mirror of
synced 2024-12-11 00:39:38 +01:00
* Make array shapes strict by default * Fix PSL tests
1736 lines
60 KiB
1736 lines
60 KiB
namespace Psalm\Tests;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
class CallableTest extends TestCase
use InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
public function providerValidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'byRefUseVar' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return void */
function run_function(\Closure $fnc) {
* @return void
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
function f() {
* @return void
function() use(&$data) {
$data = 1;
echo $data;
'inferredArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
$bar = ["foo", "bar"];
$bam = array_map(
function(string $a) {
return $a . "blah";
'inferredArgArrowFunction' => [
'code' => '<?php
$bar = ["foo", "bar"];
$bam = array_map(
fn(string $a) => $a . "blah",
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '7.4',
'inferArgFromClassContext' => [
'code' => '<?php
final class Calc
* @param Closure(int, int): int $_fn
public function __invoke(Closure $_fn): int
return $_fn(42, 42);
$calc = new Calc();
$a = $calc(fn($a, $b) => $a + $b);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int',
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '7.4',
'inferArgFromClassContextWithNamedArguments' => [
'code' => '<?php
final class Calc
* @param Closure(int, int): int ...$_fn
public function __invoke(Closure ...$_fn): int
throw new RuntimeException("???");
$calc = new Calc();
$a = $calc(
foo: fn($_a, $_b) => $_a + $_b,
bar: fn($_a, $_b) => $_a + $_b,
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int',
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '7.4',
'inferArgFromClassContextInGenericContext' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template A
final class ArrayList
* @template B
* @param Closure(A): B $ab
* @return ArrayList<B>
public function map(Closure $ab): ArrayList
throw new RuntimeException("???");
* @template T
* @param ArrayList<T> $list
* @return ArrayList<array{T}>
function asTupled(ArrayList $list): ArrayList
return $list->map(function ($_a) {
return [$_a];
/** @var ArrayList<int> $a */
$a = new ArrayList();
$b = asTupled($a);',
'assertions' => [
'$b' => 'ArrayList<list{int}>',
'inferArgByPreviousFunctionArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template A
* @template B
* @param iterable<array-key, A> $_collection
* @param callable(A): B $_ab
* @return list<B>
function map(iterable $_collection, callable $_ab) { return []; }
/** @template T */
final class Foo
/** @return Foo<int> */
public function toInt() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
/** @var list<Foo<string>> */
$items = [];
$inferred = map($items, function ($i) {
return $i->toInt();
'assertions' => [
'$inferred' => 'list<Foo<int>>',
'inferTemplateForExplicitlyTypedArgByPreviousFunctionArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template A
* @template B
* @param iterable<array-key, A> $_collection
* @param callable(A): B $_ab
* @return list<B>
function map(iterable $_collection, callable $_ab) { return []; }
/** @template T */
final class Foo
/** @return Foo<int> */
public function toInt() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
/** @var list<Foo<string>> */
$items = [];
$inferred = map($items, function (Foo $i) {
return $i->toInt();
'assertions' => [
'$inferred' => 'list<Foo<int>>',
'doNotInferTemplateForExplicitlyTypedWithPhpdocArgByPreviousFunctionArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template A
* @template B
* @param iterable<array-key, A> $_collection
* @param callable(A): B $_ab
* @return list<B>
function map(iterable $_collection, callable $_ab) { return []; }
/** @template T */
final class Foo { }
/** @var list<Foo<string>> */
$items = [];
$inferred = map($items,
/** @param Foo $i */
function ($i) {
return $i;
'assertions' => [
'$inferred' => 'list<Foo>',
'inferTemplateOfHighOrderFunctionArgByPreviousArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @return list<int>
function getList() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template T
* @return Closure(T): T
function id() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template A
* @template B
* @param list<A> $_items
* @param callable(A): B $_ab
* @return list<B>
function map(array $_items, callable $_ab) { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
$result = map(getList(), id());
'assertions' => [
'$result' => 'list<int>',
'inferTemplateOfHighOrderFunctionArgByPreviousArgInClassContext' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template A
final class ArrayList
* @template B
* @param callable(A): B $ab
* @return ArrayList<B>
public function map(callable $ab) { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @return ArrayList<int>
function getList() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template T
