@use 'sass:math'; @use 'sass:list'; @use 'sass:meta'; @use 'sass:map'; @use '../config'; @use '../config/color/brand'; $sl-colors: (); // loop over the variable names in config/color/brand.scss @each $color-name in map.keys(meta.module-variables('brand')) { // turn each sass variable name into a css var() function $var: var(--#{$color-name}); // add each var() function to the space-separated list $sl-colors: list.append($sl-colors, $var, space); } @function stripes($position, $sl-colors) { $sl-colors: if( meta.type-of($sl-colors) != 'list', compact($sl-colors), $sl-colors ); $gradient: (); $width: math.div(100%, list.length($sl-colors)); @for $i from 1 through list.length($sl-colors) { $pop: list.nth($sl-colors, $i); $new: $pop ($width * ($i - 1)), $pop ($width * $i); $gradient: list.join($gradient, $new, comma); } @return linear-gradient($position, $gradient); } .sl-c-pop-stripe { height: config.sl-px-to-rem(4px); background-image: stripes((to right), ($sl-colors)); background-size: 100%; }