--- title: Components --- %h2 With details: %table.sl-c-table.impl-status %tbody %tr %th(scope='row') Dart Sass %td ✓ %tr %th(scope='row') Ruby Sass %td since 3.5.0 %details %summary Learn more %p LibSass and older versions of Ruby Sass default to 5 digits of numeric precision, but can be configured to use a different number. It’s recommended that users configure them for 10 digits for greater accuracy and forwards-compatibility. %h2 Without details: %table.sl-c-table.impl-status %tbody %tr %th(scope='row') Dart Sass %td ✓ %tr %th(scope='row') Ruby Sass %td since 3.5.0 .sl-c-alert .sl-l-container %p %strong Alert = lorem.sentence .sl-c-alert.sl-c-alert--info .sl-l-container %p %strong Info Alert = lorem.sentence = link_to 'Link', '#', class: 'sl-c-button' %button.sl-c-button(type='button') Button = link_to 'Link', '#', class: 'sl-c-button sl-c-button--primary' %button.sl-c-button.sl-c-button--primary(type='button') Button .sl-c-callout %h3 Callout %p= lorem.paragraph .sl-c-callout.sl-c-callout--warning %h3 Warning %p= lorem.paragraph .sl-c-callout.sl-c-callout--fun-fact %h3 Fun Fact %p= lorem.paragraph %p.sl-c-introduction= lorem.paragraph .sl-c-introduction %p= lorem.paragraph %h2#link-header-2 Link Header 2 %h3#link-header-3 Link Header 3 %h4#link-header-4 Link Header 4 .sl-c-list-navigation-wrapper :markdown - [Vertical](#) - [Navigation](#) - [List](#) .sl-c-list-horizontal-wrapper :markdown - [Horizontal](#) - [Navigation](#) - [List](#) .sl-c-pop-stripe %table.sl-c-table %tr %td Table %td Table