* @return Closure(T): T
function id() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
$result = getList()->map(id());
'assertions' => [
'$result' => 'ArrayList<int>',
'inferTemplateOfHighOrderFunctionFromMethodArgByPreviousArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
final class Ops
* @template T
* @return Closure(list<T>): T
public function flatten() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @return list<list<int>>
function getList() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template T
* @return Closure(list<T>): T
function flatten() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template A
* @template B
* @param list<A> $_a
* @param callable(A): B $_ab
* @return list<B>
function map(array $_a, callable $_ab) { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
$ops = new Ops;
$result = map(getList(), $ops->flatten());
'assertions' => [
'$result' => 'list<int>',
'inferTemplateOfHighOrderFunctionFromStaticMethodArgByPreviousArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
final class StaticOps
* @template T
* @return Closure(list<T>): T
public static function flatten() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @return list<list<int>>
function getList() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template T
* @return Closure(list<T>): T
function flatten() { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template A
* @template B
* @param list<A> $_a
* @param callable(A): B $_ab
* @return list<B>
function map(array $_a, callable $_ab) { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
$result = map(getList(), StaticOps::flatten());
'assertions' => [
'$result' => 'list<int>',
'PipeTest' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template A
* @template B
final class MapOperator
* @param Closure(A): B $ab
public function __construct(private Closure $ab) { }
* @param list<A> $a
* @return list<B>
public function __invoke($a): array
$b = [];
foreach ($a as $item) {
$b[] = ($this->ab)($item);
return $b;
* @template A
* @template B
* @param Closure(A): B $ab
* @return MapOperator<A, B>
function map(Closure $ab): MapOperator
return new MapOperator($ab);
* @template A
* @template B
* @param A $_a
* @param callable(A): B $_ab
* @return B
function pipe(array $_a, callable $_ab): array
throw new RuntimeException("???");
$result1 = pipe(
["1", "2", "3"],
map(fn ($i) => (int) $i)
$result2 = pipe(
["1", "2", "3"],
new MapOperator(fn ($i) => (int) $i)
'assertions' => [
'$result1' => 'list<int>',
'$result2' => 'list<int>',
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '8.0',
'inferPipelineWithPartiallyAppliedFunctions' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template T
* @param callable(T, int): bool $_predicate
* @return Closure(list<T>): list<T>
function filter(callable $_predicate): Closure { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template A
* @template B
* @param callable(A): B $_ab
* @return Closure(list<A>): list<B>
function map(callable $_ab): Closure { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template T
* @return (Closure(list<T>): (non-empty-list<T> | null))
function asNonEmptyList(): Closure { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template T
* @return Closure(T): T
function id(): Closure { throw new RuntimeException("???"); }
* @template A
* @template B
* @template C
* @template D
* @template E
* @template F
* @param A $arg
* @param callable(A): B $ab
* @param callable(B): C $bc
* @param callable(C): D $cd
* @param callable(D): E $de
* @param callable(E): F $ef
* @return F
function pipe4(mixed $arg, callable $ab, callable $bc, callable $cd, callable $de, callable $ef): mixed
return $ef($de($cd($bc($ab($arg)))));
* @template TFoo of string
* @template TBar of bool
final class Item
* @param TFoo $foo
* @param TBar $bar
public function __construct(
public string $foo,
public bool $bar,
) { }
* @return list<Item>
function getList(): array { return []; }
$result = pipe4(
filter(fn($i) => $i->bar),
filter(fn(Item $i) => $i->foo !== "bar"),
map(fn($i) => new Item("test: " . $i->foo, $i->bar)),
'assertions' => [
'$result' => 'non-empty-list<Item<string, bool>>|null',
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '8.0',
'varReturnType' => [
'code' => '<?php
$add_one = function(int $a) : int {
return $a + 1;
$a = $add_one(1);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int',
'varReturnTypeArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
$add_one = fn(int $a) : int => $a + 1;
$a = $add_one(1);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int',
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '7.4',
'varCallableParamReturnType' => [
'code' => '<?php
$add_one = function(int $a): int {
return $a + 1;
* @param callable(int) : int $c
function bar(callable $c) : int {
return $c(1);
'callableToClosure' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @return callable
