BeforeAnalyzeFileInterface>[]
public $before_analyze_file = [];
/** @var array<string, mixed> */
private $predefined_constants;
/** @var array<callable-string, bool> */
private $predefined_functions = [];
/** @var ClassLoader|null */
private $composer_class_loader;
* Custom functions that always exit
* @var array<string, bool>
public $exit_functions = [];
* @var string
public $hash = '';
/** @var string|null */
public $error_baseline = null;
* @var bool
public $include_php_versions_in_error_baseline = false;
/** @var string */
public $shepherd_host = 'shepherd.dev';
* @var array<string, string>
public $globals = [];
* @var bool
public $parse_sql = false;
* @var int
public $max_string_length = 1000;
protected function __construct()
self::$instance = $this;
* Gets a Config object from an XML file.
* Searches up a folder hierarchy for the most immediate config.
* @param string $path
* @param string $current_dir
* @param string $output_format
* @return Config
* @throws ConfigException if a config path is not found
public static function getConfigForPath($path, $current_dir, $output_format)
$config_path = self::locateConfigFile($path);
if (!$config_path) {
if ($output_format === \Psalm\Report::TYPE_CONSOLE) {
echo 'Could not locate a config XML file in path ' . $path
. '. Have you run \'psalm --init\' ?' . PHP_EOL;
throw new ConfigException('Config not found for path ' . $path);
return self::loadFromXMLFile($config_path, $current_dir);
* Searches up a folder hierarchy for the most immediate config.
* @throws ConfigException
* @return ?string
public static function locateConfigFile(string $path)
$dir_path = realpath($path);
if ($dir_path === false) {
throw new ConfigException('Config not found for path ' . $path);
if (!is_dir($dir_path)) {
$dir_path = dirname($dir_path);
do {
$maybe_path = $dir_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . Config::DEFAULT_FILE_NAME;
if (file_exists($maybe_path) || file_exists($maybe_path .= '.dist')) {
return $maybe_path;
$dir_path = dirname($dir_path);
} while (dirname($dir_path) !== $dir_path);
return null;
* Creates a new config object from the file
* @param string $file_path
* @param string $current_dir
* @return self
public static function loadFromXMLFile($file_path, $current_dir)
$file_contents = file_get_contents($file_path);
$base_dir = dirname($file_path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ($file_contents === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot open ' . $file_path);
try {
$config = self::loadFromXML($base_dir, $file_contents, $current_dir);
$config->hash = sha1($file_contents . \PSALM_VERSION);
} catch (ConfigException $e) {
throw new ConfigException(
'Problem parsing ' . $file_path . ":\n" . ' ' . $e->getMessage()
return $config;
* Creates a new config object from an XML string
* @throws ConfigException
* @param string $base_dir
* @param string $file_contents
* @param string|null $current_dir Current working directory, if different to $base_dir
* @return self
public static function loadFromXML($base_dir, $file_contents, $current_dir = null)
if ($current_dir === null) {
$current_dir = $base_dir;
self::validateXmlConfig($base_dir, $file_contents);
return self::fromXmlAndPaths($base_dir, $file_contents, $current_dir);
private static function loadDomDocument(string $base_dir, string $file_contents): DOMDocument
$dom_document = new DOMDocument();
// there's no obvious way to set xml:base for a document when loading it from string
// so instead we're changing the current directory instead to be able to process XIncludes
$oldpwd = getcwd();
$dom_document->loadXML($file_contents, LIBXML_NONET);
return $dom_document;
* @throws ConfigException
private static function validateXmlConfig(string $base_dir, string $file_contents): void
$schema_path = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config.xsd';
if (!file_exists($schema_path)) {
throw new ConfigException('Cannot locate config schema');
$dom_document = self::loadDomDocument($base_dir, $file_contents);
$psalm_nodes = $dom_document->getElementsByTagName('psalm');
/** @var \DomElement|null */
$psalm_node = $psalm_nodes->item(0);
if (!$psalm_node) {
throw new ConfigException(
