mirror of https://github.com/danog/rpc-db.git synced 2024-11-29 20:19:05 +01:00
2024-07-30 18:40:08 +02:00

3886 lines
168 KiB

"ok": true,
"result": {
"420": {
"FLOOD_WAIT_%d": []
"400": {
"FILE_MIGRATE_%d": [],
"403": {
"500": {
"406": {
"-503": {
"Timeout": [
"401": {
"303": {
"human_result": {
"2FA_CONFIRM_WAIT_%d": "Since this account is active and protected by a 2FA password, we will delete it in 1 week for security purposes. You can cancel this process at any time, you'll be able to reset your account in %d seconds.",
"ABOUT_TOO_LONG": "About string too long.",
"ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED": "Access token expired.",
"ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID": "Access token invalid.",
"AD_EXPIRED": "The ad has expired (too old or not found).",
"ADDRESS_INVALID": "The specified geopoint address is invalid.",
"ADMIN_ID_INVALID": "The specified admin ID is invalid.",
"ADMIN_RANK_EMOJI_NOT_ALLOWED": "An admin rank cannot contain emojis.",
"ADMIN_RANK_INVALID": "The specified admin rank is invalid.",
"ADMIN_RIGHTS_EMPTY": "The chatAdminRights constructor passed in keyboardButtonRequestPeer.peer_type.user_admin_rights has no rights set (i.e. flags is 0).",
"ADMINS_TOO_MUCH": "There are too many admins.",
"ALBUM_PHOTOS_TOO_MANY": "You have uploaded too many profile photos, delete some before retrying.",
"ANONYMOUS_REACTIONS_DISABLED": "Sorry, anonymous administrators cannot leave reactions or participate in polls.",
"API_ID_INVALID": "API ID invalid.",
"API_ID_PUBLISHED_FLOOD": "This API id was published somewhere, you can't use it now.",
"ARTICLE_TITLE_EMPTY": "The title of the article is empty.",
"AUDIO_CONTENT_URL_EMPTY": "The remote URL specified in the content field is empty.",
"AUDIO_TITLE_EMPTY": "An empty audio title was provided.",
"AUTH_BYTES_INVALID": "The provided authorization is invalid.",
"AUTH_KEY_DUPLICATED": "Concurrent usage of the current session from multiple connections was detected, the current session was invalidated by the server for security reasons!",
"AUTH_KEY_INVALID": "The specified auth key is invalid.",
"AUTH_KEY_PERM_EMPTY": "The method is unavailable for temporary authorization keys, not bound to a permanent authorization key.",
"AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED": "The specified authorization key is not registered in the system (for example, a PFS temporary key has expired).",
"AUTH_RESTART": "Restart the authorization process.",
"AUTH_TOKEN_ALREADY_ACCEPTED": "The specified auth token was already accepted.",
"AUTH_TOKEN_EXCEPTION": "An error occurred while importing the auth token.",
"AUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED": "The authorization token has expired.",
"AUTH_TOKEN_INVALID": "The specified auth token is invalid.",
"AUTH_TOKEN_INVALIDX": "The specified auth token is invalid.",
"AUTOARCHIVE_NOT_AVAILABLE": "The autoarchive setting is not available at this time: please check the value of the [autoarchive_setting_available field in client config »](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/config#client-configuration) before calling this method.",
"BANK_CARD_NUMBER_INVALID": "The specified card number is invalid.",
"BANNED_RIGHTS_INVALID": "You provided some invalid flags in the banned rights.",
"BIRTHDAY_INVALID": "An invalid age was specified, must be between 0 and 150 years.",
"BOOST_NOT_MODIFIED": "You're already [boosting](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/boost) the specified channel.",
"BOOST_PEER_INVALID": "The specified `boost_peer` is invalid.",
"BOOSTS_EMPTY": "No boost slots were specified.",
"BOOSTS_REQUIRED": "The specified channel must first be [boosted by its users](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/boost) in order to perform this action.",
"BOT_APP_BOT_INVALID": "The bot_id passed in the inputBotAppShortName constructor is invalid.",
"BOT_APP_INVALID": "The specified bot app is invalid.",
"BOT_APP_SHORTNAME_INVALID": "The specified bot app short name is invalid.",
"BOT_BUSINESS_MISSING": "The specified bot is not a business bot (the [user](\/constructor\/user).`bot_business` flag is not set).",
"BOT_CHANNELS_NA": "Bots can't edit admin privileges.",
"BOT_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION_INVALID": "The specified command description is invalid.",
"BOT_COMMAND_INVALID": "The specified command is invalid.",
"BOT_DOMAIN_INVALID": "Bot domain invalid.",
"BOT_GROUPS_BLOCKED": "This bot can't be added to groups.",
"BOT_INLINE_DISABLED": "This bot can't be used in inline mode.",
"BOT_INVALID": "This is not a valid bot.",
"BOT_METHOD_INVALID": "The specified method cannot be used by bots.",
"BOT_MISSING": "Only bots can call this method, please use [@stickers](https:\/\/t.me\/stickers) if you're a user.",
"BOT_ONESIDE_NOT_AVAIL": "Bots can't pin messages in PM just for themselves.",
"BOT_PAYMENTS_DISABLED": "Please enable bot payments in botfather before calling this method.",
"BOT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT": "A timeout occurred while fetching data from the bot.",
"BOT_SCORE_NOT_MODIFIED": "The score wasn't modified.",
"BOT_WEBVIEW_DISABLED": "A webview cannot be opened in the specified conditions: emitted for example if `from_bot_menu` or `url` are set and `peer` is not the chat with the bot.",
"BOTS_TOO_MUCH": "There are too many bots in this chat\/channel.",
"BROADCAST_FORBIDDEN": "Channel poll voters and reactions cannot be fetched to prevent deanonymization.",
"BROADCAST_ID_INVALID": "Broadcast ID invalid.",
"BROADCAST_PUBLIC_VOTERS_FORBIDDEN": "You can't forward polls with public voters.",
"BROADCAST_REQUIRED": "This method can only be called on a channel, please use stats.getMegagroupStats for supergroups.",
"BUSINESS_ADDRESS_ACTIVE": "The user is currently advertising a [Business Location](\/api\/business#location), the location may only be changed (or removed) using [account.updateBusinessLocation »](\/method\/account.updateBusinessLocation). .",
"BUSINESS_PEER_INVALID": "Messages can't be set to the specified peer through the current [business connection](\/api\/business#connected-bots).",
"BUSINESS_WORK_HOURS_EMPTY": "No work hours were specified.",
"BUSINESS_WORK_HOURS_PERIOD_INVALID": "The specified work hours are invalid, see [here »](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/business#opening-hours) for the exact requirements.",
