mirror of
synced 2024-12-11 16:59:45 +01:00
This turns unused variable detection into an explicit control-flow problem, where before we had a more simplistic mark-and-sweep algorithm
1550 lines
57 KiB
1550 lines
57 KiB
namespace Psalm\Tests;
use Psalm\Context;
class TaintTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider providerValidCodeParse
public function testValidCode(string $code): void
$test_name = $this->getTestName();
if (\strpos($test_name, 'SKIPPED-') !== false) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Skipped due to a bug.');
if (\strtoupper(\substr(\PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
$this->markTestSkipped('Skip taint tests in Windows for now');
$file_path = self::$src_dir_path . 'somefile.php';
$this->analyzeFile($file_path, new Context(), false);
* @dataProvider providerInvalidCodeParse
public function testInvalidCode(string $code, string $error_message): void
if (\strpos($this->getTestName(), 'SKIPPED-') !== false) {
if (\strtoupper(\substr(\PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
$this->markTestSkipped('Skip taint tests in Windows for now');
$this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp('/\b' . \preg_quote($error_message, '/') . '\b/');
$file_path = self::$src_dir_path . 'somefile.php';
$this->analyzeFile($file_path, new Context(), false);
* @return array<string, array{string}>
public function providerValidCodeParse(): array
return [
'taintedInputInCreatedArrayNotEchoed' => [
$name = $_GET["name"] ?? "unknown";
$id = (int) $_GET["id"];
$data = ["name" => $name, "id" => $id];
echo "<h1>" . htmlentities($data["name"]) . "</h1>";
echo "<p>" . $data["id"] . "</p>";'
'taintedInputInAssignedArrayNotEchoed' => [
$name = $_GET["name"] ?? "unknown";
$id = (int) $_GET["id"];
$data = [];
$data["name"] = $name;
$data["id"] = $id;
echo "<h1>" . htmlentities($data["name"]) . "</h1>";
echo "<p>" . $data["id"] . "</p>";'
'taintedInputDirectlySuppressed' => [
class A {
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo) : void {
/** @psalm-taint-escape sql */
$userId = (string) $_GET["user_id"];
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'taintedInputDirectlySuppressedWithOtherUse' => [
class A {
public function deleteUser(PDOWrapper $pdo) : void {
* @psalm-taint-escape sql
$userId = (string) $_GET["user_id"];
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
public function deleteUserSafer(PDOWrapper $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getSafeId();
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
public function getSafeId() : string {
return "5";
class PDOWrapper {
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $sql
public function exec(string $sql) : void {}
'taintedInputToParamButSafe' => [
class A {
public function getUserId(PDO $pdo) : void {
$this->getAppendedUserId((string) $_GET["user_id"])
public function getAppendedUserId(string $user_id) : string {
return "aaa" . $user_id;
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$userId2 = strlen($userId);
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId2);
'ValidatedInputFromParam' => [
* @psalm-assert-untainted $userId
function validateUserId(string $userId) : void {
if (!is_numeric($userId)) {
throw new \Exception("bad");
class A {
public function getUserId() : string {
return (string) $_GET["user_id"];
public function doDelete(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getUserId();
$this->deleteUser($pdo, $userId);
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'untaintedInputAfterIntCast' => [
class A {
public function getUserId() : int {
return (int) $_GET["user_id"];
public function getAppendedUserId() : string {
return "aaaa" . $this->getUserId();
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getAppendedUserId();
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'specializedCoreFunctionCall' => [
$a = (string) $_GET["user_id"];
echo print_r([], true);
$b = print_r($a, true);'
'untaintedInputViaStaticFunctionWithSafePath' => [
class Utils {
* @psalm-pure
public static function shorten(string $str) : string {
return $str;
class A {
public function foo() : void {
echo(htmlentities(Utils::shorten((string) $_GET["user_id"])));
public function bar() : void {
'taintHtmlEntities' => [
function foo() : void {
$a = htmlentities((string) $_GET["bad"]);
echo $a;
'taintOnStrReplaceCallRemovedInFunction' => [
class U {
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-taint-escape html
public static function shorten(string $s) : string {
return str_replace("foo", "bar", $s);
class V {}
class O1 {
public string $s;
public function __construct() {
$this->s = (string) $_GET["FOO"];
class V1 extends V {
public function foo(O1 $o) : void {
echo U::shorten($o->s);
