require "html-proofer" require "semantic" require "yaml" require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/raw_markdown_link' task :test => ["sass:dart:version", "sass:libsass:version", :middleman, :test_without_rebuild] task :test_without_rebuild do HTMLProofer.check_directory("build", url_ignore: [ "", # This doesn't allow automated requests. # These are linked to from older blog posts. They redirect to updated # pages. %r{/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html(#.*)?}, %r{/documentation/file.SASS_CHANGELOG.html(#.*)?}, %r{/documentation/Sass/Script/Functions.html(#.*)?}, "#", ], assume_extension: true, # These have the same links as blog posts file_ignore: ["blog.html", %r{blog/page/.*}], # Lots of external URLs fail flakily on Travis, so we just don't check them # there. disable_external: ENV["TRAVIS"] == "true" ).run end namespace :sass do # Adds an implementation's version number to data/version.yml. def add_version(impl, version) path = 'data/version.yml' yaml = File.exist?(path) ? YAML.load( : {} yaml[impl] = version, 'w') {|f| f.write(YAML.dump(yaml))} end # Returns the latest tag in the current Git repository that's a valid semantic # version and is not a pre-release version *unless* only pre-release versions # are available. def latest_stable_tag tags = `git tag`.strip.split("\n").map do |v| begin rescue ArgumentError nil end end.compact.sort.reverse (tags.find {|t| !t.pre} || tags.first).to_s end namespace :dart do # Check out the latest commit of Dart Sass into the .dart-sass directory. task :checkout do unless Dir.exists?(".dart-sass") sh %{git clone git:// .dart-sass} end Dir.chdir(".dart-sass") do sh %{git fetch} if ENV["DART_SASS_REVISION"] sh %{git checkout #{ENV["DART_SASS_REVISION"]}} else sh %{git checkout origin/master} end end end task :version => :checkout do add_version 'dart', Dir.chdir(".dart-sass") {latest_stable_tag} end end namespace :migrator do # Check out the latest commit of the Sass migrator into the .sass-migrator directory. task :checkout do unless Dir.exists?(".sass-migrator") sh %{git clone git:// .sass-migrator} end Dir.chdir(".sass-migrator") do sh %{git fetch} if ENV["SASS_MIGRATOR_REVISION"] sh %{git checkout #{ENV["SASS_MIGRATOR_REVISION"]}} else sh %{git checkout origin/master} end end end task :version => :checkout do add_version 'migrator', Dir.chdir(".sass-migrator") {latest_stable_tag} end end namespace :libsass do # Check out the latest commit of Dart Sass into the .libsass directory. task :checkout do unless Dir.exists?(".libsass") sh %{git clone git:// .libsass} end Dir.chdir(".libsass") do sh %{git fetch} if ENV["LIBSASS_REVISION"] sh %{git checkout #{ENV["LIBSASS_REVISION"]}} else sh %{git checkout origin/master} end end end task :version => :checkout do add_version 'libsass', Dir.chdir(".libsass") {latest_stable_tag} end end desc "Import information from Sass implementations." task :import => ["dart:version", "libsass:version"] end desc "Build the middleman-controlled portion of the site." task :middleman do sh %{bundle exec middleman build --verbose} end desc "Build the site." task "build" => ["sass:import", :middleman] # Build the site on Heroku, then clean up unnecessary intermediate files. task "assets:precompile" => :build do # Clean up unneccessary files to reduce slug size. sh %{rm -rf .dart-sass .libsass} sh %{bundle install --without=development} end