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namespace Psalm\Tests\TypeReconciliation;
use Psalm\Tests\TestCase;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
class ConditionalTest extends TestCase
use InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
* @return iterable<string,array{code:string,assertions?:array<string,string>,ignored_issues?:list<string>}>
public function providerValidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'intIsMixed' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param mixed $a */
function foo($a): void {
$b = 5;
if ($b === $a) { }
'typeResolutionFromDocblock' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A { }
* @param A $a
* @return void
function fooFoo($a) {
if ($a instanceof A) {
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType'],
'arrayTypeResolutionFromDocblock' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string[] $strs
* @return void
function foo(array $strs) {
foreach ($strs as $str) {
if (is_string($str)) {}
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType'],
'typeResolutionFromDocblockInside' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param int $length
* @return void
function foo($length) {
if (!is_int($length)) {
if (is_numeric($length)) {
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['DocblockTypeContradiction'],
'notInstanceof' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A { }
class B extends A { }
$a = new A();
$out = null;
if ($a instanceof B) {
// do something
else {
$out = $a;
'assertions' => [
'$out' => 'A|null',
'notInstanceOfProperty' => [
'code' => '<?php
class B { }
class C extends B { }
class A {
/** @var B */
public $foo;
public function __construct() {
$this->foo = new B();
$a = new A();
$out = null;
if ($a->foo instanceof C) {
// do something
else {
$out = $a->foo;
'assertions' => [
'$out' => 'B|null',
'ignored_issues' => [],
'notInstanceOfPropertyElseif' => [
'code' => '<?php
class B { }
class C extends B { }
class A {
/** @var string|B */
public $foo = "";
$a = new A();
$out = null;
if (is_string($a->foo)) {
elseif ($a->foo instanceof C) {
// do something
else {
$out = $a->foo;
'assertions' => [
'$out' => 'B|null',
'ignored_issues' => [],
'typeRefinementWithIsNumericOnIntOrFalse' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return void */
function fooFoo(string $a) {
if (is_numeric($a)) { }
if (is_numeric($a) && $a === "1") { }
$b = rand(0, 1) ? 5 : false;
if (is_numeric($b)) { }',
'typeRefinementWithIsNumericAndIsString' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param mixed $a
* @return void
function foo ($a) {
if (is_numeric($a)) {
if (is_string($a)) {
'typeRefinementWithIsNumericOnIntOrString' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 5) > 4 ? "hello" : 5;
if (is_numeric($a)) {
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'string',
'typeRefinementWithStringOrTrue' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 5) > 4 ? "hello" : true;
if (is_bool($a)) {
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'string',
'updateMultipleIssetVars' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return void **/
function foo(string $s) {}
$a = rand(0, 1) ? ["hello"] : null;
if (isset($a[0])) {
'updateMultipleIssetVarsWithVariableOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return void **/
function foo(string $s) {}
$a = rand(0, 1) ? ["hello"] : null;
$b = 0;
if (isset($a[$b])) {
'instanceOfSubtypes' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class A {}
class B extends A {}
abstract class C {}
class D extends C {}
function makeA(): A {
return new B();
function makeC(): C {
return new D();
$a = rand(0, 1) ? makeA() : makeC();
if ($a instanceof B || $a instanceof D) { }',
'typeReconciliationAfterIfAndReturn' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|int $a
* @return string|int
function foo($a) {
if (is_string($a)) {
return $a;
} elseif (is_int($a)) {
return $a;
throw new \LogicException("Runtime error");
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType'],
'ignoreNullCheckAndMaintainNullValue' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = null;
if ($a !== null) { }
$b = $a;',
'assertions' => [
'$b' => 'null',
'ignored_issues' => ['TypeDoesNotContainType', 'RedundantCondition'],
'ignoreNullCheckAndMaintainNullableValue' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 1) ? 5 : null;
if ($a !== null) { }
$b = $a;',
'assertions' => [
'$b' => 'int|null',
'ternaryByRefVar' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(): void {
$b = null;
$c = rand(0, 1) ? bar($b) : null;
if (is_int($b)) { }
function bar(?int &$a): void {
$a = 5;
'ternaryByRefVarInConditional' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(): void {
$b = null;
if (rand(0, 1) || bar($b)) {
if (is_int($b)) { }
function bar(?int &$a): void {
$a = 5;
'possibleInstanceof' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface I1 {}
interface I2 {}
class A
public function foo(): void {
if ($this instanceof I1 || $this instanceof I2) {}
'intersection' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface I {
public function bat(): void;
function takesI(I $i): void {}
function takesA(A $a): void {}
/** @param A&I $a */
function takesAandI($a): void {}
/** @param I&A $a */
function takesIandA($a): void {}
class A {
* @return A&I|null
public function foo() {
if ($this instanceof I) {
protected function bar(): void {}
class B extends A implements I {
public function bat(): void {}
'createIntersectionOfInterfaceAndClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public function bat() : void {}
interface I {
public function baz() : void;
function foo(I $i) : void {
if ($i instanceof A) {
function bar(A $a) : void {
if ($a instanceof I) {
class B extends A implements I {
public function baz() : void {}
foo(new B);
bar(new B);',
'unionOfArrayOrTraversable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(iterable $iterable) : void {
if (\is_array($iterable)) {}
if ($iterable instanceof \Traversable) {}
'isTruthy' => [
'code' => '<?php
function f(string $s = null): string {
if ($s == true) {
return $s;
return "backup";
'stringOrCallableArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|callable $param
function f($param): void {}
'stringOrCallableOrObjectArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|callable|object $param
function f($param): void {}
'intOrFloatArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param int|float $param
function f($param): void {}
'nullReplacement' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|null|false $a
* @return string|false $a
function foo($a) {
if ($a === null) {
if (rand(0, 4) > 2) {
$a = "hello";
} else {
$a = false;
return $a;
'nullableIntReplacement' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 1) ? 5 : null;
$b = (bool)rand(0, 1);
if ($b || $a !== null) {
$a = 3;
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int|null',
'eraseNullAfterInequalityCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = mt_rand(0, 1) ? mt_rand(-10, 10) : null;
if ($a > 0) {
echo $a + 3;
if (0 < $a) {
echo $a + 3;
'twoWrongsDontMakeARight' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$a = false;
} else {
$a = false;
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'false',
