diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b12c4df..33bcc05 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,26 +5,13 @@ This package provides a single react component.
The component contains an input field with a drop down menu to pick a possible option based on the current input as a react component.
Following features describe and might distinguish the component from other npm packages that offer a similar react component:
-- Hand over an array of options (items) with label and key properties
-- Feel free to add additional properties to access those on selection within your callback function
-- On selection the selected item will be passed to the callback function
-- Define your own matching algorithm to restrict which options should be shown in the drop down menu based on the current user input
-- Or do not pass an own matching algorithm and just use the default match function
-- The current user input will be highlighted (bold) within each label in the drop down menu
-- The callback function will be triggered only if the key property has changed since the last selection
-- Selecting the same item twice in a row will trigger the callback function only once (on the first selection)
Have a look at [w3schools.com](https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_autocomplete.asp) to see how you can do the same thing with pure html, css, and js.
For more information about react and the ecosystem see this [guide](https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-scripts/template/README.md).
-## Check it out yourself
-Have a look at this [demo app](https://stark-retreat-79786.herokuapp.com/) using the react-datalist-input component.
The app is running on heroku for free, so I hope it is still up.
## Feedback
Feel free to get inspired and more importantly please provide [your feedback](https://github.com/andrelandgraf/react-datalist-input/issues) on structure and style. I'm more than happy to learn how to improve my code and architecture.
## Installation
@@ -73,7 +60,7 @@ render() {
someAdditionalValue: item.someAdditionalValue,