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synced 2025-01-22 05:41:42 +01:00
* Finisjed up the list of itms for books, projects & frameworks. * Added and refined the section for contributing.
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%h1 Things happening in the community
%h2 Sass Articles on the Web
/ Will clean up these articles later. It'll be a curated list of
/ articles that we'll update from time to time.
/ May be worthwhile to also list the source website, date and author
%li= link_to "Sass vs. Less", 'http://css-tricks.com/sass-vs-less/'
%li= link_to "Getting Started with Sass and Compass", 'http://thesassway.com/beginner/getting-started-with-sass-and-compass'
%li= link_to "Nested Selectors: The Inception Rule", 'http://thesassway.com/beginner/the-inception-rule'
%li= link_to "Using Compass and Sass for your Next CSS Project", 'http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/using-compass-and-sass-for-css-in-your-next-project/'
%li= link_to "Getting Sassy with CSS", 'http://www.sencha.com/blog/getting-sassy-with-css/'
%li= link_to "A Newb’s Guide to Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (Sass) – part 1", 'http://unmatchedstyle.com/news/a-newbs-guide-to-syntactically-awesome-stylesheets-sass-part-1.php'
%li= link_to "Using Bower with Sass & Compass", 'http://anthonyshort.me/2012/10/using-bower-with-sass-and-compass'
%li= link_to "Preprocess THIS!", 'http://cognition.happycog.com/article/preprocess-this'
%li= link_to "Sass Sleuth: Debugging Sass in Webkit Browsers", 'hhttp://www.mobify.com/dev/sass-sleuth-debugging-sass-in-webkit-browsers/'
%li= link_to "Improve your Responsive Design Workflow with Sass", 'http://www.netmagazine.com/tutorials/improve-your-responsive-design-workflow-sass'
%li= link_to "Stop the Pain of Vanilla CSS and Get Relief by Adding Toppings with Sass", 'http://www.zurb.com/article/1031/stop-the-pain-of-vanilla-css-and-get-reli'
%li= link_to "Building a Nested Responsive Grid with Sass & Compass", 'http://viget.com/inspire/building-a-nested-responsive-grid-with-sass-compass'
%h2 Sass Blogs
/ Need to research a couple more of these
%li= link_to "The Sass Way", 'http://thesassway.com/'
%li= link_to "CSS Tricks", 'http://css-tricks.com/search-results/?q=sass'
%li= link_to "Zurb", 'http://zurb.com/blog/sass'
%li= link_to "NetTuts", 'http://net.tutsplus.com/?s=sass'
%li= link_to "Viget Inspire", 'http://viget.com/inspire/search/YTo2OntzOjg6ImtleXdvcmRzIjtzOjQ6InNhc3MiO3M6MTE6InNlYXJjaF9tb2RlIjtzOjM6ImFsbCI7czoxMToicmVzdWx0X3BhZ2UiO3M6MTQ6Imluc3BpcmUvc2VhcmNoIjtzOjEwOiJjb2xsZWN0aW9uIjthOjE6e2k6MDtzOjE6IjEiO31zOjEwOiJsb29zZV9lbmRzIjtiOjE7czo4OiJjYXRlZ29yeSI7czozOiIxMjUiO30'
%li= link_to "Unmatched Style", 'http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-1988806651014029%3A4kuybaak597&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=sass#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=sass&gsc.page=1'
%h2 Tutorials
%li= link_to "CodeSchool", 'http://www.codeschool.com/courses/assembling-sass'
%li= link_to "LevelUp Tuts", 'http://leveluptuts.com/tutorials/sass-tutorials'
%li= link_to "Lynda.com", 'http://www.lynda.com/CSS-tutorials/CSS-LESS-SASS/107921-2.html'
%h2 Books
%li= link_to "Sass for Web Designers", 'http://www.abookapart.com/products/sass-for-web-designers'
%li= link_to "Pragmatic Guide to Sass", 'http://pragprog.com/book/pg_sass/pragmatic-guide-to-sass'
%li= link_to "Sass and Compass in Action", 'http://manning.com/netherland/'
%h2 Projects & Frameworks
%li= link_to "Compass", 'http://compass-style.org/'
%li= link_to "Susy", 'http://susy.oddbird.net/'
%li= link_to "Bourbon", 'http://bourbon.io/'
%li= link_to "Neat", 'http://neat.bourbon.io/'
%li= link_to "Zurb Foundation", 'http://foundation.zurb.com/'
%li= link_to "320 and Up", 'https://github.com/malarkey/320andup/'
%li= link_to "Twitter Bootstrap", 'https://github.com/jlong/sass-twitter-bootstrap'
%li= link_to "Gravity", 'http://gravityframework.com/'
%h2 Contribute
%p Sass is an open source projects and we encourage you to contribute. You can contribute with bug reports and feature requests or if you have code to contribute we will love you forever.
%p When adding bug reports, feature requests, or code there are a couple of primary branches we use.
%h3= link_to "Stable", "https://github.com/nex3/sass"
%p The stable branch is where we do development on the released version. The majority of bug fixes should go here. If you're just reporting a bug <a href="https://github.com/nex3/sass/issues"add an issue</a> and note the version of Sass where you experienced the issue in your comment. If you have a some code to contribute, fork the stable branch and send us a pull request. We'll review your patch and either accept or decline with comments.
%h3= link_to "Master", "https://github.com/nex3/sass/tree/master"
%p The master branch is where we keep track of the next version of Sass. New feature requests should be made here. Similar to submitting patches, for the project and send us a pull request. We'll review your pull request and either accept or decline. If we decline we'll make a few comments in the pull request for changes or a reason the pull request was declined.
%h3 Pull Requests & Patches
%p Here are a few simple things you'll need to do when submitting a patch via pull request:
%li Your commit message should be well written, descriptive and contain proper grammar and punctuation.
%li The first line of your commit message should be a short, full sentence.
%li Your commit should also contain any appropriate unit tests
%li Add your changes to the changelog for the correct branch. The changelog is in <code>doc-src/SASS_CHANGELOG.md</code>
%li If your change is user-facing, update the appropriate section in reference documentation. |