--- title: Relational Operators introduction: > Relational operators determine whether [numbers](/documentation/values/numbers) are larger or smaller than one another. They automatically convert between compatible units. --- * ` < ` returns whether the first [expression][]'s value is less than the second's. * ` <= ` returns whether the first [expression][]'s value is less than or equal to the second's. * ` > ` returns whether the first [expression][]'s value is greater than to the second's. * ` >= `, returns whether the first [expression][]'s value is greater than or equal to the second's. [expression]: /documentation/syntax/structure#expressions {% codeExample 'relational', false %} @debug 100 > 50; // true @debug 10px < 17px; // true @debug 96px >= 1in; // true @debug 1000ms <= 1s; // true === @debug 100 > 50 // true @debug 10px < 17px // true @debug 96px >= 1in // true @debug 1000ms <= 1s // true {% endcodeExample %} Unitless numbers can be compared with any number. They're automatically converted to that number's unit. {% codeExample 'unitless-numbers', false %} @debug 100 > 50px; // true @debug 10px < 17; // true === @debug 100 > 50px // true @debug 10px < 17 // true {% endcodeExample %} Numbers with incompatible units can't be compared. {% codeExample 'incompatible-units', false %} @debug 100px > 10s; // ^^^^^^^^^^^ // Error: Incompatible units px and s. === @debug 100px > 10s // ^^^^^^^^^^^ // Error: Incompatible units px and s. {% endcodeExample %}