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namespace Psalm\Tests;
use Psalm\Config;
use Psalm\Context;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
class FunctionCallTest extends TestCase
use InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
* @return iterable<string,array{string,assertions?:array<string,string>,error_levels?:string[]}>
public function providerValidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'preg_grep' => [
* @param array<int,string> $strings
* @return array<int,string>
function filter(array $strings): array {
return preg_grep("/search/", $strings, PREG_GREP_INVERT);
'typedArrayWithDefault' => [
class A {}
/** @param array<A> $a */
function fooFoo(array $a = []): void {
'abs' => [
$a = abs(-5);
$b = abs(-7.5);
$c = $_GET["c"];
$c = is_numeric($c) ? abs($c) : null;',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int|positive-int',
'$b' => 'float',
'$c' => 'float|int|null|positive-int',
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment', 'MixedArgument'],
'validDocblockParamDefault' => [
* @param int|false $p
* @return void
function f($p = false) {}',
'byRefNewString' => [
function fooFoo(?string &$v): void {}
'byRefVariableFunctionExistingArray' => [
$arr = [];
function fooFoo(array &$v): void {}
$function = "fooFoo";
if ($arr) {}',
'byRefProperty' => [
class A {
/** @var string */
public $foo = "hello";
$a = new A();
function fooFoo(string &$v): void {}
'namespaced' => [
namespace A;
/** @return void */
function f(int $p) {}
'namespacedRootFunctionCall' => [
namespace {
/** @return void */
function foo() { }
namespace A\B\C {
'namespacedAliasedFunctionCall' => [
namespace Aye {
/** @return void */
function foo() { }
namespace Bee {
use Aye as A;
'noRedundantConditionAfterArrayObjectCountCheck' => [
/** @var ArrayObject<int, int> */
$a = [];
$b = 5;
if (count($a)) {}',
'noRedundantConditionAfterMixedOrEmptyArrayCountCheck' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
$a = $_GET["s"] ?: [];
if (count($a)) {}
if (!count($a)) {}
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment', 'MixedArgument'],
'objectLikeArrayAssignmentInConditional' => [
$a = [];
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$a["a"] = 5;
if (count($a)) {}
if (!count($a)) {}',
'noRedundantConditionAfterCheckingExplodeLength' => [
/** @var string */
$s = "hello";
$segments = explode(".", $s);
if (count($segments) === 1) {}',
'arrayPopNonEmptyAfterThreeAssertions' => [
class A {}
class B extends A {
/** @var array<int, string> */
public $arr = [];
/** @var array<A> */
$replacement_stmts = [];
if (!$replacement_stmts
|| !$replacement_stmts[0] instanceof B
|| count($replacement_stmts[0]->arr) > 1
) {
return null;
$b = $replacement_stmts[0]->arr;',
'assertions' => [
'$b' => 'array<int, string>',
'countMoreThan0CanBeInverted' => [
$a = [];
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$a[] = "hello";
if (count($a) > 0) {
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'array<empty, empty>',
'byRefAfterCallable' => [
* @param callable $callback
* @return void
function route($callback) {
if (!is_callable($callback)) { }
$a = preg_match("", "", $b);
if ($b[0]) {}
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => [
'ignoreNullablePregReplace' => [
function foo(string $s): string {
$s = preg_replace("/hello/", "", $s);
if ($s === null) {
return "hello";
return $s;
function bar(string $s): string {
$s = preg_replace("/hello/", "", $s);
return $s;
function bat(string $s): ?string {
$s = preg_replace("/hello/", "", $s);
return $s;
'extractVarCheck' => [
function takesString(string $str): void {}
$foo = null;
$a = ["$foo" => "bar"];
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => [
'compact' => [
* @return array<string, mixed>
function test(): array {
return compact(["val"]);
'objectLikeKeyChecksAgainstGeneric' => [
* @param array<string, string> $b
function a($b): string
return $b["a"];
a(["a" => "hello"]);',
'objectLikeKeyChecksAgainstTKeyedArray' => [
* @param array{a: string} $b
function a($b): string
return $b["a"];
a(["a" => "hello"]);',
'getenv' => [
$a = getenv();
$b = getenv("some_key");',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'array<string, string>',
'$b' => 'false|string',
'ignoreFalsableFileGetContents' => [
function foo(string $s): string {
return file_get_contents($s);
function bar(string $s): string {
$a = file_get_contents($s);
if ($a === false) {
return "hello";
return $a;
* @return false|string
function bat(string $s) {
return file_get_contents($s);
'validCallables' => [
class A {
public static function b() : void {}
function c() : void {}
["a", "b"]();
'noInvalidOperandForCoreFunctions' => [
function foo(string $a, string $b) : int {
$aTime = strtotime($a);
$bTime = strtotime($b);
return $aTime - $bTime;
'strposIntSecondParam' => [
function hasZeroByteOffset(string $s) : bool {
return strpos($s, 0) !== false;
'functionCallInGlobalScope' => [
$a = function() use ($argv) : void {};',
'varExport' => [
$a = var_export(["a"], true);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'string',
'varExportConstFetch' => [
class Foo {
* @param mixed $mixed
public static function Baz($mixed) : string {