'Missing psalm node'
if (!$psalm_node->hasAttribute('xmlns')) {
$psalm_node->setAttribute('xmlns', 'https://getpsalm.org/schema/config');
$old_dom_document = $dom_document;
$dom_document = self::loadDomDocument($base_dir, $old_dom_document->saveXML());
// Enable user error handling
if (!$dom_document->schemaValidate($schema_path)) {
$errors = libxml_get_errors();
foreach ($errors as $error) {
if ($error->level === LIBXML_ERR_FATAL || $error->level === LIBXML_ERR_ERROR) {
throw new ConfigException(
'Error on line ' . $error->line . ":\n" . ' ' . $error->message
* @psalm-suppress MixedMethodCall
* @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
* @psalm-suppress MixedOperand
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
* @psalm-suppress MixedPropertyFetch
* @throws ConfigException
private static function fromXmlAndPaths(string $base_dir, string $file_contents, string $current_dir): self
$config = new static();
$dom_document = self::loadDomDocument($base_dir, $file_contents);
$config_xml = simplexml_import_dom($dom_document);
$booleanAttributes = [
'useDocblockTypes' => 'use_docblock_types',
'useDocblockPropertyTypes' => 'use_docblock_property_types',
'throwExceptionOnError' => 'throw_exception',
'hideExternalErrors' => 'hide_external_errors',
'resolveFromConfigFile' => 'resolve_from_config_file',
'allowFileIncludes' => 'allow_includes',
'totallyTyped' => 'totally_typed',
'strictBinaryOperands' => 'strict_binary_operands',
'requireVoidReturnType' => 'add_void_docblocks',
'useAssertForType' => 'use_assert_for_type',
'rememberPropertyAssignmentsAfterCall' => 'remember_property_assignments_after_call',
'allowPhpStormGenerics' => 'allow_phpstorm_generics',
'allowStringToStandInForClass' => 'allow_string_standin_for_class',
'usePhpDocMethodsWithoutMagicCall' => 'use_phpdoc_method_without_magic_or_parent',
'usePhpDocPropertiesWithoutMagicCall' => 'use_phpdoc_properties_without_magic_or_parent',
'memoizeMethodCallResults' => 'memoize_method_calls',
'hoistConstants' => 'hoist_constants',
'addParamDefaultToDocblockType' => 'add_param_default_to_docblock_type',
'checkForThrowsDocblock' => 'check_for_throws_docblock',
'checkForThrowsInGlobalScope' => 'check_for_throws_in_global_scope',
'forbidEcho' => 'forbid_echo',
'ignoreInternalFunctionFalseReturn' => 'ignore_internal_falsable_issues',
'ignoreInternalFunctionNullReturn' => 'ignore_internal_nullable_issues',
'includePhpVersionsInErrorBaseline' => 'include_php_versions_in_error_baseline',
'loadXdebugStub' => 'load_xdebug_stub',
'ensureArrayStringOffsetsExist' => 'ensure_array_string_offsets_exist',
'ensureArrayIntOffsetsExist' => 'ensure_array_int_offsets_exist',
foreach ($booleanAttributes as $xmlName => $internalName) {
if (isset($config_xml[$xmlName])) {
$attribute_text = (string) $config_xml[$xmlName];
$attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1'
if ($config->resolve_from_config_file) {
$config->base_dir = $base_dir;
} else {
$config->base_dir = $current_dir;
$base_dir = $current_dir;
if (isset($config_xml['phpVersion'])) {
$config->configured_php_version = (string) $config_xml['phpVersion'];
if (isset($config_xml['autoloader'])) {
$autoloader_path = $config->base_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $config_xml['autoloader'];
if (!file_exists($autoloader_path)) {
throw new ConfigException('Cannot locate autoloader');
$config->autoloader = realpath($autoloader_path);
if (isset($config_xml['cacheDirectory'])) {
$config->cache_directory = (string)$config_xml['cacheDirectory'];
} else {
$config->cache_directory = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/psalm';
$config->global_cache_directory = $config->cache_directory;
$config->cache_directory .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sha1($base_dir);
if (is_dir($config->cache_directory) === false && @mkdir($config->cache_directory, 0777, true) === false) {
trigger_error('Could not create cache directory: ' . $config->cache_directory, E_USER_ERROR);
if (isset($config_xml['serializer'])) {
$attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['serializer'];
$config->use_igbinary = $attribute_text === 'igbinary';
} elseif ($igbinary_version = phpversion('igbinary')) {
