--- title: "#teamSass" introduction: > Sass has an awesome community of designers and developers who love to spread the word and help people out. Here we’ve collected some resources. Happy Styling! --- :markdown __Everyone is welcome in the Sass community, except those who are unwelcoming__. Please read and follow our [community guidelines](/community-guidelines). Still __getting started__? There are some great [tutorials](#Tutorials) out there to get you on your feet. Want to __learn more__? There's some great [Sass blogs](#Blogs) (including [a few particular articles](#Articles) we recommend reading), and even a few [books about Sass](#Books) to help you learn some new tips and tricks. The Sass community is amazing. There are a number of [frameworks](#Projects) that make using Sass simple. Want to try Sass in Node, Python, or another framework? Check out the [libSass resources](/libsass). Thinking of __contributing__ to Sass itself? We rely on everyone to keep Sass as stable as it is. Feel free to [submit a patch via pull request](#Contribute) to the Sass project. Want to create your own Sass implementation? Check out our [implementation guidelines](/implementation). %h2#Contribute Contribute :markdown Sass is an [open source project][github] and we encourage you to contribute. You can contribute with [bug reports and feature requests][issues], and if you contribute code, we'll love you forever. If you just want to help out but you're not sure what to do, check out the "Help Wanted" label for [the Sass language][lang help] or for [Dart Sass][dart help]. These issues are a mix of feature requests, bugs, and tasks that aren't coding-intensive that the developers think are a good place for someone new to the codebase to jump in. [github]: https://github.com/sass/sass [issues]: https://github.com/sass/sass/issues [lang help]: https://github.com/sass/sass/labels/Help%20Wanted [dart help]: https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/labels/help%20wanted [Dart Sass][] is the reference implementation of Sass, and the easiest implementation to start hacking on. If you don't know Dart, don't worry! It's very easy to pick up. Check out the [contributing info][] for more information on helping out. Or, if you're interested in helping add new features to the Sass language, look at [the language contribution process][]. [Dart Sass]: /dart-sass [contributing info]: https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md [the language contribution process]: https://github.com/sass/language/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md %hr/ - content_for :complementary do %h2#Articles Sass Articles on the Web %ul.articles - for article in data.community.articles %li %h3= link_to article.name, article.url %p= article.description %h3#Tutorials Tutorials %ul - for tutorial in data.community.tutorials %li= link_to tutorial.name, tutorial.url %h3#Blogs Sass Blogs %ul - for blog in data.community.blogs %li= link_to blog.name, blog.url %h3#Books Sass Books %ul - for book in data.community.books %li= link_to book.name, book.url %h3#Projects Projects & Frameworks %ul - for project in data.community.projects %li = link_to project.name, project.url — = project.description