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1055 lines
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namespace Psalm\Tests;
use Psalm\Config;
use Psalm\Context;
use Psalm\Exception\CodeException;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
class ClassLikeStringTest extends TestCase
use InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
public function testDontAllowStringStandInForNewClass(): void
Config::getInstance()->allow_string_standin_for_class = false;
class A {}
$a = "A";
new $a();',
$this->analyzeFile('somefile.php', new Context());
public function testDontAllowStringStandInForStaticMethodCall(): void
Config::getInstance()->allow_string_standin_for_class = false;
class A {
public static function foo() : void {}
$a = "A";
$this->analyzeFile('somefile.php', new Context());
public function providerValidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'arrayOfClassConstants' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<class-string> $arr
function takesClassConstants(array $arr) : void {}
class A {}
class B {}
takesClassConstants([A::class, B::class]);',
'arrayOfStringClasses' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<class-string> $arr
function takesClassConstants(array $arr) : void {}
class A {}
class B {}
takesClassConstants(["A", "B"]);',
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['ArgumentTypeCoercion'],
'singleClassConstantAsConstant' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param class-string $s
function takesClassConstants(string $s) : void {}
class A {}
'singleClassConstantWithString' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param class-string $s
function takesClassConstants(string $s) : void {}
class A {}
/** @psalm-suppress ArgumentTypeCoercion */
'assertions' => [],
'returnClassConstant' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return class-string
function takesClassConstants() : string {
return A::class;
'returnClassConstantAllowCoercion' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return class-string
function takesClassConstants() : string {
return "A";
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['LessSpecificReturnStatement', 'MoreSpecificReturnType'],
'returnClassConstantArray' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
* @return array<class-string>
function takesClassConstants() : array {
return [A::class, B::class];
'returnClassConstantArrayAllowCoercion' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
* @return array<class-string>
function takesClassConstants() : array {
return ["A", "B"];
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['LessSpecificReturnStatement', 'MoreSpecificReturnType'],
'ifClassStringEquals' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
/** @param class-string $class */
function foo(string $class) : void {
if ($class === A::class) {}
if ($class === A::class || $class === B::class) {}
'classStringCombination' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
/** @return class-string */
function foo() : string {
return A::class;
/** @param class-string $a */
function bar(string $a) : void {}
bar(rand(0, 1) ? foo() : A::class);
bar(rand(0, 1) ? A::class : foo());',
'assertionToClassString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
function foo(string $s) : void {
if ($s === A::class) {
/** @param class-string $s */
function bar(string $s) : void {
new $s();
'assertions' => [],
'ignored_issues' => ['MixedMethodCall'],
'constantArrayOffset' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
const FOO = [
B::class => "bar",
class B {}
/** @param class-string $s */
function bar(string $s) : void {}
foreach (A::FOO as $class => $_) {
'arrayEquivalence' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
$foo = [
foreach ($foo as $class) {
if ($class === A::class) {}
'switchMixedVar' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
class C {}
/** @param mixed $a */
function foo($a) : void {
switch ($a) {
case A::class:
case B::class:
case C::class:
'reconcileToFalsy' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @psalm-param ?class-string $s */
function bar(?string $s) : void {}
class A {}
/** @psalm-return ?class-string */
function bat() {
if (rand(0, 1)) return null;
return A::class;
$a = bat();
$a ? 1 : 0;
'allowTraitClassComparison' => [
'code' => '<?php
trait T {
public function foo() : void {
if (self::class === A::class) {}
if (self::class !== A::class) {}
class A {
use T;
class B {
use T;
'refineStringToClassString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
function foo(string $s) : ?A {
if ($s !== A::class) {
return null;
return new $s();
'takesChildOfClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class AChild extends A {}
* @param class-string<A> $s
function foo(string $s) : void {}
'returnClassConstantClassStringParameterized' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return class-string<A> $s
function foo(A $a) : string {
return $a::class;
'returnGetCalledClassClassStringParameterized' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
* @return class-string<A> $s
function foo() : string {
return get_called_class();
'returnGetClassClassStringParameterized' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return class-string<A> $s
function foo(A $a) : string {
return get_class($a);
'returnGetParentClassClassStringParameterizedNoArg' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {
* @return class-string<A> $s
function foo() : string {
return get_parent_class();
'createClassOfTypeFromString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return class-string<A> $s
function foo(string $s) : string {
if (!class_exists($s)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("bad");
if (!is_a($s, A::class, true)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("bad");
return $s;
'createClassOfTypeFromStringUsingIsSubclassOf' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return class-string<A> $s
