#!/bin/sh # # This file is part of the phpseclib test suite. # # (c) Andreas Fischer # # For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE # file that was distributed with this source code. # USERNAME='phpseclib' HOSTNAME='phpseclib.bantux.org' LDIRNAME='code_coverage' RDIRNAME='code_coverage' ID_RSA='tests/code_coverage_id_rsa' if ! which expect > /dev/null then sudo apt-get update -qq sudo apt-get install -qq expect fi # Workaround for rsync not creating target directories with depth > 1 mv "$LDIRNAME" "x$LDIRNAME" mkdir -p "$RDIRNAME/$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER" mv "x$LDIRNAME" "$RDIRNAME/$TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER/$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER/" # Stop complaints about world-readable key file. chmod 600 "$ID_RSA" export RSYNC_RSH="ssh -4 -i $ID_RSA -o ConnectTimeout=5" RSYNC_OPT="--recursive --times --progress" expect << EOF spawn rsync $RSYNC_OPT "$RDIRNAME/" "$USERNAME@$HOSTNAME:$RDIRNAME/" expect "RSA key fingerprint is 09:40:96:14:6a:cd:67:46:17:e5:b4:39:24:24:6e:9d." send "yes\n" expect "Enter passphrase for key '$ID_RSA':" send "$CODE_COVERAGE_PASSPHRASE\n" expect eof EOF