Alexander Zinchuk fb588bb582 [Build]
2022-05-20 17:57:33 +02:00

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{"version":3,"file":"3309.620314c64d80c35257fc.js","mappings":"sFAwIAA,EAAOC,QAhIP,SAAYC,GACV,MAAMC,EAAc,wBACdC,EAAY,IAAMD,EAAc,KAAOA,EAAc,WACrDE,EAAW,CACfC,SAAUF,EACVG,SAEE,okEAiCEC,EAAS,CACbC,MAAOL,EACPM,UAAW,GAEPC,EAAS,CACbC,UAAW,SACXH,MARuB,sBASvBC,UAAW,GAEPG,EAASX,EAAKY,QAAQZ,EAAKa,kBAAmB,CAAEC,QAAS,OACzDC,EAAUf,EAAKe,QACnB,IACA,IACA,CAAEP,UAAW,IAETQ,EAAU,CACdN,UAAW,UACXH,MAAO,mCAEHU,EAAa,CACjBV,MAAO,WACPW,IAAK,WACLV,UAAW,GAEPW,EAAO,CACXT,UAAW,UACXH,MAAO,MAAQL,GAEXkB,EAAWpB,EAAKe,QAAQ,SAAU,OAClCM,EAAM,CACVX,UAAW,SACXH,MAAO,WAAaL,GAEhBoB,EAAO,CACXf,MAAO,MACPW,IAAK,OAEDK,EAAO,CACXC,gBAAgB,EAChBhB,UAAW,GAEPiB,EAAO,CACXf,UAAW,OACXF,UAAW,EACXL,SAAUA,EACVI,MAAOL,EACPwB,OAAQH,GAEJI,EAAmB,CACvBL,EACAX,EACAQ,EACAC,EACAL,EACAM,EACAJ,EACAR,EACAO,EACAV,GAWF,OARAgB,EAAKM,SAAW,CACd5B,EAAKe,QAAQ,UAAW,IACxBU,EACAF,GAEFA,EAAKK,SAAWD,EAChBV,EAAWW,SAAWD,EAEf,CACLE,KAAM,KACNC,QAAS,CAAE,UACXhB,QAAS,KACTc,SAAU,CACR5B,EAAK+B,UACLT,EACAX,EACAQ,EACAC,EACAL,EACAM,EACAJ,EACAR,EACAO","sources":["webpack://telegram-t/./node_modules/highlight.js/lib/languages/hy.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*\nLanguage: Hy\nDescription: Hy is a wonderful dialect of Lisp thats embedded in Python.\nAuthor: Sergey Sobko <>\nWebsite:\nCategory: lisp\n*/\n\nfunction hy(hljs) {\n const SYMBOLSTART = 'a-zA-Z_\\\\-!.?+*=<>&#\\'';\n const SYMBOL_RE = '[' + SYMBOLSTART + '][' + SYMBOLSTART + '0-9/;:]*';\n const keywords = {\n $pattern: SYMBOL_RE,\n built_in:\n // keywords\n '!= % %= & &= * ** **= *= *map '\n + '+ += , --build-class-- --import-- -= . / // //= '\n + '/= < << <<= <= = > >= >> >>= '\n + '@ @= ^ ^= abs accumulate all and any ap-compose '\n + 'ap-dotimes ap-each ap-each-while ap-filter ap-first ap-if ap-last ap-map ap-map-when ap-pipe '\n + 'ap-reduce ap-reject apply as-> ascii assert assoc bin break butlast '\n + 'callable calling-module-name car case cdr chain chr coll? combinations compile '\n + 'compress cond cons cons? continue count curry cut cycle dec '\n + 'def default-method defclass defmacro defmacro-alias defmacro/g! defmain defmethod defmulti defn '\n + 'defn-alias defnc defnr defreader defseq del delattr delete-route dict-comp dir '\n + 'disassemble dispatch-reader-macro distinct divmod do doto drop drop-last drop-while empty? '\n + 'end-sequence eval eval-and-compile eval-when-compile even? every? except exec filter first '\n + 'flatten float? fn fnc fnr for for* format fraction genexpr '\n + 'gensym get getattr global globals group-by hasattr hash hex id '\n + 'identity if if* if-not if-python2 import in inc input instance? '\n + 'integer integer-char? integer? interleave interpose is is-coll is-cons is-empty is-even '\n + 'is-every is-float is-instance is-integer is-integer-char is-iterable is-iterator is-keyword is-neg is-none '\n + 