'instanceofStatic' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class Foo {
* @return static[]
abstract public static function getArr() : array;
* @return static|null
public static function getOne() {
$one = current(static::getArr());
return $one instanceof static ? $one : null;
'isaStaticClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class Foo {
* @return static[]
abstract public static function getArr() : array;
* @return static|null
public static function getOne() {
$one = current(static::getArr());
return is_a($one, static::class, false) ? $one : null;
'isAClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
$a_class = rand(0, 1) ? A::class : "blargle";
if (is_a($a_class, A::class, true)) {
echo "cool";
'specificArrayFields' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array{field:string} $array
function print_field($array) : void {
echo $array["field"];
* @param array{field:string,otherField:string} $array
function has_mix_of_fields($array) : void {
'falsyScalar' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param scalar|null $value
function Foo($value = null) : bool {
if (!$value) {
return true;
return false;
'numericStringAssertion' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param mixed $a
function foo($a, string $b) : void {
if (is_numeric($b) && $a === $b) {
echo $a;
'reconcileNullableStringWithWeakEquality' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(?string $s) : void {
if ($s == "hello" || $s == "goodbye") {
if ($s == "hello") {
echo "cool";
echo "cooler";
'reconcileNullableStringWithStrictEqualityStrings' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(?string $s, string $a, string $b) : void {
if ($s === $a || $s === $b) {
if ($s === $a) {
echo "cool";
echo "cooler";
'reconcileNullableStringWithWeakEqualityStrings' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(?string $s, string $a, string $b) : void {
if ($s == $a || $s == $b) {
if ($s == $a) {
echo "cool";
echo "cooler";
'allowWeakEqualityScalarType' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(int $i) : void {
if ($i == "5") {}
if ("5" == $i) {}
if ($i == 5.0) {}
if (5.0 == $i) {}
if ($i == 0) {}
if (0 == $i) {}
if ($i == 0.0) {}
if (0.0 == $i) {}
function bar(float $i) : void {
$i = $i / 100.0;
if ($i == "5") {}
if ("5" == $i) {}
if ($i == 5) {}
if (5 == $i) {}
if ($i == "0") {}
if ("0" == $i) {}
if ($i == 0) {}
if (0 == $i) {}
function bat(string $i) : void {
if ($i == 5) {}
if (5 == $i) {}
if ($i == 5.0) {}
if (5.0 == $i) {}
if ($i == 0) {}
if (0 == $i) {}
if ($i == 0.0) {}
if (0.0 == $i) {}
'filterSubclassBasedOnParentInstanceof' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {
public function foo() : void {}
class C {}
class D extends C {}
$b_or_d = rand(0, 1) ? new B : new D;
if ($b_or_d instanceof A) {
'isArrayOnArrayKeyOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var array{s:array<mixed, array<int, string>|string>} */
$doc = [];
if (!is_array($doc["s"]["t"])) {
$doc["s"]["t"] = [$doc["s"]["t"]];
'assertions' => [
'$doc[\'s\'][\'t\']' => 'array<int, string>',
'removeTrue' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 1) ? new stdClass : true;
if ($a === true) {
function takesStdClass(stdClass $s) : void {}
'noReconciliationInElseIf' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
$a = rand(0, 1) ? new A : null;
if (rand(0, 1)) {
// do nothing
} elseif (!$a) {
$a = new A();
if ($a) {}',
'removeStringWithIsScalar' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 1) ? "hello" : null;
if (is_scalar($a)) {
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'null',
'removeNullWithIsScalar' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 1) ? "hello" : null;
if (!is_scalar($a)) {
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'string',
'scalarToNumeric' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param scalar $thing
function Foo($thing) : void {
if (is_numeric($thing)) {}
'filterSubclassBasedOnParentNegativeInstanceof' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Obj {}
class A extends Obj {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends Obj {}
class D extends C {}
function takesD(D $d) : void {}
/** @param B|D $bar */
function foo(Obj $bar) : void {
if (!$bar instanceof A) {
'dontEliminateAssignOp' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Obj {}
class A extends Obj {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends Obj {}
class D extends C {}
class E extends C {}
function bar(Obj $node) : void {
if ($node instanceof B
|| $node instanceof D
|| $node instanceof E
) {
if ($node instanceof C) {}
if ($node instanceof D) {}
'eliminateNonArrays' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface I {}
function takesArray(array $_a): void {}
/** @param string|I|string[]|I[] $p */
function eliminatesNonArray($p): void {
if (is_array($p)) {
'eliminateNonIterable' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param iterable<string>|null $foo
function d(?iterable $foo): void {
if (is_iterable($foo)) {
foreach ($foo as $f) {}
if (!is_iterable($foo)) {
} else {
foreach ($foo as $f) {}
'isStringServerVar' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (is_string($_SERVER["abc"])) {
echo substr($_SERVER["abc"], 1, 2);
'notObject' => [
'code' => '<?php
function f(): ?object {
return rand(0,1) ? new stdClass : null;
$data = f();
if (!$data) {}
if ($data) {}',
'reconcileWithInstanceof' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {
public function b() : bool {
return (bool) rand(0, 1);
function bar(?A $a) : void {
if (!$a || ($a instanceof B && $a->b())) {}
'reconcileFloatToEmpty' => [
'code' => '<?php
function bar(float $f) : void {
if (!$f) {}
'scalarToBool' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var scalar */
$s = 1;
if (is_bool($s)) {}
if (!is_bool($s)) {}',
'assertions' => [
'$s' => 'scalar'
'scalarToString' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var scalar */
$s = 1;
if (is_string($s)) {}
if (!is_string($s)) {}',
'assertions' => [
'$s' => 'scalar'
'scalarToInt' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var scalar */
$s = 1;
if (is_int($s)) {}
if (!is_int($s)) {}',
'assertions' => [
'$s' => 'scalar'
'scalarToFloat' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var scalar */
$s = 1;
if (is_float($s)) {}
if (!is_float($s)) {}',
'assertions' => [
'$s' => 'scalar'
'removeFromArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<string> $v
function foo(array $v) : void {
if (!isset($v[0])) {
if ($v[0] === " ") {
if (!isset($v[0])) {}
'arrayEquality' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<string, array<array-key, string|int>> $haystack
* @param array<array-key, int|string> $needle
function foo(array $haystack, array $needle) : void {
foreach ($haystack as $arr) {
if ($arr === $needle) {}
'classResolvesBackToSelfAfterComparison' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {}
function getA() : A {
return new A();
$a = getA();
if ($a instanceof B) {
$a = new B;
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'A',
'isNumericCanBeScalar' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param scalar $val */
function foo($val) : void {
if (!is_numeric($val)) {}
'classStringCanBeFalsy' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param class-string<stdClass>|null $val */