return var_export($mixed, self::BOOL_VAR_EXPORT_RETURN);
'explode' => [
/** @var string $string */
$elements = explode(" ", $string);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'non-empty-list<string>',
'explodeWithPositiveLimit' => [
/** @var string $string */
$elements = explode(" ", $string, 5);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'non-empty-list<string>',
'explodeWithNegativeLimit' => [
/** @var string $string */
$elements = explode(" ", $string, -5);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'list<string>',
'explodeWithDynamicLimit' => [
* @var string $string
* @var int $limit
$elements = explode(" ", $string, $limit);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'list<string>',
'explodeWithDynamicDelimiter' => [
* @var string $delim
* @var string $string
$elements = explode($delim, $string);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'false|non-empty-list<string>',
'explodeWithDynamicDelimiterAndPositiveLimit' => [
* @var string $delim
* @var string $string
$elements = explode($delim, $string, 5);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'false|non-empty-list<string>',
'explodeWithDynamicDelimiterAndNegativeLimit' => [
* @var string $delim
* @var string $string
$elements = explode($delim, $string, -5);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'false|list<string>',
'explodeWithDynamicDelimiterAndLimit' => [
* @var string $delim
* @var string $string
* @var int $limit
$elements = explode($delim, $string, $limit);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'false|list<string>',
'explodeWithDynamicNonEmptyDelimiter' => [
* @var non-empty-string $delim
* @var string $string
$elements = explode($delim, $string);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'non-empty-list<string>',
'explodeWithLiteralNonEmptyDelimiter' => [
* @var string $string
$elements = explode(" ", $string);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'non-empty-list<string>',
'explodeWithLiteralEmptyDelimiter' => [
* @var string $string
$elements = explode("", $string);',
'assertions' => [
'$elements' => 'false',
'explodeWithPossiblyFalse' => [
/** @return non-empty-list<string> */
function exploder(string $d, string $s) : array {
return explode($d, $s);
'allowPossiblyUndefinedClassInClassExists' => [
if (class_exists(Foo::class)) {}',
'allowConstructorAfterClassExists' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
if (class_exists($s)) {
new $s();
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['MixedMethodCall'],
'next' => [
$arr = ["one", "two", "three"];
$n = next($arr);',
'assertions' => [
'$n' => 'false|string',
'iteratorToArray' => [
* @return Generator<stdClass>
function generator(): Generator {
yield new stdClass;
$a = iterator_to_array(generator());',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'array<array-key, stdClass>',
'iteratorToArrayWithGetIterator' => [
class C implements IteratorAggregate {
* @return Traversable<int,string>
public function getIterator() {
yield 1 => "1";
$a = iterator_to_array(new C);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'array<int, string>',
'iteratorToArrayWithGetIteratorReturningList' => [
class C implements IteratorAggregate {
* @return Traversable<int,string>
public function getIterator() {
yield 1 => "1";
$a = iterator_to_array(new C, false);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'list<string>',
'strtrWithPossiblyFalseFirstArg' => [
* @param false|string $str
* @param array<string, string> $replace_pairs
* @return string
function strtr_wrapper($str, array $replace_pairs) {
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyFalseArgument */
return strtr($str, $replace_pairs);
'versionCompare' => [
/** @return "="|"==" */
function getString() : string {
return rand(0, 1) ? "==" : "=";
$a = version_compare("5.0.0", "7.0.0");
$b = version_compare("5.0.0", "7.0.0", "==");
$c = version_compare("5.0.0", "7.0.0", getString());
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int',
'$b' => 'bool',
'$c' => 'bool',
'getTimeOfDay' => [
$a = gettimeofday(true) - gettimeofday(true);
$b = gettimeofday();
$c = gettimeofday(false);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'float',
'$b' => 'array<string, int>',
'$c' => 'array<string, int>',
'parseUrlArray' => [
function foo(string $s) : string {
$parts = parse_url($s);
return $parts["host"] ?? "";
function hereisanotherone(string $s) : string {
$parsed = parse_url($s);
if (isset($parsed["host"])) {
return $parsed["host"];
return "";
function hereisthelastone(string $s) : string {
$parsed = parse_url($s);
if (isset($parsed["host"])) {
return $parsed["host"];
return "";
function portisint(string $s) : int {
$parsed = parse_url($s);
if (isset($parsed["port"])) {
return $parsed["port"];
return 80;
function portismaybeint(string $s) : ? int {
$parsed = parse_url($s);
return $parsed["port"] ?? null;
$porta = parse_url("", PHP_URL_PORT);
$porte = parse_url("localhost:443", PHP_URL_PORT);',
'assertions' => [
'$porta' => 'false|int|null',
'$porte' => 'false|int|null',
'error_levels' => ['MixedReturnStatement', 'MixedInferredReturnType'],
'parseUrlComponent' => [