'taintOnPregReplaceCallRemovedInFunction' => [
class U {
* @psalm-pure
public static function shorten(string $s) : string {
return preg_replace("/[^_a-z\/\.A-Z0-9]/", "bar", $s);
class V {}
class O1 {
public string $s;
public function __construct() {
$this->s = (string) $_GET["FOO"];
class V1 extends V {
public function foo(O1 $o) : void {
echo U::shorten($o->s);
'taintOnStrReplaceCallRemovedInline' => [
class V {}
class O1 {
public string $s;
public function __construct() {
$this->s = (string) $_GET["FOO"];
class V1 extends V {
public function foo(O1 $o) : void {
* @psalm-taint-escape html
$a = str_replace("foo", "bar", $o->s);
echo $a;
'NoTaintsOnSimilarPureCall' => [
class U {
/** @psalm-pure */
public static function shorten(string $s) : string {
return substr($s, 0, 15);
/** @psalm-pure */
public static function escape(string $s) : string {
return htmlentities($s);
class O1 {
public string $s;
public function __construct(string $s) {
$this->s = $s;
class O2 {
public string $t;
public function __construct() {
$this->t = (string) $_GET["FOO"];
class V1 {
public function foo() : void {
$o = new O1((string) $_GET["FOO"]);
echo U::escape(U::shorten($o->s));
class V2 {
public function foo(O2 $o) : void {
echo U::shorten(U::escape($o->t));
'taintPropertyPassingObjectWithDifferentValue' => [
/** @psalm-immutable */
class User {
public string $id;
public $name = "Luke";
public function __construct(string $userId) {
$this->id = $userId;
class UserUpdater {
public static function doDelete(PDO $pdo, User $user) : void {
self::deleteUser($pdo, $user->name);
public static function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
$userObj = new User((string) $_GET["user_id"]);
UserUpdater::doDelete(new PDO(), $userObj);'
'taintPropertyWithoutPassingObject' => [
/** @psalm-immutable */
class User {
public string $id;
public function __construct(string $userId) {
$this->id = $userId;
class UserUpdater {
public static function doDelete(PDO $pdo, User $user) : void {
self::deleteUser($pdo, $user->id);
public static function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
$userObj = new User((string) $_GET["user_id"]);',
'specializeStaticMethod' => [
class StringUtility {
* @psalm-taint-specialize
public static function foo(string $str) : string
return $str;
* @psalm-taint-specialize
public static function slugify(string $url) : string {
return self::foo($url);
echo StringUtility::slugify("hello");'
'taintFreeNestedArray' => [
$a = [];
$a[] = ["a" => $_GET["name"], "b" => "foo"];
foreach ($a as $m) {
echo $m["b"];
'taintFreeNestedArrayWithOffsetAccessedExplicitly' => [
$a = [];
$a[] = ["a" => $_GET["name"], "b" => "foo"];
echo $a[0]["b"];',
'intUntainted' => [
$input = $_GET[\'input\'];
if (is_int($input)) {
echo "$input";
'dontTaintSpecializedInstanceProperty' => [
/** @psalm-taint-specialize */
class StringHolder {
public $x;
public function __construct(string $x) {
$this->x = $x;
$a = new StringHolder("a");
$b = new StringHolder($_GET["x"]);
echo $a->x;'
'suppressTaintedInput' => [
function unsafe() {
* @psalm-suppress TaintedInput
echo $_GET["x"];
'suppressTaintedAssignment' => [
$b = $_GET["x"];
* @psalm-suppress TaintedInput
$a = $b;
echo $a;'
* @return array<string, array{0: string, error_message: string}>
public function providerInvalidCodeParse(): array
return [
'taintedInputFromMethodReturnTypeSimple' => [
class A {
public function getUserId() : string {
return (string) $_GET["user_id"];
public function getAppendedUserId() : string {
return "aaaa" . $this->getUserId();
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getAppendedUserId();
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromFunctionReturnType' => [
function getName() : string {
return $_GET["name"] ?? "unknown";
echo getName();',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:6:26 - Detected tainted html in path: $_GET -> $_GET[\'name\'] (src/somefile.php:3:32) -> coalesce (src/somefile.php:3:32) -> getName (src/somefile.php:2:42) -> call to echo (src/somefile.php:6:26) -> echo#1',
'taintedInputFromExplicitTaintSource' => [
* @psalm-taint-source input
function getName() : string {
return "";
echo getName();',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromExplicitTaintSourceStaticMethod' => [
class Request {
* @psalm-taint-source input
public static function getName() : string {
return "";
echo Request::getName();',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromGetArray' => [
function getName(array $data) : string {
return $data["name"] ?? "unknown";
$name = getName($_GET);
echo $name;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromReturnToInclude' => [
$a = (string) $_GET["file"];
$b = "hello" . $a;