function foo(?string $val) : void {
if (!$val) {}
if ($val) {}
'allowStringToObjectReconciliation' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|object $maybe
* @throws InvalidArgumentException but it should not
function foo($maybe) : string {
/** @psalm-suppress DocblockTypeContradiction */
if ( ! is_string($maybe) && ! is_object($maybe)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("bad");
return is_string($maybe) ? $maybe : get_class($maybe);
'allowObjectToStringReconciliation' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|object $maybe
* @throws InvalidArgumentException but it should not
function bar($maybe) : string {
/** @psalm-suppress DocblockTypeContradiction */
if ( ! is_string($maybe) && ! is_object($maybe)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("bad");
return is_object($maybe) ? get_class($maybe) : $maybe;
'removeArrayWithIterableCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
$s = rand(0,1) ? "foo" : [1];
if (!is_iterable($s)) {
'removeIterableWithIterableCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var string|iterable */
$s = rand(0,1) ? "foo" : [1];
if (!is_iterable($s)) {
'removeArrayWithIterableCheckWithExit' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0,1) ? "foo" : [1];
if (is_iterable($a)) {
'removeIterableWithIterableCheckWithExit' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var string|iterable */
$a = rand(0,1) ? "foo" : [1];
if (is_iterable($a)) {
'removeCallableString' => [
'code' => '<?php
$s = rand(0,1) ? "strlen" : [1];
if (!is_callable($s)) {
'removeCallableClosure' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 1) ? (function(): void {}) : 1;
if (!is_callable($a)) {
echo $a;
'removeCallableWithAssertion' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param mixed $p
* @psalm-assert !callable $p
* @throws TypeError
function assertIsNotCallable($p): void { if (!is_callable($p)) throw new TypeError; }
/** @return callable|float */
function f() { return rand(0,1) ? "f" : 1.1; }
$a = f();
$b = f();
'removeNonCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
$f = rand(0, 1) ? "strlen" : 1.1;
if (is_callable($f)) {
'dontChangeScalar' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param scalar|null $val
function foo($val) : ? bool {
if ("1" === $val || 1 === $val) {
return true;
} elseif ("0" === $val || 0 === $val) {
return false;
return null;
'emptyArrayCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param non-empty-array $x
function example(array $x): void {}
/** @var array */
$x = [];
if ($x !== []) {
'emptyArrayCheckInverse' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param non-empty-array $x
function example(array $x): void {}
/** @var array */
$x = [];
if ($x === []) {
} else {
'allowNumericToFoldIntoType' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param mixed $width
* @param mixed $height
* @throws RuntimeException
function Foo($width, $height) : void {
if (!is_numeric($width) || !is_numeric($height)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Width & Height were not numeric!");
echo sprintf("padding-top:%s%%;", 100 * ($height/$width));
'notEmptyCheckOnMixedInTernary' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = !empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] !== "off" ? true : false;',
'notEmptyCheckOnMixedInIf' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] !== "off") {
$a = true;
} else {
$a = false;
'dontRewriteNullableArrayAfterEmptyCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array{x:int,y:int}|null $start_pos
* @return array{x:int,y:int}|null
function foo(?array $start_pos) : ?array {
if ($start_pos) {}
return $start_pos;
'falseEqualsBoolean' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {
public function foo() : void {}
class C extends A {
public function foo() : void {}
function bar(A $a) : void {
if (false === ($a instanceof B || $a instanceof C)) {
function baz(A $a) : void {
if (($a instanceof B || $a instanceof C) === false) {
'selfInstanceofStatic' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public function foo(self $value): void {
if ($value instanceof static) {}
'reconcileCallable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function reflectCallable(callable $callable): ReflectionFunctionAbstract {
if (\is_array($callable)) {
return new \ReflectionMethod($callable[0], $callable[1]);
} elseif ($callable instanceof \Closure || \is_string($callable)) {
return new \ReflectionFunction($callable);
} else {
return new \ReflectionMethod($callable, "__invoke");
'noLeakyClassType' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public array $foo = [];
public array $bar = [];
public function setter() : void {
if ($this->foo) {
$this->foo = [];
public function iffer() : bool {
return $this->foo || $this->bar;
'noLeakyForeachType' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
/** @var mixed */
public $_array_value = null;
private function getArrayValue() : ?array {
return rand(0, 1) ? [] : null;
public function setValue(string $var) : void {
$this->_array_value = $this->getArrayValue();
if ($this->_array_value !== null && !count($this->_array_value)) {
switch ($var) {
case "a":
foreach ($this->_array_value ?: [] as $v) {}
case "b":
foreach ($this->_array_value ?: [] as $v) {}
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['MixedAssignment'],
'nonEmptyThing' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param mixed $clips */
function foo($clips, bool $found, int $id) : void {
if ($found === false) {
$clips = [];
$i = array_search($id, $clips);
if ($i !== false) {
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['MixedArgument', 'MixedArrayAccess', 'MixedAssignment', 'MixedArrayOffset'],
'allowNonEmptyArrayComparison' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param non-empty-array $a
* @param array<string> $b
function foo(array $a, array $b) : void {
if ($a === $b) {}
'preventCombinatorialExpansion' => [
'code' => '<?php
function gameOver(
int $b0,
int $b1,
int $b2,
int $b3,
int $b4,
int $b5,
int $b6,
int $b7,
int $b8
): bool {
if (($b0 === 1 && $b1 === 1 && $b2 === 1)
|| ($b3 === 1 && $b4 === 1 && $b5 === 1)
|| ($b6 === 1 && $b7 === 1 && $b8 === 1)
) {
return true;
return false;
'checkIterableType' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<int> $x
function takesArray (array $x): void {}
/** @var iterable<int> */
$x = null;
* @param Traversable<int> $x
function takesTraversable (Traversable $x): void {}
/** @var iterable<int> */
$x = null;
assert($x instanceof Traversable);
'dontReconcileArrayOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @psalm-suppress TypeDoesNotContainType */
function foo(array $a) : void {
if (!is_array($a)) {
if ($a[0] === 5) {}
'nullCoalesceTypedArrayValue' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param string[] $arr */
function foo(array $arr) : string {
return $arr["b"] ?? "bar";
'nullCoalesceTypedValue' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(?string $s) : string {
return $s ?? "bar";
'looseEqualityShouldNotConvertMixedToLiteralString' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var mixed */
$int = 0;
$string = "0";
function takes_string(string $string) : void {}
function takes_int(int $int) : void {}