function foo(string $s) : string {
return parse_url($s, PHP_URL_HOST) ?? "";
function bar(string $s) : string {
return parse_url($s, PHP_URL_HOST);
function bag(string $s) : string {
$host = parse_url($s, PHP_URL_HOST);
if (is_string($host)) {
return $host;
return "";
'parseUrlTypes' => [
$url = "foo";
$components = parse_url($url);
$scheme = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME);
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$port = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PORT);
$user = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_USER);
$pass = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PASS);
$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
$query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
$fragment = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_FRAGMENT);',
'assertions' => [
'$components' => 'array{fragment?: string, host?: string, pass?: string, path?: string, port?: int, query?: string, scheme?: string, user?: string}|false',
'$scheme' => 'false|null|string',
'$host' => 'false|null|string',
'$port' => 'false|int|null',
'$user' => 'false|null|string',
'$pass' => 'false|null|string',
'$path' => 'false|null|string',
'$query' => 'false|null|string',
'$fragment' => 'false|null|string',
'parseUrlDefaultComponent' => [
$component = -1;
$url = "foo";
$a = parse_url($url, -1);
$b = parse_url($url, -42);
$c = parse_url($url, $component);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'array{fragment?: string, host?: string, pass?: string, path?: string, port?: int, query?: string, scheme?: string, user?: string}|false',
'$b' => 'array{fragment?: string, host?: string, pass?: string, path?: string, port?: int, query?: string, scheme?: string, user?: string}|false',
'$c' => 'array{fragment?: string, host?: string, pass?: string, path?: string, port?: int, query?: string, scheme?: string, user?: string}|false',
'triggerUserError' => [
function mightLeave() : string {
if (rand(0, 1)) {
trigger_error("bad", E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
return "here";
'getParentClass' => [
class A {}
class B extends A {}
$b = get_parent_class(new A());
if ($b === false) {}
$c = new $b();',
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['MixedMethodCall'],
'suppressError' => [
$a = @file_get_contents("foo");',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'false|string',
'echo' => [
echo false;',
'printrOutput' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
echo $s;
foo(print_r(1, true));',
'microtime' => [
$a = microtime(true);
$b = microtime();
/** @psalm-suppress InvalidScalarArgument */
$c = microtime(1);
$d = microtime(false);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'float',
'$b' => 'string',
'$c' => 'float|string',
'$d' => 'string',
'filterVar' => [
function filterInt(string $s) : int {
$filtered = filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if ($filtered === false) {
return 0;
return $filtered;
function filterNullableInt(string $s) : ?int {
return filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ["options" => ["default" => null]]);
function filterIntWithDefault(string $s) : int {
return filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ["options" => ["default" => 5]]);
function filterBool(string $s) : bool {
return filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
function filterNullableBool(string $s) : ?bool {
function filterNullableBoolWithFlagsArray(string $s) : ?bool {
return filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, ["flags" => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE]);
function filterFloat(string $s) : float {
$filtered = filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT);
if ($filtered === false) {
return 0.0;
return $filtered;
function filterFloatWithDefault(string $s) : float {
return filter_var($s, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT, ["options" => ["default" => 5.0]]);
'callVariableVar' => [
class Foo
public static function someInt(): int
return 1;
* @return int
function makeInt()
$fooClass = Foo::class;
return $fooClass::someInt();
'expectsIterable' => [
function foo(iterable $i) : void {}
function bar(array $a) : void {
'getTypeHasValues' => [
* @param mixed $maybe
function matchesTypes($maybe) : void {
$t = gettype($maybe);
if ($t === "object") {}
'getTypeSwitchClosedResource' => [
$data = "foo";
switch (gettype($data)) {
case "resource (closed)":
case "unknown type":
return "foo";
'functionResolutionInNamespace' => [
namespace Foo;
function sort(int $_) : void {}
'rangeWithIntStep' => [
function foo(int $bar) : string {
return (string) $bar;
foreach (range(1, 10, 1) as $x) {
'rangeWithNoStep' => [
function foo(int $bar) : string {
return (string) $bar;
foreach (range(1, 10) as $x) {
'rangeWithNoStepAndString' => [
function foo(string $bar) : void {}
foreach (range("a", "z") as $x) {
'rangeWithFloatStep' => [
function foo(float $bar) : string {
return (string) $bar;
foreach (range(1, 10, .3) as $x) {
'rangeWithFloatStart' => [
function foo(float $bar) : string {
return (string) $bar;
foreach (range(1.5, 10) as $x) {
'rangeWithIntOrFloatStep' => [