function foo() {
return function(string $a): string {
return $a . "blah";
'callableToClosureArrow' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @return callable
function foo() {
return fn(string $a): string => $a . "blah";
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '7.4',
'callable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(callable $c): void {
echo (string)$c();
'callableClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
public function __invoke(): string {
return "You ran?";
function foo(callable $c): void {
echo (string)$c();
foo(new C());
$c2 = new C();
'invokeMethodExists' => [
'code' => '<?php
function call(object $obj): void {
if (!method_exists($obj, "__invoke")) {
'correctParamType' => [
'code' => '<?php
$take_string = function(string $s): string { return $s; };
'callableMethodStringCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function foo(callable $c): void {}
foo(A::class . "::bar");',
'callableMethodArrayCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function foo(callable $c): void {}
foo(["A", "bar"]);
foo([A::class, "bar"]);
$a = new A();
foo([$a, "bar"]);',
'callableMethodArrayCallableMissingTypes' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(callable $c): void {}
/** @psalm-suppress MissingParamType */
function bar($a, $b) : void {
foo([$a, $b]);
'arrayMapCallableMethod' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function baz(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
$a = array_map("A::bar", ["one", "two"]);
$b = array_map(["A", "bar"], ["one", "two"]);
$c = array_map([A::class, "bar"], ["one", "two"]);
$d = array_map([new A(), "bar"], ["one", "two"]);
$a_instance = new A();
$e = array_map([$a_instance, "bar"], ["one", "two"]);
$f = array_map("baz", ["one", "two"]);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'list{string, string}',
'$b' => 'list{string, string}',
'$c' => 'list{string, string}',
'$d' => 'list{string, string}',
'$e' => 'list{string, string}',
'$f' => 'list{string, string}',
'arrayCallableMethod' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function foo(callable $c): void {}
foo(["A", "bar"]);',
'callableFunction' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(callable $c): void {}
'inlineCallableFunction' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
function bar(): void {
function foobar(int $a, int $b): int {
return $a > $b ? 1 : 0;
$arr = [5, 4, 3, 1, 2];
usort($arr, "fooBar");
'closureSelf' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A
* @var self[]
private $subitems;
* @param self[] $in
public function __construct(array $in = [])
array_map(function(self $i): self { return $i; }, $in);
$this->subitems = array_map(
function(self $i): self {
return $i;
new A([new A, new A]);',
'possiblyUndefinedFunction' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|callable $middlewareOrPath
function pipe($middlewareOrPath, ?callable $middleware = null): void { }
pipe("zzzz", function() : void {});',
'callableWithNonInvokable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function asd(): void {}
class B {}
* @param callable|B $p
function passes($p): void {}
'callableWithInvokable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function asd(): void {}
class A { public function __invoke(): void {} }
* @param callable|A $p
function fails($p): void {}
'isCallableArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A
public function callMeMaybe(string $method): void
$handleMethod = [$this, $method];
if (is_callable($handleMethod)) {
public function foo(): void {}
$a = new A();
'isCallableString' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(): void {}
function callMeMaybe(string $method): void {
if (is_callable($method)) {
'allowVoidCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable():void $p
function doSomething($p): void {}
doSomething(function(): bool { return false; });',
'callableProperties' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
/** @psalm-var callable():bool */
private $callable;
* @psalm-param callable():bool $callable
public function __construct(callable $callable) {
$this->callable = $callable;
public function callTheCallableDirectly(): bool {
return ($this->callable)();
public function callTheCallableIndirectly(): bool {
$r = $this->callable;
return $r();
'invokableProperties' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public function __invoke(): bool { return true; }
class C {
/** @var A $invokable */
private $invokable;
public function __construct(A $invokable) {
$this->invokable = $invokable;
public function callTheInvokableDirectly(): bool {
return ($this->invokable)();
public function callTheInvokableIndirectly(): bool {
$r = $this->invokable;
return $r();
'nullableReturnTypeShorthand' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
/** @param callable(mixed):?A $a */