include str_replace("a", "b", $b);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromReturnToEval' => [
$a = $_GET["file"];
eval("<?php" . $a);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromReturnTypeToEcho' => [
class A {
public function getUserId() : string {
return (string) $_GET["user_id"];
public function getAppendedUserId() : string {
return "aaaa" . $this->getUserId();
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getAppendedUserId();
echo $userId;
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputInCreatedArrayIsEchoed' => [
$name = $_GET["name"] ?? "unknown";
$data = ["name" => $name];
echo "<h1>" . $data["name"] . "</h1>";',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'testTaintedInputInAssignedArrayIsEchoed' => [
$name = $_GET["name"] ?? "unknown";
$data = [];
$data["name"] = $name;
echo "<h1>" . $data["name"] . "</h1>";',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputDirectly' => [
class A {
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = (string) $_GET["user_id"];
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromReturnTypeWithBranch' => [
class A {
public function getUserId() : string {
return (string) $_GET["user_id"];
public function getAppendedUserId() : string {
$userId = $this->getUserId();
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$userId .= "aaa";
} else {
$userId .= "bb";
return $userId;
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getAppendedUserId();
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'sinkAnnotation' => [
class A {
public function getUserId() : string {
return (string) $_GET["user_id"];
public function getAppendedUserId() : string {
return "aaaa" . $this->getUserId();
public function deleteUser(PDOWrapper $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getAppendedUserId();
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
class PDOWrapper {
* @psalm-taint-sink sql $sql
public function exec(string $sql) : void {}
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromParam' => [
class A {
public function getUserId() : string {
return (string) $_GET["user_id"];
public function getAppendedUserId() : string {
return "aaaa" . $this->getUserId();
public function doDelete(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getAppendedUserId();
$this->deleteUser($pdo, $userId);
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:17:40 - Detected tainted sql in path: $_GET -> $_GET[\'user_id\'] (src/somefile.php:4:45) -> A::getUserId (src/somefile.php:3:55) -> concat (src/somefile.php:8:36) -> A::getAppendedUserId (src/somefile.php:7:63) -> $userId (src/somefile.php:12:29) -> call to A::deleteUser (src/somefile.php:13:53) -> A::deleteUser#2 (src/somefile.php:16:69) -> $userId (src/somefile.php:16:69) -> concat (src/somefile.php:17:40) -> call to PDO::exec (src/somefile.php:17:40) -> PDO::exec#1',
'taintedInputToParam' => [
class A {
public function getUserId(PDO $pdo) : void {
$this->getAppendedUserId((string) $_GET["user_id"])
public function getAppendedUserId(string $user_id) : string {
return "aaa" . $user_id;
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputToParamAfterAssignment' => [
class A {
public function getUserId(PDO $pdo) : void {
$this->getAppendedUserId((string) $_GET["user_id"])
public function getAppendedUserId(string $user_id) : string {
return "aaa" . $user_id;
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$userId2 = $userId;
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId2);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputToParamAlternatePath' => [
class A {
public function getUserId(PDO $pdo) : void {
$this->getAppendedUserId((string) $_GET["user_id"])
public function getAppendedUserId(string $user_id) : string {
return "aaa" . $user_id;
public static function doFoo() : string {
return "hello";
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId, string $userId2) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId2);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:23:44 - Detected tainted sql in path: $_GET -> $_GET[\'user_id\'] (src/somefile.php:7:67) -> call to A::getAppendedUserId (src/somefile.php:7:58) -> A::getAppendedUserId#1 (src/somefile.php:11:66) -> $user_id (src/somefile.php:11:66) -> concat (src/somefile.php:12:36) -> A::getAppendedUserId (src/somefile.php:11:78) -> call to A::deleteUser (src/somefile.php:7:33) -> A::deleteUser#3 (src/somefile.php:19:85) -> $userId2 (src/somefile.php:19:85) -> concat (src/somefile.php:23:44) -> call to PDO::exec (src/somefile.php:23:44) -> PDO::exec#1',
'taintedInParentLoader' => [
abstract class A {
abstract public static function loadPartial(string $sink) : void;
public static function loadFull(string $sink) : void {
function getPdo() : PDO {