function foo(string $s) : string {
if (!class_exists($s)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("bad");
if (!is_subclass_of($s, A::class)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("bad");
return $s;
'checkSubclassOfAbstract' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface Foo {
public static function Bar() : bool;
class FooClass implements Foo {
public static function Bar() : bool {
return true;
function foo(string $className) : bool {
if (is_subclass_of($className, Foo::class, true)) {
return $className::Bar();
return false;
'explicitIntersectionClassString' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface Foo {
public static function one() : void;
interface Bar {
public static function two() : void;
* @param interface-string<Foo&Bar> $className
function foo($className) : void {
'implicitIntersectionClassString' => [
'code' => '<?php
interface Foo {
public static function one() : bool;
interface Bar {
public static function two() : bool;
* @param interface-string<Bar> $className
function foo(string $className) : void {
if (is_subclass_of($className, Foo::class, true)) {
'instanceofClassString' => [
'code' => '<?php
function f(Exception $e): ?InvalidArgumentException {
$type = InvalidArgumentException::class;
if ($e instanceof $type) {
return $e;
} else {
return null;
'instanceofClassStringNotLiteral' => [
'code' => '<?php
final class Z {
* @psalm-var class-string<stdClass> $class
private string $class = stdClass::class;
public function go(object $object): ?stdClass {
$a = $this->class;
if ($object instanceof $a) {
return $object;
return null;
'returnTemplatedClassString' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template T
* @param class-string<T> $shouldBe
* @return class-string<T>
function identity(string $shouldBe) : string { return $shouldBe; }
identity(DateTimeImmutable::class)::createFromMutable(new DateTime());',
'filterIsObject' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param interface-string<DateTimeInterface>|DateTimeInterface $maybe
* @return interface-string<DateTimeInterface>
function Foo($maybe) : string {
if (is_object($maybe)) {
return get_class($maybe);
return $maybe;
'filterIsString' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param interface-string<DateTimeInterface>|DateTimeInterface $maybe
* @return interface-string<DateTimeInterface>
function Bar($maybe) : string {
if (is_string($maybe)) {
return $maybe;
return get_class($maybe);
'mergeLiteralClassStringsWithGeneric' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Base {}
class A extends Base {}
class B extends Base {}
* @param array<A::class|B::class> $literal_classes
* @param array<class-string<Base>> $generic_classes
* @return array<class-string<Base>>
function foo(array $literal_classes, array $generic_classes) {
return array_merge($literal_classes, $generic_classes);
'mergeGenericClassStringsWithLiteral' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Base {}
class A extends Base {}
class B extends Base {}
* @param array<A::class|B::class> $literal_classes
* @param array<class-string<Base>> $generic_classes
* @return array<class-string<Base>>
function bar(array $literal_classes, array $generic_classes) {
return array_merge($generic_classes, $literal_classes);
'noCrashWithIsSubclassOfNonExistentVariable' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
function foo() : void {
* @psalm-suppress UndefinedVariable
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
if (!is_subclass_of($s, A::class)) {}
'allowClassExistsCheckOnClassString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C
public function __construct() {
if (class_exists(\Doesnt\Really::class)) {
'allowClassExistsCheckOnString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class C
public function __construct() {
if (class_exists("Doesnt\\Really")) {
'allowComparisonToStaticClassString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {
const CLASSES = ["foobar" => B::class];
function foo(): bool {
return self::CLASSES["foobar"] === static::class;
class B extends A {}',
'noCrashWhenClassExists' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
if (class_exists(A::class)) {
new \RuntimeException();
'noCrashWhenClassExistsNegated' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
if (!class_exists(A::class)) {
new \RuntimeException();
'convertToStringClassExistsNegated' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param class-string $className */
$className = stdClass::class;
if (class_exists($className)) {
throw new \RuntimeException($className);
'assertions' => [
'$className===' => 'string',
'createNewObjectFromGetClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-consistent-constructor
class Example {
static function staticMethod(): string {
return "";
public function instanceMethod(): string {
$className = get_class();
return $className::staticMethod();
* @param class-string<Example> $className
function example(string $className, Example $object): string {
$objectClassName = get_class($object);
if (rand(0, 1)) {
return (new $className)->instanceMethod();
if (rand(0, 1)) {
return (new $objectClassName)->instanceMethod();
if (rand(0, 1)) {
return $className::staticMethod();
return $objectClassName::staticMethod();
/** @param class-string<Example> $className */
function takesExampleClassString(string $className): void {}',
'noCrashOnPolyfill' => [
'code' => '<?php
if (class_exists(My_Parent::class) && !class_exists(My_Extend::class)) {
* Extended class
class My_Extend extends My_Parent {
* Construct
* @return void
public function __construct() {
echo "foo";
'selfResolvedOnStaticProperty' => [
'code' => '<?php
namespace Bar;
class Foo {
/** @var class-string<self> */
private static $c;
* @return class-string<self>
public static function r() : string
return self::$c;
'traitClassStringClone' => [
