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* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TArray as array<TKey, mixed>
* @param TArray $arr
* @param mixed $search_value
* @param bool $strict
* @return (TArray is non-empty-array ? non-empty-list<TKey> : list<TKey>)
* @psalm-pure
function array_keys(array $arr, $search_value = null, bool $strict = false)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param array $arr2
* @param array ...$arr3
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
* @psalm-pure
function array_intersect(array $arr, array $arr2, array ...$arr3)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param array $arr2
* @param array ...$arr3
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
* @psalm-pure
function array_intersect_key(array $arr, array $arr2, array ...$arr3)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param array $arr2
* @param array ...$arr3
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
* @psalm-pure
function array_intersect_assoc(array $arr, array $arr2, array ...$arr3)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<mixed, TKey> $arr
* @param array<mixed, TValue> $arr2
* @return array<TKey, TValue>|false
* @psalm-ignore-falsable-return
* @psalm-pure
function array_combine(array $arr, array $arr2)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param array $arr2
* @param array ...$arr3
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
* @psalm-pure
function array_diff(array $arr, array $arr2, array ...$arr3)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param array $arr2
* @param array ...$arr3
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
* @psalm-pure
function array_diff_key(array $arr, array $arr2, array ...$arr3)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param array $arr2
* @param array ...$arr3
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
* @psalm-pure
function array_diff_assoc(array $arr, array $arr2, array ...$arr3)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @return array<TValue, TKey>
* @psalm-pure
function array_flip(array $arr)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TArray as array<TKey, mixed>
* @param TArray $arr
* @return (TArray is array<empty, empty> ? null : TKey|null)
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-ignore-nullable-return
function key($arr)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TArray as array<TKey, mixed>
* @param TArray $arr
* @return (TArray is array<empty, empty> ? null : (TArray is non-empty-array ? TKey : TKey|null))
* @psalm-pure
function array_key_first($arr)
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TArray as array<TKey, mixed>
* @param TArray $arr
* @return (TArray is array<empty, empty> ? null : (TArray is non-empty-array ? TKey : TKey|null))
* @psalm-pure
function array_key_last($arr)
* @psalm-template T
* @param mixed $needle
* @param array<T, mixed> $haystack
* @param bool $strict
* @return T|false
* @psalm-pure
function array_search($needle, array $haystack, bool $strict = false)
* @psalm-template T
* @param T[] $arr
* @param-out list<T> $arr
function shuffle(array &$arr): bool
* @psalm-template T
* @param T[] $arr
* @param-out list<T> $arr
function sort(array &$arr, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR): bool
* @psalm-template T
* @param T[] $arr
* @param-out list<T> $arr
function rsort(array &$arr, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR): bool
* @psalm-template T
* @param T[] $arr
* @param callable(T,T):int $callback
* @param-out list<T> $arr
function usort(array &$arr, callable $callback): bool
* @psalm-template TKey
* @psalm-template T
* @param array<TKey,T> $arr
* @param callable(T,T):int $callback
* @param-out array<TKey,T> $arr
function uasort(array &$arr, callable $callback): bool
* @psalm-template TKey
* @psalm-template T
* @param array<TKey,T> $arr
* @param callable(TKey,TKey):int $callback
* @param-out array<TKey,T> $arr
function uksort(array &$arr, callable $callback): bool
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-template K of array-key
* @psalm-template T
* @param array<K,T> $arr
* @return array<K,T>
function array_change_key_case(array $arr, int $case = CASE_LOWER)
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @param TKey $key
* @param array<TKey, mixed> $search
* @return bool
function array_key_exists($key, array $search) : bool
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param array<TKey, TValue> ...$arr2
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
function array_merge_recursive(array $arr, array ...$arr2)
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-template TKey as array-key
* @psalm-template TValue
* @param array<TKey> $keys
* @param TValue $value
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
function array_fill_keys(array $keys, $value): array
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-template TKey