return new PDO("connectionstring");
class AChild extends A {
public static function loadPartial(string $sink) : void {
getPdo()->exec("select * from foo where bar = " . $sink);
class AGrandChild extends AChild {}
class C {
public function foo(string $user_id) : void {
(new C)->foo((string) $_GET["user_id"]);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:16:44 - Detected tainted sql in path: $_GET -> $_GET[\'user_id\'] (src/somefile.php:28:43) -> call to C::foo (src/somefile.php:28:34) -> C::foo#1 (src/somefile.php:23:52) -> $user_id (src/somefile.php:23:52) -> call to AGrandChild::loadFull (src/somefile.php:24:51) -> AGrandChild::loadFull#1 (src/somefile.php:5:64) -> A::loadFull#1 (src/somefile.php:24:51) -> $sink (src/somefile.php:5:64) -> call to A::loadPartial (src/somefile.php:6:49) -> A::loadPartial#1 (src/somefile.php:3:76) -> AChild::loadPartial#1 (src/somefile.php:6:49) -> $sink (src/somefile.php:15:67) -> concat (src/somefile.php:16:44) -> call to PDO::exec (src/somefile.php:16:44) -> PDO::exec#1',
'taintedInputFromProperty' => [
class A {
public string $userId;
public function __construct() {
$this->userId = (string) $_GET["user_id"];
public function getAppendedUserId() : string {
return "aaaa" . $this->userId;
public function doDelete(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getAppendedUserId();
$this->deleteUser($pdo, $userId);
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromPropertyViaMixin' => [
class A {
public string $userId;
public function __construct() {
$this->userId = (string) $_GET["user_id"];
/** @mixin A */
class B {
private A $a;
public function __construct(A $a) {
$this->a = $a;
public function __get(string $name) {
return $this->a->$name;
class C {
private B $b;
public function __construct(B $b) {
$this->b = $b;
public function getAppendedUserId() : string {
return "aaaa" . $this->b->userId;
public function doDelete(PDO $pdo) : void {
$userId = $this->getAppendedUserId();
$this->deleteUser($pdo, $userId);
public function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputViaStaticFunction' => [
class Utils {
public static function shorten(string $str) : string {
return $str;
class A {
public function foo() : void {
echo(Utils::shorten((string) $_GET["user_id"]));
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputViaPureStaticFunction' => [
class Utils {
* @psalm-pure
public static function shorten(string $str) : string {
return substr($str, 0, 100);
class A {
public function foo() : void {
echo(Utils::shorten((string) $_GET["user_id"]));
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'untaintedInputViaStaticFunctionWithoutSafePath' => [
class Utils {
* @psalm-pure
public static function shorten(string $str) : string {
return $str;
class A {
public function foo() : void {
echo(Utils::shorten((string) $_GET["user_id"]));
public function bar() : void {
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInputFromMagicProperty' => [
* @property string $userId
class A {
/** @var array<string, string> */
private $vars = [];
public function __get(string $s) : string {
return $this->vars[$s];
public function __set(string $s, string $t) {
$this->vars[$s] = $t;
function getAppendedUserId() : void {
$a = new A();
$a->userId = (string) $_GET["user_id"];
echo $a->userId;
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintOverMixed' => [
* @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
function foo() : void {
$a = $_GET["bad"];
echo $a;
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintStrConversion' => [
function foo() : void {
$a = strtoupper(strtolower((string) $_GET["bad"]));
echo $a;
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintIntoExec' => [
function foo() : void {
$a = (string) $_GET["bad"];
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintIntoExecMultipleConcat' => [
function foo() : void {
$a = "9" . "a" . "b" . "c" . ((string) $_GET["bad"]) . "d" . "e" . "f";
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintIntoNestedArrayUnnestedSeparately' => [
function foo() : void {
$a = [[(string) $_GET["bad"]]];
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintIntoArrayAndThenOutAgain' => [
class C {
public static function foo() : array {
$a = (string) $_GET["bad"];
return [$a];
public static function bar() {
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintAppendedToArray' => [
class C {
public static function foo() : array {
$a = [];
$a[] = (string) $_GET["bad"];
return $a;
public static function bar() {
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintOnSubstrCall' => [
class U {
/** @psalm-pure */
public static function shorten(string $s) : string {
return substr($s, 0, 15);
class V {}
class O1 {
public string $s;
public function __construct() {
