# telegram-entities
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A library to work with Telegram UTF-16 styled text entities, created by Daniil Gentili (https://daniil.it).
This library can be used to modify entities returned by the Telegram Bot API, or even locally generate them using a custom MarkdownV2 and HTML parser inside of the library.
This library was initially created for [MadelineProto](https://docs.madelineproto.xyz), an async PHP client API for the telegram MTProto protocol.
## Installation
composer require danog/telegram-entities
## Usage
request(new Request("https://api.telegram.org/bot$token/sendMessage?".http_build_query([
'text' => $message,
'parse_mode' => $parse_mode,
'entities' => json_encode($entities),
'chat_id' => $dest
return json_decode($res->getBody()->buffer(), true)['result'];
$result = $sm("*This is a ❤️ test*", parse_mode: "MarkdownV2");
// Convert a message+entities back to HTML
$entities = new Entities($result['text'], $result['entities']);
var_dump($entities->toHTML()); // This is a ❤️ test
// Modify $entities as needed
$entities->message = "A message with ❤️ emojis";
// EntityTools::mb* methods compute the length in UTF-16 code units, as required by the bot API.
$entities->entities[0]['length'] = EntityTools::mbStrlen($entities->message);
// then resend:
$sm($entities->message, entities: $entities->entities);
// Convert HTML to an array of entities locally
$entities = Entities::fromHtml("This is a ❤️ nested test");
$sm($entities->message, entities: $entities->entities);
// Convert markdown to an array of entities locally
$entities = Entities::fromMarkdown("*This is _a ❤️ nested_ test*");
$sm($entities->message, entities: $entities->entities);
Many more methods are available, see the [API documentation](https://github.com/danog/telegram-entities/blob/master/docs/docs/index.md) for the full list!
## API Documentation
Click [here »](https://github.com/danog/telegram-entities/blob/master/docs/docs/index.md) to view the API documentation.