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synced 2024-11-27 04:24:50 +01:00
Lint and starting Style Rules documentation
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
title: Property Declarations
table_of_contents: true
introduction: >
In Sass as in CSS, property declarations define how elements that match a
selector are styled. But Sass adds extra features to make them easier to write
and to automate. First and foremost, a declaration's value can be any
[SassScript expression](../syntax/structure#expressions), which will be
evaluated and included in the result.
complementary_content: |
<nav aria-labelledby="page-sections" class="page-sections sl-c-list-navigation-wrapper sl-c-list-navigation-wrapper--collapsible">
### Page Sections{#page-sections}
- [Interpolation](#interpolation)
- [Nesting](#nesting)
- [Hidden Declarations](#hidden-declarations)
- [Custom Properties](#custom-properties)
{% codeExample 'declaration' %}
.circle {
$size: 100px;
width: $size;
height: $size;
border-radius: $size * 0.5;
$size: 100px
width: $size
height: $size
border-radius: $size * 0.5
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
## Interpolation
A property's name can include [interpolation][], which makes it possible to
dynamically generate properties as needed. You can even interpolate the entire
property name!
[interpolation]: ../interpolation
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'interpolation' %}
@mixin prefix($property, $value, $prefixes) {
@each $prefix in $prefixes {
-#{$prefix}-#{$property}: $value;
#{$property}: $value;
.gray {
@include prefix(filter, grayscale(50%), moz webkit);
@mixin prefix($property, $value, $prefixes)
@each $prefix in $prefixes
-#{$prefix}-#{$property}: $value
#{$property}: $value
@include prefix(filter, grayscale(50%), moz webkit)
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
## Nesting
Many CSS properties start with the same prefix that acts as a kind of namespace.
For example, `font-family`, `font-size`, and `font-weight` all start with
`font-`. Sass makes this easier and less redundant by allowing property
declarations to be nested. The outer property names are added to the inner,
separated by a hyphen.
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'nesting' %}
.enlarge {
font-size: 14px;
transition: {
property: font-size;
duration: 4s;
delay: 2s;
&:hover { font-size: 36px; }
font-size: 14px
property: font-size
duration: 4s
delay: 2s
font-size: 36px
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
Some of these CSS properties have shorthand versions that use the namespace as
the property name. For these, you can write both the shorthand value *and* the
more explicit nested versions.
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'nesting-shorthand' %}
.info-page {
margin: auto {
bottom: 10px;
top: 2px;
margin: auto
bottom: 10px
top: 2px
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
## Hidden Declarations
Sometimes you only want a property declaration to show up some of the time. If a
declaration's value is [`null`][] or an empty [unquoted string][], Sass won't
compile that declaration to CSS at all.
[`null`]: ../values/null
[unquoted string]: ../values/strings#unquoted
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'hidden-declarations' %}
$rounded-corners: false;
.button {
border: 1px solid black;
border-radius: if($rounded-corners, 5px, null);
$rounded-corners: false
border: 1px solid black
border-radius: if($rounded-corners, 5px, null)
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
## Custom Properties
{% endmarkdown %}
{% # Arguments are (in order): `dart`, `libsass`, `ruby`, optional feature name, additional details within %}
{% compatibility true, '3.5.0', '3.5.0', 'SassScript Syntax' %}
Older versions of LibSass and Ruby Sass parsed custom property declarations just like any other property declaration, allowing the full range of SassScript expressions as values. Even when using these versions, it's
recommended that you use interpolation to inject SassScript values for
See [the breaking change page][] for more details.
[the breaking change page]: ../breaking-changes/css-vars
{% endcompatibility %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
title: Style Rules
table_of_contents: true
introduction: >
Style rules are the foundation of Sass, just like they are for CSS. And they
work the same way: you choose which elements to style with a selector, and
[declare properties](style-rules/declarations) that affect how those elements
complementary_content: |
<nav aria-labelledby="page-sections" class="page-sections sl-c-list-navigation-wrapper sl-c-list-navigation-wrapper--collapsible">
### Page Sections{#page-sections}
- [Nesting](#nesting){.section .open}
- [Overview](#nesting)
- [Selector Lists](#selector-lists)
- [Selector Combinators](#selector-combinators)
- [Advanced Nesting](#advanced-nesting)
- [Interpolation](#interpolation)
{% markdown %}
## Nesting
But Sass wants to make your life easier. Rather than repeating the same
selectors over and over again, you can write one style rules inside another.
Sass will automatically combine the outer rule's selector with the inner rule's.
