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namespace Psalm\Tests\TypeReconciliation;
use Psalm\Tests\TestCase;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits\ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
class RedundantConditionTest extends TestCase
use ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
* @return iterable<string,array{string,assertions?:array<string,string>,error_levels?:string[]}>
public function providerValidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'ignoreIssueAndAssign' => [
function foo(): stdClass {
return new stdClass;
$b = null;
foreach ([0, 1] as $i) {
$a = foo();
if (!empty($a)) {
$b = $a;
'assertions' => [
'$b' => 'null|stdClass',
'error_levels' => ['RedundantCondition'],
'byrefNoRedundantCondition' => [
* @param int $min ref
* @param int $other
function testmin(&$min, int $other): void {
if (is_null($min)) {
$min = 3;
} elseif (!is_int($min)) {
$min = 5;
} elseif ($min < $other) {
$min = $other;
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => [
'assignmentInIf' => [
function test(int $x = null): int {
if (!$x && !($x = rand(0, 10))) {
echo "Failed to get non-empty x\n";
return -1;
return $x;
'noRedundantConditionAfterAssignment' => [
/** @param int $i */
function foo($i): void {
/** @psalm-suppress RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType */
if ($i !== null) {
/** @psalm-suppress RedundantCastGivenDocblockType */
$i = (int) $i;
if ($i) {}
'assertions' => [],
'noRedundantConditionAfterDocblockTypeNullCheck' => [
class A {
/** @var ?int */
public $foo;
class B {}
* @param A|B $i
function foo($i): void {
if (empty($i)) {
switch (get_class($i)) {
case A::class:
if ($i->foo) {}
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['DocblockTypeContradiction'],
'noRedundantConditionTypeReplacementWithDocblock' => [
class A {}
* @return A
function getA() {
return new A();
$maybe_a = rand(0, 1) ? new A : null;
if ($maybe_a === null) {
$maybe_a = getA();
if ($maybe_a === null) {}',
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => [
'noRedundantConditionAfterPossiblyNullCheck' => [
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$a = "hello";
if ($a) {}',
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable'],
'noRedundantConditionAfterFromDocblockRemoval' => [
class A {
public function foo(): bool {
return (bool) rand(0, 1);
public function bar(): bool {
return (bool) rand(0, 1);
/** @return A */
function makeA() {
return new A;
$a = makeA();
if ($a === null) {
if ($a->foo() || $a->bar()) {}',
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => [
'noEmptyUndefinedArrayVar' => [
if (rand(0,1)) {
/** @psalm-suppress UndefinedGlobalVariable */
$a = $b[0];
} else {
$a = null;
if ($a) {}',
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment', 'MixedArrayAccess'],
'noComplaintWithIsNumericThenIsEmpty' => [
function takesString(string $s): void {
if (!is_numeric($s) || empty($s)) {}
'noRedundantConditionOnTryCatchVars' => [
function trycatch(): void {
$value = null;
try {
if (rand() % 2 > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed");
$value = new stdClass();
if (rand() % 2 > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed");
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($value) {
if ($value) {}
'noRedundantConditionInFalseCheck' => [
$ch = curl_init();
if (!$ch) {}',
'noRedundantConditionInForCheck' => [
class Node
/** @var Node|null */
public $next;
public function iterate(): void
for ($node = $this; $node !== null; $node = $node->next) {}
'noRedundantConditionComparingBool' => [
function getBool(): bool {
return (bool)rand(0, 1);
function takesBool(bool $b): void {
if ($b === getBool()) {}
'evaluateElseifProperly' => [
/** @param string $str */
function foo($str): int {
if (is_null($str)) {
return 1;
} else if (strlen($str) < 1) {
return 2;
return 2;
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => [
'evaluateArrayCheck' => [
function array_check(): void {
$data = ["f" => false];
