--- permalink: '/_redirects' eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true --- /feed /feed.xml 200 /sitemap /sitemap.xml 200 /tutorial /guide /download /install /try https://www.sassmeister.com /about / /blog/posts/560719 /blog/dropping-support-for-old-ruby-versions /blog/posts/1305238 /blog/dart-sass-is-on-chocolatey /blog/posts/1404451 /blog/sass-and-browser-compatibility /blog/posts/1909151 /blog/dart-sass-is-in-beta /blog/posts/7081811 /blog/ruby-sass-is-deprecated {% for r in redirects -%} {%- for from in r.from %} {%- for to in r.to %} {{ from }} {{ to }} {%- endfor -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- endfor %} {%- assign mods = 'color list map math meta selector string' | split: ' ' -%} {%- for mod in mods %} /docs/yardoc/functions/{{ mod }}.html /documentation/modules/{{ mod }}/ /documentation/functions/{{ mod }}.html /documentation/modules/{{ mod }}/ {%- endfor -%} {%- assign breaking = 'bogus-combinators css-vars duplicate-var-flags extend-compound function-units media-logic moz-document slash-div strict-unary' | split: ' ' -%} {%- for b in breaking %} /d/{{ b }}.html /documentation/breaking-changes/{{ b }}/ {%- endfor -%}