* @param string $pattern
* @param array<TKey,string> $input
* @param 0|1 $flags 1=PREG_GREP_INVERT
* @return array<TKey,string>
function preg_grep($pattern, array $input, $flags = 0)
* @param resource $handle
* @param-out closed-resource $handle
function fclose(&$handle) : bool
* @param string $reference
* @param-out null $reference
function sodium_memzero(string &$reference): void
* @param mixed $var
* @param bool $return
* @return ($return is true ? string : void)
* @psalm-taint-specialize
* @psalm-flow ($var) -> return
function var_export($var, bool $return = false) {}
* @param mixed $var
* @param bool $return
* @return ($return is true ? string : true)
* @psalm-taint-specialize
* @psalm-flow ($var) -> return
function print_r($var, bool $return = false) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param mixed $var
* @return ($return is true ? string : bool)
function highlight_file($var, bool $return = false) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param mixed $var
* @return ($return is true ? string : bool)
* @psalm-flow ($var) -> return
function highlight_string($var, bool $return = false) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @return ($get_as_float is true ? float : string)
function microtime(bool $get_as_float = false) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @return ($return_float is true ? float : array<string, int>)
function gettimeofday(bool $return_float = false) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param numeric $number
* @return ($number is int ? int : ($number is float ? float : int|float))
function abs($number) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @template T as string|int|float
* @template TStep as int|float
* @param T $start
* @param T $end
* @param TStep $step
* @return (
* T is int
* ? (TStep is int ? list<int> : list<int|float>)
* : (
* T is float
* ? list<float>
* : (
* T is string
* ? list<string>
* : (
* T is int|float
* ? list<int|float>
* : list<int|float|string>
* )
* )
* )
* )
function range($start, $end, $step = 1) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @return (
* $format is 'd'|'j'|'N'|'w'|'z'|'W'|'m'|'n'|'t'|'L'|'o'|'Y'|'y'|'B'|'g'|'G'|'h'|'H'|'i'|'s'|'u'|'v'|'Z'|'U'|'I'
* ? numeric-string
* : ($timestamp is numeric ? string : string|false)
* )
function date(string $format, int $timestamp = 0) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param mixed $vars
* @param-out string|int|float $vars
* @return (func_num_args() is 2 ? list<float|int|string> : int)
function sscanf(string $str, string $format, &...$vars) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @return (
* func_num_args() is 1
* ? array{dirname: string, basename: string, extension?: string, filename: string}
* : string
* )
function pathinfo(string $path, int $options = \PATHINFO_DIRNAME) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @return (func_num_args() is 0 ? array<string, string> : string|false)
function getenv(string $varname = '', bool $local_only = false) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @return (
* $str is non-empty-string ? non-empty-lowercase-string : lowercase-string
* )
* @psalm-flow ($str) -> return
function strtolower(string $str) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-flow ($str) -> return
function strtoupper(string $str) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param string $haystack
* @psalm-return positive-int|0|false
function strpos($haystack, $needle, int $offset = 0) : int {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-flow ($str) -> return
function trim(string $str, string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B") : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-flow ($str) -> return
function ltrim(string $str, string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B") : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-flow ($str) -> return
function rtrim(string $str, string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B") : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param string|array $glue
* @return (
* $glue is non-empty-string
* ? ($pieces is non-empty-array
* ? non-empty-string
* : string)
* : string
* )
* @psalm-flow ($glue) -> return
* @psalm-flow ($pieces) -(array-fetch)-> return
function implode($glue, array $pieces = []) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-flow ($string) -(array-assignment)-> return
function explode(string $delimiter, string $string, int $limit = -1) : array {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-flow ($subject) -(array-assignment)-> return
* @template TFlags as int-mask<0, 1, 2, 4>
* @param TFlags $flags
* @return (TFlags is 0|2 ? non-empty-list<string>|false : (TFlags is 1|3 ? list<string>|false : list<array{string,int}>|false))
* @psalm-ignore-falsable-return
function preg_split(string $pattern, string $subject, int $limit = -1, int $flags = 0) {}