while (rand(0, 1) > 0 && !$data["f"]) {
$data = ["f" => true];
'mixedArrayAssignment' => [
/** @param mixed $arr */
function foo($arr): void {
if ($arr["a"] === false) {
/** @psalm-suppress MixedArrayAssignment */
$arr["a"] = (bool) rand(0, 1);
if ($arr["a"] === false) {}
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment', 'MixedArrayAccess'],
'hardPhpTypeAssertionsOnDocblockBoolType' => [
/** @param bool|null $bar */
function foo($bar): void {
if (!is_null($bar) && !is_bool($bar)) {
throw new \Exception("bad");
if ($bar !== null) {}
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['DocblockTypeContradiction'],
'hardPhpTypeAssertionsOnDocblockStringType' => [
/** @param string|null $bar */
function foo($bar): void {
if (!is_null($bar) && !is_string($bar)) {
throw new \Exception("bad");
if ($bar !== null) {}
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['DocblockTypeContradiction'],
'isObjectAssertionOnDocblockType' => [
class A {}
class B {}
/** @param A|B $a */
function foo($a) : void {
if (!is_object($a)) {
if ($a instanceof A) {
} elseif ($a instanceof B) {
} else {
throw new \Exception("bad");
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType', 'DocblockTypeContradiction'],
'nullToMixedWithNullCheckWithArraykey' => [
/** @return array<array-key, mixed> */
function getStrings(): array {
return ["hello", "world", 50];
$a = getStrings();
if (is_string($a[0]) && strlen($a[0]) > 3) {}',
'assignments' => [],
'error_levels' => [],
'nullToMixedWithNullCheckWithIntKey' => [
/** @return array<int, mixed> */
function getStrings(): array {
return ["hello", "world", 50];
$a = getStrings();
if (is_string($a[0]) && strlen($a[0]) > 3) {}',
'assignments' => [],
'error_levels' => [],
'replaceFalseTypeWithTrueConditionalOnMixedEquality' => [
function getData() {
return rand(0, 1) ? [1, 2, 3] : false;
$a = false;
while ($i = getData()) {
if (!$a && $i[0] === 2) {
$a = true;
if ($a === false) {}
'assignments' => [],
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment', 'MissingReturnType', 'MixedArrayAccess'],
'nullCoalescePossiblyUndefined' => [
if (rand(0,1)) {
$options = ["option" => true];
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable */
$option = $options["option"] ?? false;
if ($option) {}',
'assignments' => [],
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment', 'MixedArrayAccess'],
'allowIntValueCheckAfterComparisonDueToOverflow' => [
function foo(int $x) : void {
$x = $x + 1;
if (!is_int($x)) {
echo "Is a float.";
} else {
echo "Is an int.";
function bar(int $x) : void {
$x = $x + 1;
if (is_float($x)) {
echo "Is a float.";
} else {
echo "Is an int.";
'allowIntValueCheckAfterComparisonDueToOverflowInc' => [
function foo(int $x) : void {
if (!is_int($x)) {
echo "Is a float.";
} else {
echo "Is an int.";
function bar(int $x) : void {
if (is_float($x)) {
echo "Is a float.";
} else {
echo "Is an int.";
'allowIntValueCheckAfterComparisonDueToConditionalOverflow' => [
function foo(int $x) : void {
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$x = $x + 1;
if (is_float($x)) {
echo "Is a float.";
} else {
echo "Is an int.";
'changeStringValue' => [
$concat = "";
foreach (["x", "y"] as $v) {
if ($concat != "") {
$concat .= ", ";
$concat .= "($v)";
'arrayCanBeEmpty' => [
$x = ["key" => "value"];
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$x = [];
if ($x) {
'noRedundantConditionStringNotFalse' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
if ($s != false ) {}
'noRedundantConditionStringNotTrue' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
if ($s != true ) {}
'noRedundantConditionBoolNotFalse' => [
function foo(bool $s) : void {
if ($s !== false ) {}
'noRedundantConditionBoolNotTrue' => [
function foo(bool $s) : void {
if ($s !== true ) {}
'noRedundantConditionNullableBoolIsFalseOrTrue' => [
function foo(?bool $s) : void {
if ($s === false ) {} elseif ($s === true) {}
'noRedundantConditionNullableBoolIsTrueOrFalse' => [
function foo(?bool $s) : void {
