#!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash set -e -u -f SCRIPTNAME=termux-notification show_usage () { echo "Usage: termux-notification [options]" echo "Display a system notification. Content text is read from stdin or specified using --content." echo " --action action action to execute when pressing the notification" echo " --alert-once do not alert when the notification is edited" echo " --button1 text text to show on the first notification button" echo " --button1-action action action to execute on the first notification button" echo " --button2 text text to show on the second notification button" echo " --button2-action action action to execute on the second notification button" echo " --button3 text text to show on the third notification button" echo " --button3-action action action to execute on the third notification button" echo " --content content content to show in the notification. Will take precedence over stdin." echo " --group group notification group (notifications with the same group are shown together)" echo " --id id notification id (will overwrite any previous notification with the same id)" echo " --image-path path absolute path to an image which will be shown in the notification" echo " --led-color rrggbb color of the blinking led as RRGGBB (default: none)" echo " --led-off milliseconds number of milliseconds for the LED to be off while it's flashing (default: 800)" echo " --led-on milliseconds number of milliseconds for the LED to be on while it's flashing (default: 800)" echo " --on-delete action action to execute when the the notification is cleared" echo " --ongoing pin the notification" echo " --priority prio notification priority (high/low/max/min/default)" echo " --sound play a sound with the notification" echo " --title title notification title to show" echo " --vibrate pattern vibrate pattern, comma separated as in 500,1000,200" echo " --type type notification style to use (default/media)" echo "Media actions (available with --type \"media\"):" echo " --media-next action to execute on the media-next button" echo " --media-pause action to execute on the media-pause button" echo " --media-play action to execute on the media-play button" echo " --media-previous action to execute on the media-previous button" exit 0 } OPT_ACTION="" OPT_ALERT_ONCE="" OPT_BUTTON1_ACTION="" OPT_BUTTON1_TEXT="" OPT_BUTTON2_ACTION="" OPT_BUTTON2_TEXT="" OPT_BUTTON3_ACTION="" OPT_BUTTON3_TEXT="" OPT_CONTENT="" OPT_GROUP="" OPT_ID="" OPT_IMAGE_PATH="" OPT_LED_COLOR="" OPT_LED_OFF="" OPT_LED_ON="" OPT_MEDIA_NEXT="" OPT_MEDIA_PAUSE="" OPT_MEDIA_PLAY="" OPT_MEDIA_PREVIOUS="" OPT_ONGOING="" OPT_ON_DELETE_ACTION="" OPT_PRIORITY="" OPT_SOUND="" OPT_TITLE="" OPT_TYPE="" OPT_VIBRATE="" TEMP=`busybox getopt \ -n $SCRIPTNAME \ -o hc:i:t: \ --long action:,alert-once,\ button1:,button1-action:,\ button2:,button2-action:,\ button3:,button3-action:,\ content:,group:,help,id:,image-path:\ led-color:,led-on:,led-off:,\ media-previous:,media-next:,media-play:,media-pause:,\ on-delete:,ongoing,\ priority:,\ sound,title:,type:,vibrate: \ -s bash \ -- "$@"` eval set -- "$TEMP" while true; do case "$1" in --action) OPT_ACTION="$2"; shift 2;; --alert-once) OPT_ALERT_ONCE="true"; shift 1;; --button1) OPT_BUTTON1_TEXT="$2"; shift 2;; --button1-action) OPT_BUTTON1_ACTION="$2"; shift 2;; --button2) OPT_BUTTON2_TEXT="$2"; shift 2;; --button2-action) OPT_BUTTON2_ACTION="$2"; shift 2;; --button3) OPT_BUTTON3_TEXT="$2"; shift 2;; --button3-action) OPT_BUTTON3_ACTION="$2"; shift 2;; -c | --content) OPT_CONTENT="$2"; shift 2;; --group) OPT_GROUP="$2"; shift 2;; -h | --help) show_usage;; -i | --id) OPT_ID="$2"; shift 2;; --image-path) OPT_IMAGE_PATH="$2"; shift 2;; --led-color) OPT_LED_COLOR="$2"; shift 2;; --led-off) OPT_LED_OFF="$2"; shift 2;; --led-on) OPT_LED_ON="$2"; shift 2;; --media-next) OPT_MEDIA_NEXT="$2"; shift 2;; --media-pause) OPT_MEDIA_PAUSE="$2"; shift 