$config->use_igbinary = version_compare($igbinary_version, '2.0.5') >= 0;
if (isset($config_xml['findUnusedCode'])) {
$attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['findUnusedCode'];
$config->find_unused_code = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1';
$config->find_unused_variables = $config->find_unused_code;
if (isset($config_xml['findUnusedVariablesAndParams'])) {
$attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['findUnusedVariablesAndParams'];
$config->find_unused_variables = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1';
if (isset($config_xml['errorBaseline'])) {
$attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['errorBaseline'];
$config->error_baseline = $attribute_text;
if (isset($config_xml['maxStringLength'])) {
$attribute_text = intval($config_xml['maxStringLength']);
$config->max_string_length = $attribute_text;
if (isset($config_xml['parseSql'])) {
$attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['parseSql'];
$config->parse_sql = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1';
if (isset($config_xml['inferPropertyTypesFromConstructor'])) {
$attribute_text = (string) $config_xml['inferPropertyTypesFromConstructor'];
$config->infer_property_types_from_constructor = $attribute_text === 'true' || $attribute_text === '1';
if (isset($config_xml->projectFiles)) {
$config->project_files = ProjectFileFilter::loadFromXMLElement($config_xml->projectFiles, $base_dir, true);
if (isset($config_xml->fileExtensions)) {
$config->file_extensions = [];
if (isset($config_xml->mockClasses) && isset($config_xml->mockClasses->class)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $mock_class */
foreach ($config_xml->mockClasses->class as $mock_class) {
$config->mock_classes[] = strtolower((string)$mock_class['name']);
if (isset($config_xml->ignoreExceptions)) {
if (isset($config_xml->ignoreExceptions->class)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $exception_class */
foreach ($config_xml->ignoreExceptions->class as $exception_class) {
$exception_name = (string) $exception_class['name'];
$global_attribute_text = (string) $exception_class['onlyGlobalScope'];
if ($global_attribute_text !== 'true' && $global_attribute_text !== '1') {
$config->ignored_exceptions[$exception_name] = true;
$config->ignored_exceptions_in_global_scope[$exception_name] = true;
if (isset($config_xml->ignoreExceptions->classAndDescendants)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $exception_class */
foreach ($config_xml->ignoreExceptions->classAndDescendants as $exception_class) {
$exception_name = (string) $exception_class['name'];
$global_attribute_text = (string) $exception_class['onlyGlobalScope'];
if ($global_attribute_text !== 'true' && $global_attribute_text !== '1') {
$config->ignored_exceptions_and_descendants[$exception_name] = true;
$config->ignored_exceptions_and_descendants_in_global_scope[$exception_name] = true;
if (isset($config_xml->forbiddenFunctions) && isset($config_xml->forbiddenFunctions->function)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $forbidden_function */
foreach ($config_xml->forbiddenFunctions->function as $forbidden_function) {
$config->forbidden_functions[strtolower((string) $forbidden_function['name'])] = true;
if (isset($config_xml->exitFunctions) && isset($config_xml->exitFunctions->function)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $exit_function */
foreach ($config_xml->exitFunctions->function as $exit_function) {
$config->exit_functions[strtolower((string) $exit_function['name'])] = true;
if (isset($config_xml->stubs) && isset($config_xml->stubs->file)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $stub_file */
foreach ($config_xml->stubs->file as $stub_file) {
$file_path = realpath($config->base_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $stub_file['name']);
if (!$file_path) {
throw new Exception\ConfigException(
'Cannot resolve stubfile path ' . $config->base_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $stub_file['name']
// this plugin loading system borrows heavily from etsy/phan
if (isset($config_xml->plugins)) {