if ($s === true ) {} elseif ($s === false) {}
'noRedundantConditionAfterCheckingMixedTwice' => [
function foo($a) : void {
$b = $a ? 1 : 0;
$c = $a ? 1 : 0;
'error_levels' => ['MissingParamType'],
'notAlwaysTrueBinaryOp' => [
function foo ($a) : void {
if (!$a) {}
$b = $a && rand(0, 1);
'error_levels' => ['MissingParamType'],
'noRedundantConditionAfterAssertingValue' => [
function foo(string $t, bool $b) : void {
if (!$b && $t === "a") {
if ($t === "c") {
if (!$b && bar($t)) {}
function bar(string $b) : bool {
return true;
'noRedundantConditionBleed' => [
$foo = getopt("i");
$i = $foo["i"];
/** @psalm-suppress TypeDoesNotContainNull */
if ($i === null) {
if ($i) {}',
'emptyWithoutKnowingArrayType' => [
function foo(array $a) : void {
if (!empty($a["foo"])) {
foreach ($a["foo"] as $key => $_) {
if (rand(0, 1)) {
if (empty($a["foo"])) {}
['MixedAssignment', 'MixedArrayAccess', 'MixedArrayOffset'],
'emptyKnowingArrayType' => [
* @param array<string, array<string, int>> $a
function foo(array $a) : void {
if (!empty($a["foo"])) {
foreach ($a["foo"] as $key => $_) {
if (rand(0, 1)) {
if (empty($a["foo"])) {}
'suppressRedundantConditionAfterAssertNonEmpty' => [
* @param array<int> $a
function process(array $a): void {
/** @psalm-suppress RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType */
'allowChecksOnFalsyIf' => [
function foo(?string $s) : string {
if ($s == null) {
if ($s === null) {}
return "hello";
} else {
return $s;
'updateArrayAfterUnset' => [
* @param string[] $arr
function foo(string $s) : void {
$dict = ["a" => 1];
if (count($dict)) {}
'updateArrayAfterUnsetInLoop' => [
* @param string[] $arr
function foo(array $arr) : void {
$dict = ["a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3];
foreach ($arr as $v) {
if (count($dict)) {}
'noRedundantConditionWhenAssertingOnIntersection' => [
class A {}
interface I {}
class AChild extends A implements I {}
function isAChild(A $value): ?AChild {
if (!$value instanceof I) {
return null;
if (!$value instanceof AChild) {
return null;
return $value;
'noRedundantConditionWhenAssertingOnIntersectionFlipped' => [
class A {}
interface I {}
class AChild extends A implements I {}
/** @param I&A $value */
function isAChild(I $value): ?AChild {
if (!$value instanceof AChild) {
return null;
return $value;
'noRedundantConditionWhenAssertingOnIntersectionOfInterfaces' => [
interface A {}
interface I {}
class AChild implements I, A {}
function isAChild(A $value): ?AChild {
if (!$value instanceof I) {
return null;
if (!$value instanceof AChild) {
return null;
return $value;
'noRedundantConditionWithUnionOfInterfaces' => [
interface One {}
interface Two {}
* @param One|Two $impl
function a($impl) : void {
if ($impl instanceof One && $impl instanceof Two) {
throw new \Exception();
} elseif ($impl instanceof One) {}
* @param One|Two $impl
function b($impl) : void {
if ($impl instanceof One && $impl instanceof Two) {
throw new \Exception();
} else {
if ($impl instanceof One) {}
'invalidateAfterPostIncrement' => [
* @param array<int, int> $tokens
function propertyInUse(array $tokens, int $i): bool {
if ($tokens[$i] !== 1) {
return false;
if ($tokens[$i] !== 2) {}
return false;
'invalidateAfterAssignOp' => [
* @param array<int, int> $tokens
function propertyInUse(array $tokens, int $i): bool {
if ($tokens[$i] !== 1) {
return false;
$i += 1;
if ($tokens[$i] !== 2) {}
return false;
'invalidateAfterAssign' => [
* @param array<int, int> $tokens
function propertyInUse(array $tokens, int $i): bool {
if ($tokens[$i] !== 1) {
return false;
$i = $i + 1;
if ($tokens[$i] !== 2) {}
return false;
'numericNotString' => [
/** @param mixed $value */
function test($value) : void {
if (!is_numeric($value)) {
throw new Exception("Invalid $value");
if (!is_string($value)) {}
'checkClosedResource' => [
$fp = tmpfile();
if ($fp) {
echo "foo", "\n";
} else {
echo "bar", "\n";
echo var_export([$fp, is_resource($fp), !! $fp], true);
'$fp' => 'closed-resource',
'allowCheckOnReturnTypeUnion' => [