if ($int == $string) {
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */
'looseEqualityShouldNotConverMixedToString' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var mixed */
$int = 0;
/** @var string */
$string = "0";
function takes_string(string $string) : void {}
function takes_int(int $int) : void {}
if ($int == $string) {
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */
'looseEqualityShouldNotConvertIntToString' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var int */
$int = 0;
/** @var string */
$string = "0";
function takes_string(string $string) : void {}
function takes_int(int $int) : void {}
if ($int == $string) {
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */
'removeAllObjects' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {
public function foo() : void {}
class BChild extends B {}
class C extends A {}
class D extends A {}
/** @param B|C|D $a */
function foo(A $a) : B {
if ($a instanceof C) {
$a = new B();
} elseif ($a instanceof D) {
$a = new B();
} elseif (!$a instanceof BChild) {
// do something
return $a;
'nullCoalescePossibleMixed' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-suppress MixedReturnStatement
* @psalm-suppress MixedInferredReturnType
function foo() : array {
return filter_input_array(INPUT_POST) ?? [];
'noCrashOnWeirdArrayKeys' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-suppress MixedPropertyFetch
* @psalm-suppress MixedArrayOffset
function foo(array $a, array $b) : void {
if (isset($a[$b[0]->id])) {}
'assertArrayReturnTypeNarrowed' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return array{0:Exception} */
function f(array $a): array {
if ($a[0] instanceof Exception) {
return $a;
return [new Exception("bad")];
'assertTypeNarrowedByAssert' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return array{0:Exception,1:Exception} */
function f(array $ret): array {
assert($ret[0] instanceof Exception);
assert($ret[1] instanceof Exception);
return $ret;
'assertTypeNarrowedByButOtherFetchesAreMixed' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @return array{0:Exception}
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
function f(array $ret): array {
assert($ret[0] instanceof Exception);
echo strlen($ret[1]);
return $ret;
'assertCheckOnNonZeroArrayOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array{string,array|null} $a
* @return string
function f(array $a) {
return $a[0];
'assertOnParseUrlOutput' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<"a"|"b"|"c", mixed> $arr
function uriToPath(array $arr) : string {
if (!isset($arr["a"]) || $arr["b"] !== "foo") {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("bad");
return (string) $arr["c"];
'combineAfterLoopAssert' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param array<string, string> $array */
function foo(array $array) : void {
$c = 0;
if ($array["a"] === "a") {
foreach ([rand(0, 1), rand(0, 1)] as $i) {
if ($array["b"] === "c") {}
'assertOnArrayTwice' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param array<string, string> $array */
function f(array $array) : void {
if ($array["bar"] === "a") {}
if ($array["bar"] === "b") {}
'assertOnArrayThrice' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param array<string, string> $array */
function f(array $array) : void {
if ($array["foo"] === "ok") {
if ($array["bar"] === "a") {}
if ($array["bar"] === "b") {}
'assertOnBacktrace' => [
'code' => '<?php
function _validProperty(array $c, array $arr) : void {
if (empty($arr["a"])) {}
if ($c && $c["a"] !== "b") {}
'notEmptyCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
function load(string $objectName, array $config = []) : void {
if (isset($config["className"])) {
$name = $objectName;
$objectName = $config["className"];
if (!empty($config)) {}
'unsetAfterIssetCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
function checkbox(array $options = []) : void {
if ($options["a"]) {}
unset($options["a"], $options["b"]);
'dontCrashWhenGettingEmptyCountAssertions' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo() : bool {
/** @psalm-suppress TooFewArguments */
return count() > 0;
'assertHasArrayAccessSimple' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @return mixed
function getBar(array $array) {
if (isset($array[\'foo\'][\'bar\'])) {
return $array[\'foo\'][\'baz\'];
return [];
'assertHasArrayAccessWithType' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<string, array<string, string>> $array
* @return array<string, string>
function getBar(array $array) : array {
if (isset($array[\'foo\'][\'bar\'])) {
return $array[\'foo\'];
return [];
'assertHasArrayAccessOnSimpleXMLElement' => [
'code' => '<?php
function getBar(SimpleXMLElement $e, string $s) : void {
if (isset($e[$s])) {
echo (string) $e[$s];
if (isset($e[\'foo\'])) {
echo (string) $e[\'foo\'];
if (isset($e->bar)) {}
'assertArrayOffsetToTraversable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function render(array $data): ?Traversable {
if ($data["o"] instanceof Traversable) {
return $data["o"];
return null;
'assertOnArrayShouldNotChangeType' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return array|string|false */
function foo(string $a, string $b) {
$options = getopt($a, [$b]);
if (isset($options["config"])) {
$options["c"] = $options["config"];
if (isset($options["root"])) {
return $options["root"];
return false;
'assertOnArrayInTernary' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(string $a, string $b) : void {
$o = getopt($a, [$b]);
$a = isset($o["a"]) && is_string($o["a"]) ? $o["a"] : "foo";
$a = isset($o["a"]) && is_string($o["a"]) ? $o["a"] : "foo";
echo $a;
'nonEmptyArrayAfterIsset' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<string, int> $arr
* @return non-empty-array<string, int>
function foo(array $arr) : array {
if (isset($arr["a"])) {
return $arr;
return ["b" => 1];
'setArrayConstantOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
class S {
const A = 0;
const B = 1;
const C = 2;
function foo(array $arr) : void {
switch ($arr[S::A]) {
case S::B:
case S::C:
'assertArrayWithPropertyOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public int $id = 0;
class B {
public function foo() : void {}
* @param array<int, B> $arr
function foo(A $a, array $arr): void {
if (!isset($arr[$a->id])) {
$arr[$a->id] = new B();
'assertAfterNotEmptyArrayCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(array $c): void {
if (!empty($c["d"])) {}
foreach (["a", "b", "c"] as $k) {
/** @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */
foreach ($c[$k] as $d) {}
'assertNotEmptyTwiceOnInstancePropertyArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
private array $c = [];
public function bar(string $s, string $t): void {
if (empty($this->c[$s]) && empty($this->c[$t])) {}
'assertNotEmptyTwiceOnStaticPropertyArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
private static array $c = [];
public static function bar(string $s, string $t): void {
if (empty(self::$c[$s]) && empty(self::$c[$t])) {}
'assertConstantArrayOffsetTwice' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
const FOO = "foo";
const BAR = "bar";
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */
public function bar(array $args) : void {
if ($args[self::FOO]) {
