import Token from 'markdown-it/lib/token'; import anchor from 'markdown-it-anchor/types'; // Custom permalink function, inspired by and modification of linkInsideHeader // More context on custom permalink fns: // linkInsideHeader function: export const renderPermalink: anchor.PermalinkGenerator = ( slug, opts: anchor.LinkInsideHeaderPermalinkOptions, state, idx, ) => { opts.ariaHidden = false; const title = state?.tokens[idx + 1].children ?.filter( (token: Token) => token.type === 'text' || token.type === 'code_inline', ) .reduce((acc, t) => acc + t.content, ''); const linkTokens = [ Object.assign(new state.Token('link_open', 'a', 1), { attrs: [ ['class', 'anchor'], ['href', `#${slug}`], ...(opts.ariaHidden ? [['aria-hidden', 'true']] : []), ], }), Object.assign(new state.Token('html_inline', '', 0), { content: `${ title ? title : 'section' } permalink'`, }), new state.Token('link_close', 'a', -1), ]; state?.tokens[idx + 1]?.children?.push(...linkTokens); };