"BUTTON_DATA_INVALID": "The data of one or more of the buttons you provided is invalid.",
"BUTTON_TEXT_INVALID": "The specified button text is invalid.",
"BUTTON_TYPE_INVALID": "The type of one or more of the buttons you provided is invalid.",
"BUTTON_URL_INVALID": "Button URL invalid.",
"BUTTON_USER_INVALID": "The `user_id` passed to inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile is invalid!",
"BUTTON_USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED": "The privacy setting of the user specified in a [inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile](\/constructor\/inputKeyboardButtonUserProfile) button do not allow creating such a button.",
"CALL_ALREADY_ACCEPTED": "The call was already accepted.",
"CALL_ALREADY_DECLINED": "The call was already declined.",
"CALL_OCCUPY_FAILED": "The call failed because the user is already making another call.",
"CALL_PEER_INVALID": "The provided call peer object is invalid.",
"CALL_PROTOCOL_COMPAT_LAYER_INVALID": "The other side of the call does not support any of the VoIP protocols supported by the local client, as specified by the `protocol.layer` and `protocol.library_versions` fields.",
"CALL_PROTOCOL_FLAGS_INVALID": "Call protocol flags invalid.",
"CDN_METHOD_INVALID": "You can't call this method in a CDN DC.",
"CDN_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT": "A server-side timeout occurred while reuploading the file to the CDN DC.",
"CHANNEL_FORUM_MISSING": "This supergroup is not a forum.",
"CHANNEL_ID_INVALID": "The specified supergroup ID is invalid.",
"CHANNEL_INVALID": "The provided channel is invalid.",
"CHANNEL_PARICIPANT_MISSING": "The current user is not in the channel.",
"CHANNEL_PRIVATE": "You haven't joined this channel\/supergroup.",
"CHANNEL_PUBLIC_GROUP_NA": "channel\/supergroup not available.",
"CHANNEL_TOO_BIG": "This channel has too many participants (>1000) to be deleted.",
"CHANNEL_TOO_LARGE": "Channel is too large to be deleted; this error is issued when trying to delete channels with more than 1000 members (subject to change).",
"CHANNELS_ADMIN_LOCATED_TOO_MUCH": "The user has reached the limit of public geogroups.",
"CHANNELS_ADMIN_PUBLIC_TOO_MUCH": "You're admin of too many public channels, make some channels private to change the username of this channel.",
"CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH": "You have joined too many channels\/supergroups.",
"CHARGE_ALREADY_REFUNDED": "The transaction was already refunded.",
"CHAT_ABOUT_NOT_MODIFIED": "About text has not changed.",
"CHAT_ABOUT_TOO_LONG": "Chat about too long.",
"CHAT_ACTION_FORBIDDEN": "You cannot execute this action.",
"CHAT_ADMIN_INVITE_REQUIRED": "You do not have the rights to do this.",
"CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED": "You must be an admin in this chat to do this.",
"CHAT_DISCUSSION_UNALLOWED": "You can't enable forum topics in a discussion group linked to a channel.",
"CHAT_FORBIDDEN": "This chat is not available to the current user.",
"CHAT_FORWARDS_RESTRICTED": "You can't forward messages from a protected chat.",
"CHAT_GUEST_SEND_FORBIDDEN": "You join the discussion group before commenting, see [here »](\/api\/discussion#requiring-users-to-join-the-group) for more info.",
"CHAT_ID_EMPTY": "The provided chat ID is empty.",
"CHAT_ID_GENERATE_FAILED": "Failure while generating the chat ID.",
"CHAT_ID_INVALID": "The provided chat id is invalid.",
"CHAT_INVALID": "Invalid chat.",
"CHAT_INVITE_PERMANENT": "You can't set an expiration date on permanent invite links.",
"CHAT_LINK_EXISTS": "The chat is public, you can't hide the history to new users.",
"CHAT_NOT_MODIFIED": "No changes were made to chat information because the new information you passed is identical to the current information.",
"CHAT_PUBLIC_REQUIRED": "You can only enable join requests in public groups.",
"CHAT_RESTRICTED": "You can't send messages in this chat, you were restricted.",
"CHAT_REVOKE_DATE_UNSUPPORTED": "`min_date` and `max_date` are not available for using with non-user peers.",
"CHAT_SEND_AUDIOS_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send audio messages in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_DOCS_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send documents in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_GAME_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send a game to this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_GIFS_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send gifs in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_INLINE_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send inline messages in this group.",
"CHAT_SEND_MEDIA_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send media in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_PHOTOS_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send photos in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_PLAIN_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send non-media (text) messages in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_POLL_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send polls in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_ROUNDVIDEOS_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send round videos to this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_STICKERS_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send stickers in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_VIDEOS_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send videos in this chat.",
"CHAT_SEND_VOICES_FORBIDDEN": "You can't send voice recordings in this chat.",
"CHAT_TITLE_EMPTY": "No chat title provided.",
"CHAT_TOO_BIG": "This method is not available for groups with more than `chat_read_mark_size_threshold` members, [see client configuration »](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/config#client-configuration).",
"CHAT_WRITE_FORBIDDEN": "You can't write in this chat.",
"CHATLINK_SLUG_EMPTY": "The specified slug is empty.",
"CHATLINK_SLUG_EXPIRED": "The specified [business chat link](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/business#business-chat-links) has expired.",
"CHATLINKS_TOO_MUCH": "Too many [business chat links](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/business#business-chat-links) were created, please delete some older links.",