echo $args[self::FOO];
if ($args[self::BAR]) {
echo $args[self::BAR];
'assertNotEmptyOnArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(bool $c, array $arr) : void {
if ($c && !empty($arr["b"])) {
if ($c && rand(0, 1)) {}
'assertIssetOnArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(bool $c, array $arr) : void {
if ($c && $arr && isset($arr["b"]) && $arr["b"]) {
if ($c && rand(0, 1)) {}
'assertMixedOffsetExists' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
/** @var mixed */
private $arr;
* @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAccess
* @psalm-suppress MixedReturnStatement
* @psalm-suppress MixedInferredReturnType
* @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment
public function foo() : stdClass {
if (isset($this->arr[0])) {
return $this->arr[0];
$this->arr[0] = new stdClass;
return $this->arr[0];
'assertPropertiesOfElseStatement' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
public string $a = "";
public string $b = "";
function testElse(C $obj) : void {
if ($obj->a === "foo") {
} elseif ($obj->b === "bar") {
} else if ($obj->b === "baz") {}
if ($obj->b === "baz") {}
'assertPropertiesOfElseifStatement' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
public string $a = "";
public string $b = "";
function testElseif(C $obj) : void {
if ($obj->a === "foo") {
} elseif ($obj->b === "bar") {
} elseif ($obj->b === "baz") {}
if ($obj->b === "baz") {}
'assertArrayWithOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param mixed $decoded
* @return array{icons:mixed}
function assertArrayWithOffset($decoded): array {
if (!is_array($decoded)
|| !isset($decoded["icons"])
) {
throw new RuntimeException("Bad");
return $decoded;
'avoidOOM' => [
'code' => '<?php
function gameOver(
int $b0,
int $b1,
int $b2,
int $b3,
int $b4,
int $b5,
int $b6,
int $b7,
int $b8
): bool {
if (($b0 === 1 && $b4 === 1 && $b8 === 1)
|| ($b0 === 1 && $b1 === 1 && $b2 === 1)
|| ($b0 === 1 && $b3 === 1 && $b6 === 1)
|| ($b1 === 1 && $b4 === 1 && $b7 === 1)
|| ($b2 === 1 && $b5 === 1 && $b8 === 1)
|| ($b2 === 1 && $b4 === 1 && $b6 === 1)
|| ($b3 === 1 && $b4 === 1 && $b5 === 1)
|| ($b6 === 1 && $b7 === 1 && $b8 === 1)
) {
return true;
return false;
'assertVarAfterNakedBinaryOp' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public bool $b = false;
function foo(A $a, A $b): void {
$c = !$a->b && !$b->b;
echo $a->b ? 1 : 0;
'literalStringComparisonInIf' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(string $t, bool $b) : void {
if ($t !== "a") {
if ($t === "b" && $b) {}
function bar(string $t, bool $b) : void {
if ($t !== "a") {
if ($t === "b" || $b) {}
'literalStringComparisonInElseif' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(string $t, bool $b) : void {
if ($t === "a") {
} elseif ($t === "b" && $b) {}
function bar(string $t, bool $b) : void {
if ($t === "a") {
} elseif ($t === "b" || $b) {}
'literalStringComparisonInElse' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(string $t, bool $b) : void {
if ($t === "a") {
} else {
if ($t === "b" && $b) {}
function bar(string $t, bool $b) : void {
if ($t === "a") {
} else {
if ($t === "b" || $b) {}
'assertOnArrayThings' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @var array<string, array<int, string>> */
$a = null;
if (isset($a["b"]) || isset($a["c"])) {
$all_params = ($a["b"] ?? []) + ($a["c"] ?? []);
'assertOnNestedLogic' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(?string $a) : void {
if (($a && rand(0, 1)) || rand(0, 1)) {
if ($a && strlen($a) > 5) {}
'arrayUnionTypeSwitching' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param array<string, int|string> $map */
function foo(array $map, string $o) : void {
if ($mapped_type = $map[$o] ?? null) {
if (is_int($mapped_type)) {
if (($mapped_type = $map[""] ?? null) && is_string($mapped_type)) {
'propertySetOnElementInConditional' => [
'code' => '<?php
class DiffElem {
/** @var scalar */
public $old = false;
/** @var scalar */
public $new = false;
function foo(DiffElem $diff_elem) : void {
if ((is_string($diff_elem->old) && is_string($diff_elem->new))
|| (is_int($diff_elem->old) && is_int($diff_elem->new))
) {
'manyNestedAsserts' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {}
function foo(A $left, A $right) : void {
if (($left instanceof B && rand(0, 1))
|| ($right instanceof B && rand(0, 1))
) {
if ($left instanceof B
&& rand(0, 1)
&& $right instanceof B
&& rand(0, 1)
) {}
'manyNestedWedgeAssertions' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (rand(0, 1) && rand(0, 1)) {}'
'assertionAfterAssertionInsideBooleanNot' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
function foo(?A $a) : void {
if (rand(0, 1) && !($a && rand(0, 1))) {
if ($a !== null) {}
'assertionAfterAssertionInsideExpandedBooleanNot' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
function bar(?A $a) : void {
if (rand(0, 1) && (!$a || rand(0, 1))) {
if ($a !== null) {}
'byrefChangeNested' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (!preg_match("/hello/", "hello", $matches) || $matches[0] !== "hello") {}'
'checkBeforeUse' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public function foo() : void {}
function takesA(A $a) : bool {
return true;
* @param mixed $a
function takesMaybeA($a) : void {
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
if ($a !== null && takesA($a)) {}
'nestedAssertInElse' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(string $type, bool $and) : void {
if ($type === "a") {
} elseif ($type === "b" && $and) {
} else {
if ($type === "c" && $and) {}
'allowEmptyScalarAndNonEmptyScalarAssertions' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param mixed $value */
function foo($value) : void {
if (\is_scalar($value)) {
if ($value) {
echo $value;
} else {
echo $value;
'ignoreRedundantAssertion' => [
'code' => '<?php
function gimmeAString(?string $v): string {
/** @psalm-suppress TypeDoesNotContainType */
assert(is_string($v) || is_object($v));
return $v;
'assertOnVarStaticClassKey' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class Obj {
* @param array<class-string, array<string, int>> $arr
* @return array<string, int>
public static function getArr(array $arr) : array {
if (!isset($arr[static::class])) {
$arr[static::class] = ["hello" => 5];
return $arr[static::class];
'assertOnVarVar' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class Obj {
* @param array<class-string, array<string, int>> $arr
* @return array<string, int>
function getArr(array $arr, string $s) : array {
if (!isset($arr[$s])) {
$arr[$s] = ["hello" => 5];
return $arr[$s];
'assertOnPropertyStaticClassKey' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class Obj {
/** @var array<class-string, array<string, int>> */
private static $arr = [];
/** @return array<string, int> */
public static function getArr() : array {
$arr = self::$arr;
if (!isset($arr[static::class])) {
$arr[static::class] = ["hello" => 5];
return $arr[static::class];
'assertOnStaticPropertyOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
/** @var array<string, string>|null */
private static $map = [];
public static function foo(string $id) : ?string {
if (isset(self::$map[$id])) {
return self::$map[$id];
return null;
'issetTwice' => [
'code' => '<?php
class B {
public function foo() : bool {