function foo(callable $a): void {}',
'callablesCanBeObjects' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(callable $c) : void {
if (is_object($c)) {
'objectsCanBeCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(object $c) : void {
if (is_callable($c)) {
'unionCanBeCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {
public function __invoke() : string {
return "hello";
* @param A|B $c
function foo($c) : void {
if (is_callable($c)) {
'goodCallableArgs' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable(string,string):int $_p
function f(callable $_p): void {}
class C {
public static function m(string $a, string $b): int { return $a <=> $b; }
f([new C, "m"]);
f([C::class, "m"]);',
'callableWithSpaces' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable(string, string) : int $p
function f(callable $p): void {}',
'fileExistsCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return string[] */
function foo(string $prospective_file_path) : array {
return array_filter(
'callableSelfArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C extends B {}
$b = new B();
$c = new C();
$b->func2(function(B $x): void {});
$c->func2(function(B $x): void {});
class A {}
class B extends A {
* @param callable(self) $f
function func2(callable $f): void {
'callableParentArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C extends B {}
$b = new B();
$c = new C();
$b->func3(function(A $x): void {});
$c->func3(function(A $x): void {});
class A {}
class B extends A {
* @param callable(parent) $f
function func3(callable $f): void {
'callableStaticArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C extends B {}
$b = new B();
$c = new C();
$b->func1(function(B $x): void {});
$c->func1(function(C $x): void {});
class A {}
class B extends A {
* @param callable(static) $f
function func1(callable $f): void {
'callableStaticReturn' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {
* @param callable():static $f
function func1(callable $f): void {}
final class C extends B {}
$c = new C();
$c->func1(function(): C { return new C(); });',
'callableSelfReturn' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {
* @param callable():self $f
function func2(callable $f): void {}
final class C extends B {}
$b = new B();
$c = new C();
$b->func2(function() { return new B(); });
$c->func2(function() { return new C(); });',
'callableParentReturn' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {
* @param callable():parent $f
function func3(callable $f): void {}
$b = new B();
$b->func3(function() { return new A(); });',
'selfArrayMapCallableWrongClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Foo {
public function __construct(int $param) {}
public static function foo(int $param): Foo {
return new self($param);
public static function baz(int $param): self {
return new self($param);
class Bar {
* @return array<int, Foo>
public function bar() {
return array_map([Foo::class, "foo"], [1,2,3]);
/** @return array<int, Foo> */
public function bat() {
return array_map([Foo::class, "baz"], [1]);
'dynamicCallableArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
/** @var string */
private $value = "default";
private function modify(string $name, string $value): void {
call_user_func([$this, "modify" . $name], $value);
public function modifyFoo(string $value): void {
$this->value = $value;
'callableIsArrayAssertion' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(callable $c) : void {
if (is_array($c)) {
echo $c[1];
'callableOrArrayIsArrayAssertion' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable|array $c
function foo($c) : void {
if (is_array($c) && isset($c[1]) && is_string($c[1])) {
echo $c[1];
'dontInferMethodIdWhenFormatDoesntFit' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param string|callable $p */
function f($p): array {
return [];
'removeCallableAssertionAfterReassignment' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(string $key) : void {
$setter = "a" . $key;
if (is_callable($setter)) {
$setter = "b" . $key;
if (is_callable($setter)) {}
'noExceptionOnSelfString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Fish {
public static function example(array $vals): void {
usort($vals, ["self", "compare"]);
* @param mixed $a
* @param mixed $b
public static function compare($a, $b): int {
return -1;
'noFatalErrorOnClassWithSlash' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Func {
public function __construct(string $name, callable $callable) {}
class Foo {
public static function bar(): string { return "asd"; }
new Func("f", ["\Foo", "bar"]);',
'staticReturningCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class Id
* @var string
private $id;
final protected function __construct(string $id)
$this->id = $id;
* @return static
final public static function fromString(string $id): self
return new static($id);
final class CriterionId extends Id
final class CriterionIds
