--- title: Layouts & Grid --- %h2 Susy Magic Grid %p.introduction See the = link_to "Susy Documentation", "http://susy.oddbird.net/demos/grid-types/#demo-magic" for more information. %h2 Other Tools & Resources %ul.list-feature %li %strong= link_to "Responsive Test", "/styleguide/responsive-test" %li= link_to "Breakpoint", "http://breakpoint-sass.com/" %li= link_to "The EMs have it: Proportional Media Queries FTW!", "http://blog.cloudfour.com/the-ems-have-it-proportional-media-queries-ftw/" %h2 Resolutions - data.layout.resolutions.each do |resolution| %dl.guide-description-list %dt %code= "$" + resolution.target %dd= resolution.width %dl.guide-description-list %dt %code layout: layout_1_column %dd Add this to the yml data at the top of your pages to switch to a fuller 1-column layout (no sidebar). %dt %code layout: layout_2_column %dd Use sidebar layout (this is the default setting, so you normally wouldn't need to set this).