/** @return int|string */
function returnsInt() {
return rand(0, 1) ? 1 : "hello";
if (is_int(returnsInt())) {}
if (!is_int(returnsInt())) {}',
'noRedundantConditionInClosureForProperty' => [
class Queue {
private bool $closed = false;
public function enqueue(string $value): Closure {
if ($this->closed) {
return function() : void {
if ($this->closed) {}
return function() : void {};
'noRedundantCastAfterCalculation' => [
function x(string $x): int {
return (int) (hexdec($x) + 1);
'unsetArrayWithKnownOffset' => [
function bar(string $f) : void {
$filter = rand(0, 1) ? explode(",", $f) : [$f];
unset($filter[rand(0, 1)]);
if ($filter) {}
'stringInScalar' => [
* @template T of scalar
* @param T $value
function normalizeValue(bool|int|float|string $value): void
'NumericCanBeFalsy' => [
function test(string|int|float|bool $value): bool {
if (is_numeric($value) || $value === true) {
if ($value) {
return true;
return false;
'NumericCanBeNotIntOrNotFloat' => [
/** @param mixed $a */
function a($a): void{
if (is_numeric($a)) {
/** @param mixed $a */
function b($a): void{
if (is_numeric($a)) {
'alwaysTrueAssignAllowedInsideAND' => [
class A{
public function get(): stdClass{ return new stdClass;}
$a = new A();
if (($c = $a->get()) && rand(0,1)){
'alwaysTrueAssignAllowedInsideOr' => [
class A{
public function get(): ?stdClass{ return new stdClass;}
$a = new A();
if ($a->get() || ($c = rand(0,1))){
'countWithNeverValuesInKeyedArray' => [
/** @var non-empty-array $report_data */
$report_data = [];
if ( array_key_exists( "A", $report_data ) ) {
} elseif ( !empty( $report_data[0]["type"] ) && rand(0,1) ) {
if ( rand(0,1) ) {}
if ( count( $report_data ) === 1 ) {
* @return iterable<string,array{string,error_message:string,1?:string[],2?:bool,3?:string}>
public function providerInvalidCodeParse(): iterable
return [
'ifFalse' => [
$y = false;
if ($y) {}',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'ifNotTrue' => [
$y = true;
if (!$y) {}',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'ifTrue' => [
$y = true;
if ($y) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'unnecessaryInstanceof' => [
class One {
public function fooFoo() : void {}
$var = new One();
if ($var instanceof One) {
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'failedTypeResolution' => [
class A { }
* @return void
function fooFoo(A $a) {
if ($a instanceof A) {
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'failedTypeResolutionWithDocblock' => [
class A { }
* @param A $a
* @return void
function fooFoo(A $a) {
if ($a instanceof A) {
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'typeResolutionFromDocblockAndInstanceof' => [
class A { }
* @param A $a
* @return void
* @psalm-suppress RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType
function fooFoo($a) {
if ($a instanceof A) {
if ($a instanceof A) {
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'typeResolutionRepeatingConditionWithSingleVar' => [
$a = rand(0, 10) > 5;
if ($a && $a) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'typeResolutionRepeatingConditionWithVarInMiddle' => [
$a = rand(0, 10) > 5;
$b = rand(0, 10) > 5;
if ($a && $b && $a) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'typeResolutionRepeatingOredConditionWithSingleVar' => [
$a = rand(0, 10) > 5;
if ($a || $a) {}',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'typeResolutionRepeatingOredConditionWithVarInMiddle' => [
$a = rand(0, 10) > 5;
$b = rand(0, 10) > 5;
if ($a || $b || $a) {}',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'typeResolutionIsIntAndIsNumeric' => [
$c = rand(0, 10) > 5 ? "hello" : 3;
if (is_int($c) && is_numeric($c)) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'typeResolutionWithInstanceOfAndNotEmpty' => [
$x = rand(0, 10) > 5 ? new stdClass : null;
if ($x instanceof stdClass && $x) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'methodWithMeaninglessCheck' => [
class One {
/** @return void */
public function fooFoo() {}
class B {
