# ---------------------------------------------- # Page Processing # ---------------------------------------------- set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet set :markdown, :fenced_code_blocks => true, :autolink => true, :smartypants => true # ---------------------------------------------- # Syntax Highlighting # ---------------------------------------------- # require 'rack/codehighlighter' # require "pygments" # use Rack::Codehighlighter, # :pygments, # :element => "pre>code", # :pattern => /\A:::([-_+\w]+)\s*\n/, # :markdown => true # ---------------------------------------------- # Livereload # ---------------------------------------------- activate :livereload # ---------------------------------------------- # CSS Processing # ---------------------------------------------- # Susy grids in Compass # First: gem install susy --pre require 'susy' # Change Compass configuration compass_config do |config| config.output_style = :compact # config.sass_options = { :line_comments => true, :debug_info => true } end # ---------------------------------------------- # Code Coloring # http://pygments.org/docs/formatters/ # ---------------------------------------------- activate :syntax, :linenos => 'table', # inline or table :linenostart => 2 # ---------------------------------------------- # Better Typography # ---------------------------------------------- # TODO: Make this work # require 'typogruby' # require 'nokogiri' #use Rack::typogruby #module Rack # class Typo # def initialize(app) # @app = app # end # def call(env) # status, headers, response = @app.call(env) # if headers["Content-Type"].include? "text/html" # s = "" # response.body.each { |x| s << x} # doc = Nokogiri::HTML(s) # doc.encoding = 'UTF-8' # doc.at_css("body").traverse do |node| # if node.text? # node.replace(Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(Typogruby.improve(node.content))) # end # end # response.body = doc.to_html.lines.to_a # end # [status, headers, response] # end # end #end #activate :typogruby # ---------------------------------------------- # Page options, layouts, aliases and proxies # ---------------------------------------------- # Per-page layout changes: # # With no layout page "/responsive.html", :layout => false # # With alternative layout # page "/path/to/file.html", :layout => :otherlayout # # A path which all have the same layout # with_layout :admin do # page "/admin/*" # end # Proxy (fake) files # page "/this-page-has-no-template.html", :proxy => "/template-file.html" do # @which_fake_page = "Rendering a fake page with a variable" # end # ---------------------------------------------- # Styleguide # ---------------------------------------------- # Use KSS for awesome styleguide support # require "kss" # # page "/styleguide/*", :layout => "styleguide" do # @styleguide = Kss::Parser.new('source/css') # end # ---------------------------------------------- # Helpers # ---------------------------------------------- # Automatic image dimensions on image_tag helper # activate :automatic_image_sizes activate :directory_indexes # Methods defined in the helpers block are available in templates # helpers do # def some_helper # "Helping" # end # end helpers do # Generates a styleguide block. # def styleguide_block(section, &block) # @section = @styleguide.section(section) # @example_html = kss_capture{ block.call } # @_out_buf << partial('styleguide/block') # end # # # Captures the result of a block within an erb template without # spitting it # # to the output buffer. # def kss_capture(&block) # out, @_out_buf = @_out_buf, "" # yield # @_out_buf # ensure # @_out_buf = out # end # Calculate the years for a copyright def copyright_years(start_year) end_year = Date.today.year if start_year == end_year start_year.to_s else start_year.to_s + '-' + end_year.to_s end end end # ---------------------------------------------- # Directories # ---------------------------------------------- set :css_dir, 'assets/stylesheets' set :js_dir, 'assets/javascripts' set :images_dir, 'assets/images' activate :cache_buster # ---------------------------------------------- # Build-specific configuration # ---------------------------------------------- configure :build do # For example, change the Compass output style for deployment activate :minify_css # Minify Javascript on build activate :minify_javascript # Create favicon/touch icon set from source/favicon_base.png activate :favicon_maker # Enable cache buster # activate :cache_buster # Use relative URLs # activate :relative_assets # Compress PNGs after build # First: gem install middleman-smusher # require "middleman-smusher" # activate :smusher # Or use a different image path # set :http_path, "/Content/images/" end