if (isset($config_xml->plugins->plugin)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $plugin */
foreach ($config_xml->plugins->plugin as $plugin) {
$plugin_file_name = (string) $plugin['filename'];
$path = Path::isAbsolute($plugin_file_name)
? $plugin_file_name
: $config->base_dir . $plugin_file_name;
if (isset($config_xml->plugins->pluginClass)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $plugin */
foreach ($config_xml->plugins->pluginClass as $plugin) {
$plugin_class_name = $plugin['class'];
// any child elements are used as plugin configuration
$plugin_config = null;
if ($plugin->count()) {
$plugin_config = $plugin->children();
$config->addPluginClass($plugin_class_name, $plugin_config);
if (isset($config_xml->issueHandlers)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $issue_handler */
foreach ($config_xml->issueHandlers->children() as $key => $issue_handler) {
if ($key === 'PluginIssue') {
$custom_class_name = (string) $issue_handler['name'];
/** @var string $key */
$config->issue_handlers[$custom_class_name] = IssueHandler::loadFromXMLElement(
} else {
/** @var string $key */
$config->issue_handlers[$key] = IssueHandler::loadFromXMLElement(
if (isset($config_xml->globals) && isset($config_xml->globals->var)) {
/** @var \SimpleXMLElement $var */
foreach ($config_xml->globals->var as $var) {
$config->globals['$' . (string) $var['name']] = (string) $var['type'];
return $config;
* @param string $autoloader_path
* @return void
* @psalm-suppress UnresolvableInclude
private function requireAutoloader($autoloader_path)
* @return $this
public static function getInstance()
if (self::$instance) {
return self::$instance;
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('No config initialized');
* @return void
public function setComposerClassLoader(?ClassLoader $loader = null)
$this->composer_class_loader = $loader;
* @param string $issue_key
* @param string $error_level
* @return void
public function setCustomErrorLevel($issue_key, $error_level)
$this->issue_handlers[$issue_key] = new IssueHandler();
* @param array<SimpleXMLElement> $extensions
* @throws ConfigException if a Config file could not be found
* @return void
private function loadFileExtensions($extensions)
foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
$extension_name = preg_replace('/^\.?/', '', (string)$extension['name']);
$this->file_extensions[] = $extension_name;
if (isset($extension['scanner'])) {
$path = $this->base_dir . (string)$extension['scanner'];
if (!file_exists($path)) {
throw new Exception\ConfigException('Error parsing config: cannot find file ' . $path);
$this->filetype_scanner_paths[$extension_name] = $path;
if (isset($extension['checker'])) {
$path = $this->base_dir . (string)$extension['checker'];
if (!file_exists($path)) {
throw new Exception\ConfigException('Error parsing config: cannot find file ' . $path);
$this->filetype_analyzer_paths[$extension_name] = $path;
* @param string $path
* @return void
public function addPluginPath($path)
if (!file_exists($path)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot find plugin file ' . $path);
$this->plugin_paths[] = $path;
/** @return void */
public function addPluginClass(string $class_name, SimpleXMLElement $plugin_config = null)
$this->plugin_classes[] = ['class' => $class_name, 'config' => $plugin_config];
/** @return array<array{class:string, config:?SimpleXmlElement}> */
public function getPluginClasses(): array
return $this->plugin_classes;
* Initialises all the plugins (done once the config is fully loaded)
* @return void
* @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
* @psalm-suppress MixedTypeCoercion
public function initializePlugins(ProjectAnalyzer $project_analyzer)
$codebase = $project_analyzer->getCodebase();
$project_analyzer->progress->debug('Initializing plugins...' . PHP_EOL);
$socket = new PluginRegistrationSocket($this, $codebase);
// initialize plugin classes earlier to let them hook into subsequent load process
foreach ($this->plugin_classes as $plugin_class_entry) {
$plugin_class_name = $plugin_class_entry['class'];
$plugin_config = $plugin_class_entry['config'];
try {
// Below will attempt to load plugins from the project directory first.