"CHATLIST_EXCLUDE_INVALID": "The specified `exclude_peers` are invalid.",
"CODE_EMPTY": "The provided code is empty.",
"CODE_HASH_INVALID": "Code hash invalid.",
"CODE_INVALID": "Code invalid.",
"COLLECTIBLE_INVALID": "The specified collectible is invalid.",
"COLLECTIBLE_NOT_FOUND": "The specified collectible could not be found.",
"COLOR_INVALID": "The specified color palette ID was invalid.",
"CONNECTION_API_ID_INVALID": "The provided API id is invalid.",
"CONNECTION_APP_VERSION_EMPTY": "App version is empty.",
"CONNECTION_DEVICE_MODEL_EMPTY": "The specified device model is empty.",
"CONNECTION_ID_INVALID": "The specified connection ID is invalid.",
"CONNECTION_LANG_PACK_INVALID": "The specified language pack is empty.",
"CONNECTION_NOT_INITED": "Please initialize the connection using initConnection before making queries.",
"CONNECTION_SYSTEM_EMPTY": "The specified system version is empty.",
"CONNECTION_SYSTEM_LANG_CODE_EMPTY": "The specified system language code is empty.",
"CONTACT_ADD_MISSING": "Contact to add is missing.",
"CONTACT_ID_INVALID": "The provided contact ID is invalid.",
"CONTACT_MISSING": "The specified user is not a contact.",
"CONTACT_NAME_EMPTY": "Contact name empty.",
"CONTACT_REQ_MISSING": "Missing contact request.",
"CREATE_CALL_FAILED": "An error occurred while creating the call.",
"CURRENCY_TOTAL_AMOUNT_INVALID": "The total amount of all prices is invalid.",
"CUSTOM_REACTIONS_TOO_MANY": "Too many custom reactions were specified.",
"DATA_INVALID": "Encrypted data invalid.",
"DATA_JSON_INVALID": "The provided JSON data is invalid.",
"DATA_TOO_LONG": "Data too long.",
"DATE_EMPTY": "Date empty.",
"DC_ID_INVALID": "The provided DC ID is invalid.",
"DH_G_A_INVALID": "g_a invalid.",
"DOCUMENT_INVALID": "The specified document is invalid.",
"EDIT_BOT_INVITE_FORBIDDEN": "Normal users can't edit invites that were created by bots.",
"EMAIL_HASH_EXPIRED": "Email hash expired.",
"EMAIL_INVALID": "The specified email is invalid.",
"EMAIL_NOT_SETUP": "In order to change the login email with emailVerifyPurposeLoginChange, an existing login email must already be set using emailVerifyPurposeLoginSetup.",
"EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED": "Email unconfirmed.",
"EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_%d": "The provided email isn't confirmed, %d is the length of the verification code that was just sent to the email: use [account.verifyEmail](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/method\/account.verifyEmail) to enter the received verification code and enable the recovery email.",
"EMAIL_VERIFY_EXPIRED": "The verification email has expired.",
"EMOJI_INVALID": "The specified theme emoji is valid.",
"EMOJI_MARKUP_INVALID": "The specified `video_emoji_markup` was invalid.",
"EMOJI_NOT_MODIFIED": "The theme wasn't changed.",
"EMOTICON_EMPTY": "The emoji is empty.",
"EMOTICON_INVALID": "The specified emoji is invalid.",
"EMOTICON_STICKERPACK_MISSING": "inputStickerSetDice.emoji cannot be empty.",
"ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_INVALID": "Encrypted message invalid.",
"ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_ACCEPTED": "Secret chat already accepted.",
"ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_DECLINED": "The secret chat was already declined.",
"ENCRYPTION_DECLINED": "The secret chat was declined.",
"ENCRYPTION_ID_INVALID": "The provided secret chat ID is invalid.",
"ENTITIES_TOO_LONG": "You provided too many styled message entities.",
"ENTITY_BOUNDS_INVALID": "A specified [entity offset or length](\/api\/entities#entity-length) is invalid, see [here »](\/api\/entities#entity-length) for info on how to properly compute the entity offset\/length.",
"ENTITY_MENTION_USER_INVALID": "You mentioned an invalid user.",
"ERROR_TEXT_EMPTY": "The provided error message is empty.",
"EXPIRE_DATE_INVALID": "The specified expiration date is invalid.",
"EXPORT_CARD_INVALID": "Provided card is invalid.",
"EXTERNAL_URL_INVALID": "External URL invalid.",
"FILE_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID": "File content-type is invalid.",
"FILE_EMTPY": "An empty file was provided.",
"FILE_ID_INVALID": "The provided file id is invalid.",
"FILE_MIGRATE_%d": "The file currently being accessed is stored in DC %d, please re-send the query to that DC.",
"FILE_PART_%d_MISSING": "Part %d of the file is missing from storage. Try repeating the method call to resave the part.",
"FILE_PART_EMPTY": "The provided file part is empty.",
"FILE_PART_INVALID": "The file part number is invalid.",
"FILE_PART_LENGTH_INVALID": "The length of a file part is invalid.",
"FILE_PART_SIZE_CHANGED": "Provided file part size has changed.",
"FILE_PART_SIZE_INVALID": "The provided file part size is invalid.",
"FILE_PART_TOO_BIG": "The uploaded file part is too big.",
"FILE_PARTS_INVALID": "The number of file parts is invalid.",
"FILE_REFERENCE_*": "The file reference expired, it [must be refreshed](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/file_reference).",
"FILE_REFERENCE_EMPTY": "An empty [file reference](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/file_reference) was specified.",
"FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED": "File reference expired, it must be refetched as described in [the documentation](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/file_reference).",
"FILE_REFERENCE_INVALID": "The specified [file reference](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/file_reference) is invalid.",
"FILE_TITLE_EMPTY": "An empty file title was specified.",
"FILE_TOKEN_INVALID": "The master DC did not accept the `file_token` (e.g., the token has expired). Continue downloading the file from the master DC using upload.getFile.",
"FILEREF_UPGRADE_NEEDED": "The client has to be updated in order to support [file references](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/file_reference).",
"FILTER_ID_INVALID": "The specified filter ID is invalid.",
"FILTER_INCLUDE_EMPTY": "The include_peers vector of the filter is empty.",
"FILTER_NOT_SUPPORTED": "The specified filter cannot be used in this context.",
"FILTER_TITLE_EMPTY": "The title field of the filter is empty.",
"FIRSTNAME_INVALID": "The first name is invalid.",
"FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_%d": "Please wait %d seconds before repeating the action, or purchase a [Telegram Premium subscription](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/premium) to remove this rate limit.",
"FLOOD_WAIT_%d": "Please wait %d seconds before repeating the action.",
"FOLDER_ID_EMPTY": "An empty folder ID was specified.",
"FOLDER_ID_INVALID": "Invalid folder ID.",
"FORUM_ENABLED": "You can't execute the specified action because the group is a [forum](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/forum), disable forum functionality to continue.",
"FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN": "You were just elected admin, you can't add or modify other admins yet.",
"FRESH_CHANGE_PHONE_FORBIDDEN": "You can't change phone number right after logging in, please wait at least 24 hours.",
"FRESH_RESET_AUTHORISATION_FORBIDDEN": "You can't logout other sessions if less than 24 hours have passed since you logged on the current session.",
"FROM_MESSAGE_BOT_DISABLED": "Bots can't use fromMessage min constructors.",
"FROM_PEER_INVALID": "The specified from_id is invalid.",
"GAME_BOT_INVALID": "Bots can't send another bot's game.",
"GENERAL_MODIFY_ICON_FORBIDDEN": "You can't modify the icon of the \"General\" topic.",
"GEO_POINT_INVALID": "Invalid geoposition provided.",
"GIF_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID": "GIF content-type invalid.",
"GIF_ID_INVALID": "The provided GIF ID is invalid.",
"GIFT_SLUG_EXPIRED": "The specified gift slug has expired.",
"GIFT_SLUG_INVALID": "The specified slug is invalid.",
"GRAPH_EXPIRED_RELOAD": "This graph has expired, please obtain a new graph token.",
"GRAPH_INVALID_RELOAD": "Invalid graph token provided, please reload the stats and provide the updated token.",
"GRAPH_OUTDATED_RELOAD": "The graph is outdated, please get a new async token using stats.getBroadcastStats.",
"GROUPCALL_ALREADY_DISCARDED": "The group call was already discarded.",
"GROUPCALL_ALREADY_STARTED": "The groupcall has already started, you can join directly using [phone.joinGroupCall](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/method\/phone.joinGroupCall).",
"GROUPCALL_FORBIDDEN": "The group call has already ended.",
"GROUPCALL_INVALID": "The specified group call is invalid.",
"GROUPCALL_JOIN_MISSING": "You haven't joined this group call.",
"GROUPCALL_NOT_MODIFIED": "Group call settings weren't modified.",
"GROUPCALL_SSRC_DUPLICATE_MUCH": "The app needs to retry joining the group call with a new SSRC value.",
"GROUPED_MEDIA_INVALID": "Invalid grouped media.",
"HASH_INVALID": "The provided hash is invalid.",
"HASHTAG_INVALID": "The specified hashtag is invalid.",
"HIDE_REQUESTER_MISSING": "The join request was missing or was already handled.",
"IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED": "Failure while processing image.",
"IMPORT_FILE_INVALID": "The specified chat export file is invalid.",
"IMPORT_FORMAT_DATE_INVALID": "The date specified in the import file is invalid.",
"IMPORT_FORMAT_UNRECOGNIZED": "The specified chat export file was exported from an unsupported chat app.",
"IMPORT_ID_INVALID": "The specified import ID is invalid.",
"IMPORT_TOKEN_INVALID": "The specified token is invalid.",
"INLINE_BOT_REQUIRED": "Only the inline bot can edit message.",
"INLINE_RESULT_EXPIRED": "The inline query expired.",
"INPUT_CHATLIST_INVALID": "The specified folder is invalid.",
"INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALID": "The specified TL constructor is invalid.",
"INPUT_FETCH_ERROR": "An error occurred while parsing the provided TL constructor.",
"INPUT_FETCH_FAIL": "An error occurred while parsing the provided TL constructor.",
"INPUT_FILTER_INVALID": "The specified filter is invalid.",
"INPUT_LAYER_INVALID": "The specified layer is invalid.",
"INPUT_METHOD_INVALID": "The specified method is invalid.",
"INPUT_REQUEST_TOO_LONG": "The request payload is too long.",
"INPUT_TEXT_EMPTY": "The specified text is empty.",
"INPUT_TEXT_TOO_LONG": "The specified text is too long.",
"INPUT_USER_DEACTIVATED": "The specified user was deleted.",
"INVITE_FORBIDDEN_WITH_JOINAS": "If the user has anonymously joined a group call as a channel, they can't invite other users to the group call because that would cause deanonymization, because the invite would be sent using the original user ID, not the anonymized channel ID.",
"INVITE_HASH_EMPTY": "The invite hash is empty.",
"INVITE_HASH_EXPIRED": "The invite link has expired.",
"INVITE_HASH_INVALID": "The invite hash is invalid.",
"INVITE_REQUEST_SENT": "You have successfully requested to join this chat or channel.",
"INVITE_REVOKED_MISSING": "The specified invite link was already revoked or is invalid.",
"INVITE_SLUG_EMPTY": "The specified invite slug is empty.",
"INVITE_SLUG_EXPIRED": "The specified chat folder link has expired.",
"INVITES_TOO_MUCH": "The maximum number of per-folder invites specified by the `chatlist_invites_limit_default`\/`chatlist_invites_limit_premium` [client configuration parameters »](\/api\/config#chatlist-invites-limit-default) was reached.",
"INVOICE_PAYLOAD_INVALID": "The specified invoice payload is invalid.",
"JOIN_AS_PEER_INVALID": "The specified peer cannot be used to join a group call.",
"LANG_CODE_INVALID": "The specified language code is invalid.",
"LANG_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED": "The specified language code is not supported.",
"LANG_PACK_INVALID": "The provided language pack is invalid.",
"LASTNAME_INVALID": "The last name is invalid.",
"LIMIT_INVALID": "The provided limit is invalid.",
"LINK_NOT_MODIFIED": "Discussion link not modified.",
"LOCATION_INVALID": "The provided location is invalid.",
"MAX_DATE_INVALID": "The specified maximum date is invalid.",
"MAX_ID_INVALID": "The provided max ID is invalid.",
"MAX_QTS_INVALID": "The specified max_qts is invalid.",
"MD5_CHECKSUM_INVALID": "The MD5 checksums do not match.",
"MEDIA_CAPTION_TOO_LONG": "The caption is too long.",
"MEDIA_EMPTY": "The provided media object is invalid.",
"MEDIA_FILE_INVALID": "The specified media file is invalid.",
"MEDIA_GROUPED_INVALID": "You tried to send media of different types in an album.",
"MEDIA_INVALID": "Media invalid.",
"MEDIA_NEW_INVALID": "The new media is invalid.",
"MEDIA_PREV_INVALID": "Previous media invalid.",
"MEDIA_TTL_INVALID": "The specified media TTL is invalid.",