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'nesting' %}
nav {
ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
li { display: inline-block; }
a {
display: block;
padding: 6px 12px;
text-decoration: none;
margin: 0
padding: 0
list-style: none
display: inline-block
display: block
padding: 6px 12px
text-decoration: none
{% endcodeExample %}
{% headsUp %}
Nested rules are super helpful, but they can also make it hard to visualize how much CSS you're actually generating. The deeper you nest, the more bandwidth it takes to serve your CSS and the more work it takes the browser to render it. Keep those selectors shallow!
{% endheadsUp %}
{% markdown %}
### Selector Lists
Nested rules are clever about handling selector lists (that is, comma-separated
selectors). Each complex selector (the ones between the commas) is nested
separately, and then they're combined back into a selector list.
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'selector-lists' %}
.alert, .warning {
ul, p {
margin-right: 0;
margin-left: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
.alert, .warning
ul, p
margin-right: 0
margin-left: 0
padding-bottom: 0
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
### Selector Combinators
You can nest selectors that use [combinators][] as well. You can put the
combinator at the end of the outer selector, at the beginning of the inner
selector, or even all on its own in between the two.
[combinators]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors#Combinators#Combinators
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'selector-combinators'%}
ul > {
li {
list-style-type: none;
h2 {
+ p {
border-top: 1px solid gray;
p {
~ {
span {
opacity: 0.8;
ul >
list-style-type: none
+ p
border-top: 1px solid gray
opacity: 0.8
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
### Advanced Nesting
If you want to do more with your nested style rules than just combine them in
order with the descendant combinator (that is, a plain space) separating them,
Sass has your back. See the [parent selector documentation][] for more details.
[parent selector documentation]: style-rules/parent-selector
## Interpolation
You can use [interpolation][] to inject values from [expressions][] like
variables and function calls into your selectors. This is particularly useful
when you're writing [mixins][], since it allows you to create selectors from
parameters your users pass in.
[interpolation]: interpolation
[expressions]: syntax/structure#expressions
[mixins]: at-rules/mixin
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'interpolation'%}
@mixin define-emoji($name, $glyph) {
span.emoji-#{$name} {
font-family: IconFont;
font-variant: normal;
font-weight: normal;
content: $glyph;
@include define-emoji("women-holding-hands", "👭");
@mixin define-emoji($name, $glyph)
font-family: IconFont
font-variant: normal
font-weight: normal
content: $glyph
@include define-emoji("women-holding-hands", "👭")
{% endcodeExample %}
{% funFact %}
Sass only parses selectors *after* interpolation is resolved. This means you can safely use interpolation to generate any part of the selector without worrying that it won't parse.
{% endfunFact %}
{% markdown %}
You can combine interpolation with the parent selector `&`, the [`@at-root`
rule][], and [selector functions][] to wield some serious power when dynamically
generating selectors. For more information, see the [parent selector
[`@at-root` rule]: at-rules/at-root
[selector functions]: modules/selector
{% endmarkdown %}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
title: Comments
introduction: >
The way Sass comments work differs substantially between SCSS and the indented
syntax. Both syntaxes support two types of comments: comments defined using
`/* */` that are (usually) compiled to CSS, and comments defined using `//` that
are not.
{% markdown %}
## In SCSS
Comments in SCSS work similarly to comments in other languages like JavaScript.
**Single-line comments** start with `//`, and go until the end of the line.
Nothing in a single-line comment is emitted as CSS; as far as Sass is concerned,
they may as well not exist. They're also called **silent comments**, because
they don't produce any CSS.
**Multi-line comments** start with `/*` and end at the next `*/`. If a
multi-line comment is written somewhere that a [statement][] is allowed, it's
compiled to a CSS comment. They're also called **loud comment**, by contrast
with silent comments. A multi-line comment that's compiled to CSS may contain
[interpolation][], which will be evaluated before the comment is compiled.
By default, multi-line comments be stripped from the compiled CSS in [compressed
mode][]. If a comment begins with `/*!`, though, it will always be included in
the CSS output.
[statement]: structure#statements
[interpolation]: ../interpolation
[compressed mode]: ../cli/dart-sass#style
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'scss-comment', , true, 'scss'%}
// This comment won't be included in the CSS.
/* But this comment will, except in compressed mode. */
/* It can also contain interpolation:
* 1 + 1 = #{1 + 1} */
/*! This comment will be included even in compressed mode. */
p /* Multi-line comments can be written anywhere
* whitespace is allowed. */ .sans {
font: Helvetica, // So can single-line comments.
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
## In Sass
Comments in the indented syntax work a little differently: they're
indentation-based, just like the rest of the syntax. Like SCSS, silent comments
written with `//` are never emitted as CSS, but unlike SCSS everything indented
beneath the opening `//` is also commented out.
Indented syntax comments that start with `/*` work with indentation the same
way, except that they are compiled to CSS. Because the extent of the comment is
based on indentation, the closing `*/` is optional. Also like SCSS, `/*`
comments can contain [interpolation][] and can start with `/*!` to avoid being
stripped in compressed mode.