// Failing that, it will use registered autoload chain, which will load
// plugins from Psalm directory or phar file. If that fails as well, it
// will fall back to project autoloader. It may seem that the last step
// will always fail, but it's only true if project uses Composer autoloader
if ($this->composer_class_loader
&& ($plugin_class_path = $this->composer_class_loader->findFile($plugin_class_name))
) {
'Loading plugin ' . $plugin_class_name . ' via require'. PHP_EOL
/** @psalm-suppress UnresolvableInclude */
} else {
if (!class_exists($plugin_class_name, true)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException($plugin_class_name . ' is not a known class');
* @psalm-suppress InvalidStringClass
* @var Plugin\PluginEntryPointInterface
$plugin_object = new $plugin_class_name;
$plugin_object($socket, $plugin_config);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ConfigException('Failed to load plugin ' . $plugin_class_name, 0, $e);
$project_analyzer->progress->debug('Loaded plugin ' . $plugin_class_name . ' successfully'. PHP_EOL);
foreach ($this->filetype_scanner_paths as $extension => $path) {
$fq_class_name = $this->getPluginClassForPath(
/** @psalm-suppress UnresolvableInclude */
$this->filetype_scanners[$extension] = $fq_class_name;
foreach ($this->filetype_analyzer_paths as $extension => $path) {
$fq_class_name = $this->getPluginClassForPath(
/** @psalm-suppress UnresolvableInclude */
$this->filetype_analyzers[$extension] = $fq_class_name;
foreach ($this->plugin_paths as $path) {
try {
$plugin_object = new FileBasedPluginAdapter($path, $this, $codebase);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ConfigException('Failed to load plugin ' . $path, 0, $e);
* @template T
* @param string $path
* @param T::class $must_extend
* @return class-string<T>
private function getPluginClassForPath(Codebase $codebase, $path, $must_extend)
$file_storage = $codebase->createFileStorageForPath($path);
$file_to_scan = new FileScanner($path, $this->shortenFileName($path), true);
$declared_classes = ClassLikeAnalyzer::getClassesForFile($codebase, $path);
if (!count($declared_classes)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Plugins must have at least one class in the file - ' . $path . ' has ' .
$fq_class_name = reset($declared_classes);
if (!$codebase->classlikes->classExtends(
) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'This plugin must extend ' . $must_extend . ' - ' . $path . ' does not'
* @var class-string<T>
return $fq_class_name;
* @param string $file_name
* @return string
public function shortenFileName($file_name)
return preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($this->base_dir, '/') . '/', '', $file_name);
* @param string $issue_type
* @param string $file_path
* @return bool
public function reportIssueInFile($issue_type, $file_path)
if (!$this->totally_typed && in_array($issue_type, self::MIXED_ISSUES, true)) {
return false;
if ($this->mustBeIgnored($file_path)) {
return false;
$dependent_files = [strtolower($file_path) => $file_path];
$project_analyzer = ProjectAnalyzer::getInstance();
$codebase = $project_analyzer->getCodebase();
if (!$this->hide_external_errors) {
try {
$file_storage = $codebase->file_storage_provider->get($file_path);
$dependent_files += $file_storage->required_by_file_paths;
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// do nothing
$any_file_path_matched = false;
foreach ($dependent_files as $dependent_file_path) {
if (((!$project_analyzer->full_run && $codebase->analyzer->canReportIssues($dependent_file_path))
|| $project_analyzer->canReportIssues($dependent_file_path))
&& ($file_path === $dependent_file_path || !$this->mustBeIgnored($dependent_file_path))
) {
$any_file_path_matched = true;
if (!$any_file_path_matched) {
return false;
if ($this->getReportingLevelForFile($issue_type, $file_path) === self::REPORT_SUPPRESS) {
return false;
return true;
* @param string $file_path
* @return bool
public function isInProjectDirs($file_path)
return $this->project_files && $this->project_files->allows($file_path);
* @param string $file_path
* @return bool
public function mustBeIgnored($file_path)
return $this->project_files && $this->project_files->forbids($file_path);
public function getReportingLevelForIssue(CodeIssue $e) : string
$fqcn_parts = explode('\\', get_class($e));
$issue_type = array_pop($fqcn_parts);
$reporting_level = null;
if ($e instanceof ClassIssue) {
$reporting_level = $this->getReportingLevelForClass($issue_type, $e->fq_classlike_name);
} elseif ($e instanceof MethodIssue) {
