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namespace Psalm\Tests\Template;
use Psalm\Tests\TestCase;
use Psalm\Tests\Traits;
class FunctionTemplateTest extends TestCase
use Traits\InvalidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
use Traits\ValidCodeAnalysisTestTrait;
* @return iterable<string,array{string,assertions?:array<string,string>,error_levels?:string[]}>
public function providerValidCodeParse()
return [
'validTemplatedType' => [
namespace FooFoo;
* @template T
* @param T $x
* @return T
function foo($x) {
return $x;
function bar(string $a): void { }
'validPsalmTemplatedFunctionType' => [
namespace FooFoo;
* @psalm-template T
* @psalm-param T $x
* @psalm-return T
function foo($x) {
return $x;
function bar(string $a): void { }
'validTemplatedStaticMethodType' => [
namespace FooFoo;
class A {
* @template T
* @param T $x
* @return T
public static function foo($x) {
return $x;
function bar(string $a): void { }
'validTemplatedInstanceMethodType' => [
namespace FooFoo;
class A {
* @template T
* @param T $x
* @return T
public function foo($x) {
return $x;
function bar(string $a): void { }
bar((new A())->foo("string"));',
'genericArrayKeys' => [
* @template T as array-key
* @param array<T, mixed> $arr
* @return array<int, T>
function my_array_keys($arr) {
return array_keys($arr);
$a = my_array_keys(["hello" => 5, "goodbye" => new \Exception()]);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'array<int, string>',
'genericArrayFlip' => [
* @template TKey as array-key
* @template TValue as array-key
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @return array<TValue, TKey>
function my_array_flip($arr) {
return array_flip($arr);
$b = my_array_flip(["hello" => 5, "goodbye" => 6]);',
'assertions' => [
'$b' => 'array<int, string>',
'byRefKeyValueArray' => [
* @template TValue
* @template TKey as array-key
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
function byRef(array &$arr) : void {}
$b = ["a" => 5, "c" => 6];
'assertions' => [
'$b' => 'array<string, int>',
'byRefMixedKeyArray' => [
* @template TValue
* @param array<mixed, TValue> $arr
function byRef(array &$arr) : void {}
$b = ["a" => 5, "c" => 6];
'assertions' => [
'$b' => 'array<mixed, int>',
'mixedArrayPop' => [
* @template TValue
* @param array<array-key, TValue> $arr
* @return TValue|null
function my_array_pop(array &$arr) {
return array_pop($arr);
/** @var mixed */
$b = ["a" => 5, "c" => 6];
$a = my_array_pop($b);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'mixed',
'$b' => 'array<array-key, mixed>',
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment', 'MixedArgument'],
'genericArrayPop' => [
* @template TValue
* @template TKey as array-key
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @return TValue|null
function my_array_pop(array &$arr) {
return array_pop($arr);
$b = ["a" => 5, "c" => 6];
$a = my_array_pop($b);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'int|null',
'$b' => 'array<string, int>',
'templateCallableReturnType' => [
namespace NS;
* @template T
* @psalm-param callable():T $action
* @psalm-return T
function retry(int $maxRetries, callable $action) {
return $action();
function takesInt(int $p): void{};
takesInt(retry(1, function(): int { return 1; }));',
'templateClosureReturnType' => [
namespace NS;
* @template T
* @psalm-param \Closure():T $action
* @psalm-return T
function retry(int $maxRetries, callable $action) {
return $action();
function takesInt(int $p): void{};
takesInt(retry(1, function(): int { return 1; }));',
'replaceChildTypeWithGenerator' => [
* @template TKey as array-key
* @template TValue
* @param Traversable<TKey, TValue> $t
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
function f(Traversable $t): array {
$ret = [];