Comments can also be used within [expressions][] in the indented syntax. In this
case, they have exactly the same syntax as they do in SCSS.
[expressions]: structure#expressions
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'sass-comment', , true, 'sass'%}
// This comment won't be included in the CSS.
This is also commented out.
/* But this comment will, except in compressed mode.
/* It can also contain interpolation:
1 + 1 = #{1 + 1}
/*! This comment will be included even in compressed mode.
p .sans
font: Helvetica, /* Inline comments must be closed. */ sans-serif
{% endcodeExample %}
{% markdown %}
## Documentation Comments
When writing style libraries using Sass, you can use comments to document the
[mixins][], [functions][], [variables][], and [placeholder selectors][] that
your library provides, as well as the library itself. These are comments are
read by the [SassDoc][] tool, which uses them to generate beautiful
documentation. Check out [the Susy grid engine][susy]'s documentation to see it
in action!
[mixins]: ../at-rules/mixin
[functions]: ../at-rules/function
[variables]: ../variables
[placeholder selectors]: ../style-rules/placeholder-selectors
[SassDoc]: http://sassdoc.com
[susy]: http://oddbird.net/susy/docs/index.html
Documentation comments are silent comments, written with three slashes (`///`)
directly above the thing you're documenting. SassDoc parses text in the comments
as [Markdown][], and supports many useful [annotations][] to describe it in
[Markdown]: https://www.markdownguide.org/getting-started
[annotations]: http://sassdoc.com/annotations/
{% endmarkdown %}
{% codeExample 'documentation-comment', , false%}
/// Computes an exponent.
/// @param {number} $base
/// The number to multiply by itself.
/// @param {integer (unitless)} $exponent
/// The number of `$base`s to multiply together.
/// @return {number} `$base` to the power of `$exponent`.
@function pow($base, $exponent) {
$result: 1;
@for $_ from 1 through $exponent {
$result: $result * $base;
@return $result;
/// Computes an exponent.
/// @param {number} $base
/// The number to multiply by itself.
/// @param {integer (unitless)} $exponent
/// The number of `$base`s to multiply together.
/// @return {number} `$base` to the power of `$exponent`.
@function pow($base, $exponent)
$result: 1
@for $_ from 1 through $exponent
$result: $result * $base
@return $result
{% endcodeExample %}
@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ introduction: >
{% # Arguments are (in order): `dart`, `libsass`, `ruby`, optional feature name, additional details within %}
{% compatibility false, true, true %}
Dart Sass currently *only* supports the UTF-8 encoding. As such, it's safest to encode all Sass stylesheets as UTF-8.
Dart Sass currently _only_ supports the UTF-8 encoding. As such, it's safest to encode all Sass stylesheets as UTF-8.
{% endcompatibility %}
It's often the case that a document is initially available only as a sequence of
bytes, which must be decoded into Unicode. Sass performs this decoding as
* If the sequence of bytes begins with the UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding of U+FEFF
- If the sequence of bytes begins with the UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding of U+FEFF
BYTE ORDER MARK, the corresponding encoding is used.
* If the sequence of bytes begins with the plain ASCII string `@charset`, Sass
- If the sequence of bytes begins with the plain ASCII string `@charset`, Sass
determines the encoding using step 2 of the CSS algorithm for
[determining the fallback encoding][].
[determining the fallback encoding]: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#input-byte-stream
* Otherwise, UTF-8 is used.
- Otherwise, UTF-8 is used.
## Parse Errors
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ invalid syntax and the reason it was invalid.
Note that this is different than CSS, which specifies how to recover from most
errors rather than failing immediately. This is one of the few cases where SCSS
isn't *strictly* a superset of CSS. However, it's much more useful to Sass users
isn't _strictly_ a superset of CSS. However, it's much more useful to Sass users
to see errors immediately, rather than having them passed through to the CSS
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ complementary_content: |
## Statements
A Sass stylesheet is made up of a series of *statements*, which are evaluated in
order to build the resulting CSS. Some statements may have *blocks*, defined
A Sass stylesheet is made up of a series of _statements_, which are evaluated in
order to build the resulting CSS. Some statements may have _blocks_, defined
using `{` and `}`, which contain other statements. For example, a style rule is
a statement with a block. That block contains other statements, such as property
@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ newlines.
These types of statements can be used anywhere in a Sass stylesheet:
* [Variable declarations](../variables), like `$var: value`.
* [Flow control at-rules](../at-rules/control), like `@if` and `@each`.
* The [`@error`](../at-rules/error), [`@warn`](../at-rules/warn), and
- [Variable declarations](../variables), like `$var: value`.
- [Flow control at-rules](../at-rules/control), like `@if` and `@each`.
