tutorials: - name: "Code School" url: "http://www.codeschool.com/courses/assembling-sass" - name: "LevelUp Tuts" url: "http://leveluptuts.com/tutorials/sass-tutorials" - name: "Lynda.com" url: "http://www.lynda.com/CSS-tutorials/CSS-LESS-SASS/107921-2.html" books: - name: "Sass for Web Designers" url: "http://www.abookapart.com/products/sass-for-web-designers" - name: "Pragmatic Guide to Sass" url: "http://pragprog.com/book/pg_sass/pragmatic-guide-to-sass" - name: "Sass and Compass in Action" url: "http://manning.com/netherland/" blogs: - name: "The Sass Way" url: "http://thesassway.com/" - name: "CSS-Tricks" url: "http://css-tricks.com/search-results/?q=sass" - name: "Zurb" url: "http://zurb.com/blog/sass" - name: "NetTuts" url: "http://net.tutsplus.com/?s=sass" - name: "Viget Inspire" url: "http://viget.com/inspire/search/YTo2OntzOjg6ImtleXdvcmRzIjtzOjQ6InNhc3MiO3M6MTE6InNlYXJjaF9tb2RlIjtzOjM6ImFsbCI7czoxMToicmVzdWx0X3BhZ2UiO3M6MTQ6Imluc3BpcmUvc2VhcmNoIjtzOjEwOiJjb2xsZWN0aW9uIjthOjE6e2k6MDtzOjE6IjEiO31zOjEwOiJsb29zZV9lbmRzIjtiOjE7czo4OiJjYXRlZ29yeSI7czozOiIxMjUiO30" - name: "Unmatched Style" url: "http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-1988806651014029%3A4kuybaak597&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=sass#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=sass&gsc.page=1" projects: - name: "Compass" url: "http://compass-style.org/" description: "a CSS (and Sass!) authoring framework" - name: "Susy" url: "http://susy.oddbird.net/" description: "a responsive grid layout built for Compass" - name: "Bourbon" url: "http://bourbon.io/" description: "a lightweight mixin library" - name: "Neat" url: "http://neat.bourbon.io/" description: "a mixin-based grid layout system" - name: "SassMeister" url: "http://sassmeister.com/" description: "a tool for trying Sass in the browser" - name: "Zurb Foundation" url: "http://foundation.zurb.com/" description: "a responsive front-end framework" - name: "Rock Hammer" url: "https://github.com/malarkey/rock-hammer/" description: "a starting framework with some basic styles for a project" - name: "Twitter Bootstrap" url: "https://github.com/jlong/sass-twitter-bootstrap" description: "the ubiquitous framework… this time written in Sass!" - name: "Gravity" url: "http://gravityframework.com/" description: "a framework for making HTML5 websites with Sass" - name: "Inuit.css" url: "http://inuitcss.com/" description: "a powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS framework" articles: - name: "Sass vs. LESS" url: "http://css-tricks.com/sass-vs-less/" description: "by Chris Coyier, from CSS Tricks, May 2012" - name: "Redesigning with Sass" url: "http://css-tricks.com/redesigning-with-sass/" description: "by David Walsh, from CSS Tricks, October 2012" - name: "Using Bower with Sass & Compass" url: "http://anthonyshort.me/2012/10/using-bower-with-sass-and-compass" description: "by Anthony Short, October 2012" - name: "Preprocess THIS!" url: "http://cognition.happycog.com/article/preprocess-this" description: "by Allison Wagner, from Cognition, September 2012" - name: "A Newb’s Guide to Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass) – part 1" url: "http://unmatchedstyle.com/news/a-newbs-guide-to-syntactically-awesome-stylesheets-sass-part-1.php" description: "by Dale Sande, from Unmatched Style, September 2012" - name: "Sass Sleuth: Debugging Sass in Webkit Browsers" url: "http://www.mobify.com/dev/sass-sleuth-debugging-sass-in-webkit-browsers/" description: "by Roman, from the Mobify blog, August 2012" - name: "Stop the Pain of Vanilla CSS and Get Relief by Adding Toppings with Sass" url: "http://www.zurb.com/article/1031/stop-the-pain-of-vanilla-css-and-get-reli" description: "by Chris, from the Zurb blog, July 2012" - name: "Building a Nested Responsive Grid with Sass & Compass" url: "http://viget.com/inspire/building-a-nested-responsive-grid-with-sass-compass" description: "by Trevor Davis, from Viget, May 2012" - name: "Nested Selectors: The Inception Rule" url: "http://thesassway.com/beginner/the-inception-rule" description: "by Mario 'Kuroir' Ricalde, from The Sass Way, November 2011" - name: "Improve your Responsive Design Workflow with Sass" url: "http://www.netmagazine.com/tutorials/improve-your-responsive-design-workflow-sass" description: "by Ryan Taylor, from .net, October 2011" - name: "Getting Started with Sass and Compass" url: "http://thesassway.com/beginner/getting-started-with-sass-and-compass" description: "by Adam Stacoviak, from The Sass Way, June 2011" - name: "Getting Sassy with CSS" url: "http://www.sencha.com/blog/getting-sassy-with-css/" description: "by David Kaneda, from the Sencha blog, June 2010" - name: "Using Compass and Sass for your Next CSS Project" url: "http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/using-compass-and-sass-for-css-in-your-next-project/" description: "by Alex Coomans, from Net Tuts, August 2009"