foreach ($t as $k => $v) $ret[$k] = $v;
return $ret;
/** @return Generator<int, stdClass> */
function g():Generator { yield new stdClass; }
/** @param array<stdClass> $p */
function takesArrayOfStdClass(array $p): void {}',
'splatTemplateParam' => [
* @template TKey as array-key
* @template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param array $arr2
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
function splat_proof(array $arr, array $arr2) {
return $arr;
$foo = [
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2],
$a = splat_proof(...$foo);',
'assertions' => [
'$a' => 'array<int, int>',
'passArrayByRef' => [
function acceptsStdClass(stdClass $_p): void {}
$q = [new stdClass];
* @template TKey as array-key
* @template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $_arr
* @return null|TValue
* @psalm-ignore-nullable-return
function fRef(array &$_arr) {
return array_shift($_arr);
* @template TKey as array-key
* @template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $_arr
* @return null|TValue
* @psalm-ignore-nullable-return
function fNoRef(array $_arr) {
return array_shift($_arr);
'classTemplateAsCorrect' => [
class Foo {}
class FooChild extends Foo {}
* @template T as Foo
* @param T $x
* @return T
function bar($x) {
return $x;
bar(new Foo());
bar(new FooChild());',
'classTemplateOfCorrect' => [
class Foo {}
class FooChild extends Foo {}
* @template T of Foo
* @param T $x
* @return T
function bar($x) {
return $x;
bar(new Foo());
bar(new FooChild());',
'classTemplateAsInterface' => [
interface Foo {}
interface FooChild extends Foo {}
class FooImplementer implements Foo {}
* @template T as Foo
* @param T $x
* @return T
function bar($x) {
return $x;
function takesFoo(Foo $f) : void {
function takesFooChild(FooChild $f) : void {
function takesFooImplementer(FooImplementer $f) : void {
'templateFunctionVar' => [
namespace A\B;
class C {
public function bar() : void {}
interface D {}
* @template T as C
* @return T
function foo($some_t) : C {
/** @var T */
$a = $some_t;
/** @var T&D */
$b = $some_t;
/** @var D&T */
$b = $some_t;
return $a;
'assertions' => [],
'error_levels' => ['MixedAssignment', 'MissingParamType'],
'bindFirstTemplatedClosureParameterValid' => [
* @template T
* @param Closure(T):void $t1
* @param T $t2
function apply(Closure $t1, $t2) : void {}
apply(function(int $_i) : void {}, 5);
apply(function(string $_i) : void {}, "hello");
apply(function(stdClass $_i) : void {}, new stdClass);
class A {}
class AChild extends A {}
apply(function(A $_i) : void {}, new AChild());',
'callableReturnsItself' => [
$a =
* @param callable():string $s
* @return string
function(callable $s) {
return $s();
* @template T1
* @param callable(callable():T1):T1 $s
* @return void
function takesReturnTCallable(callable $s) {}
'nonBindingParamReturn' => [
* @template T
* @param Closure():T $t1
* @param T $t2
function foo(Closure $t1, $t2) : void {}
function () : int {
return 5;
'templatedInterfaceMethodInheritReturnType' => [
class Foo {}
class SomeIterator implements IteratorAggregate
public function getIterator() {
yield new Foo;
$i = (new SomeIterator())->getIterator();',
'$i' => 'Traversable<mixed, mixed>',
'upcastArrayToIterable' => [
* @template K
* @template V
* @param iterable<K,V> $collection
* @return V
* @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
function first($collection) {}
$one = first([1,2,3]);',
'$one' => 'int',
'templateIntersectionLeft' => [
interface I1 {}
interface I2 {}
* @template T as I1&I2
* @param T $a
function templatedBar(I1 $a) : void {}',
'templateIntersectionRight' => [
interface I1 {}
interface I2 {}
* @template T as I1&I2
* @param T $b
function templatedBar(I2 $b) : void {}',
'matchMostSpecificTemplate' => [
* @template TReturn