/** @return void */
public function barBar(One $one) {
if (!$one) {
// do nothing
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'twoVarLogicNotNestedWithElseifNegatedInIf' => [
function foo(?string $a, ?string $b): ?string {
if ($a) {
$a = null;
} elseif ($b) {
// do nothing here
} else {
return "bad";
if (!$a) return $b;
return $a;
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'refineTypeInMethodCall' => [
class A {}
/** @return ?A */
function getA() {
return rand(0, 1) ? new A : null;
function takesA(A $a): void {}
$a = getA();
if ($a instanceof A) {}
/** @psalm-suppress PossiblyNullArgument */
if ($a instanceof A) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:15',
'replaceFalseType' => [
function foo(bool $b) : void {
if (!$b) {
$b = true;
if ($b) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'replaceTrueType' => [
function foo(bool $b) : void {
if ($b) {
$b = false;
if ($b) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:7',
'disallowFloatCheckAfterSettingToVar' => [
function foo(int $x) : void {
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$x = 125;
if (is_float($x)) {
echo "Is a float.";
} else {
echo "Is an int.";
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:7',
'disallowTwoIntValueChecksDueToConditionalOverflow' => [
function foo(int $x) : void {
$x = $x + 1;
if (is_int($x)) {
} elseif (is_int($x)) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType - src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'somefile.php:6',
'redundantEmptyArray' => [
$x = ["key" => "value"];
if ($x) {
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'redundantConditionStringNotFalse' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
if ($s !== false ) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'redundantConditionStringNotTrue' => [
function foo(string $s) : void {
if ($s !== true ) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'redundantConditionAfterRemovingFalse' => [
$s = rand(0, 1) ? rand(0, 5) : false;
if ($s !== false) {
if (is_int($s)) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'redundantConditionAfterRemovingTrue' => [
$s = rand(0, 1) ? rand(0, 5) : true;
if ($s !== true) {
if (is_int($s)) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'impossibleNullEquality' => [
$i = 5;
echo $i !== null;',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'impossibleTrueEquality' => [
$i = 5;
echo $i !== true;',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'impossibleFalseEquality' => [
$i = 5;
echo $i !== false;',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'impossibleNumberEquality' => [
$i = 5;
echo $i !== 3;',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'alwaysTrueBinaryOp' => [
function foo ($a) : void {
if (!$a) return;
$b = $a && rand(0, 1);
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'error_levels' => ['MissingParamType'],
'negatedInstanceof' => [
class A {}
class B {}
function foo(A $a) : void {
if (!$a instanceof B) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'redundantInstanceof' => [
/** @param Exception $a */
function foo($a) : void {
if ($a instanceof \Exception) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType',
'preventDocblockTypesBeingIdenticalToTrue' => [
class A {}
* @param A $a
function foo($a, $b) : void {
if ($a === true) {}
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'preventDocblockTypesBeingIdenticalToTrueReversed' => [
class A {}
* @param A $a
function foo($a, $b) : void {
if (true === $a) {}
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'preventDocblockTypesBeingIdenticalToFalse' => [
class A {}
* @param A $a
function foo($a, $b) : void {
if ($a === false) {}
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'preventDocblockTypesBeingIdenticalToFalseReversed' => [
class A {}
* @param A $a
function foo($a, $b) : void {
if (false === $a) {}
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'preventDocblockTypesBeingSameAsEmptyArrayReversed' => [