"MEDIA_TYPE_INVALID": "The specified media type cannot be used in stories.",
"MEDIA_VIDEO_STORY_MISSING": "A non-story video cannot be repubblished as a story (emitted when trying to resend a non-story video as a story using inputDocument).",
"MEGAGROUP_GEO_REQUIRED": "This method can only be invoked on a geogroup.",
"MEGAGROUP_ID_INVALID": "Invalid supergroup ID.",
"MEGAGROUP_PREHISTORY_HIDDEN": "Group with hidden history for new members can't be set as discussion groups.",
"MEGAGROUP_REQUIRED": "You can only use this method on a supergroup.",
"MESSAGE_AUTHOR_REQUIRED": "Message author required.",
"MESSAGE_DELETE_FORBIDDEN": "You can't delete one of the messages you tried to delete, most likely because it is a service message.",
"MESSAGE_EDIT_TIME_EXPIRED": "You can't edit this message anymore, too much time has passed since its creation.",
"MESSAGE_EMPTY": "The provided message is empty.",
"MESSAGE_ID_INVALID": "The provided message id is invalid.",
"MESSAGE_IDS_EMPTY": "No message ids were provided.",
"MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED": "The provided message data is identical to the previous message data, the message wasn't modified.",
"MESSAGE_POLL_CLOSED": "Poll closed.",
"MESSAGE_TOO_LONG": "The provided message is too long.",
"MESSAGE_TOO_OLD": "The message is too old, the requested information is not available.",
"METHOD_INVALID": "The specified method is invalid.",
"MIN_DATE_INVALID": "The specified minimum date is invalid.",
"MSG_ID_INVALID": "Invalid message ID provided.",
"MSG_TOO_OLD": "[`chat_read_mark_expire_period` seconds](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/config#chat-read-mark-expire-period) have passed since the message was sent, read receipts were deleted.",
"MSG_WAIT_FAILED": "A waiting call returned an error.",
"MSG_WAIT_TIMEOUT": "Spent too much time waiting for a previous query in the invokeAfterMsg request queue, aborting!",
"MULTI_MEDIA_TOO_LONG": "Too many media files for album.",
"NETWORK_MIGRATE_%d": "Your IP address is associated to DC %d, please re-send the query to that DC.",
"NEW_SALT_INVALID": "The new salt is invalid.",
"NEW_SETTINGS_EMPTY": "No password is set on the current account, and no new password was specified in `new_settings`.",
"NEW_SETTINGS_INVALID": "The new password settings are invalid.",
"NEXT_OFFSET_INVALID": "The specified offset is longer than 64 bytes.",
"NOT_ELIGIBLE": "The current user is not eligible to join the Peer-to-Peer Login Program.",
"NOT_JOINED": "The current user hasn't joined the Peer-to-Peer Login Program.",
"OFFSET_INVALID": "The provided offset is invalid.",
"OFFSET_PEER_ID_INVALID": "The provided offset peer is invalid.",
"OPTION_INVALID": "Invalid option selected.",
"OPTIONS_TOO_MUCH": "Too many options provided.",
"ORDER_INVALID": "The specified username order is invalid.",
"PACK_SHORT_NAME_INVALID": "Short pack name invalid.",
"PACK_SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED": "A stickerpack with this name already exists.",
"PACK_TITLE_INVALID": "The stickerpack title is invalid.",
"PARTICIPANT_ID_INVALID": "The specified participant ID is invalid.",
"PARTICIPANT_JOIN_MISSING": "Trying to enable a presentation, when the user hasn't joined the Video Chat with [phone.joinGroupCall](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/method\/phone.joinGroupCall).",
"PARTICIPANT_VERSION_OUTDATED": "The other participant does not use an up to date telegram client with support for calls.",
"PARTICIPANTS_TOO_FEW": "Not enough participants.",
"PASSWORD_EMPTY": "The provided password is empty.",
"PASSWORD_HASH_INVALID": "The provided password hash is invalid.",
"PASSWORD_MISSING": "You must [enable 2FA](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/srp) before executing this operation.",
"PASSWORD_RECOVERY_EXPIRED": "The recovery code has expired.",
"PASSWORD_RECOVERY_NA": "No email was set, can't recover password via email.",
"PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "A [2FA password](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/srp) must be configured to use Telegram Passport.",
"PASSWORD_TOO_FRESH_%d": "The password was modified less than 24 hours ago, try again in %d seconds.",
"PAYMENT_PROVIDER_INVALID": "The specified payment provider is invalid.",
"PAYMENT_UNSUPPORTED": "A detailed description of the error will be received separately as described [here »](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/errors#406-not-acceptable).",
"PEER_FLOOD": "The current account is spamreported, you cannot execute this action, check @spambot for more info.",
"PEER_HISTORY_EMPTY": "You can't pin an empty chat with a user.",
"PEER_ID_INVALID": "The provided peer id is invalid.",
"PEER_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED": "The provided peer ID is not supported.",
"PEERS_LIST_EMPTY": "The specified list of peers is empty.",
"PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_EMPTY": "Persistent timestamp empty.",
"PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_INVALID": "Persistent timestamp invalid.",
"PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED": "Channel internal replication issues, try again later (treat this like an RPC_CALL_FAIL).",
"PHONE_CODE_EMPTY": "phone_code is missing.",
"PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED": "The phone code you provided has expired.",
"PHONE_CODE_HASH_EMPTY": "phone_code_hash is missing.",
"PHONE_CODE_INVALID": "The provided phone code is invalid.",
"PHONE_HASH_EXPIRED": "An invalid or expired `phone_code_hash` was provided.",
"PHONE_MIGRATE_%d": "Your phone number is associated to DC %d, please re-send the query to that DC.",
"PHONE_NOT_OCCUPIED": "No user is associated to the specified phone number.",
"PHONE_NUMBER_APP_SIGNUP_FORBIDDEN": "You can't sign up using this app.",
"PHONE_NUMBER_BANNED": "The provided phone number is banned from telegram.",
"PHONE_NUMBER_FLOOD": "You asked for the code too many times.",
"PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID": "The phone number is invalid.",
"PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED": "The phone number is already in use.",
"PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED": "The phone number is not yet being used.",
"PHONE_PASSWORD_FLOOD": "You have tried logging in too many times.",