$reporting_level = $this->getReportingLevelForMethod($issue_type, $e->method_id);
} elseif ($e instanceof FunctionIssue) {
$reporting_level = $this->getReportingLevelForFunction($issue_type, $e->function_id);
} elseif ($e instanceof PropertyIssue) {
$reporting_level = $this->getReportingLevelForProperty($issue_type, $e->property_id);
} elseif ($e instanceof ArgumentIssue && $e->function_id) {
$reporting_level = $this->getReportingLevelForArgument($issue_type, $e->function_id);
if ($reporting_level === null) {
$reporting_level = $this->getReportingLevelForFile($issue_type, $e->getFilePath());
$parent_issue_type = self::getParentIssueType($issue_type);
if ($parent_issue_type && $reporting_level === Config::REPORT_ERROR) {
$parent_reporting_level = $this->getReportingLevelForFile($parent_issue_type, $e->getFilePath());
if ($parent_reporting_level !== $reporting_level) {
return $parent_reporting_level;
return $reporting_level;
* @param string $issue_type
* @return string|null
public static function getParentIssueType($issue_type)
if ($issue_type === 'PossiblyUndefinedIntArrayOffset'
|| $issue_type === 'PossiblyUndefinedStringArrayOffset'
) {
return 'PossiblyUndefinedArrayOffset';
if (strpos($issue_type, 'Possibly') === 0) {
$stripped_issue_type = preg_replace('/^Possibly(False|Null)?/', '', $issue_type);
if (strpos($stripped_issue_type, 'Invalid') === false && strpos($stripped_issue_type, 'Un') !== 0) {
$stripped_issue_type = 'Invalid' . $stripped_issue_type;
return $stripped_issue_type;
if (preg_match('/^(False|Null)[A-Z]/', $issue_type)) {
return preg_replace('/^(False|Null)/', 'Invalid', $issue_type);
if ($issue_type === 'UndefinedInterfaceMethod') {
return 'UndefinedMethod';
if ($issue_type === 'UndefinedMagicPropertyFetch') {
return 'UndefinedPropertyFetch';
if ($issue_type === 'UndefinedMagicPropertyAssignment') {
return 'UndefinedPropertyAssignment';
if ($issue_type === 'UndefinedMagicMethod') {
return 'UndefinedMethod';
if ($issue_type === 'PossibleRawObjectIteration') {
return 'RawObjectIteration';
if ($issue_type === 'UninitializedProperty') {
return 'PropertyNotSetInConstructor';
if ($issue_type === 'InvalidDocblockParamName') {
return 'InvalidDocblock';
if ($issue_type === 'UnusedClosureParam') {
return 'UnusedParam';
if ($issue_type === 'StringIncrement') {
return 'InvalidOperand';
if ($issue_type === 'TraitMethodSignatureMismatch') {
return 'MethodSignatureMismatch';
if ($issue_type === 'ImplementedParamTypeMismatch') {
return 'MoreSpecificImplementedParamType';
if ($issue_type === 'UndefinedDocblockClass') {
return 'UndefinedClass';
if ($issue_type === 'MixedArgumentTypeCoercion'
|| $issue_type === 'MixedPropertyTypeCoercion'
|| $issue_type === 'MixedReturnTypeCoercion'
|| $issue_type === 'MixedArrayTypeCoercion'
) {
return 'MixedTypeCoercion';
if ($issue_type === 'ArgumentTypeCoercion'
|| $issue_type === 'PropertyTypeCoercion'
|| $issue_type === 'ReturnTypeCoercion'
) {
return 'TypeCoercion';
return null;
* @param string $issue_type
* @param string $file_path
* @return string
public function getReportingLevelForFile($issue_type, $file_path)
if (isset($this->issue_handlers[$issue_type])) {
return $this->issue_handlers[$issue_type]->getReportingLevelForFile($file_path);
return self::REPORT_ERROR;
* @param string $issue_type
* @param string $fq_classlike_name
* @return string|null
public function getReportingLevelForClass($issue_type, $fq_classlike_name)
if (isset($this->issue_handlers[$issue_type])) {
return $this->issue_handlers[$issue_type]->getReportingLevelForClass($fq_classlike_name);
* @param string $issue_type
* @param string $method_id
* @return string|null
public function getReportingLevelForMethod($issue_type, $method_id)
if (isset($this->issue_handlers[$issue_type])) {
return $this->issue_handlers[$issue_type]->getReportingLevelForMethod($method_id);
* @return string|null
public function getReportingLevelForFunction(string $issue_type, string $function_id)
if (isset($this->issue_handlers[$issue_type])) {
return $this->issue_handlers[$issue_type]->getReportingLevelForFunction($function_id);
* @return string|null
public function getReportingLevelForArgument(string $issue_type, string $function_id)
if (isset($this->issue_handlers[$issue_type])) {
return $this->issue_handlers[$issue_type]->getReportingLevelForArgument($function_id);
* @param string $issue_type
* @param string $property_id
* @return string|null
public function getReportingLevelForProperty($issue_type, $property_id)
if (isset($this->issue_handlers[$issue_type])) {