/** @var int|float */
$step = 1;
$a = range(1, 10, $step);
/** @var int */
$step = 1;
$b = range(1, 10, $step);
/** @var float */
$step = 1.;
$c = range(1, 10, $step);
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'non-empty-list<float|int>',
'$b' => 'non-empty-list<int>',
'$c' => 'non-empty-list<float>',
'duplicateNamespacedFunction' => [
namespace Bar;
function sort() : void {}',
'arrayMapAfterFunctionMissingFile' => [
$urls = array_map("strval", [1, 2, 3]);',
'error_levels' => ['UndefinedConstant', 'UnresolvableInclude'],
'noNamespaceClash' => [
namespace FunctionNamespace {
function foo() : void {}
namespace ClassNamespace {
class Foo {}
namespace {
use ClassNamespace\Foo;
use function FunctionNamespace\foo;
new Foo();
'hashInit70' => [
$h = hash_init("sha256");',
'$h' => 'resource',
'hashInit71' => [
$h = hash_init("sha256");',
'$h' => 'resource',
'hashInit72' => [
$h = hash_init("sha256");',
'$h' => 'HashContext|false',
'hashInit73' => [
$h = hash_init("sha256");',
'$h' => 'HashContext|false',
'hashInit80' => [
$h = hash_init("sha256");',
'$h' => 'HashContext',
'nullableByRef' => [
function foo(?string &$s) : void {}
function bar() : void {
'getClassNewInstance' => [
interface I {}
class C implements I {}
class Props {
/** @var class-string<I>[] */
public $arr = [];
(new Props)->arr[] = get_class(new C);',
'getClassVariable' => [
interface I {}
class C implements I {}
$c_instance = new C;
class Props {
/** @var class-string<I>[] */
public $arr = [];
(new Props)->arr[] = get_class($c_instance);',
'getClassAnonymousNewInstance' => [
interface I {}
class Props {
/** @var class-string<I>[] */
public $arr = [];
(new Props)->arr[] = get_class(new class implements I{});',
'getClassAnonymousVariable' => [
interface I {}
$anon_instance = new class implements I {};
class Props {
/** @var class-string<I>[] */
public $arr = [];
(new Props)->arr[] = get_class($anon_instance);',
'mktime' => [
/** @psalm-suppress InvalidScalarArgument */
$a = mktime("foo");
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */
$b = mktime($_GET["foo"]);
$c = mktime(1, 2, 3);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'false|int',
'$b' => 'false|int',
'$c' => 'int',
'PHP73-hrtime' => [
$a = hrtime(true);
$b = hrtime();
/** @psalm-suppress InvalidScalarArgument */
$c = hrtime(1);
$d = hrtime(false);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int',
'$b' => 'array{int, int}',
'$c' => 'array{int, int}|int',
'$d' => 'array{int, int}',
'PHP73-hrtimeCanBeFloat' => [
$a = hrtime(true);
if (is_int($a)) {}
if (is_float($a)) {}',
'min' => [
$a = min(0, 1);
$b = min([0, 1]);
$c = min("a", "b");
$d = min(1, 2, 3, 4);
$e = min(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$f = min(...[1, 2, 3]);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int',
'$b' => 'int',
'$c' => 'string',
'$d' => 'int',
'$e' => 'int',
'$f' => 'int',
'minUnpackedArg' => [
$f = min(...[1, 2, 3]);',
'assertions' => [
'$f' => 'int',
'sscanf' => [
sscanf("10:05:03", "%d:%d:%d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);',
'assertions' => [
'$hours' => 'float|int|null|string',
'$minutes' => 'float|int|null|string',
'$seconds' => 'float|int|null|string',
'noImplicitAssignmentToStringFromMixedWithDocblockTypes' => [
/** @param string $s */
function takesString($s) : void {}
function takesInt(int $i) : void {}
* @param mixed $s
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
function bar($s) : void {
'ignoreNullableIssuesAfterMixedCoercion' => [
function takesNullableString(?string $s) : void {}
function takesString(string $s) : void {}
* @param mixed $s
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
function bar($s) : void {
'countableSimpleXmlElement' => [
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><a><b></b><b></b></a>");
echo count($xml);',
'countableCallableArray' => [
/** @param callable|false $x */
function example($x) : void {
if (is_array($x)) {
echo "Count is: " . count($x);
'countNonEmptyArrayShouldBePositiveInt' => [
* @psalm-pure
* @param non-empty-list $x
* @return positive-int
function example($x) : int {
return count($x);
'countListShouldBeZeroOrPositive' => [
* @psalm-pure
* @param list $x
* @return positive-int|0
function example($x) : int {
return count($x);
'countArrayShouldBeZeroOrPositive' => [
* @psalm-pure
* @param array $x
* @return positive-int|0
function example($x) : int {
return count($x);
'countEmptyArrayShouldBeZero' => [
* @psalm-pure
* @param array<empty, empty> $x
* @return 0
function example($x) : int {
return count($x);
'countConstantSizeArrayShouldBeConstantInteger' => [
* @psalm-pure
* @param array{int, int, string} $x
* @return 3
function example($x) : int {
return count($x);
'countCallableArrayShouldBe2' => [
* @psalm-pure
* @return 2
function example(callable $x) : int {
return count($x);
'countOnPureObjectIsPure' => [
class PureCountable implements \Countable {
/** @psalm-pure */
public function count(): int { return 1; }
/** @psalm-pure */
function example(PureCountable $x) : int {
return count($x);
'refineWithTraitExists' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
if (trait_exists($s)) {
new ReflectionClass($s);