* @psalm-var non-empty-list<CriterionId>
private $ids;
* @psalm-param non-empty-list<CriterionId> $ids
private function __construct(array $ids)
$this->ids = $ids;
* @psalm-param non-empty-list<string> $ids
public static function fromStrings(array $ids): self
return new self(array_map([CriterionId::class, "fromString"], $ids));
'offsetOnCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function c(callable $c) : void {
if (is_array($c)) {
new ReflectionClass($c[0]);
'destructureCallableArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
function getCallable(): callable {
return [DateTimeImmutable::class, "createFromFormat"];
$callable = getCallable();
if (!is_array($callable)) {
[$classOrObject, $method] = $callable;',
'assertions' => [
'$classOrObject' => 'class-string|object',
'$method' => 'string'
'callableInterface' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface CallableInterface{
public function __invoke(): bool;
function takesInvokableInterface(CallableInterface $c): void{
function takesCallable(callable $c): void {
'notCallableArrayNoUndefinedClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-param array|callable $_fields
function f($_fields): void {}
f(["instance_date" => "ASC", "start_time" => "ASC"]);'
'callOnInvokableOrCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface Callback {
public function __invoke(): void;
/** @var Callback|callable */
$test = function (): void {};
'resolveTraitClosureReturn' => [
'code' => '<?php
class B {
* @psalm-param callable(mixed...):static $i
function takesACall(callable $i) : void {}
public function call() : void {
$this->takesACall(function() {return $this;});
'returnClosureReturningStatic' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-consistent-constructor
class C {
* @return Closure():static
public static function foo() {
return function() {
return new static();
'returnsVoidAcceptableForNullable' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param callable():?bool $c */
function takesCallable(callable $c) : void {}
takesCallable(function() { return; });',
'byRefUsesAlwaysMixed' => [
'code' => '<?php
$callback = function() use (&$isCalled) : void {
$isCalled = true;
$isCalled = false;
if ($isCalled === true) {}'
'notCallableListNoUndefinedClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array|callable $arg
function foo($arg): void {}
foo(["a", "b"]);'
'abstractInvokeInTrait' => [
'code' => '<?php
function testFunc(callable $func) : void {}
trait TestTrait {
abstract public function __invoke() : void;
public function apply() : void {
abstract class TestClass {
use TestTrait;
public function providerInvalidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'undefinedCallableClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public function getFoo(): Foo
return new Foo([]);
* @param mixed $argOne
* @param mixed $argTwo
* @return void
public function bar($argOne, $argTwo)
$this->getFoo()($argOne, $argTwo);
'error_message' => 'InvalidFunctionCall',
'ignored_issues' => ['UndefinedClass', 'MixedInferredReturnType'],
'undefinedCallableMethodFullString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function foo(callable $c): void {}
'error_message' => 'UndefinedMethod',
'undefinedCallableMethodClassConcat' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function foo(callable $c): void {}
foo(A::class . "::barr");',
'error_message' => 'UndefinedMethod',
'undefinedCallableMethodArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function foo(callable $c): void {}
foo([A::class, "::barr"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'undefinedCallableMethodArrayWithoutClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function foo(callable $c): void {}
foo(["A", "::barr"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'undefinedCallableMethodClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public static function bar(string $a): string {
return $a . "b";
function foo(callable $c): void {}
'error_message' => 'UndefinedClass',
'undefinedCallableFunction' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(callable $c): void {}
'error_message' => 'UndefinedFunction',
'stringFunctionCall' => [
'code' => '<?php
$bad_one = "hello";
$a = $bad_one(1);',
'error_message' => 'MixedAssignment',
'wrongCallableReturnType' => [
'code' => '<?php
$add_one = function(int $a): int {
return $a + 1;
* @param callable(int) : int $c
function bar(callable $c) : string {
return $c(1);
'error_message' => 'InvalidReturnStatement',
'checkCallableTypeString' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable(int,int):int $_p
function f(callable $_p): void {}
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'checkCallableTypeArrayInstanceFirstArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable(int,int):int $_p
function f(callable $_p): void {}
class C {
public static function m(string $a, string $b): int { return $a <=> $b; }