'is-not is-numeric is-odd is-pos is-string is-symbol is-zero isinstance islice issubclass '\n + 'iter iterable? iterate iterator? keyword keyword? lambda last len let '\n + 'lif lif-not list* list-comp locals loop macro-error macroexpand macroexpand-1 macroexpand-all '\n + 'map max merge-with method-decorator min multi-decorator multicombinations name neg? next '\n + 'none? nonlocal not not-in not? nth numeric? oct odd? open '\n + 'or ord partition permutations pos? post-route postwalk pow prewalk print '\n + 'product profile/calls profile/cpu put-route quasiquote quote raise range read read-str '\n + 'recursive-replace reduce remove repeat repeatedly repr require rest round route '\n + 'route-with-methods rwm second seq set-comp setattr setv some sorted string '\n + 'string? sum switch symbol? take take-nth take-while tee try unless '\n + 'unquote unquote-splicing vars walk when while with with* with-decorator with-gensyms '\n + 'xi xor yield yield-from zero? zip zip-longest | |= ~'\n };\n\n const SIMPLE_NUMBER_RE = '[-+]?\\\\d+(\\\\.\\\\d+)?';\n\n const SYMBOL = {\n begin: SYMBOL_RE,\n relevance: 0\n };\n const NUMBER = {\n className: 'number',\n begin: SIMPLE_NUMBER_RE,\n relevance: 0\n };\n const STRING = hljs.inherit(hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, { illegal: null });\n const COMMENT = hljs.COMMENT(\n ';',\n '$',\n { relevance: 0 }\n );\n const LITERAL = {\n className: 'literal',\n begin: /\\b([Tt]rue|[Ff]alse|nil|None)\\b/\n };\n const COLLECTION = {\n begin: '[\\\\[\\\\{]',\n end: '[\\\\]\\\\}]',\n relevance: 0\n };\n const HINT = {\n className: 'comment',\n begin: '\\\\^' + SYMBOL_RE\n };\n const HINT_COL = hljs.COMMENT('\\\\^\\\\{', '\\\\}');\n const KEY = {\n className: 'symbol',\n begin: '[:]{1,2}' + SYMBOL_RE\n };\n const LIST = {\n begin: '\\\\(',\n end: '\\\\)'\n };\n const BODY = {\n endsWithParent: true,\n relevance: 0\n };\n const NAME = {\n className: 'name',\n relevance: 0,\n keywords: keywords,\n begin: SYMBOL_RE,\n starts: BODY\n };\n const DEFAULT_CONTAINS = [\n LIST,\n STRING,\n HINT,\n HINT_COL,\n COMMENT,\n KEY,\n COLLECTION,\n NUMBER,\n LITERAL,\n SYMBOL\n ];\n\n LIST.contains = [\n hljs.COMMENT('comment', ''),\n NAME,\n BODY\n ];\n BODY.contains = DEFAULT_CONTAINS;\n COLLECTION.contains = DEFAULT_CONTAINS;\n\n return {\n name: 'Hy',\n aliases: [ 'hylang' ],\n illegal: /\\S/,\n contains: [\n hljs.SHEBANG(),\n LIST,\n STRING,\n HINT,\n HINT_COL,\n COMMENT,\n KEY,\n COLLECTION,\n NUMBER,\n LITERAL\n ]\n };\n}\n\nmodule.exports = hy;\n"],"names":["module","exports","hljs","SYMBOLSTART","SYMBOL_RE","keywords","$pattern","built_in","SYMBOL","begin","relevance","NUMBER","className","STRING","inherit","QUOTE_STRING_MODE","illegal","COMMENT","LITERAL","COLLECTION","end","HINT","HINT_COL","KEY","LIST","BODY","endsWithParent","NAME","starts","DEFAULT_CONTAINS","contains","name","aliases","SHEBANG"],"sourceRoot":""}