'refineWithClassExistsOrTraitExists' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
if (trait_exists($s) || class_exists($s)) {
new ReflectionClass($s);
function bar(string $s) : void {
if (class_exists($s) || trait_exists($s)) {
new ReflectionClass($s);
function baz(string $s) : void {
if (class_exists($s) || interface_exists($s) || trait_exists($s)) {
new ReflectionClass($s);
'minSingleArg' => [
/** @psalm-suppress TooFewArguments */
'PHP73-allowIsCountableToInformType' => [
function getObject() : iterable{
return [];
$iterableObject = getObject();
if (is_countable($iterableObject)) {
if (count($iterableObject) === 0) {}
'versionCompareAsCallable' => [
$a = ["1.0", "2.0"];
usort($a, "version_compare");',
'coerceToObjectAfterBeingCalled' => [
class Foo {
public function bar() : void {}
function takesFoo(Foo $foo) : void {}
/** @param mixed $f */
function takesMixed($f) : void {
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$f = new Foo();
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */
'functionExists' => [
if (!function_exists("in_array")) {
function in_array($a, $b) {
return true;
'pregMatch' => [
function takesInt(int $i) : void {}
takesInt(preg_match("{foo}", "foo"));',
'pregMatch2' => [
$r = preg_match("{foo}", "foo");',
'assertions' => [
'$r===' => '0|1|false',
'pregMatchWithMatches' => [
/** @param string[] $matches */
function takesMatches(array $matches) : void {}
preg_match("{foo}", "foo", $matches);
'pregMatchWithMatches2' => [
$r = preg_match("{foo}", "foo", $matches);',
'assertions' => [
'$r===' => '0|1|false',
'$matches===' => 'array<array-key, string>',
'pregMatchWithOffset' => [
/** @param string[] $matches */
function takesMatches(array $matches) : void {}
preg_match("{foo}", "foo", $matches, 0, 10);
'pregMatchWithOffset2' => [
$r = preg_match("{foo}", "foo", $matches, 0, 10);',
'assertions' => [
'$r===' => '0|1|false',
'$matches===' => 'array<array-key, string>',
'pregMatchWithFlags' => [
function takesInt(int $i) : void {}
if (preg_match("{foo}", "this is foo", $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
'pregMatchWithFlagOffsetCapture' => [
$r = preg_match("{foo}", "foo", $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);',
'assertions' => [
'$r===' => '0|1|false',
'$matches===' => 'array<array-key, array{string, int}>',
'PHP72-pregMatchWithFlagUnmatchedAsNull' => [
$r = preg_match("{foo}", "foo", $matches, PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL);',
'assertions' => [
'$r===' => '0|1|false',
'$matches===' => 'array<array-key, null|string>',
'PHP72-pregMatchWithFlagOffsetCaptureAndUnmatchedAsNull' => [
$r = preg_match("{foo}", "foo", $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL);',
'assertions' => [
'$r===' => '0|1|false',
'$matches===' => 'array<array-key, array{null|string, int}>',
'pregReplaceCallback' => [
function foo(string $s) : string {
return preg_replace_callback(
\'/<files (psalm-version="[^"]+") (?:php-version="(.+)">\n)/\',
/** @param string[] $matches */
function (array $matches) : string {
return $matches[1];
'pregReplaceCallbackWithArray' => [
* @param string[] $ids
function(array $ids): array {
return \preg_replace_callback(
fn (array $matches) => $matches[4],
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => [],
'compactDefinedVariable' => [
* @return array<string, mixed>
function foo(int $a, string $b, bool $c) : array {
return compact("a", "b", "c");
'PHP73-setCookiePhp73' => [
"path" => "/",
"expires" => 0,
"httponly" => true,
"secure" => true,
"samesite" => "Lax"
'printrBadArg' => [
/** @psalm-suppress InvalidScalarArgument */
$a = print_r([], 1);
echo $a;',
'dontCoerceCallMapArgs' => [
function getStr() : ?string {
return rand(0,1) ? "test" : null;
function test() : void {
$g = getStr();
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArgument */
$x = strtoupper($g);
$c = "prefix " . (strtoupper($g ?? "") === "x" ? "xa" : "ya");
echo "$x, $c\n";
'mysqliRealConnectFunctionAllowsNullParameters' => [
$mysqli = mysqli_init();
mysqli_real_connect($mysqli, null, \'test\', null);',
'callUserFunc' => [
$func = function(int $arg1, int $arg2) : int {
return $arg1 * $arg2;
$a = call_user_func($func, 2, 4);',
'$a' => 'int',
'callUserFuncArray' => [
$func = function(int $arg1, int $arg2) : int {
return $arg1 * $arg2;
$a = call_user_func_array($func, [2, 4]);',
'$a' => 'int',
'dateTest' => [
$y = date("Y");
$m = date("m");
$F = date("F");
$y2 = date("Y", 10000);
$F2 = date("F", 10000);
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */
$F3 = date("F", $_GET["F3"]);',
'$y' => 'numeric-string',
'$m' => 'numeric-string',
'$F' => 'string',
'$y2' => 'numeric-string',
'$F2' => 'string',
'$F3' => 'false|string',
'sscanfReturnTypeWithTwoParameters' => [
$data = sscanf("42 psalm road", "%s %s");',
'$data' => 'list<float|int|null|string>|null',
'sscanfReturnTypeWithMoreThanTwoParameters' => [
$n = sscanf("42 psalm road", "%s %s", $p1, $p2);',
'$n' => 'int',
'$p1' => 'float|int|null|string',
'$p2' => 'float|int|null|string',
'writeArgsAllowed' => [
* @param 0|256|512|768 $flags
* @return false|int
function safeMatch(string $pattern, string $subject, ?array $matches = null, int $flags = 0) {