* @param callable():(\Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, TReturn>|TReturn) $gen
* @return array<int, TReturn>
function call(callable $gen) : array {
$return = $gen();
if ($return instanceof Generator) {
return [$gen->getReturn()];
/** @var array<int, TReturn> */
$wrapped_gen = [$gen];
return $wrapped_gen;
$arr = call(
* @return Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, string>
function() {
yield 1;
return "hello";
'$arr' => 'array<int, string>',
'templateOfWithSpace' => [
* @template T of array<int, mixed>
class Foo
* @param Foo<array<int, DateTime>> $a
function bar(Foo $a) : void {}',
'allowUnionTypeParam' => [
* @template T
* @param callable(T) $x
* @param array<T> $y
function example($x, $y): void {}
* @param int|false $x
function($x): void {},
[strpos("str", "str")]
'ignoreTooManyArrayArgs' => [
function takesArray(array $arr) : void {}
* @psalm-suppress TooManyTemplateParams
* @var array<int, int, int>
$b = [1, 2, 3];
'functionTemplateUnionType' => [
* @template T0 as int|string
* @param T0 $t
* @return T0
function foo($t) {
return $t;
$s = foo("hello");
$i = foo(5);',
'assertions' => [
'$s' => 'string',
'$i' => 'int',
'reconcileTraversableTemplatedAndNormal' => [
function foo(Traversable $t): void {
if ($t instanceof IteratorAggregate) {
$a = $t->getIterator();
$t = $a;
if (!$t instanceof Iterator) {
if (rand(0, 1) && rand(0, 1)) {
'keyOfTemplate' => [
* @template T as array
* @template K as key-of<T>
* @param T $o
* @param K $name
* @return T[K]
function getOffset(array $o, $name) {
return $o[$name];
$a = ["foo" => "hello", "bar" => 2];
$b = getOffset($a, "foo");
$c = getOffset($a, "bar");',
'$b' => 'string',
'$c' => 'int',
'dontGeneraliseBoundParamWithWiderCallable' => [
class C {
public function foo() : void {}
* @psalm-template T
* @psalm-param T $t
* @psalm-param callable(?T):void $callable
* @return T
function makeConcrete($t, callable $callable) {
$callable(rand(0, 1) ? $t : null);
return $t;
$c = makeConcrete(new C(), function (?C $c) : void {});',
'$c' => 'C',
'allowTemplateTypeBeingUsedInsideFunction' => [
* @template T of DateTime
* @param callable(T) $callable
* @param T $value
function foo(callable $callable, DateTime $value) : void {
'callFindAnother' => [
* @template T as Foo
* @param T $foo
* @return T
function loader($foo) {
return $foo::getAnother();
class Foo {
/** @return static */
public static function getAnother() {
return new static();
'templatedVarOnReturn' => [
namespace Ns;
class A {}
class B {}
* @template T
* @param T $t
* @return T
function getAOrB($t) {
if ($t instanceof A) {
/** @var T */
return new A();
/** @var T */
return new B();
'assertOnTemplatedValue' => [
* @template I
* @param I $foo
function bar($foo): void {
if (is_string($foo)) {}
if (!is_string($foo)) {}
if (is_int($foo)) {}
if (!is_int($foo)) {}
if (is_numeric($foo)) {}
if (!is_numeric($foo)) {}
if (is_scalar($foo)) {}
if (!is_scalar($foo)) {}
if (is_bool($foo)) {}
if (!is_bool($foo)) {}
if (is_object($foo)) {}
if (!is_object($foo)) {}
if (is_callable($foo)) {}
if (!is_callable($foo)) {}
'interpretFunctionCallableReturnValue' => [
final class Id
* @var string
private $id;
private function __construct(string $id)
$this->id = $id;
public static function fromString(string $id): self
return new self($id);
* @template T
* @psalm-param callable(string): T $generator
* @psalm-return callable(): T
function idGenerator(callable $generator)
return static function () use ($generator) {
return $generator("random id");
function client(Id $id): void
$staticIdGenerator = idGenerator([Id::class, "fromString"]);
'noCrashWhenTemplatedClassIsStatic' => [
abstract class Model {
/** @return static */
public function newInstance() {
return new static();
* @template T of Model
* @param T $m
* @return T