* @param array $input
* @return (
* $input is array<int>
* ? int
* : ($input is array<float>
* ? float
* : float|int
* )
* )
function array_sum(array $input) {}
* @param array $input
* @return (
* $input is array<int>
* ? int
* : ($input is array<float>
* ? float
* : float|int
* )
* )
function array_product(array $input) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-taint-escape html
* @psalm-flow ($str) -> return
function strip_tags(string $str, ?string $allowable_tags = null) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-taint-escape html
* @psalm-flow ($string) -> return
function htmlentities(string $string, ?int $quote_style = null, ?string $charset = null, bool $double_encode = true) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-taint-unescape html
* @psalm-flow ($string) -> return
function html_entity_decode(string $string, ?int $quote_style = null, ?string $charset = null) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-taint-escape html
* @psalm-taint-escape sql
* @psalm-flow ($string) -> return
function htmlspecialchars(string $string, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, string $encoding = 'UTF-8', bool $double_encode = true) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-taint-unescape html
* @psalm-taint-unescape sql
* @psalm-flow ($string) -> return
function htmlspecialchars_decode(string $string, ?int $quote_style = null) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param string|array<string|int|float> $search
* @param string|array<string|int|float> $replace
* @param string|array<string|int|float> $subject
* @param int $count
* @return ($subject is array ? array<string> : string)
* @psalm-flow ($replace, $subject) -> return
function str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, &$count = null) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param string|string[] $search
* @param string|array<string|int|float> $replace
* @param string|array<string|int|float> $subject
* @param int $count
* @return ($subject is array ? array<string> : string)
* @psalm-flow ($replace, $subject) -> return
function preg_replace($search, $replace, $subject, int $limit = -1, &$count = null) {}
* @param string|string[] $search
* @param callable(array<int, string>):string $replace
* @param string|array<string|int|float> $subject
* @param int $count
* @return ($subject is array ? array<string> : string)
* @psalm-taint-specialize
* @psalm-flow ($subject) -> return
function preg_replace_callback($search, $replace, $subject, int $limit = -1, &$count = null) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @template TFlags as int
* @param string $pattern
* @param string $subject
* @param mixed $matches
* @param TFlags $flags
* @param-out (
* TFlags is 1
* ? array<list<string>>
* : (TFlags is 2
* ? list<array<string>>
* : (TFlags is 256|257
* ? array<list<array{string, int}>>
* : (TFlags is 258
* ? list<array<array{string, int}>>
* : (TFlags is 512|513
* ? array<list<?string>>
* : (TFlags is 514
* ? list<array<?string>>
* : (TFlags is 770
* ? list<array<array{?string, int}>>
* : array
* )
* )
* )
* )
* )
* )
* ) $matches
* @return int|false
* @psalm-ignore-falsable-return
function preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, &$matches = [], int $flags = 1, int $offset = 0) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @return string|false
* @psalm-ignore-falsable-return
* @psalm-flow ($string) -> return
function substr(string $string, int $start, ?int $length = null) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @psalm-flow ($str) -> return
function preg_quote(string $str, ?string $delimiter = null) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param string|int|float $args
* @psalm-flow ($format, $args) -> return
function sprintf(string $format, ...$args) : string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @return string|false
* @psalm-ignore-falsable-return
* @psalm-flow ($path) -> return
function realpath(string $path) {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param numeric-string $left_operand
* @param numeric-string $right_operand
* @return ($right_operand is "0" ? null : numeric-string)
function bcdiv(string $left_operand, string $right_operand, int $scale = 0): ?string {}
* @psalm-pure
* @param scalar|null|object $var
* @return string The string value of var.
* @psalm-flow ($var) -> return
function strval ($var): string {}
* @return ($input is non-empty-string ? non-empty-list<string> : non-empty-list<string>|array{null})
* @psalm-pure
function str_getcsv(string $input, string $delimiter = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\\\\')
* @return ($min is positive-int ? positive-int : int)
function random_int(int $min, int $max): int {}
* @template TKey as array-key
* @param array<mixed, TKey> $array
* @return array<TKey, positive-int>
* @psalm-pure
function array_count_values(array $array): array {}