return $this->issue_handlers[$issue_type]->getReportingLevelForProperty($property_id);
* @return array<string>
public function getProjectDirectories()
if (!$this->project_files) {
return [];
return $this->project_files->getDirectories();
* @return array<string>
public function getProjectFiles()
if (!$this->project_files) {
return [];
return $this->project_files->getFiles();
* @param string $file_path
* @return bool
public function reportTypeStatsForFile($file_path)
return $this->project_files
&& $this->project_files->allows($file_path)
&& $this->project_files->reportTypeStats($file_path);
* @param string $file_path
* @return bool
public function useStrictTypesForFile($file_path)
return $this->project_files && $this->project_files->useStrictTypes($file_path);
* @return array<string>
public function getFileExtensions()
return $this->file_extensions;
* @return array<string, class-string<FileScanner>>
public function getFiletypeScanners()
return $this->filetype_scanners;
* @return array<string, class-string<FileAnalyzer>>
public function getFiletypeAnalyzers()
return $this->filetype_analyzers;
* @return array<int, string>
public function getMockClasses()
return $this->mock_classes;
* @return void
public function visitStubFiles(Codebase $codebase, Progress $progress = null)
if ($progress === null) {
$progress = new VoidProgress();
$codebase->register_stub_files = true;
// note: don't realpath $generic_stubs_path, or phar version will fail
$generic_stubs_path = __DIR__ . '/Internal/Stubs/CoreGenericFunctions.php';
if (!file_exists($generic_stubs_path)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot locate core generic stubs');
// note: don't realpath $generic_classes_path, or phar version will fail
$generic_classes_path = __DIR__ . '/Internal/Stubs/CoreGenericClasses.php';
if (!file_exists($generic_classes_path)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot locate core generic classes');
$core_generic_files = [$generic_stubs_path, $generic_classes_path];
if (\extension_loaded('ds')) {
$ext_ds_path = __DIR__ . '/Internal/Stubs/ext-ds.php';
if (!file_exists($ext_ds_path)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot locate core generic classes');
$core_generic_files[] = $ext_ds_path;
$stub_files = array_merge($core_generic_files, $this->stub_files);
$phpstorm_meta_path = $this->base_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.phpstorm.meta.php';
if (is_file($phpstorm_meta_path)) {
$stub_files[] = $phpstorm_meta_path;
} elseif (is_dir($phpstorm_meta_path)) {
$phpstorm_meta_path = realpath($phpstorm_meta_path);
foreach (glob($phpstorm_meta_path . '/*.meta.php') as $glob) {
if (is_file($glob) && realpath(dirname($glob)) === $phpstorm_meta_path) {
$stub_files[] = $glob;
if ($this->load_xdebug_stub) {
$xdebug_stub_path = __DIR__ . '/Internal/Stubs/Xdebug.php';
if (!file_exists($xdebug_stub_path)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cannot locate XDebug stub');
$stub_files[] = $xdebug_stub_path;
foreach ($stub_files as $file_path) {
$file_path = \str_replace(['/', '\\'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file_path);
$progress->debug('Registering stub files' . "\n");
$progress->debug('Finished registering stub files' . "\n");
$codebase->register_stub_files = false;
* @return string
public function getCacheDirectory()
return $this->cache_directory;
* @return ?string
public function getGlobalCacheDirectory()
return $this->global_cache_directory;
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function getPredefinedConstants()
return $this->predefined_constants;
* @return void
public function collectPredefinedConstants()
$this->predefined_constants = get_defined_constants();
* @return array<callable-string, bool>
public function getPredefinedFunctions()
return $this->predefined_functions;
* @return void
public function collectPredefinedFunctions()
$defined_functions = get_defined_functions();
if (isset($defined_functions['user'])) {
foreach ($defined_functions['user'] as $function_name) {
$this->predefined_functions[$function_name] = true;
if (isset($defined_functions['internal'])) {
foreach ($defined_functions['internal'] as $function_name) {
$this->predefined_functions[$function_name] = true;
* @return void
* @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
* @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
public function visitComposerAutoloadFiles(ProjectAnalyzer $project_analyzer, Progress $progress = null)
if ($progress === null) {
$progress = new VoidProgress();
$composer_json_path = $this->base_dir . 'composer.json'; // this should ideally not be hardcoded