$this->s = (string) $_GET["FOO"];
class V1 extends V {
public function foo(O1 $o) : void {
echo U::shorten($o->s);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintOnStrReplaceCallSimple' => [
class U {
/** @psalm-pure */
public static function shorten(string $s) : string {
return str_replace("foo", "bar", $s);
class V {}
class O1 {
public string $s;
public function __construct() {
$this->s = (string) $_GET["FOO"];
class V1 extends V {
public function foo(O1 $o) : void {
echo U::shorten($o->s);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintOnPregReplaceCall' => [
class U {
/** @psalm-pure */
public static function shorten(string $s) : string {
return preg_replace("/foo/", "bar", $s);
class V {}
class O1 {
public string $s;
public function __construct() {
$this->s = (string) $_GET["FOO"];
class V1 extends V {
public function foo(O1 $o) : void {
echo U::shorten($o->s);
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'IndirectGetAssignment' => [
class InputFilter {
public string $name;
public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;
* @psalm-specialize-call
public function getArg(string $method, string $type)
$arg = null;
switch ($method) {
case "post":
if (isset($_POST[$this->name])) {
$arg = $_POST[$this->name];
case "get":
if (isset($_GET[$this->name])) {
$arg = $_GET[$this->name];
return $this->filterInput($type, $arg);
protected function filterInput(string $type, $arg)
// input is null
if ($arg === null) {
return null;
// set to null if sanitize clears arg
if ($arg === "") {
$arg = null;
// type casting
if ($arg !== null) {
$arg = $this->typeCastInput($type, $arg);
return $arg;
protected function typeCastInput(string $type, $arg) {
if ($type === "string") {
return (string) $arg;
return null;
echo (new InputFilter("hello"))->getArg("get", "string");',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintPropertyPassingObject' => [
/** @psalm-immutable */
class User {
public string $id;
public function __construct(string $userId) {
$this->id = $userId;
class UserUpdater {
public static function doDelete(PDO $pdo, User $user) : void {
self::deleteUser($pdo, $user->id);
public static function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
$userObj = new User((string) $_GET["user_id"]);
UserUpdater::doDelete(new PDO(), $userObj);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintPropertyPassingObjectSettingValueLater' => [
/** @psalm-taint-specialize */
class User {
public string $id;
public function __construct(string $userId) {
$this->id = $userId;
public function setId(string $userId) : void {
$this->id = $userId;
class UserUpdater {
public static function doDelete(PDO $pdo, User $user) : void {
self::deleteUser($pdo, $user->id);
public static function deleteUser(PDO $pdo, string $userId) : void {
$pdo->exec("delete from users where user_id = " . $userId);
$userObj = new User("5");
$userObj->setId((string) $_GET["user_id"]);
UserUpdater::doDelete(new PDO(), $userObj);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'ImplodeExplode' => [
$a = $_GET["name"];
$b = explode(" ", $a);
$c = implode(" ", $b);
echo $c;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'ImplodeIndirect' => [
/** @var array $unsafe */
$unsafe = $_GET[\'unsafe\'];
echo implode(" ", $unsafe);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintThroughPregReplaceCallback' => [
$a = $_GET["bad"];
$b = preg_replace_callback(
function (array $matches) : string {
return $matches[1];
echo $b;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedFunctionWithNoTypes' => [
function rawinput() {
return $_GET[\'rawinput\'];
echo rawinput();',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedStaticCallWithNoTypes' => [
class A {
public static function rawinput() {
return $_GET[\'rawinput\'];
echo A::rawinput();',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintedInstanceCallWithNoTypes' => [
class A {
public function rawinput() {
return $_GET[\'rawinput\'];
echo (new A())->rawinput();',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintStringObtainedUsingStrval' => [
$unsafe = strval($_GET[\'unsafe\']);
echo $unsafe',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintStringObtainedUsingSprintf' => [
$unsafe = sprintf("%s", strval($_GET[\'unsafe\']));
echo $unsafe;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'encapsulatedString' => [
$unsafe = $_GET[\'unsafe\'];
echo "$unsafe";',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'encapsulatedToStringMagic' => [
class MyClass {
public function __toString() {
return $_GET["blah"];
$unsafe = new MyClass();
echo "unsafe: $unsafe";',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'castToStringMagic' => [
class MyClass {
public function __toString() {