2;; --media-play) OPT_MEDIA_PLAY="$2"; shift 2;; --media-previous) OPT_MEDIA_PREVIOUS="$2"; shift 2;; --on-delete) OPT_ON_DELETE_ACTION="$2"; shift 2;; --ongoing) OPT_ONGOING="true"; shift 1;; --priority) OPT_PRIORITY="$2"; shift 2;; --sound) OPT_SOUND="true"; shift 1;; -t | --title) OPT_TITLE="$2"; shift 2;; --type) OPT_TYPE="$2"; shift 2;; --vibrate) OPT_VIBRATE="$2"; shift 2;; --) shift; break ;; esac done if [ $# != 0 ]; then echo "$SCRIPTNAME: too many arguments"; exit 1; fi if [ "$OPT_ONGOING" == true ] && [ -z "$OPT_ID" ]; then echo "Ongoing notifications without an ID are not removable." echo "Please set an id with --id \"string\"." exit 1 fi set -- if [ -n "$OPT_ACTION" ]; then set -- "$@" --es action "$OPT_ACTION"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_ALERT_ONCE" ]; then set -- "$@" --ez alert-once "$OPT_ALERT_ONCE"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_BUTTON1_ACTION" ]; then set -- "$@" --es button_action_1 "$OPT_BUTTON1_ACTION"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_BUTTON1_TEXT" ]; then set -- "$@" --es button_text_1 "$OPT_BUTTON1_TEXT"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_BUTTON2_ACTION" ]; then set -- "$@" --es button_action_2 "$OPT_BUTTON2_ACTION"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_BUTTON2_TEXT" ]; then set -- "$@" --es button_text_2 "$OPT_BUTTON2_TEXT"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_BUTTON3_ACTION" ]; then set -- "$@" --es button_action_3 "$OPT_BUTTON3_ACTION"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_BUTTON3_TEXT" ]; then set -- "$@" --es button_text_3 "$OPT_BUTTON3_TEXT"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_GROUP" ]; then set -- "$@" --es group "$OPT_GROUP"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_ID" ]; then set -- "$@" --es id "$OPT_ID"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_IMAGE_PATH" ]; then set -- "$@" --es image-path "$OPT_IMAGE_PATH"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_LED_COLOR" ]; then set -- "$@" --es led-color "$OPT_LED_COLOR"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_LED_OFF" ]; then set -- "$@" --ei led-off "$OPT_LED_OFF"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_LED_ON" ]; then set -- "$@" --ei led-on "$OPT_LED_ON"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_MEDIA_NEXT" ]; then set -- "$@" --es media-next "$OPT_MEDIA_NEXT"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_MEDIA_PAUSE" ]; then set -- "$@" --es media-pause "$OPT_MEDIA_PAUSE"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_MEDIA_PLAY" ]; then set -- "$@" --es media-play "$OPT_MEDIA_PLAY"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_MEDIA_PREVIOUS" ]; then set -- "$@" --es media-previous "$OPT_MEDIA_PREVIOUS"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_ONGOING" ]; then set -- "$@" --ez ongoing "$OPT_ONGOING"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_ON_DELETE_ACTION" ]; then set -- "$@" --es on_delete_action "$OPT_ON_DELETE_ACTION"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_PRIORITY" ]; then set -- "$@" --es priority "$OPT_PRIORITY"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_SOUND" ]; then set -- "$@" --ez sound "$OPT_SOUND"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_TITLE" ]; then set -- "$@" --es title "$OPT_TITLE"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_TYPE" ]; then set -- "$@" --es type "$OPT_TYPE"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_VIBRATE" ]; then set -- "$@" --ela vibrate "$OPT_VIBRATE"; fi if [ -n "$OPT_CONTENT" ] || [ -t 0 ]; then # we either have some content, so it takes precedence over STDIN # or have no STDIN, so we must use content even if empty echo "$OPT_CONTENT" | /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/termux-api Notification "$@" else # use STDIN /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/libexec/termux-api Notification "$@" fi