return \preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches, $flags);
safeMatch("/a/", "b");'
'fgetcsv' => [
$headers = fgetcsv(fopen("test.txt", "r"));
if (empty($headers)) {
throw new Exception("invalid headers");
print_r(array_map("strval", $headers));'
'allowListEqualToRange' => [
/** @param array<int, int> $two */
function collectCommit(array $one, array $two) : void {
if ($one && array_values($one) === array_values($two)) {}
'pregMatchAll' => [
* @return array<list<string>>
function extractUsernames(string $input): array {
preg_match_all(\'/([a-zA-Z])*/\', $input, $matches);
return $matches;
'pregMatchAllOffsetCapture' => [
function foo(string $input): array {
preg_match_all(\'/([a-zA-Z])*/\', $input, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
return $matches[0];
'pregMatchAllReturnsFalse' => [
* @return int|false
function badpattern() {
return @preg_match_all("foo", "foo", $matches);
'strposAllowDictionary' => [
function sayHello(string $format): void {
if (strpos("abcdefghijklmno", $format)) {}
'curlInitIsResourceAllowedIn7x' => [
$ch = curl_init();
if (!is_resource($ch)) {}',
'pregSplit' => [
/** @return non-empty-list */
function foo(string $s) {
return preg_split("/ /", $s);
'pregSplitWithFlags' => [
/** @return list<string> */
function foo(string $s) {
return preg_split("/ /", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
'mbConvertEncodingWithArray' => [
* @param array<int, string> $str
* @return array<int, string>
function test2(array $str): array {
return mb_convert_encoding($str, "UTF-8", "UTF-8");
'getDebugType' => [
function foo(mixed $var) : void {
switch (get_debug_type($var)) {
case "string":
echo "a string";
case Exception::class;
echo "an Exception with message " . $var->getMessage();
'getTypeDoubleThenInt' => [
function safe_float(mixed $val): bool {
switch (gettype($val)) {
case "double":
case "integer":
return true;
// ... more cases omitted
return false;
'maxWithFloats' => [
function foo(float $_float): void
foo(max(1.1, 1.2));',
'maxWithObjects' => [
function foo(DateTimeImmutable $fooDate): string
return $fooDate->format("Y");
foo(max(new DateTimeImmutable(), new DateTimeImmutable()));',
'maxWithMisc' => [
$a = max(new DateTimeImmutable(), 1.2);',
'$a' => 'DateTimeImmutable|float',
'strtolowerEmptiness' => [
/** @param non-empty-string $s */
function foo(string $s) : void {
$s = strtolower($s);
'preventObjectLeakingFromCallmapReference' => [
function one(): void
try {
exec("", $output);
} catch (Exception $e){
function two(): array
exec("", $lines);
return $lines;
'array_is_list' => [
function getArray() : array {
return [];
$s = getArray();
'assertions' => [
'$s' => 'list<mixed>',
'array_is_list_on_empty_array' => [
$a = [];
if(array_is_list($a)) {
//$a is still empty array
'possiblyUndefinedArrayDestructurationOnOptionalArg' => [
class A
function foo(A $a1, A $a2 = null): void
$arguments = [new A()];
if (mt_rand(1, 10) > 5) {
// when this is done outside if - no errors
$arguments[] = new A();
'is_aWithStringableClass' => [
* @psalm-var class-string<Throwable> $exceptionType
if (\is_a(new Exception(), $exceptionType)) {}
'strposFirstParamAllowClassString' => [
function sayHello(string $needle): void {
if (strpos(DateTime::class, $needle)) {}
'mb_strtolowerProducesStringWithSecondArgument' => [
$r = mb_strtolower("École", "BASE64");
'assertions' => [
'$r===' => 'string',
'mb_strtolowerProducesLowercaseStringWithNullOrAbsentEncoding' => [
$a = mb_strtolower("AAA");
$b = mb_strtolower("AAA", null);
'assertions' => [
'$a===' => 'lowercase-string',
'$b===' => 'lowercase-string',
'count_charsProducesArrayOrString' => [
$a = count_chars("foo");
$b = count_chars("foo", 1);
$c = count_chars("foo", 2);
$d = count_chars("foo", 3);
$e = count_chars("foo", 4);
'assertions' => [
'$a===' => 'array<int, int>',
'$b===' => 'array<int, int>',
'$c===' => 'array<int, int>',
'$d===' => 'string',
'$e===' => 'string',
'number_formatNamedArgument' => [
echo number_format(10.363, 1, thousands_separator: " ");
* @return iterable<string,array{string,error_message:string,1?:string[],2?:bool,3?:string}>
public function providerInvalidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'invalidScalarArgument' => [
function fooFoo(int $a): void {}
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'invalidArgumentWithDeclareStrictTypes' => [
'<?php declare(strict_types=1);
function fooFoo(int $a): void {}
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'builtinFunctioninvalidArgumentWithWeakTypes' => [
$s = substr(5, 4);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'builtinFunctioninvalidArgumentWithDeclareStrictTypes' => [
'<?php declare(strict_types=1);
$s = substr(5, 4);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'builtinFunctioninvalidArgumentWithDeclareStrictTypesInClass' => [
'<?php declare(strict_types=1);
class A {
public function foo() : void {
$s = substr(5, 4);
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'mixedArgument' => [
function fooFoo(int $a): void {}
/** @var mixed */
$a = "hello";
'error_message' => 'MixedArgument',
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment'],
'nullArgument' => [
