require 'middleman-syntax' require_relative 'lib/rack/try_dynamic' use Rack::TryDynamic, try: ['.html', '/index.html'] activate :automatic_image_sizes activate :autoprefixer do |config| config.browsers = ['last 2 versions'] # config.ignore = ['hacks.css'] end activate :livereload activate :syntax set :markdown, fenced_code_blocks: true, autolink: true, smartypants: true, with_toc_data: true Haml::Filters::Markdown.options.merge! fenced_code_blocks: true, autolink: true set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet set :css_dir, 'assets/css' set :js_dir, 'assets/js' set :images_dir, 'assets/img' page '/*.xml', :layout => false page '/*.json', :layout => false page '/*.txt', :layout => false page '/*.html', :layout => :has_no_sidebars page '/404.html', :layout => :has_no_sidebars page '/about.html', :layout => :has_no_sidebars page '/implementation.html', :layout => :has_no_sidebars page '/install.html', :layout => :has_no_sidebars page '/dart-sass.html', :layout => :has_no_sidebars page '/ruby-sass.html', :layout => :has_no_sidebars page '/community.html', :layout => :has_complementary page '/community-guidelines.html', :layout => :has_complementary page '/libsass.html', :layout => :has_both_sidebars page '/styleguide/*', :layout => :section_styleguide page '/documentation/*', :layout => :section_reference configure :development do config[:host] = 'http://localhost:4567' end configure :build do config[:host] = data.sitemap.url activate :asset_hash activate :gzip activate :minify_css activate :minify_html activate :minify_javascript set :relative_links, true end before_render do |body, page, _, template_class| if && template_class == Middleman::Renderers::RedcarpetTemplate markdown = fragment = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(markdown.render(body)) # The JS API's header names are uniquely large and difficult to break up # effectively. We do some post-processing to clean them up. if page.start_with?("js-api.") fragment.css("a code").each do |code| code.content = code.content. gsub(/^types\.[A-Za-z]+\./, ''). gsub(/^[a-z]+\./, ''). gsub(/^new types\./, 'new '). gsub(/\(.+\)$/, '()') end end # Modify the default Markdown table of contents to have overview links and # section classes. fragment.css("li > ul").each do |ul| a = ul.parent.elements.first a.add_class("section") ul.elements.before('
  • Overview
  • ') ul.elements.first.elements.first['href'] = a['href'] end current_page.add_metadata(table_of_contents: fragment.to_html) body end end after_render do |content, path, locs| # Only modify the original page's rendering. next if path.include?("source/layouts/") content.gsub(%r{^<(h[0-6])(.*?)}m) do |header_text| header = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(header_text).children.first id = header.attr(:id) header.children.before("") if id header.to_html end end