return true;
/** @param array<int, B> $p */
function foo(array $p, int $id) : void {
if ((isset($p[$id]) && rand(0, 1))
|| (!isset($p[$id]) && rand(0, 1))
) {
isset($p[$id]) ? $p[$id] : new B;
isset($p[$id]) ? $p[$id]->foo() : "bar";
'reconcileEmptinessBetter' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|array $valuePath
function combine($valuePath) : void {
if (!empty($valuePath) && is_array($valuePath)) {
} elseif (!empty($valuePath)) {
echo $valuePath;
'issetAssertionOnStaticProperty' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C {
protected static array $cache = [];
* @psalm-suppress MixedReturnStatement
* @psalm-suppress MixedInferredReturnType
public static function get(string $k1, string $k2) : ?string {
if (!isset(static::$cache[$k1][$k2])) {
return null;
return static::$cache[$k1][$k2];
'isNotTraversable' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-param iterable<string> $collection
* @psalm-return array<string>
function order(iterable $collection): array {
if ($collection instanceof \Traversable) {
$collection = iterator_to_array($collection, false);
return $collection;
'memoizeChainedImmutableCallsInside' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Assessment {
private ?string $root = null;
/** @psalm-mutation-free */
public function getRoot(): ?string {
return $this->root;
class Project {
private ?Assessment $assessment = null;
/** @psalm-mutation-free */
public function getAssessment(): ?Assessment {
return $this->assessment;
function f(Project $project): int {
if (($project->getAssessment() !== null)
&& ($project->getAssessment()->getRoot() !== null)
) {
return strlen($project->getAssessment()->getRoot());
throw new RuntimeException();
'memoizeChainedImmutableCallsOutside' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Assessment {
private ?string $root = null;
/** @psalm-mutation-free */
public function getRoot(): ?string {
return $this->root;
class Project {
private ?Assessment $assessment = null;
/** @psalm-mutation-free */
public function getAssessment(): ?Assessment {
return $this->assessment;
function f(Project $project): int {
if (($project->getAssessment() === null)
|| ($project->getAssessment()->getRoot() === null)
) {
throw new RuntimeException();
return strlen($project->getAssessment()->getRoot());
'propertyChainedOutside' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Assessment {
public ?string $root = null;
class Project {
public ?Assessment $assessment = null;
function f(Project $project): int {
if (($project->assessment === null)
|| ($project->assessment->root === null)
) {
throw new RuntimeException();
return strlen($project->assessment->root);
'castIsType' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string|int $s
function foo($s, int $f = 1) : void {
if ($f === 1
&& (string) $s === $s
&& \strpos($s, "foo") !== false
) {}
'assertNotFalseOnSameNamedVar' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(): int {
$a = rand(0, 1) ? 3 : false;
if ($a !== false && rand(0, 1)) {
$a = rand(0, 1) ? 3 : false;
if ($a !== false) {
return $a;
return 0;
'nonEmptyStringFromConcat' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-param non-empty-string $name
function sayHello(string $name) : void {
echo "Hello " . $name;
function takeInput() : void {
if (isset($_GET["name"]) && is_string($_GET["name"])) {
$name = trim($_GET["name"]);
sayHello("a" . $name);
'noCrashOnCountUndefined' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-suppress UndefinedGlobalVariable
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
if(!(count($colonnes) == 37 || count($colonnes) == 40)) {}',
'reconcilePropertyInTrait' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
trait T {
private static ?A $one = null;
private static function maybeSetOne(): A {
if (null === self::$one) {
self::$one = new A();
return self::$one;
class Implementer {
use T;
'smallConditional' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
public array $parts = [];
class FuncCall {
/** @var ?A */
public $name;
/** @var array<string> */
public $args = [];
function barr(FuncCall $function) : void {
if (!$function->name instanceof A) {
if ($function->name->parts === ["function_exists"]
&& isset($function->args[0])
) {
// do something
} elseif ($function->name->parts === ["class_exists"]
&& isset($function->args[0])
) {
// do something else
'largeConditional' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param string $return_block
* @return array<string>
function splitDocLine($return_block)
$brackets = \'\';
$type = \'\';
$expects_callable_return = false;
$return_block = str_replace("\t", \' \', $return_block);
$quote_char = null;
$escaped = false;
for ($i = 0, $l = strlen($return_block); $i < $l; ++$i) {
$char = $return_block[$i];
$next_char = $i < $l - 1 ? $return_block[$i + 1] : null;
$last_char = $i > 0 ? $return_block[$i - 1] : null;
if ($quote_char) {
if ($char === $quote_char && $i > 1 && !$escaped) {
$quote_char = null;
$type .= $char;
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$escaped = true;
$type .= $char;
$escaped = false;
$type .= $char;
if ($char === \'"\' || $char === \'\\\\\') {
$quote_char = $char;
$type .= $char;
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$expects_callable_return = true;
$type .= $char;
if ($char === \'[\' || $char === \'{\' || $char === \'(\' || $char === \'<\') {
$brackets .= $char;
} elseif ($char === \']\' || $char === \'}\' || $char === \')\' || $char === \'>\') {
$last_bracket = substr($brackets, -1);
$brackets = substr($brackets, 0, -1);
if (($char === \']\' && $last_bracket !== \'[\')
|| ($char === \'}\' && $last_bracket !== \'{\')
|| ($char === \')\' && $last_bracket !== \'(\')
|| ($char === \'>\' && $last_bracket !== \'<\')
) {
return [];
} elseif ($char === \' \') {
if ($brackets) {
$expects_callable_return = false;
$type .= \' \';
if ($next_char === \'|\' || $next_char === \'&\') {
$nexter_char = $i < $l - 2 ? $return_block[$i + 2] : null;
if ($nexter_char === \' \') {
$type .= $next_char . \' \';
if ($last_char === \'|\' || $last_char === \'&\') {
$type .= \' \';
if ($next_char === \':\') {
$type .= \' :\';
$expects_callable_return = true;
if ($expects_callable_return) {
$type .= \' \';
$expects_callable_return = false;
$remaining = trim(preg_replace(\'@^[ \t]*\* *@m\', \' \', substr($return_block, $i + 1)));
if ($remaining) {
/** @var array<string> */
return array_merge([rtrim($type)], preg_split(\'/[ \s]+/\', $remaining));
return [$type];
$expects_callable_return = false;
$type .= $char;
return [$type];
'nonEmptyStringAfterLiteralCheck' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param non-empty-string $greeting
function sayHi(string $greeting): void {
echo $greeting;
/** @var string */
$hello = "foo";
if ($hello === "") {
throw new \Exception("an empty string is not a greeting");
'equalsTrueInIf' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0,1) ? new DateTime() : null;
if (($a !== null && $a->format("Y") === "2020") == true) {
'getClassIsStatic' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class AChild extends A {
public static function compare(A $other_type) : AChild {
if (get_class($other_type) !== static::class) {
throw new \Exception();
return $other_type;
'getClassInterfaceCanBeClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface Id {}
class A {
public function is(Id $other): bool {
return get_class($this) === get_class($other);
'nullsafePropertyAccess' => [
'code' => '<?php
class IntLinkedList {
public function __construct(
public int $value,
public ?self $next
) {}
function skipOne(IntLinkedList $l) : ?int {
return $l->next?->value;
function skipTwo(IntLinkedList $l) : ?int {
return $l->next?->next?->value;
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '8.0'
'nullsafeMethodCall' => [
'code' => '<?php
class IntLinkedList {
public function __construct(
public int $value,
private ?self $next
) {}
public function getNext() : ?self {
return $this->next;
function skipOne(IntLinkedList $l) : ?int {
return $l->getNext()?->value;
function skipTwo(IntLinkedList $l) : ?int {
return $l->getNext()?->getNext()?->value;
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => [],
'php_version' => '8.0'
'onlySingleErrorForEarlyExit' => [
'code' => '<?php
class App {
public function bar(int $i) : bool {
return $i === 5;
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument, MissingParamType */
function bar(App $foo, $arr) : void {
/** @psalm-suppress TypeDoesNotContainNull */
if ($foo === null || $foo->bar($arr)) {
'nonRedundantConditionAfterThing' => [
'code' => '<?php
class U {
public function takes(self $u) : bool {
return true;
function bar(?U $a, ?U $b) : void {
if ($a === null
|| ($b !== null && $a->takes($b))
|| $b === null
) {}
'usedAssertedVarButNotWithStrongerTypeGuarantee' => [
'code' => '<?php
function broken(bool $b, ?User $u) : void {
if ($b || (rand(0, 1) && (!$u || takesUser($u)))) {
if ($u) {}
class User {}
function takesUser(User $a) : bool {
return true;
'negateIsNull' => [
'code' => '<?php
function scope(?string $str): string{
if (is_null($str) === false){
return $str;
return "";
'strictIntFloatComparison' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
* @psalm-suppress MismatchingDocblockReturnType
* @return ($bar is int ? list<int> : list<float>)
function foo($bar): string {}
/** @var int */
$baz = 1;
$a = foo($baz);
/** @var float */
$baz = 1.;
$b = foo($baz);
/** @var int|float */
$baz = 1;
$c = foo($baz);
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'list<int>',
'$b' => 'list<float>',
'$c' => 'list<float|int>',
'negateTypeInGenericContext' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template T
final class Valid {}
final class Invalid {}
* @template T
* @param Valid<T>|Invalid $val
* @psalm-assert-if-true Valid<T> $val
function isValid($val): bool
return $val instanceof Valid;
* @template T
* @param Valid<T>|Invalid $val
function genericContext($val): void
$takesValid =
/** @param Valid<T> $_valid */
function ($_valid): void {};
$takesInvalid =
/** @param Invalid $_invalid */
function ($_invalid): void {};
isValid($val) ? $takesValid($val) : $takesInvalid($val);
'reconcileMoreThanOneGenericObject' => [
'code' => '<?php
final class Invalid {}
* @template T
final class Valid {}
* @template T
* @param Invalid|Valid<T> $val
* @psalm-assert-if-true Valid<T> $val
function isValid($val): bool
return $val instanceof Valid;
* @template T
* @param Valid<T>|Invalid $val1
* @param Valid<T>|Invalid $val2
* @param Valid<T>|Invalid $val3
function inGenericContext($val1, $val2, $val3): void
$takesValid =
/** @param Valid<T> $_valid */
function ($_valid): void {};
if (isValid($val1) && isValid($val2) && isValid($val3)) {
'ternaryRedefineAllVars' => [
'code' => '<?php
$_a = null;
$b = rand(0,1) ? "" : "a";
$b === "a" ? $_a = "Y" : $_a = "N";',
'assertions' => [
'$_a===' => '"N"|"Y"',
'assertionsWorksBothWays' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = 2;
$b = getPositiveInt();
assert($a === $b);
/** @return positive-int */
function getPositiveInt(): int{
return 2;
'assertions' => [
'$a===' => '2',
'$b===' => '2',
'nullErasureWithSmallerAndGreater' => [
'code' => '<?php
function getIntOrNull(): ?int{return null;}
$a = getIntOrNull();
if ($a < 0) {
echo $a + 3;
if ($a <= 0) {
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullOperand */
echo $a + 3;
if ($a > 0) {
echo $a + 3;
if ($a >= 0) {
/** @tmp-psalm-suppress PossiblyNullOperand this should be suppressed but assertions remove null for now */
echo $a + 3;
if (0 < $a) {
echo $a + 3;
if (0 <= $a) {
/** @tmp-psalm-suppress PossiblyNullOperand this should be suppressed but assertions remove null for now */
echo $a + 3;
if (0 > $a) {
echo $a + 3;
if (0 >= $a) {
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullOperand */
echo $a + 3;
'SimpleXMLElementNotAlwaysTruthy' => [
'code' => '<?php
$lilstring = "";
$n = new SimpleXMLElement($lilstring);
/** @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment */
$n = $n->b;
if (!$n instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
if (!$n) {
echo "false";
'nullIsFalsyEvenInTemplate' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class Animal {
public function foo(): void {}
class Dog extends Animal {}
class Cat extends Animal {}
* @template T
interface RepositoryInterface
* @return ?T
public function find(int $id);
* @template T
* @implements RepositoryInterface<T>
class AbstarctRepository implements RepositoryInterface
public function find(int $id) {
return null;
* @template T as Animal
* @extends AbstarctRepository<T>
class AnimalRepository extends AbstarctRepository {}
* @extends AnimalRepository<Cat>
class CatRepository extends AnimalRepository {}
* @extends AnimalRepository<Dog>
class DogRepository extends AnimalRepository {}
function doSomething(AnimalRepository $repository) : void {
$foo = $repository->find(1);
if (!$foo) {
'variable::classAssertion' => [
'code' => '<?php
abstract class A {}
class B extends A {}
function a(A $a): void {
if($a::class == B::class) {
function b(B $_b): void {
'SimpleXMLIteratorNotAlwaysTruthy' => [
'code' => '<?php
$lilstring = "";
$n = new SimpleXMLElement($lilstring);
$n = $n->children();
if (!$n) {
echo "false";
* @return iterable<string,array{code:string,error_message:string,ignored_issues?:list<string>,php_version?:string}>
public function providerInvalidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'makeNonNullableNull' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A { }
$a = new A();
if ($a === null) {
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainNull',
'makeInstanceOfThingInElseif' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A { }
class B { }
class C { }
$a = rand(0, 10) > 5 ? new A() : new B();
if ($a instanceof A) {
} elseif ($a instanceof C) {
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'functionValueIsNotType' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (json_last_error() === "5") { }',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'stringIsNotTnt' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (5 === "5") { }',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'stringIsNotNull' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (5 === null) { }',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainNull',
'stringIsNotFalse' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (5 === false) { }',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'typeTransformation' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = "5";
if (is_numeric($a)) {