function fooFoo(int $a): void {}
'error_message' => 'NullArgument',
'tooFewArguments' => [
function fooFoo(int $a): void {}
'error_message' => 'TooFewArguments',
'tooManyArguments' => [
function fooFoo(int $a): void {}
fooFoo(5, "dfd");',
'error_message' => 'TooManyArguments - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:3:21 - Too many arguments for fooFoo '
. '- expecting 1 but saw 2',
'tooManyArgumentsForConstructor' => [
class A { }
new A("hello");',
'error_message' => 'TooManyArguments',
'typeCoercion' => [
class A {}
class B extends A{}
function fooFoo(B $b): void {}
fooFoo(new A());',
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'arrayTypeCoercion' => [
class A {}
class B extends A{}
* @param B[] $b
* @return void
function fooFoo(array $b) {}
fooFoo([new A()]);',
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'duplicateParam' => [
* @return void
function f($p, $p) {}',
'error_message' => 'DuplicateParam',
'error_levels' => ['MissingParamType'],
'invalidParamDefault' => [
function f(int $p = false) {}',
'error_message' => 'InvalidParamDefault',
'invalidDocblockParamDefault' => [
* @param int $p
* @return void
function f($p = false) {}',
'error_message' => 'InvalidParamDefault',
'badByRef' => [
function fooFoo(string &$v): void {}
'error_message' => 'InvalidPassByReference',
'badArrayByRef' => [
function fooFoo(array &$a): void {}
fooFoo([1, 2, 3]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidPassByReference',
'invalidArgAfterCallable' => [
* @param callable $callback
* @return void
function route($callback) {
if (!is_callable($callback)) { }
function takes_int(int $i) {}',
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'error_levels' => [
'undefinedFunctionInArrayMap' => [
[1, 2, 3]
'error_message' => 'UndefinedFunction',
'objectLikeKeyChecksAgainstDifferentGeneric' => [
* @param array<string, int> $b
function a($b): int
return $b["a"];
a(["a" => "hello"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'objectLikeKeyChecksAgainstDifferentTKeyedArray' => [
* @param array{a: int} $b
function a($b): int
return $b["a"];
a(["a" => "hello"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'possiblyNullFunctionCall' => [
$a = rand(0, 1) ? function(): void {} : null;
'error_message' => 'PossiblyNullFunctionCall',
'possiblyInvalidFunctionCall' => [
$a = rand(0, 1) ? function(): void {} : 23515;
'error_message' => 'PossiblyInvalidFunctionCall',
'varExportAssignmentToVoid' => [
$a = var_export(["a"]);',
'error_message' => 'AssignmentToVoid',
'explodeWithEmptyString' => [
function exploder(string $s) : array {
return explode("", $s);
'error_message' => 'FalsableReturnStatement',
'complainAboutArrayToIterable' => [
class A {}
class B {}
* @param iterable<mixed,A> $p
function takesIterableOfA(iterable $p): void {}
takesIterableOfA([new B]); // should complain',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'complainAboutArrayToIterableSingleParam' => [
class A {}
class B {}
* @param iterable<A> $p
function takesIterableOfA(iterable $p): void {}
takesIterableOfA([new B]); // should complain',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'putInvalidTypeMessagesFirst' => [
$q = rand(0,1) ? new stdClass : false;
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'getTypeInvalidValue' => [
* @param mixed $maybe
function matchesTypes($maybe) : void {
$t = gettype($maybe);
if ($t === "bool") {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'rangeWithFloatStep' => [
function foo(int $bar) : string {
return (string) $bar;
foreach (range(1, 10, .3) as $x) {
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'rangeWithFloatStart' => [
function foo(int $bar) : string {
return (string) $bar;
foreach (range(1.4, 10) as $x) {
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'duplicateFunction' => [
function f() : void {}
function f() : void {}',
'error_message' => 'DuplicateFunction',
'duplicateCoreFunction' => [
function sort() : void {}',
'error_message' => 'DuplicateFunction',
'functionCallOnMixed' => [
* @var mixed $s
* @psalm-suppress MixedAssignment
$s = 1;
'error_message' => 'MixedFunctionCall',
'iterableOfObjectCannotAcceptIterableOfInt' => [
/** @param iterable<string,object> $_p */
function accepts(iterable $_p): void {}
/** @return iterable<int,int> */
function iterable() { yield 1; }
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'iterableOfObjectCannotAcceptTraversableOfInt' => [
/** @param iterable<string,object> $_p */
function accepts(iterable $_p): void {}
/** @return Traversable<int,int> */
function traversable() { yield 1; }
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'iterableOfObjectCannotAcceptGeneratorOfInt' => [
/** @param iterable<string,object> $_p */
function accepts(iterable $_p): void {}
/** @return Generator<int,int,mixed,void> */
function generator() { yield 1; }
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'iterableOfObjectCannotAcceptArrayOfInt' => [
/** @param iterable<string,object> $_p */
function accepts(iterable $_p): void {}
/** @return array<int,int> */
function arr() { return [1]; }
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'nonNullableByRef' => [
function foo(string &$s) : void {}