- The [`@error`](../at-rules/error), [`@warn`](../at-rules/warn), and
[`@debug`](../at-rules/debug) rules.
### CSS Statements
@ -51,35 +51,35 @@ These types of statements can be used anywhere in a Sass stylesheet:
These statements produce CSS. They can be used anywhere except within a
* [Style rules](../style-rules), like `h1 { /* ... */ }`.
* [CSS at-rules](../at-rules/css), like `@media` and `@font-face`.
* [Mixin uses](../at-rules/mixin) using `@include`.
* The [`@at-root` rule](../at-rules/at-root).
- [Style rules](../style-rules), like `h1 { /* ... */ }`.
- [CSS at-rules](../at-rules/css), like `@media` and `@font-face`.
- [Mixin uses](../at-rules/mixin) using `@include`.
- The [`@at-root` rule](../at-rules/at-root).
### Top-Level Statements
These statements can only be used at the top level of a stylesheet, or nested
within a CSS statement at the top level:
* [Module loads](../at-rules/use), using `@use`.
* [Imports](../at-rules/import), using `@import`.
* [Mixin definitions](../at-rules/mixin) using `@mixin`.
* [Function definitions](../at-rules/function) using `@function`.
- [Module loads](../at-rules/use), using `@use`.
- [Imports](../at-rules/import), using `@import`.
- [Mixin definitions](../at-rules/mixin) using `@mixin`.
- [Function definitions](../at-rules/function) using `@function`.
### Other Statements
* [Property declarations](../style-rules/declarations) like `width: 100px` may
- [Property declarations](../style-rules/declarations) like `width: 100px` may
only be used within style rules and some CSS at-rules.
* The [`@extend` rule](../at-rules/extend) may only be used within style rules.
- The [`@extend` rule](../at-rules/extend) may only be used within style rules.
## Expressions
An *expression* is anything that goes on the right-hand side of a property or
variable declaration. Each expression produces a *[value][]*. Any valid CSS property
An _expression_ is anything that goes on the right-hand side of a property or
variable declaration. Each expression produces a _[value][]_. Any valid CSS property
value is also a Sass expression, but Sass expressions are much more powerful
than plain CSS values. They're passed as arguments to [mixins][] and
[functions][], used for control flow with the [`@if` rule][], and manipulated using
[arithmetic][]. We call Sass's expression syntax *SassScript*.
[arithmetic][]. We call Sass's expression syntax _SassScript_.
[value]: ../values
[mixins]: ../at-rules/mixin
@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ than plain CSS values. They're passed as arguments to [mixins][] and
The simplest expressions just represent static values:
* [Numbers](../values/numbers), which may or may not have units, like `12` or
- [Numbers](../values/numbers), which may or may not have units, like `12` or
* [Strings](../values/strings), which may or may not have quotes, like
- [Strings](../values/strings), which may or may not have quotes, like
`"Helvetica Neue"` or `bold`.
* [Colors](../values/colors), which can be referred to by their hex
- [Colors](../values/colors), which can be referred to by their hex
representation or by name, like `#c6538c` or `blue`.
* The [boolean](../values/booleans) literals `true` or `false`.
* The singleton [`null`](../values/null).
* [Lists of values](../values/lists), which may be separated by spaces or commas
- The [boolean](../values/booleans) literals `true` or `false`.
- The singleton [`null`](../values/null).
- [Lists of values](../values/lists), which may be separated by spaces or commas
and which may be enclosed in square brackets or no brackets at all, like
`1.5em 1em 0 2em`, `Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif`, or `[col1-start]`.
* [Maps](../values/maps) that associate values with keys, like
- [Maps](../values/maps) that associate values with keys, like
`("background": red, "foreground": pink)`.
### Operations
@ -113,12 +113,12 @@ Sass defines syntax for a number of operations:
### Other Expressions
* [Variables](../variables), like `$var`.
* [Function calls](../at-rules/function), like `nth($list, 1)` or
- [Variables](../variables), like `$var`.
- [Function calls](../at-rules/function), like `nth($list, 1)` or
`var(--main-bg-color)`, which may call Sass core library functions or
user-defined functions, or which may be compiled directly to CSS.
* [Special functions](special-functions), like `calc(1px + 100%)` or
- [Special functions](special-functions), like `calc(1px + 100%)` or
`url(http://myapp.com/assets/logo.png)`, that have their own unique parsing
* [The parent selector](../style-rules/parent-selector), `&`.
* The value `!important`, which is parsed as an unquoted string.
- [The parent selector](../style-rules/parent-selector), `&`.
- The value `!important`, which is parsed as an unquoted string.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export const markdownEngine = markdown({
.use(markdownAnchor, {
level: [2,3],
level: [2, 3],
permalink: renderPermalink,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user