return $_GET["blah"];
$unsafe = new MyClass();
echo $unsafe;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'castToStringViaArgument' => [
class MyClass {
public function __toString() {
return $_GET["blah"];
function doesEcho(string $s) {
echo $s;
$unsafe = new MyClass();
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'toStringTaintInSubclass' => [
'<?php // --taint-analysis
class TaintedBaseClass {
/** @psalm-taint-source input */
public function __toString() {
return "x";
class TaintedSubclass extends TaintedBaseClass {}
$x = new TaintedSubclass();
echo "Caught: $x\n";',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'implicitToStringMagic' => [
class MyClass {
public function __toString() {
return $_GET["blah"];
$unsafe = new MyClass();
echo $unsafe;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'namespacedFunction' => [
namespace ns;
function identity(string $s) : string {
return $s;
echo identity($_GET[\'userinput\']);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'print' => [
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:2:27 - Detected tainted html in path: $_GET -> $_GET[\'name\'] (src/somefile.php:2:27) -> call to print (src/somefile.php:2:27) -> print#1',
'unpackArgs' => [
function test(...$args) {
echo $args[0];
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'foreachArg' => [
$a = $_GET["bad"];
foreach ($a as $arg) {
echo $arg;
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'magicPropertyType' => [
class Magic {
private $params = [];
public function __get(string $a) {
return $this->params[$a];
public function __set(string $a, $value) {
$this->params[$a] = $value;
$m = new Magic();
$m->taint = $_GET["input"];
echo $m->taint;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintNestedArrayWithOffsetAccessedInForeach' => [
$a = [];
$a[0] = ["a" => $_GET["name"], "b" => "foo"];
foreach ($a as $m) {
echo $m["a"];
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintNestedArrayWithOffsetAccessedExplicitly' => [
$a = [];
$a[] = ["a" => $_GET["name"], "b" => "foo"];
echo $a[0]["a"];',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintThroughArrayMapExplicitClosure' => [
$get = array_map(function($str) { return trim($str);}, $_GET);
echo $get["test"];',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintThroughArrayMapExplicitTypedClosure' => [
$get = array_map(function(string $str) : string { return trim($str);}, $_GET);
echo $get["test"];',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintThroughArrayMapExplicitArrowFunction' => [
$get = array_map(fn($str) => trim($str), $_GET);
echo $get["test"];',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintThroughArrayMapImplicitFunctionCall' => [
$a = ["test" => $_GET["name"]];
$get = array_map("trim", $a);
echo $get["test"];',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintFilterVar' => [
$get = filter_var($_GET, FILTER_CALLBACK, ["options" => "trim"]);
echo $get["test"];',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintAfterReconciledType' => [
$input = $_GET[\'input\'];
if (is_string($input)) {
echo "$input";
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintExit' => [
if (rand(0, 1)) {
} else {
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintSpecializedMethod' => [
/** @psalm-taint-specialize */
class Unsafe {
public function isUnsafe() {
return $_GET["unsafe"];
$a = new Unsafe();
echo $a->isUnsafe();',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintSpecializedInstanceProperty' => [
/** @psalm-taint-specialize */
class StringHolder {
public $x;
public function __construct(string $x) {
$this->x = $x;
$b = new StringHolder($_GET["x"]);
echo $b->x;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintUnserialize' => [
$cb = unserialize($_POST[\'x\']);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintCreateFunction' => [
$cb = create_function(\'$a\', $_GET[\'x\']);',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintException' => [
$e = new Exception();
echo $e;',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintError' => [
function foo() {}
try {
} catch (TypeError $e) {
echo "Caught: {$e->getTraceAsString()}\n";
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
'taintThrowable' => [
function foo() {}
try {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
echo "Caught: $e"; // TODO: ("Caught" . $e) does not work.
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',
// TODO: Stubs do not support this type of inference even with $this->message = $message.
// Most uses of getMessage() would be with caught exceptions, so this is not representative of real code.
'taintException' => [
$x = new Exception($_GET["x"]);
echo $x->getMessage();',
'error_message' => 'TaintedInput',