"PHONE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED": "This phone is password protected.",
"PHOTO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID": "Photo mime-type invalid.",
"PHOTO_CONTENT_URL_EMPTY": "Photo URL invalid.",
"PHOTO_CROP_FILE_MISSING": "Photo crop file missing.",
"PHOTO_CROP_SIZE_SMALL": "Photo is too small.",
"PHOTO_EXT_INVALID": "The extension of the photo is invalid.",
"PHOTO_FILE_MISSING": "Profile photo file missing.",
"PHOTO_ID_INVALID": "Photo ID invalid.",
"PHOTO_INVALID": "Photo invalid.",
"PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS": "The photo dimensions are invalid.",
"PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID": "Internal issues, try again later.",
"PHOTO_THUMB_URL_EMPTY": "Photo thumbnail URL is empty.",
"PIN_RESTRICTED": "You can't pin messages.",
"PINNED_DIALOGS_TOO_MUCH": "Too many pinned dialogs.",
"POLL_ANSWER_INVALID": "One of the poll answers is not acceptable.",
"POLL_ANSWERS_INVALID": "Invalid poll answers were provided.",
"POLL_OPTION_DUPLICATE": "Duplicate poll options provided.",
"POLL_OPTION_INVALID": "Invalid poll option provided.",
"POLL_QUESTION_INVALID": "One of the poll questions is not acceptable.",
"POLL_VOTE_REQUIRED": "Cast a vote in the poll before calling this method.",
"PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED": "A premium account is required to execute this action.",
"PREMIUM_SUB_ACTIVE_UNTIL_%d": "You already have a premium subscription active until unixtime %d .",
"PREVIOUS_CHAT_IMPORT_ACTIVE_WAIT_%dMIN": "Import for this chat is already in progress, wait %d minutes before starting a new one.",
"PRIVACY_KEY_INVALID": "The privacy key is invalid.",
"PRIVACY_PREMIUM_REQUIRED": "You need a [Telegram Premium subscription](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/premium) to send a message to this user.",
"PRIVACY_TOO_LONG": "Too many privacy rules were specified, the current limit is 1000.",
"PRIVACY_VALUE_INVALID": "The specified privacy rule combination is invalid.",
"PUBLIC_CHANNEL_MISSING": "You can only export group call invite links for public chats or channels.",
"PUBLIC_KEY_REQUIRED": "A public key is required.",
"QUERY_ID_EMPTY": "The query ID is empty.",
"QUERY_ID_INVALID": "The query ID is invalid.",
"QUERY_TOO_SHORT": "The query string is too short.",
"QUICK_REPLIES_TOO_MUCH": "A maximum of [appConfig.`quick_replies_limit`](\/api\/config#quick-replies-limit) shortcuts may be created, the limit was reached.",
"QUIZ_ANSWER_MISSING": "You can forward a quiz while hiding the original author only after choosing an option in the quiz.",
"QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWER_INVALID": "An invalid value was provided to the correct_answers field.",
"QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_EMPTY": "No correct quiz answer was specified.",
"QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_TOO_MUCH": "You specified too many correct answers in a quiz, quizzes can only have one right answer!",
"QUIZ_MULTIPLE_INVALID": "Quizzes can't have the multiple_choice flag set!",
"QUOTE_TEXT_INVALID": "The specified `reply_to`.`quote_text` field is invalid.",
"RAISE_HAND_FORBIDDEN": "You cannot raise your hand.",
"RANDOM_ID_DUPLICATE": "You provided a random ID that was already used.",
"RANDOM_ID_EMPTY": "Random ID empty.",
"RANDOM_ID_INVALID": "A provided random ID is invalid.",
"RANDOM_LENGTH_INVALID": "Random length invalid.",
"RANGES_INVALID": "Invalid range provided.",
"REACTION_EMPTY": "Empty reaction provided.",
"REACTION_INVALID": "The specified reaction is invalid.",
"REACTIONS_TOO_MANY": "The message already has exactly `reactions_uniq_max` reaction emojis, you can't react with a new emoji, see [the docs for more info »](\/api\/config#client-configuration).",
"RECEIPT_EMPTY": "The specified receipt is empty.",
"REPLY_MARKUP_BUY_EMPTY": "Reply markup for buy button empty.",
"REPLY_MARKUP_INVALID": "The provided reply markup is invalid.",
"REPLY_MARKUP_TOO_LONG": "The specified reply_markup is too long.",
"REPLY_MESSAGE_ID_INVALID": "The specified reply-to message ID is invalid.",
"REPLY_MESSAGES_TOO_MUCH": "Each shortcut can contain a maximum of [appConfig.`quick_reply_messages_limit`](\/api\/config#quick-reply-messages-limit) messages, the limit was reached.",
"REPLY_TO_INVALID": "The specified `reply_to` field is invalid.",
"REPLY_TO_USER_INVALID": "The replied-to user is invalid.",
"REQUEST_TOKEN_INVALID": "The master DC did not accept the `request_token` from the CDN DC. Continue downloading the file from the master DC using upload.getFile.",
"RESET_REQUEST_MISSING": "No password reset is in progress.",
"RESULT_ID_DUPLICATE": "You provided a duplicate result ID.",
"RESULT_ID_EMPTY": "Result ID empty.",
"RESULT_ID_INVALID": "One of the specified result IDs is invalid.",
"RESULT_TYPE_INVALID": "Result type invalid.",
"RESULTS_TOO_MUCH": "Too many results were provided.",
"REVOTE_NOT_ALLOWED": "You cannot change your vote.",
"RIGHT_FORBIDDEN": "Your admin rights do not allow you to do this.",
"RIGHTS_NOT_MODIFIED": "The new admin rights are equal to the old rights, no change was made.",
"RINGTONE_INVALID": "The specified ringtone is invalid.",
"RINGTONE_MIME_INVALID": "The MIME type for the ringtone is invalid.",
"RSA_DECRYPT_FAILED": "Internal RSA decryption failed.",
"SCHEDULE_BOT_NOT_ALLOWED": "Bots cannot schedule messages.",
"SCHEDULE_DATE_INVALID": "Invalid schedule date provided.",
"SCHEDULE_DATE_TOO_LATE": "You can't schedule a message this far in the future.",
"SCHEDULE_STATUS_PRIVATE": "Can't schedule until user is online, if the user's last seen timestamp is hidden by their privacy settings.",
"SCHEDULE_TOO_MUCH": "There are too many scheduled messages.",
"SCORE_INVALID": "The specified game score is invalid.",
"SEARCH_QUERY_EMPTY": "The search query is empty.",
"SEARCH_WITH_LINK_NOT_SUPPORTED": "You cannot provide a search query and an invite link at the same time.",
"SECONDS_INVALID": "Invalid duration provided.",
"SECURE_SECRET_REQUIRED": "A secure secret is required.",
"SEND_AS_PEER_INVALID": "You can't send messages as the specified peer.",
"SEND_CODE_UNAVAILABLE": "Returned when all available options for this type of number were already used (e.g. flash-call, then SMS, then this error might be returned to trigger a second resend).",
"SEND_MEDIA_INVALID": "The specified media is invalid.",
