# Contributing If you would like to contribute to the Sass website, please do the following: * check out the [style guide](http://sass-lang.com/styleguide) for design & code standards. * write a detailed description of what you're adding in the pull request (screenshots help). * add any new UI elements to the style guide. * submit the pull request. * drink whisky. Thanks! — Team Sass Design --- ## Running Site Locally This site is built with [middleman](http://middlemanapp.com), a Ruby framework for building static sites. You will need [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/), [rubygems](http://rubygems.org/) and [bundler](http://bundler.io/) installed before you can run the site locally. If the above dependencies are installed, in your command line of preference, navigate to the project repo and run: ``` bundle install middleman ```