--- title: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets h1: CSS with superpowers layout: layout_1_column --- .hero-lockup %p.hero-image= image_tag "illustrations/glasses.svg", height: "160" %p.introduction Sass is the most mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language in the world. - content_for :section_bottom do %ul.list-tiled %li %h3 CSS Compatible %p Sass is completely compatible with all versions of CSS. We take this compatibility seriously, so that you can seamlessly use any available CSS libraries. %li %h3 Feature Rich %p Sass boasts more features and abilities than any other CSS extension language out there. The Sass Core Team has worked endlessly to not only keep up, but stay ahead. %li %h3 Mature %p Sass has been actively supported for = time_ago_in_words DateTime.parse("Tue Nov 28 19:43:58 2006 +0000") by its loving Core Team. %li %h3 Industry Approved %p Over and over again, the industry is choosing Sass as the premier CSS extension language. %li %h3 Large Community %p Sass is actively supported and developed by a consortium of several tech companies and hundreds of developers. %li %h3 Frameworks %p There are endless number of frameworks built with Sass. = succeed "," do = link_to "Compass", "http://compass-style.org/" = succeed "," do = link_to "Bourbon", "http://bourbon.io/" and = link_to "Susy", "http://susy.oddbird.net/" just to name a few. - content_for :complementary do .get-started %h3 Getting Started Is Easy %ol %li= link_to "Install Sass", "install" %li= link_to "Learn Sass", "guide" %li= link_to "Get Involved", "community"