--- title: Sass | Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets --- %h2 CSS with super powers %p Sass is an extension of CSS 3 with a bunch of added features. Already thought CSS was fun? Wait until you add Sass to the mix! %h3 Get up and running quickly with: .command-line %h2 Command Line %p Feel comfortable using a terminal, Ruby & Gems? = link_to "Command Line Quickstart", '#', :class => 'button' %span gem install sass .gui %h2 GUI Application %p Get started quickly by installing a Sass for Linux, Mac or Windows = link_to "GUI Quickstart", '#', :class => 'button' %span= link_to "Download Compass.app", '#' %h2 Sass Features .feature-slideshow %nav %ul %li= link_to "Preprocessing", '#', :class => 'active' %li= link_to "Variables", '#' %li= link_to "Nesting", '#' %li= link_to "Mixins", '#' %li= link_to "Inheritance", '#' %li= link_to "Import", '#' %li= link_to "Extend", '#' %li= link_to "Operators", '#' %ul.content %li#preprocessing %h3 Preprocessing %p A prepressor lets you take a Sass file and use features that don't exist in CSS like variables, nesting, mixins, inheritance and other nifty goodies that make writing CSS fun again. %pre %code example of preprocessing and css output = link_to "Variables »", '#', :class => 'button' %li#variables %h3 Variables %p Variables definition %pre %code example of preprocessing and css output = link_to "Nesting »", '#', :class => 'button' %li#nesting %h3 Nesting %p nesting definition %pre %code example of nesting and css output = link_to "Mixins »", '#', :class => 'button' %li#mixins %h3 Mixins %p mixins definition %pre %code example of mixins and css output = link_to "Inheritance »", '#', :class => 'button' %li#inheritance %h3 Inheritance %p inheritance definition %pre %code example of inheritance and css output = link_to "Import »", '#', :class => 'button' %li#import %h3 Import %p import definition %pre %code example of import and css output = link_to "Extend »", '#', :class => 'button' %li#extend %h3 Extend %p extend definition %pre %code example of extend and css output = link_to "Operators »", '#', :class => 'button' %li#operators %h3 Operators %p operators definition %pre %code example of operators and css output