/* This file is part of TON Blockchain Library. TON Blockchain Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TON Blockchain Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TON Blockchain Library. If not, see . Copyright 2017-2019 Telegram Systems LLP */ #pragma once #include "ton/ton-types.h" #include "td/actor/actor.h" #include "validator/interfaces/shard.h" #include "td/db/KeyValue.h" #include "ton/ton-tl.hpp" namespace ton { namespace validator { namespace fileref { class Empty { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(); } FileHash hash() const { return create_hash_tl_object(); } }; class Block { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } FileHash hash() const { return create_hash_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } BlockIdExt block_id; }; class ZeroState { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } FileHash hash() const { return create_hash_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } BlockIdExt block_id; }; class PersistentState { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id), create_tl_block_id(masterchain_block_id)); } FileHash hash() const { return create_hash_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id), create_tl_block_id(masterchain_block_id)); } BlockIdExt block_id; BlockIdExt masterchain_block_id; }; class Proof { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } FileHash hash() const { return create_hash_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } BlockIdExt block_id; }; class ProofLink { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } FileHash hash() const { return create_hash_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } BlockIdExt block_id; }; class Signatures { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } FileHash hash() const { return create_hash_tl_object(create_tl_block_id(block_id)); } BlockIdExt block_id; }; class Candidate { public: tl_object_ptr tl() const { return create_tl_object( create_tl_object(source.tl(), create_tl_block_id(block_id), collated_data_file_hash)); } FileHash hash() const { return create_hash_tl_object( create_tl_object(source.tl(), create_tl_block_id(block_id), collated_data_file_hash)); } PublicKey source; BlockIdExt block_id; FileHash collated_data_file_hash; }; }; // namespace fileref class RootDb; class FileDb : public td::actor::Actor { public: using RefId = td::Variant; using RefIdHash = td::Bits256; void store_file(RefId ref_id, td::BufferSlice data, td::Promise promise); void store_file_continue(RefId ref_id, FileHash file_hash, std::string path, td::Promise promise); void load_file(RefId ref_id, td::Promise promise); void load_file_slice(RefId ref_id, td::int64 offset, td::int64 max_size, td::Promise promise); void check_file(RefId ref_id, td::Promise promise); void start_up() override; void alarm() override; void gc(); void skip_gc(); FileDb(td::actor::ActorId root_db, std::string root_path, td::uint32 depth, bool is_archive); private: struct DbEntry { RefId key; RefIdHash prev; RefIdHash next; FileHash file_hash; DbEntry(tl_object_ptr entry); DbEntry() { } DbEntry(RefId key, RefIdHash prev, RefIdHash next, FileHash file_hash) : key(std::move(key)), prev(prev), next(next), file_hash(file_hash) { } td::BufferSlice release(); bool is_empty() const; }; static RefIdHash get_ref_id_hash(const RefId& ref); static tl_object_ptr get_ref_id_tl(const RefId& ref); static RefId get_ref_from_tl(const ton_api::db_filedb_Key& from); static RefId get_empty_ref_id(); RefIdHash get_empty_ref_id_hash(); std::string get_file_name(const RefId& ref, bool create_dirs); td::Slice get_key(const RefIdHash& ref); td::Result get_block(const RefIdHash& ref_id); void set_block(const RefIdHash& ref_id_hash, DbEntry entry); td::actor::ActorId root_db_; std::string root_path_; std::string db_path_; td::uint32 depth_; bool is_archive_; std::shared_ptr kv_; RefIdHash last_gc_; RefIdHash empty_ = RefIdHash::zero(); }; } // namespace validator } // namespace ton