/* eslint-disable max-len */ const Telegraph = require('telegraph-node'); const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom'); const { gitlogPromise } = require('gitlog'); // CONSTANTS const AUTH_TOKEN = process.env.TELEGRAPH_TOKEN; const version = require('../package.json').version; const gitOptions = { repo: '.', branch: 'master', number: 100, fields: ['hash', 'subject', 'committerDate'], }; const pageTemplate = ` \

Commits since ${version}


This list is automatically updated when a new commit pushed to the beta repo

\ \ \ \ `.trim(); // MAIN function updateChangelog() { preparePage().then((dom) => { updateTelegraph(dom); }); } updateChangelog(); // UTIL async function updateTelegraph(dom) { const api = new Telegraph(); const content = domToNode(dom.window.document.body).children; const result = await api.editPage(AUTH_TOKEN, 'WebZ-Beta-04-01', 'Telegram WebZ Beta Changelog', content, { author_name: 'WebZ team', author_url: 'https://t.me/webztalks', }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(result); } async function preparePage() { const dom = new JSDOM(pageTemplate); const commits = await getCommitsSince(version); commits.forEach((commit) => ( dom.window.document.getElementById('list').appendChild(renderCommit(dom, commit)) )); if (!commits?.length) { const li = dom.window.document.createElement('li'); li.innerHTML = `

Nothing changed since ${version}

`; dom.window.document.getElementById('list').appendChild(li); } return dom; } function renderCommit(dom, commit) { const li = dom.window.document.createElement('li'); const subject = commit.subject.replaceAll(/`(.+)`/g, '$1'); li.innerHTML = `

${commit.hash.substring(0, 7)} ${subject}

`; return li; } function getCommits() { return gitlogPromise(gitOptions).then((log) => { return log.map((commit) => { return { hash: commit.hash, subject: commit.subject, date: new Date(commit.committerDate), }; }); }); } async function getCommitsSince(semver) { const commits = await getCommits(); const versionCommit = commits.find((commit) => commit.subject === semver); if (!versionCommit) { return []; } return commits.filter(({ date }) => date > versionCommit.date); } function domToNode(domNode) { if (domNode.nodeType === domNode.TEXT_NODE) { return domNode.data; } if (domNode.nodeType !== domNode.ELEMENT_NODE) { return false; } const nodeElement = {}; nodeElement.tag = domNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); for (let i = 0; i < domNode.attributes.length; i++) { const attr = domNode.attributes[i]; if (attr.name === 'href' || attr.name === 'src') { if (!nodeElement.attrs) { nodeElement.attrs = {}; } nodeElement.attrs[attr.name] = attr.value; } } if (domNode.childNodes.length > 0) { nodeElement.children = []; for (let i = 0; i < domNode.childNodes.length; i++) { const child = domNode.childNodes[i]; nodeElement.children.push(domToNode(child)); } } return nodeElement; }