function foo(Model $m) : Model {
return $m->newInstance();
'unboundVariableIsEmpty' => [
* @template TE
* @template TR
* @param TE $elt
* @param TR ...$elts
* @return TE|TR
function collect($elt, ...$elts) {
$ret = $elt;
foreach ($elts as $item) {
if (rand(0, 1)) {
$ret = $item;
return $ret;
echo collect("a");'
'paramOutDontLeak' => [
* @template TKey as array-key
* @template TValue
* @param array<TKey, TValue> $arr
* @param-out list<TValue> $arr
function example_sort_by_ref(array &$arr): bool {
$arr = array_values($arr);
return true;
* @param array<int, array{0: int, 1: string}> $array
* @return list<array{0: int, 1: string}>
function example(array $array): array {
return $array;
'narrowTemplateTypeWithIsObject' => [
function takesObject(object $object): void {}
* @template T as mixed
* @param T $value
function example($value): void {
if (is_object($value)) {
'falseDefault' => [
* @template T
* @param T $v
* @return T
function exampleWithNullDefault($v = false) {
return $v;
'nullDefault' => [
* @template T
* @param T $v
* @return T
function exampleWithNullDefault($v = null) {
return $v;
* @return iterable<string,array{string,error_message:string,2?:string[],3?:bool,4?:string}>
public function providerInvalidCodeParse()
return [
'invalidTemplatedType' => [
namespace FooFoo;
* @template T
* @param T $x
* @return T
function foo($x) {
return $x;
function bar(string $a): void { }
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'invalidTemplatedStaticMethodType' => [
namespace FooFoo;
class A {
* @template T
* @param T $x
* @return T
public static function foo($x) {
return $x;
function bar(string $a): void { }
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'invalidTemplatedInstanceMethodType' => [
namespace FooFoo;
class A {
* @template T
* @param T $x
* @return T
public function foo($x) {
return $x;
function bar(string $a): void { }
bar((new A())->foo(4));',
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'replaceChildTypeNoHint' => [
* @template TKey as array-key
* @template TValue
* @param Traversable<TKey, TValue> $t
* @return array<TKey, TValue>
function f(Traversable $t): array {
$ret = [];
foreach ($t as $k => $v) $ret[$k] = $v;
return $ret;
function g():Generator { yield new stdClass; }
/** @param array<stdClass> $p */
function takesArrayOfStdClass(array $p): void {}',
'error_message' => 'MixedArgumentTypeCoercion',
'classTemplateAsIncorrectClass' => [
class Foo {}
class NotFoo {}
* @template T as Foo
* @param T $x
* @return T
function bar($x) {
return $x;
bar(new NotFoo());',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'classTemplateAsIncorrectInterface' => [
interface Foo {}
interface NotFoo {}
* @template T as Foo
* @param T $x
* @return T
function bar($x) {
return $x;
function takesNotFoo(NotFoo $f) : void {
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'templateFunctionMethodCallWithoutMethod' => [
namespace A\B;
class C {}
* @template T as C
* @param T $some_t
function foo($some_t) : void {
'error_message' => 'PossiblyUndefinedMethod',
'templateFunctionMethodCallWithoutAsType' => [
namespace A\B;
* @template T
* @param T $some_t
function foo($some_t) : void {
'error_message' => 'MixedMethodCall',
'bindFirstTemplatedClosureParameterInvalidScalar' => [
* @template T
* @param Closure(T):void $t1
* @param T $t2
function apply(Closure $t1, $t2) : void
apply(function(int $_i) : void {}, "hello");',
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'bindFirstTemplatedClosureParameterTypeCoercion' => [
* @template T
* @param Closure(T):void $t1
* @param T $t2
function apply(Closure $t1, $t2) : void
class A {}
class AChild extends A {}
apply(function(AChild $_i) : void {}, new A());',
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'callableDoesNotReturnItself' => [