if (is_int($a)) {
echo $a;
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'nonRedundantConditionGivenDocblockType' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param array[] $arr */
function foo(array $arr) : void {
if ($arr === "hello") {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'lessSpecificArrayFields' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array{field:string, otherField:string} $array
function print_field($array) : void {
echo $array["field"] . " " . $array["otherField"];
print_field(["field" => "name"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'intersectionIncorrect' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface I {
public function bat(): void;
interface C {}
/** @param I&C $a */
function takesIandC($a): void {}
class A {
public function foo(): void {
if ($this instanceof I) {
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'catchTypeMismatchInBinaryOp' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return array<int, string|int> */
function getStrings(): array {
return ["hello", "world", 50];
$a = getStrings();
if (is_bool($a[0]) && $a[0]) {}',
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'preventWeakEqualityToObject' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(int $i, stdClass $s) : void {
if ($i == $s) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'properReconciliationInElseIf' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
$a = rand(0, 1) ? new A : null;
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$a = new A();
} elseif (!$a) {
$a = new A();
if ($a) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'allRemovalOfStringWithIsScalar' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 1) ? "hello" : "goodbye";
if (is_scalar($a)) {
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'noRemovalOfStringWithIsScalar' => [
'code' => '<?php
$a = rand(0, 1) ? "hello" : "goodbye";
if (!is_scalar($a)) {
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'impossibleNullEquality' => [
'code' => '<?php
$i = 5;
echo $i === null;',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainNull',
'impossibleTrueEquality' => [
'code' => '<?php
$i = 5;
echo $i === true;',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'impossibleFalseEquality' => [
'code' => '<?php
$i = 5;
echo $i === false;',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'impossibleNumberEquality' => [
'code' => '<?php
$i = 5;
echo $i === 3;',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'noIntersectionOfArrayOrTraversable' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(iterable $iterable) : void {
if (\is_array($iterable) && $iterable instanceof \Traversable) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'scalarToBoolContradiction' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param mixed $s */
function foo($s) : void {
if (!is_scalar($s)) {
if (!is_bool($s)) {
if (is_bool($s)) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'noCrashWhenCastingArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo() : string {
return (object) ["a" => 1, "b" => 2];
'error_message' => 'InvalidReturnStatement',
'preventStrongEqualityScalarType' => [
'code' => '<?php
function bar(float $f) : void {
if ($f === 0) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'preventYodaStrongEqualityScalarType' => [
'code' => '<?php
function bar(float $f) : void {
if (0 === $f) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'classCannotNotBeSelf' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {}
function getA() : A {
return new A();
$a = getA();
if ($a instanceof B) {
$a = new B;
if ($a instanceof A) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'preventImpossibleComparisonToTrue' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return false|string */
function firstChar(string $s) {
return empty($s) ? false : $s[0];
if (true === firstChar("sdf")) {}',
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'preventAlwaysPossibleComparisonToTrue' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return false|string */
function firstChar(string $s) {
return empty($s) ? false : $s[0];
if (true !== firstChar("sdf")) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType',
'preventAlwaysImpossibleComparisonToFalse' => [
'code' => '<?php
function firstChar(string $s) : string { return $s; }
if (false === firstChar("sdf")) {}',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'preventAlwaysPossibleComparisonToFalse' => [
'code' => '<?php
function firstChar(string $s) : string { return $s; }
if (false !== firstChar("sdf")) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'nullCoalesceImpossible' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(?string $s) : string {
return ((string) $s) ?? "bar";
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition'
'allowEmptyScalarAndNonEmptyScalarAssertions1' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param mixed $value */
function foo($value) : void {
if (\is_scalar($value)) {
if ($value) {
if (\is_scalar($value)) {}
} else {
echo $value;
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'allowEmptyScalarAndNonEmptyScalarAssertions2' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param mixed $value */
function foo($value) : void {
if (\is_scalar($value)) {
if ($value) {
echo $value;
} else {
if (\is_scalar($value)) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'allowEmptyScalarAndNonEmptyScalarAssertions3' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param mixed $value */
function foo($value) : void {
if (\is_scalar($value)) {
if ($value) {
if ($value) {}
} else {
echo $value;
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'allowEmptyScalarAndNonEmptyScalarAssertions4' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param mixed $value */
function foo($value) : void {
if (\is_scalar($value)) {
if ($value) {
echo $value;
} else {
if (!$value) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'catchRedundantConditionOnBinaryOpForwards' => [
'code' => '<?php
class App {}
function test(App $app) : void {
if ($app || rand(0, 1)) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'nonEmptyString' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-param non-empty-string $name
function sayHello(string $name) : void {
echo "Hello " . $name;
function takeInput() : void {
if (isset($_GET["name"]) && is_string($_GET["name"])) {
$name = trim($_GET["name"]);
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'getClassCannotBeStringEquals' => [
'code' => '<?php
function foo(Exception $e) : void {
if (get_class($e) == "InvalidArgumentException") {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'falsyValuesInIf' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (0) {
echo 123;
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'BooleanNotOfAlwaysTruthyisFalse' => [
'code' => '<?php
class a
public function fluent(): self
return $this;
$a = new a();
if (!$a->fluent()) {
echo "always";
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'redundantConditionForNonEmptyString' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param non-empty-string $c
function c(string $c): void {
if ($c) {
if ($c) {
echo "hello";
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',