'code' => '<?php
trait Factory
/** @return class-string<static> */
public static function getFactoryClass()
return static::class;
* @psalm-consistent-constructor
class A
use Factory;
public static function factory(): self
$class = static::getFactoryClass();
return new $class;
* @psalm-consistent-constructor
class B
use Factory;
public static function factory(): self
$class = static::getFactoryClass();
return new $class;
'staticClassReturn' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-consistent-constructor
class A {
/** @return static */
public static function getInstance() {
$class = static::class;
return new $class();
'getCalledClassIsStaticClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @psalm-consistent-constructor
class A {
/** @return static */
public function getStatic() {
$c = get_called_class();
return new $c();
'accessConstantOnClassStringVariable' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Beep {
/** @var string */
public static $boop = "boop";
$beep = rand(0, 1) ? new Beep() : Beep::class;
echo $beep::$boop;
'ClassConstFetchWithTemplate' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @template T of object
* @psalm-param T $obj
* @return class-string<T>
function a($obj) {
$class = $obj::class;
return $class;
'classStringAllowsClasses' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param class-string $s
function takesOpen(string $s): void {}
* @param class-string<Exception> $s
function takesException(string $s): void {}
* @param class-string<Exception> $s
function takesThrowable(string $s): void {}
'reflectionClassCoercion' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @return ReflectionClass<object> */
function takesString(string $s) {
/** @psalm-suppress ArgumentTypeCoercion */
return new ReflectionClass($s);
'checkDifferentSubclass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
/** @param class-string<A> $s */
function takesAString(string $a): void {}
/** @param class-string<B> $s */
function takesBString(string $a): void {}
/** @param class-string $s */
function foo(string $s): void {
if (is_subclass_of($s, A::class)) {
if (is_subclass_of($s, B::class)) {
'checkDifferentSubclassAfterNotClassExists' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
/** @param class-string<A> $s */
function takesAString(string $a): void {}
/** @param class-string<B> $s */
function takesBString(string $a): void {}
function foo(string $s): void {
if (!class_exists($s, false)) {
if (is_subclass_of($s, A::class)) {
if (is_subclass_of($s, B::class)) {
'compareGetClassToLiteralClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B extends A {}
function foo(A $a): void {
if (get_class($a) === A::class) {}
'classStringUnion' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Foo
/** @var class-string<TypeOne>|class-string<TypeTwo> */
public ?string $bar = null;
/** @var class-string<TypeOne|TypeTwo> */
public ?string $baz = null;
class TypeOne {}
class TypeTwo {}
$foo = new Foo;
$foo->bar = TypeOne::class;
$foo->bar = TypeOne::class;
$foo->baz = TypeTwo::class;
$foo->baz = TypeTwo::class;',
'classStringOfUnionTypeParameter' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
* @template T as A|B
* @param class-string<T> $class
* @return class-string<T>
function test(string $class): string {
return $class;
$r = test(A::class);',
'assertions' => [
'$r' => 'class-string<A>',
public function providerInvalidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'arrayOfStringClasses' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<class-string> $arr
function takesClassConstants(array $arr) : void {}
class A {}
class B {}
takesClassConstants(["A", "B"]);',
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'arrayOfNonExistentStringClasses' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param array<class-string> $arr
function takesClassConstants(array $arr) : void {}
/** @psalm-suppress ArgumentTypeCoercion */
takesClassConstants(["A", "B"]);',
'error_message' => 'UndefinedClass',
'singleClassConstantWithInvalidDocblock' => [
'code' => '<?php
* @param clas-string $s
function takesClassConstants(string $s) : void {}',
'error_message' => 'InvalidDocblock',
'returnClassConstantDisallowCoercion' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return class-string
function takesClassConstants() : string {
return "A";
'error_message' => 'LessSpecificReturnStatement',
'returnClassConstantArrayDisallowCoercion' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return array<class-string>
function takesClassConstants() : array {
return ["A", "B"];
'error_message' => 'LessSpecificReturnStatement',
'returnClassConstantArrayAllowCoercionWithUndefinedClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
* @return array<class-string>
function takesClassConstants() : array {
return ["A", "B"];
'error_message' => 'UndefinedClass',
'ignored_issues' => ['LessSpecificReturnStatement', 'MoreSpecificReturnType'],
'badClassStringConstructor' => [
'code' => '<?php
class Foo
public function __construct(int $_)
* @return Foo
function makeFoo()
$fooClass = Foo::class;
return new $fooClass;
'error_message' => 'TooFewArguments',
'unknownConstructorCall' => [
'code' => '<?php
/** @param class-string $s */
function bar(string $s) : void {
new $s();
'error_message' => 'MixedMethodCall',
'doesNotTakeChildOfClass' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class AChild extends A {}
* @param A::class $s
function foo(string $s) : void {}
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'createClassOfWrongTypeFromString' => [
'code' => '<?php
class A {}
class B {}
* @return class-string<A> $s
function foo(string $s) : string {
if (!class_exists($s)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("bad");
if (!is_a($s, B::class, true)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException("bad");
return $s;
'error_message' => 'InvalidReturnStatement',