$b =
* @param callable():int $s
* @return string
function(callable $s) {
return "#" . $s();
* @template T1
* @param callable(callable():T1):T1 $s
* @return void
function takesReturnTCallable(callable $s) {}
'error_message' => 'InvalidScalarArgument',
'multipleArgConstraintWithMoreRestrictiveFirstArg' => [
class A {}
class AChild extends A {}
* @template T
* @param callable(T):void $c1
* @param callable(T):void $c2
* @param T $a
function foo(callable $c1, callable $c2, $a): void {
function(AChild $_a) : void {},
function(A $_a) : void {},
new A()
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'multipleArgConstraintWithMoreRestrictiveSecondArg' => [
class A {}
class AChild extends A {}
* @template T
* @param callable(T):void $c1
* @param callable(T):void $c2
* @param T $a
function foo(callable $c1, callable $c2, $a): void {
function(A $_a) : void {},
function(AChild $_a) : void {},
new A()
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'multipleArgConstraintWithLessRestrictiveThirdArg' => [
class A {}
class AChild extends A {}
* @template T
* @param callable(T):void $c1
* @param callable(T):void $c2
* @param T $a
function foo(callable $c1, callable $c2, $a): void {
function(AChild $_a) : void {},
function(AChild $_a) : void {},
new A()
'error_message' => 'ArgumentTypeCoercion',
'possiblyInvalidArgumentWithUnionFirstArg' => [
* @template T
* @param T $a
* @param T $b
* @return T
function foo($a, $b) {
return rand(0, 1) ? $a : $b;
echo foo([], "hello");',
'error_message' => 'PossiblyInvalidArgument',
'possiblyInvalidArgumentWithUnionSecondArg' => [
* @template T
* @param T $a
* @param T $b
* @return T
function foo($a, $b) {
return rand(0, 1) ? $a : $b;
echo foo("hello", []);',
'error_message' => 'PossiblyInvalidArgument',
'preventTemplateTypeAsBeingUsedInsideFunction' => [
* @template T of DateTime
* @param callable(T) $callable
function foo(callable $callable) : void {
$callable(new \DateTime());
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'preventWrongTemplateBeingPassed' => [
* @template T of DateTime
* @template T2 of DateTime
* @param callable(T): T $parameter
* @param T2 $value
* @return T
function foo(callable $parameter, $value)
return $parameter($value);
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'preventTemplateTypeReturnMoreGeneral' => [
* @template T of DateTimeInterface
* @param T $x
* @return T
function foo($x)
return new \DateTime();
'error_message' => 'InvalidReturnStatement',
'preventReturningString' => [
* @template T
* @psalm-param T $t
* @return T
function mirror($t) {
return "string";
'error_message' => 'InvalidReturnStatement',
'unTemplatedVarOnReturn' => [
namespace Ns;
class A {}
class B {}
* @template T
* @param T $t
* @return T
function getAOrB($t) {
if ($t instanceof A) {
return new A();
return new B();
'error_message' => 'InvalidReturnStatement',
'templateReturnTypeOfCallableWithIncompatibleType' => [
class A {}
class B {
public static function returnsObjectOrNull() : ?A {
return random_int(0, 1) ? new A() : null;
* @psalm-template T as object
* @psalm-param callable() : T $callback
* @psalm-return T
function makeResultSet(callable $callback)
return $callback();
makeResultSet([B::class, "returnsObjectOrNull"]);',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument',
'templateInvokeArg' => [
* @template T
* @param callable(T):void $c
* @param T $param
function apply(callable $c, $param):void{
call_user_func($c, $param);
class A {
public function __toString(){
return "a";
class B {}
class Printer{
public function __invoke(A $a) : void {
echo $a;
apply(new Printer(), new B());',
'error_message' => 'InvalidArgument'
'invalidTemplateDocblock' => [
/** @template */
function f():void {}',
'error_message' => 'MissingDocblockType'