diff --git a/source/ruby-sass.html.haml b/source/ruby-sass.html.haml
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+++ b/source/ruby-sass.html.haml
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+title: Ruby Sass
+ Ruby Sass was the original implementation of Sass, but it's since been
+ deprecated. It's currently in a sunset maintenance period, and it will be
+ officially unmaintained one year after the release of Dart Sass 1.0.0. Ruby
+ Sass users should migrate to another implementation.
+ %li
+ :markdown
+ ### Maintenance Policy
+ Ruby Sass will continue to be maintained for one year after the release of
+ Dart Sass 1.0.0. During this maintenance period, bugs will be fixed as
+ much as possible but no new features will be added. The only exception is
+ for features that are necessary to support new CSS syntax, which will
+ continue to be added.
+ [Dart Sass][], the new primary implementation,
+ doesn't always behave 100% the same as Ruby Sass—it implements a number of
+ behavioral changes that were planned for Ruby Sass, but were never
+ implemented in a stable version. To make migration easier, recent versions
+ of Ruby Sass emit warnings for any code that won't be compatible with Dart
+ Sass. Ongoing maintenance includes adding any warnings for new behavioral
+ differences, if they come up.
+ [Dart Sass]: #{url_for "dart-sass"}
+ Once the maintenance period ends, Ruby Sass's repository will be archived,
+ no more changes of any kind will be made, and no new releases will be cut.
+ ### Adopt Ruby Sass
+ Support for Ruby Sass is being turned down because the Sass core team no
+ longer has time to maintain it as well as [Dart Sass][] and [LibSass][].
+ But that doesn't mean it has to go away. If a community member wanted to
+ take on the task of maintaining it, the core team would be happy to help
+ get them up to speed. It's not an easy job: it would require keeping on
+ top of bug fixes and implementing new language features as they're
+ designed by the language team. But it would also be an opportunity to work
+ on a project that's used be thousands of people every day.
+ [LibSass]: #{url_for "libsass"}
+ If you're interested in adopting Ruby Sass, send an email to
+ [Natalie](mailto:nex342@gmail.com) and [Chris](mailto:chris@eppsteins.net)
+ and they'll talk to you about next steps.
+ %li
+ :markdown
+ ### Migrating Away
+ If you run Ruby Sass using the command-line `sass` executable, all you
+ need to do is install Dart Sass's [command-line executable][install]
+ instead. The interface isn't identical, but most options work the same
+ way.
+ [install]: #{url_for "install"}
+ If you use the `sass` gem as a library, the [`sassc`][] gem is the most
+ seamless way to move away from Ruby Sass. It uses [LibSass][] to provide
+ the same API for compiling Sass and defining custom functions as Ruby
+ Sass, except that it uses the `SassC` module instead of `Sass`. However,
+ it [doesn't yet][sassc#72] support the same `Importer` API. You can also
+ use the [`sassc-rails`][] gem to plug smoothly into Ruby on Rails.
+ [`sassc`]: http://rubygems.org/gems/sassc
+ [LibSass]: #{url_for "libsass"}
+ [sassc#72]: https://github.com/sass/sassc-ruby/issues/72
+ [`sassc-rails`]: https://rubygems.org/gems/sassc-rails
+ Alternately, if you're using a JS build system, you can integrate that
+ with [Dart Sass][] as a JavaScript library.
+ [Dart Sass]: #{url_for "dart-sass"}
+ ### Installing
+ If you need to install Ruby Sass for a legacy app, run
+ gem install sass
+ If you get a permissions error on Linux of Mac OS X, you may instead need
+ to run
+ sudo gem install sass
+ Once Ruby Sass installed, try running
+ sass --version
+ If it installed correctly, this should print
+ `Ruby Sass #{impl_version :ruby}`.