f([new C, "m"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'checkCallableTypeArrayClassStringFirstArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable(int,int):int $_p
function f(callable $_p): void {}
class C {
public static function m(string $a, string $b): int { return $a <=> $b; }
f([C::class, "m"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'callableWithSpaceAfterColonBadVarArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
* @var callable(string, string): bool $p
public $p;
public function __construct() {
$this->p = function (string $s, string $t): stdClass {
return new stdClass;
'error_message' => 'InvalidPropertyAssignmentValue',
'callableWithSpaceBeforeColonBadVarArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
* @var callable(string, string) :bool $p
public $p;
public function __construct() {
$this->p = function (string $s, string $t): stdClass {
return new stdClass;
'error_message' => 'InvalidPropertyAssignmentValue',
'callableWithSpacesEitherSideOfColonBadVarArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
* @var callable(string, string) : bool $p
public $p;
public function __construct() {
$this->p = function (string $s, string $t): stdClass {
return new stdClass;
'error_message' => 'InvalidPropertyAssignmentValue',
'badArrayMapArrayCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
class one { public function two(string $_p): void {} }
array_map(["two", "three"], ["one", "two"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'noFatalErrorOnMissingClassWithSlash' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Func {
public function __construct(string $name, callable $callable) {}
new Func("f", ["\Foo", "bar"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument'
'noFatalErrorOnMissingClassWithoutSlash' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Func {
public function __construct(string $name, callable $callable) {}
new Func("f", ["Foo", "bar"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument'
'preventStringDocblockType' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string $mapper
function map2(callable $mapper): void {}
'error_message' => 'MismatchingDocblockParamType',
'moreSpecificCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param callable(string):void $c */
function takesSpecificCallable(callable $c) : void {
function takesCallable(callable $c) : void {
'error_message' => 'MixedArgumentTypeCoercion'
'undefinedVarInBareCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
$fn = function(int $a): void{};
function a(callable $fn): void{
'error_message' => 'UndefinedVariable',
'dontQualifyStringCallables' => [
'code' => '<?php
namespace NS;
function ff() : void {}
function run(callable $f) : void {
'error_message' => 'UndefinedFunction',
'badCustomFunction' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable(int):bool $func
function takesFunction(callable $func) : void {}
function myFunction( string $foo ) : bool {
return false;
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'emptyCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = "";
'error_message' => 'InvalidFunctionCall',
'ImpureFunctionCall' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-template T
* @psalm-param array<int, T> $values
* @psalm-param (callable(T): numeric) $num_func
* @psalm-return null|T
* @psalm-pure
function max_by(array $values, callable $num_func)
$max = null;
$max_num = null;
foreach ($values as $value) {
$value_num = $num_func($value);
if (null === $max_num || $value_num >= $max_num) {
$max = $value;
$max_num = $value_num;
return $max;
$c = max_by([1, 2, 3], static function(int $a): int {
return $a + mt_rand(0, $a);
echo $c;
'error_message' => 'ImpureFunctionCall',
'ignored_issues' => [],
'constructCallableFromClassStringArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface Foo {
public function bar() : int;
* @param callable():string $c
function takesCallableReturningString(callable $c) : void {
* @param class-string<Foo> $c
function foo(string $c) : void {
takesCallableReturningString([$c, "bar"]);
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'inexistantCallableinCallableString' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param callable-string $c
function c(string $c): void {
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'mismatchParamTypeFromDocblock' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template A
final class ArrayList
* @template B
* @param Closure(A): B $effect
* @return ArrayList<B>
public function map(Closure $effect): ArrayList
throw new RuntimeException("???");
* @template T
* @template B
* @param ArrayList<T> $list
* @return ArrayList<array{T}>
function genericContext(ArrayList $list): ArrayList
return $list->map(
/** @param B $_a */
function ($_a) {
return [$_a];
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',