"SEND_MESSAGE_MEDIA_INVALID": "Invalid media provided.",
"SEND_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID": "The message type is invalid.",
"SENSITIVE_CHANGE_FORBIDDEN": "You can't change your sensitive content settings.",
"SESSION_EXPIRED": "The session has expired.",
"SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED": "2FA is enabled, use a password to login.",
"SESSION_REVOKED": "The session was revoked by the user.",
"SESSION_TOO_FRESH_%d": "This session was created less than 24 hours ago, try again in %d seconds.",
"SETTINGS_INVALID": "Invalid settings were provided.",
"SHA256_HASH_INVALID": "The provided SHA256 hash is invalid.",
"SHORT_NAME_INVALID": "The specified short name is invalid.",
"SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED": "The specified short name is already in use.",
"SHORTCUT_INVALID": "The specified shortcut is invalid.",
"SIGN_IN_FAILED": "Failure while signing in.",
"SLOTS_EMPTY": "The specified slot list is empty.",
"SLOWMODE_MULTI_MSGS_DISABLED": "Slowmode is enabled, you cannot forward multiple messages to this group.",
"SLOWMODE_WAIT_%d": "Slowmode is enabled in this chat: wait %d seconds before sending another message to this chat.",
"SLUG_INVALID": "The specified invoice slug is invalid.",
"SMS_CODE_CREATE_FAILED": "An error occurred while creating the SMS code.",
"SMSJOB_ID_INVALID": "The specified job ID is invalid.",
"SRP_ID_INVALID": "Invalid SRP ID provided.",
"SRP_PASSWORD_CHANGED": "Password has changed.",
"START_PARAM_EMPTY": "The start parameter is empty.",
"START_PARAM_INVALID": "Start parameter invalid.",
"START_PARAM_TOO_LONG": "Start parameter is too long.",
"STATS_MIGRATE_%d": "Channel statistics for the specified channel are stored on DC %d, please re-send the query to that DC.",
"STICKER_DOCUMENT_INVALID": "The specified sticker document is invalid.",
"STICKER_EMOJI_INVALID": "Sticker emoji invalid.",
"STICKER_FILE_INVALID": "Sticker file invalid.",
"STICKER_GIF_DIMENSIONS": "The specified video sticker has invalid dimensions.",
"STICKER_ID_INVALID": "The provided sticker ID is invalid.",
"STICKER_INVALID": "The provided sticker is invalid.",
"STICKER_MIME_INVALID": "The specified sticker MIME type is invalid.",
"STICKER_PNG_DIMENSIONS": "Sticker png dimensions invalid.",
"STICKER_PNG_NOPNG": "One of the specified stickers is not a valid PNG file.",
"STICKER_TGS_NODOC": "You must send the animated sticker as a document.",
"STICKER_TGS_NOTGS": "Invalid TGS sticker provided.",
"STICKER_THUMB_PNG_NOPNG": "Incorrect stickerset thumb file provided, PNG \/ WEBP expected.",
"STICKER_THUMB_TGS_NOTGS": "Incorrect stickerset TGS thumb file provided.",
"STICKER_VIDEO_BIG": "The specified video sticker is too big.",
"STICKER_VIDEO_NODOC": "You must send the video sticker as a document.",
"STICKER_VIDEO_NOWEBM": "The specified video sticker is not in webm format.",
"STICKERPACK_STICKERS_TOO_MUCH": "There are too many stickers in this stickerpack, you can't add any more.",
"STICKERS_EMPTY": "No sticker provided.",
"STICKERS_TOO_MUCH": "There are too many stickers in this stickerpack, you can't add any more.",
"STICKERSET_INVALID": "The provided sticker set is invalid.",
"STICKERSET_NOT_MODIFIED": "The passed stickerset information is equal to the current information.",
"STICKERSET_OWNER_ANONYMOUS": "Provided stickerset can't be installed as group stickerset to prevent admin deanonymization.",
"STORIES_NEVER_CREATED": "This peer hasn't ever posted any stories.",
"STORIES_TOO_MUCH": "You have hit the maximum active stories limit as specified by the [`story_expiring_limit_*` client configuration parameters](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/config#story-expiring-limit-default): you should buy a [Premium](\/api\/premium) subscription, delete an active story, or wait for the oldest story to expire.",
"STORY_ID_EMPTY": "You specified no story IDs.",
"STORY_ID_INVALID": "The specified story ID is invalid.",
"STORY_NOT_MODIFIED": "The new story information you passed is equal to the previous story information, thus it wasn't modified.",
"STORY_PERIOD_INVALID": "The specified story period is invalid for this account.",
"STORY_SEND_FLOOD_MONTHLY_%d": "You've hit the monthly story limit as specified by the [`stories_sent_monthly_limit_*` client configuration parameters](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/config#stories-sent-monthly-limit-default): wait for the specified number of seconds before posting a new story.",
"STORY_SEND_FLOOD_WEEKLY_%d": "You've hit the weekly story limit as specified by the [`stories_sent_weekly_limit_*` client configuration parameters](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/config#stories-sent-weekly-limit-default): wait for the specified number of seconds before posting a new story.",
"SWITCH_PM_TEXT_EMPTY": "The switch_pm.text field was empty.",
"SWITCH_WEBVIEW_URL_INVALID": "The URL specified in switch_webview.url is invalid!",
"TAKEOUT_INIT_DELAY_%d": "Sorry, for security reasons, you will be able to begin downloading your data in %d seconds. We have notified all your devices about the export request to make sure it's authorized and to give you time to react if it's not.",
"TAKEOUT_INVALID": "The specified takeout ID is invalid.",
"TAKEOUT_REQUIRED": "A [takeout](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/takeout) session needs to be initialized first, [see here » for more info](\/api\/takeout).",
"TASK_ALREADY_EXISTS": "An email reset was already requested.",
"TEMP_AUTH_KEY_ALREADY_BOUND": "The passed temporary key is already bound to another **perm_auth_key_id**.",
"TEMP_AUTH_KEY_EMPTY": "No temporary auth key provided.",
"THEME_FILE_INVALID": "Invalid theme file provided.",
"THEME_FORMAT_INVALID": "Invalid theme format provided.",
"THEME_INVALID": "Invalid theme provided.",
"THEME_MIME_INVALID": "The theme's MIME type is invalid.",
"THEME_TITLE_INVALID": "The specified theme title is invalid.",
"Timeout": "Timeout while fetching data.",
"TIMEZONE_INVALID": "The specified timezone does not exist.",
"TITLE_INVALID": "The specified stickerpack title is invalid.",
"TMP_PASSWORD_DISABLED": "The temporary password is disabled.",
"TMP_PASSWORD_INVALID": "The passed tmp_password is invalid.",
"TO_LANG_INVALID": "The specified destination language is invalid.",
"TOKEN_EMPTY": "The specified token is empty.",