class A {}
* @param A $a
function foo($a, $b) : void {
if ([] == $a) {}
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'preventDocblockTypesBeingIdenticalToEmptyArrayReversed' => [
class A {}
* @param A $a
function foo($a, $b) : void {
if ([] === $a) {}
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'preventTypesBeingIdenticalToEmptyArrayReversed' => [
class A {}
function foo(A $a, $b) : void {
if ([] === $a) {}
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'SKIPPED-secondInterfaceAssertionIsRedundant' => [
interface One {}
interface Two {}
* @param One|Two $value
function isOne($value): void {
if ($value instanceof One) {
if ($value instanceof One) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType',
'errorAfterStatementThatCannotBeConvertedToAssertion' => [
function a(float $b) : void {
if ($b === 0.0) {
$a = new stdClass();
if ($a) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'noLongerWarnsAboutRedundancyHere' => [
function a(bool $a, bool $b) : void {
if ($a || $b) {
if ($a) {
} elseif ($b) {
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'prohibitFalsyChecksOnPropertiesWithMethodCall' => [
class RequestHeaders {
public function has(string $s) : bool {
return true;
class Request {
public RequestHeaders $headers;
public function __construct(RequestHeaders $headers) {
$this->headers = $headers;
function lag(Request $req) : void {
if ($req->headers && $req->headers->has("foo")) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'prohibitFalsyChecksOnPropertiesWithoutMethodCall' => [
class RequestHeaders {}
class Request {
public RequestHeaders $headers;
public function __construct(RequestHeaders $headers) {
$this->headers = $headers;
function lag(Request $req) : void {
if ($req->headers) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'checkResourceTwice' => [
$fp = tmpfile();
if ($fp && is_resource($fp)) {
if (is_resource($fp)) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'preventAlwaysReturningInt' => [
function returnsInt(): int {
return 3;
if (is_int(returnsInt())) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'preventAlwaysReturningSpecificInt' => [
* @return 3|4
function returnsInt(): int {
return rand(0, 1) ? 3 : 4;
if (is_int(returnsInt())) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType',
'preventNotAlwaysReturningInt' => [
function returnsInt(): int {
return 3;
if (!is_int(returnsInt())) {}',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'classAlwaysParent' => [
class AParent {}
class A extends AParent {
public static function load() : A {
return new A();
$a = A::load();
if ($a instanceof AParent) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'staticClassIsAlwaysNull' => [
* @psalm-consistent-constructor
class A {
* @return ?static
public static function load() {
return rand(0, 1)
? null
: new static();
$a = A::load();
if ($a && $a instanceof A) {}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType',
'classStringNotEmpty' => [
function foo(object $o) : void {
$oc = get_class($o);
if ($oc) {}
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'leftCannotBeTrue' => [
/** @psalm-type F = ""|"0" */
* @param F $a
* @param F $b
function foo(string $a, string $b): void {
if ($a || $b) {}
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'rightCannotBeTrue' => [
/** @param false $a */
function foo(bool $a): void {
if (rand(0, 1) || $a) {
echo "a or b";
'error_message' => 'DocblockTypeContradiction',
'OrTrue' => [
if(rand(0,1) || true){}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'AndTrue' => [
if(rand(0,1) && true){}',
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',
'OrFalse' => [
if(rand(0,1) || false){}',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'AndFalse' => [
if(rand(0,1) && false){}',
'error_message' => 'TypeDoesNotContainType',
'alwaysTrueAssign' => [
class A{
public function get(): stdClass{ return new stdClass;}
$a = new A();
if ($c = $a->get()){
'error_message' => 'RedundantCondition',