function bar() : void {
'error_message' => 'NullReference',
'intCastByRef' => [
function foo(int &$i) : void {}
$a = rand(0, 1) ? null : 5;
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArgument */
foo((int) $a);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidPassByReference',
'implicitAssignmentToStringFromMixed' => [
/** @param "a"|"b" $s */
function takesString(string $s) : void {}
function takesInt(int $i) : void {}
* @param mixed $s
* @psalm-suppress MixedArgument
function bar($s) : void {
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'tooFewArgsAccurateCount' => [
'error_message' => 'TooFewArguments - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:2:21 - Too few arguments for preg_match - expecting subject to be passed',
'compactUndefinedVariable' => [
* @return array<string, mixed>
function foo() : array {
return compact("a", "b", "c");
'error_message' => 'UndefinedVariable',
'countCallableArrayShouldBeTwo' => [
/** @param callable|false $x */
function example($x) : void {
if (is_array($x)) {
$c = count($x);
if ($c !== 2) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'countOnObjectCannotBePositive' => [
/** @return positive-int|0 */
function example(\Countable $x) : int {
return count($x);
'error_message' => 'LessSpecificReturnStatement',
'countOnUnknownObjectCannotBePure' => [
/** @psalm-pure */
function example(\Countable $x) : int {
return count($x);
'error_message' => 'ImpureFunctionCall',
'coerceCallMapArgsInStrictMode' => [
function getStr() : ?string {
return rand(0,1) ? "test" : null;
function test() : void {
$g = getStr();
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArgument */
$x = strtoupper($g);
$c = "prefix " . (strtoupper($g ?? "") === "x" ? "xa" : "ya");
echo "$x, $c\n";
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'noCrashOnEmptyArrayPush' => [
'error_message' => 'TooFewArguments',
'printOnlyString' => [
print [];',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'printReturns1' => [
(print "test") === 2;',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'sodiumMemzeroNullifyString' => [
function returnsStr(): string {
$str = "x";
return $str;
'error_message' => 'NullableReturnStatement'
'noCrashWithPattern' => [
echo !\is_callable($loop_callback)
|| (\is_array($loop_callback)
&& !\method_exists(...$loop_callback));',
'error_message' => 'UndefinedGlobalVariable'
'parseUrlPossiblyUndefined' => [
function bar(string $s) : string {
$parsed = parse_url($s);
return $parsed["host"];
'error_message' => 'PossiblyUndefinedArrayOffset',
'parseUrlPossiblyUndefined2' => [
function bag(string $s) : string {
$parsed = parse_url($s);
if (is_string($parsed["host"] ?? false)) {
return $parsed["host"];
return "";
'error_message' => 'PossiblyUndefinedArrayOffset',
'strposNoSetFirstParam' => [
function sayHello(string $format): void {
if (strpos("u", $format)) {}
'error_message' => 'InvalidLiteralArgument',
'curlInitIsResourceFailsIn8x' => [
$ch = curl_init();
if (!is_resource($ch)) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'maxCallWithArray' => [
function foo(array $a) {
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'pregSplitNoEmpty' => [
/** @return non-empty-list */
function foo(string $s) {
return preg_split("/ /", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
'error_message' => 'InvalidReturnStatement'
'maxWithMixed' => [
/** @var mixed $b */;
/** @var mixed $c */;
$a = max($b, $c);',
'error_message' => 'MixedAssignment'
'literalFalseArgument' => [
function takesAString(string $s): void{
echo $s;
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument'
'getClassWithoutArgsOutsideClass' => [
echo get_class();',
'error_message' => 'TooFewArguments',
'count_charsWithInvalidMode' => [
function scope(int $mode){
$a = count_chars("foo", $mode);
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
public function testTriggerErrorDefault(): void
$config = Config::getInstance();
$config->trigger_error_exits = 'default';
/** @return true */
function returnsTrue(): bool {
return trigger_error("", E_USER_NOTICE);
/** @return never */
function returnsNever(): void {
trigger_error("", E_USER_ERROR);
* @psalm-suppress ArgumentTypeCoercion
* @return mixed
function returnsNeverOrBool(int $i) {
return trigger_error("", $i);
//will only pass if no exception is thrown
$this->analyzeFile('somefile.php', new Context());
public function testTriggerErrorAlways(): void
$config = Config::getInstance();
$config->trigger_error_exits = 'always';
/** @return never */
function returnsNever1(): void {
trigger_error("", E_USER_NOTICE);
/** @return never */
function returnsNever2(): void {
trigger_error("", E_USER_ERROR);
//will only pass if no exception is thrown
$this->analyzeFile('somefile.php', new Context());
public function testTriggerErrorNever(): void
$config = Config::getInstance();
$config->trigger_error_exits = 'never';
/** @return true */
function returnsTrue1(): bool {
return trigger_error("", E_USER_NOTICE);
/** @return true */
function returnsTrue2(): bool {
return trigger_error("", E_USER_ERROR);
//will only pass if no exception is thrown
$this->analyzeFile('somefile.php', new Context());