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{"version":3,"file":"4973.9e1f1935e024e1bf929d.js","mappings":"sFAoDAA,EAAOC,QAvCP,SAAeC,GACb,MAAO,CACLC,KAAM,QACNC,QAAS,CACP,KACA,OAEFC,kBAAkB,EAClBC,SAAU,4/cACVC,SAAU,CACR,CACEC,UAAW,SACXC,MAAO,mBAET,CACED,UAAW,WACXC,MAAO,wBACPC,UAAW,GAEb,CACEF,UAAW,SACXG,SAAU,CACR,CAAEF,MAAO,kBACT,CAAEA,MAAO,iBAIb,CACED,UAAW,WACXG,SAAU,CAAE,CAAEF,MAAO,q5CAGvBP,EAAKU,QAAQ,iBAAiB,GAC9BV,EAAKW,oBACLX,EAAKY","sources":["webpack://telegram-t/./node_modules/highlight.js/lib/languages/stata.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*\nLanguage: Stata\nAuthor: Brian Quistorff <bquistorff@gmail.com>\nContributors: Drew McDonald <drewmcdo@gmail.com>\nDescription: Stata is a general-purpose statistical software package created in 1985 by StataCorp.\nWebsite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stata\nCategory: scientific\n*/\n\n/*\n This is a fork and modification of Drew McDonald's file (https://github.com/drewmcdonald/stata-highlighting). I have also included a list of builtin commands from https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=135646.\n*/\n\nfunction stata(hljs) {\n return {\n name: 'Stata',\n aliases: [\n 'do',\n 'ado'\n ],\n case_insensitive: true,\n keywords: 'if else in foreach for forv forva forval forvalu forvalue forvalues by bys bysort xi quietly qui capture about ac ac_7 acprplot acprplot_7 adjust ado adopath adoupdate alpha ameans an ano anov anova anova_estat anova_terms anovadef aorder ap app appe appen append arch arch_dr arch_estat arch_p archlm areg areg_p args arima arima_dr arima_estat arima_p as asmprobit asmprobit_estat asmprobit_lf asmprobit_mfx__dlg asmprobit_p ass asse asser assert avplot avplot_7 avplots avplots_7 bcskew0 bgodfrey bias binreg bip0_lf biplot bipp_lf bipr_lf bipr_p biprobit bitest bitesti bitowt blogit bmemsize boot bootsamp bootstrap bootstrap_8 boxco_l boxco_p boxcox boxcox_6 boxcox_p bprobit br break brier bro brow brows browse brr brrstat bs bs_7 bsampl_w bsample bsample_7 bsqreg bstat bstat_7 bstat_8 bstrap bstrap_7 bubble bubbleplot ca ca_estat ca_p cabiplot camat canon canon_8 canon_8_p canon_estat canon_p cap caprojection capt captu captur capture cat cc cchart cchart_7 cci cd censobs_table centile cf char chdir checkdlgfiles checkestimationsample checkhlpfiles checksum chelp ci cii cl class classutil clear cli clis clist clo clog clog_lf clog_p clogi clogi_sw clogit clogit_lf clogit_p clogitp clogl_sw cloglog clonevar clslistarray cluster cluster_measures cluster_stop cluster_tree cluster_tree_8 clustermat cmdlog cnr cnre cnreg cnreg_p cnreg_sw cnsreg codebook collaps4 collapse colormult_nb colormult_nw compare compress conf confi confir confirm conren cons const constr constra constrai constrain constraint continue contract copy copyright copysource cor corc corr corr2data corr_anti corr_kmo corr_smc corre correl correla correlat correlate corrgram cou coun count cox cox_p cox_sw coxbase coxhaz coxvar cprplot cprplot_7 crc cret cretu cretur creturn cross cs cscript cscript_log csi ct ct_is ctset ctst_5 ctst_st cttost cumsp cumsp_7 cumul cusum cusum_7 cutil d|0 datasig datasign datasigna datasignat datasignatu datasignatur datasignature datetof db dbeta de dec deco decod decode deff des desc descr descri describ describe destring dfbeta dfgls dfuller di di_g dir dirstats dis discard disp disp_res disp_s displ displa display distinct do doe doed doedi doedit dotplot dotplot_7 dprobit drawnorm drop ds ds_util dstdize duplicates durbina dwstat dydx e|0 ed edi edit egen eivreg emdef en enc enco encod encode eq erase ereg ereg_lf ereg_p ereg_sw ereghet ereghet_glf ereghet_glf_sh ereghet_gp ereghet_ilf ereghet_ilf_sh ereghet_ip eret eretu eretur ereturn err erro error esize est est_cfexist est_cfname est_clickable est_expand est_hold est_table est_unhold est_unholdok estat estat_default estat_summ estat_vce_only esti estimates etodow etof etomdy ex exi exit expand expandcl fac fact facto factor factor_estat factor_p factor_pca_rotated factor_rotate factormat fcast fcast_compute fcast_graph fdades fdadesc fdadescr fdadescri fdadescrib fdadescribe fdasav fdasave fdause fh_st file open file read file