"TOKEN_INVALID": "The provided token is invalid.",
"TOKEN_TYPE_INVALID": "The specified token type is invalid.",
"TOPIC_CLOSE_SEPARATELY": "The `close` flag cannot be provided together with any of the other flags.",
"TOPIC_CLOSED": "This topic was closed, you can't send messages to it anymore.",
"TOPIC_DELETED": "The specified topic was deleted.",
"TOPIC_HIDE_SEPARATELY": "The `hide` flag cannot be provided together with any of the other flags.",
"TOPIC_ID_INVALID": "The specified topic ID is invalid.",
"TOPIC_NOT_MODIFIED": "The updated topic info is equal to the current topic info, nothing was changed.",
"TOPIC_TITLE_EMPTY": "The specified topic title is empty.",
"TOPICS_EMPTY": "You specified no topic IDs.",
"TRANSCRIPTION_FAILED": "Audio transcription failed.",
"TTL_DAYS_INVALID": "The provided TTL is invalid.",
"TTL_MEDIA_INVALID": "Invalid media Time To Live was provided.",
"TTL_PERIOD_INVALID": "The specified TTL period is invalid.",
"TYPES_EMPTY": "No top peer type was provided.",
"UNTIL_DATE_INVALID": "Invalid until date provided.",
"UPDATE_APP_TO_LOGIN": "Please update to the latest version of MadelineProto to login.",
"URL_INVALID": "Invalid URL provided.",
"USAGE_LIMIT_INVALID": "The specified usage limit is invalid.",
"USER_ADMIN_INVALID": "You're not an admin.",
"USER_ALREADY_INVITED": "You have already invited this user.",
"USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPANT": "The user is already in the group.",
"USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL": "You're banned from sending messages in supergroups\/channels.",
"USER_BLOCKED": "User blocked.",
"USER_BOT": "Bots can only be admins in channels.",
"USER_BOT_INVALID": "User accounts must provide the `bot` method parameter when calling this method. If there is no such method parameter, this method can only be invoked by bot accounts.",
"USER_BOT_REQUIRED": "This method can only be called by a bot.",
"USER_CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH": "One of the users you tried to add is already in too many channels\/supergroups.",
"USER_CREATOR": "You can't leave this channel, because you're its creator.",
"USER_DEACTIVATED": "The current account was deleted by the user.",
"USER_DEACTIVATED_BAN": "The current account was deleted and banned by Telegram's antispam system.",
"USER_DELETED": "You can't send this secret message because the other participant deleted their account.",
"USER_ID_INVALID": "The provided user ID is invalid.",
"USER_INVALID": "Invalid user provided.",
"USER_IS_BLOCKED": "You were blocked by this user.",
"USER_IS_BOT": "Bots can't send messages to other bots.",
"USER_KICKED": "This user was kicked from this supergroup\/channel.",
"USER_MIGRATE_%d": "Your account is associated to DC %d, please re-send the query to that DC.",
"USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT": "The provided user is not a mutual contact.",
"USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT": "You're not a member of this supergroup\/channel.",
"USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED": "The user's privacy settings do not allow you to do this.",
"USER_PUBLIC_MISSING": "Cannot generate a link to stories posted by a peer without a username.",
"USER_RESTRICTED": "You're spamreported, you can't create channels or chats.",
"USER_VOLUME_INVALID": "The specified user volume is invalid.",
"USERNAME_INVALID": "The provided username is not valid.",
"USERNAME_NOT_MODIFIED": "The username was not modified.",
"USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED": "The provided username is not occupied.",
"USERNAME_OCCUPIED": "The provided username is already occupied.",
"USERNAME_PURCHASE_AVAILABLE": "The specified username can be purchased on https:\/\/fragment.com.",
"USERNAMES_ACTIVE_TOO_MUCH": "The maximum number of active usernames was reached.",
"USERPIC_PRIVACY_REQUIRED": "You need to disable privacy settings for your profile picture in order to make your geolocation public.",
"USERPIC_UPLOAD_REQUIRED": "You must have a profile picture to publish your geolocation.",
"USERS_TOO_FEW": "Not enough users (to create a chat, for example).",
"USERS_TOO_MUCH": "The maximum number of users has been exceeded (to create a chat, for example).",
"VENUE_ID_INVALID": "The specified venue ID is invalid.",
"VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID": "The video's content type is invalid.",
"VIDEO_FILE_INVALID": "The specified video file is invalid.",
"VIDEO_PAUSE_FORBIDDEN": "You cannot pause the video stream.",
"VIDEO_STOP_FORBIDDEN": "You cannot stop the video stream.",
"VIDEO_TITLE_EMPTY": "The specified video title is empty.",
"VOICE_MESSAGES_FORBIDDEN": "This user's privacy settings forbid you from sending voice messages.",
"WALLPAPER_FILE_INVALID": "The specified wallpaper file is invalid.",
"WALLPAPER_INVALID": "The specified wallpaper is invalid.",
"WALLPAPER_MIME_INVALID": "The specified wallpaper MIME type is invalid.",
"WALLPAPER_NOT_FOUND": "The specified wallpaper could not be found.",
"WC_CONVERT_URL_INVALID": "WC convert URL invalid.",
"WEBDOCUMENT_INVALID": "Invalid webdocument URL provided.",
"WEBDOCUMENT_MIME_INVALID": "Invalid webdocument mime type provided.",
"WEBDOCUMENT_SIZE_TOO_BIG": "Webdocument is too big!",
"WEBDOCUMENT_URL_EMPTY": "The passed web document URL is empty.",
"WEBDOCUMENT_URL_INVALID": "The specified webdocument URL is invalid.",
"WEBPAGE_CURL_FAILED": "Failure while fetching the webpage with cURL.",
"WEBPAGE_MEDIA_EMPTY": "Webpage media empty.",
"WEBPAGE_NOT_FOUND": "A preview for the specified webpage `url` could not be generated.",
"WEBPAGE_URL_INVALID": "The specified webpage `url` is invalid.",
"WEBPUSH_AUTH_INVALID": "The specified web push authentication secret is invalid.",
"WEBPUSH_KEY_INVALID": "The specified web push elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman public key is invalid.",
"WEBPUSH_TOKEN_INVALID": "The specified web push token is invalid.",
"YOU_BLOCKED_USER": "You blocked this user.",
"YOUR_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED": "You cannot fetch the read date of this message because you have disallowed other users to do so for *your* messages; to fix, allow other users to see *your* exact last online date OR purchase a [Telegram Premium](https:\/\/core.telegram.org\/api\/premium) subscription."