$autoload_files_files = [];
if ($this->autoloader) {
$autoload_files_files[] = $this->autoloader;
if (file_exists($composer_json_path)) {
if (!$composer_json = json_decode(file_get_contents($composer_json_path), true)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid composer.json at ' . $composer_json_path);
if (isset($composer_json['autoload']['files'])) {
/** @var string[] */
$composer_autoload_files = $composer_json['autoload']['files'];
foreach ($composer_autoload_files as $file) {
$file_path = realpath($this->base_dir . $file);
if ($file_path && file_exists($file_path)) {
$autoload_files_files[] = $file_path;
= $this->base_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor'
. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'composer' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload_files.php';
if (file_exists($vendor_autoload_files_path)) {
* @var string[]
$vendor_autoload_files = require $vendor_autoload_files_path;
$autoload_files_files = array_merge($autoload_files_files, $vendor_autoload_files);
$autoload_files_files = array_unique($autoload_files_files);
if ($autoload_files_files) {
$codebase = $project_analyzer->getCodebase();
$codebase->register_autoload_files = true;
foreach ($autoload_files_files as $file_path) {
$file_path = \str_replace(['/', '\\'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file_path);
$progress->debug('Registering autoloaded files' . "\n");
$progress->debug('Finished registering autoloaded files' . "\n");
$codebase->register_autoload_files = false;
if ($this->autoloader) {
// do this in a separate method so scope does not leak
* @param string $fq_classlike_name
* @return string|false
public function getComposerFilePathForClassLike($fq_classlike_name)
if (!$this->composer_class_loader) {
return false;
return $this->composer_class_loader->findFile($fq_classlike_name);
public function getPotentialComposerFilePathForClassLike(string $class) : ?string
if (!$this->composer_class_loader) {
return null;
/** @var array<string, array<int, string>> */
$psr4_prefixes = $this->composer_class_loader->getPrefixesPsr4();
// PSR-4 lookup
$logicalPathPsr4 = strtr($class, '\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '.php';
$candidate_path = null;
$maxDepth = 0;
$subPath = $class;
while (false !== $lastPos = strrpos($subPath, '\\')) {
$subPath = substr($subPath, 0, $lastPos);
$search = $subPath . '\\';
if (isset($psr4_prefixes[$search])) {
$depth = substr_count($search, '\\');
$pathEnd = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($logicalPathPsr4, $lastPos + 1);
foreach ($psr4_prefixes[$search] as $dir) {
$dir = realpath($dir);
if ($dir
&& $depth > $maxDepth
&& $this->isInProjectDirs($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'testdummy.php')
) {
$maxDepth = $depth;
$candidate_path = realpath($dir) . $pathEnd;
return $candidate_path;
* @param string $dir
* @return void
public static function removeCacheDirectory($dir)
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$objects = scandir($dir);
if ($objects === false) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Not expecting false here');
foreach ($objects as $object) {
if ($object != '.' && $object != '..') {
if (filetype($dir . '/' . $object) == 'dir') {
self::removeCacheDirectory($dir . '/' . $object);
} else {
unlink($dir . '/' . $object);
* @return void
public function setServerMode()
$this->cache_directory .= '-s';
/** @return void */
public function addStubFile(string $stub_file)
$this->stub_files[] = $stub_file;
public function getPhpVersion(): ?string
if (isset($this->configured_php_version)) {
return $this->configured_php_version;
return $this->getPHPVersionFromComposerJson();
private function setBooleanAttribute(string $name, bool $value): void
$this->$name = $value;
* @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
* @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
private function getPHPVersionFromComposerJson(): ?string
$composer_json_path = $this->base_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. 'composer.json';
if (file_exists($composer_json_path)) {
if (!$composer_json = json_decode(file_get_contents($composer_json_path), true)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Invalid composer.json at ' . $composer_json_path);
$php_version = $composer_json['require']['php'] ?? null;
if ($php_version) {
foreach (['5.4', '5.5', '5.6', '7.0', '7.1', '7.2', '7.3', '7.4', '8.0'] as $candidate) {
if (Semver::satisfies($candidate, (string)$php_version)) {
return $candidate;
return null;