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synced 2024-12-03 09:57:57 +01:00
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129 lines
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"TonUtil.fif" include
"lib.fif" include
{ ."usage: " @' $0 type ." <wallet-name> <wallet-update> <seqno> <n> <k> <key-id> <privkey1> [<pubkey2> ...]" cr cr
."Updates an existing multisignature wallet." cr
."The first of the keys must be a private key (with ID <key-id>), used to sign the wallet update request saved to <wallet-update>.boc; the rest MUST be public keys." cr
."Create or generate public key files from private keys using gen-pub.fif privkey" cr cr
."Min <k> (1-10) signatures required to send an order; load <n> pre-existing public keys from files <key1...n>." cr
1 halt
} : usage
$# 6 < ' usage if
$1 constant file-base
$2 constant update-file
$3 parse-int constant msg-seqno
$4 (number) 1 <> abort"<n> must be a number!" constant n
$5 (number) 1 <> abort"<k> must be a number!" constant k
$6 (number) 1 <> abort"<k> must be a number!" constant key-id
file-base +".addr" load-address
2dup 2constant wallet-addr
."Source wallet address = " 2dup .addr cr 6 .Addr cr
3 constant send-mode // mode for SENDRAWMSG: +1 - sender pays fees, +2 - ignore errors
3 86400 * constant timeout // external message expires in 3 days
n 1 < n 10 > or abort"<n> must be between 1 and 10"
k 1 < k 10 > or abort"<k> must be between 1 and 10"
k n <= not abort"<k> must smaller than or equal to <n>"
$# 6 n + < abort"Not enough keys were provided in args!"
$7 +".pk" load-generate-keypair const privkey 256 B>u@
8 { dup $() +".pubkey" load-pubkey swap 1+ } n 1- times drop
n tuple constant keys
."Updating pre-existing multisignature wallet with n=" n .
."k=" k . ."..." cr cr
// idict! (v x s n – s0 −1 or s 0), adds a new value v (represented
// by a Slice) with key given by signed big-endian n-bit integer x into
// dictionary s with n-bit keys, and returns the new dictionary s0 and −1
// on success. Otherwise the unchanged dictionary s and 0 are returned.
// Create dictionaries with keys and messages
// Extract keys
keys explode
dup 1- // Create counter
dictnew swap // ...and dict (swap the two)
rot // Put length on top for times
{ dup 1- swap // Decrement counter
3 roll // Get n-th value v (val dict ncount curcount)
<b swap 256 u, // Create builder bval
swap // Get x (dict ncount curcount bval)
3 roll // Get dictionary s (dict ncount bval curcount)
4 // Get n (ncount bval curcount dict) 4
not abort"Failure storing dictionary value!"
} swap times drop const keys-dict
// code
"wallet-code-update.fif" include
// Create code message
// codeMessage$1 minSigs:(## 4) keys:(HashmapE 4 PubKey) code:^Cell = ModeMessage X;
<b 1 1 u,
k 4 u,
keys-dict dict,
swap ref,
// create wrapper message
// wrappedMessage$_ expires_at:uint32 seqno:uint32 body:(ModeMessage X) = WrappedMessage X;
<b now timeout + 32 u, msg-seqno 32 u, swap <s s, b>
dup ."signing message: " <s csr. cr
dup hashu
dup ."Hash: " x. cr cr
privkey ed25519_sign_uint
// signature$_ R:bits256 s:bits256 = Signature;
256 B>u@+ swap 256 B>u@ swap
<b swap 256 u, swap 256 u, b>
// key ID => signature
// multiSigWrapper$0 signatures:(HashmapE 4 Signature) message:(WrappedMessage X) = MultiSigWrapper X;
0 1 u, // $0
swap <s key-id dictnew 4 udict! // Create and populate dictionary
not abort"Failure inserting signature!"
dict, // signatures
swap <s s, // message
// addr_none$00 = MsgAddressExt;
// addr_extern$01 len:(## 9) external_address:(bits len)
// = MsgAddressExt;
// anycast_info$_ depth:(#<= 30) { depth >= 1 }
// rewrite_pfx:(bits depth) = Anycast;
// addr_std$10 anycast:(Maybe Anycast)
// workchain_id:int8 address:bits256 = MsgAddressInt;
// addr_var$11 anycast:(Maybe Anycast) addr_len:(## 9)
// workchain_id:int32 address:(bits addr_len) = MsgAddressInt;
// ext_in_msg_info$10 src:MsgAddressExt dest:MsgAddressInt
// import_fee:Grams = CommonMsgInfo;
// message$_ {X:Type} info:CommonMsgInfo
// init:(Maybe (Either StateInit ^StateInit))
// body:(Either X ^X) = Message X;
<b b{1000100} s, wallet-addr addr, 0 Gram, 0 1 u,
swap maybe-ref, b>
dup ."resulting external message: " <s csr. cr
2 boc+>B dup Bx. cr
update-file +".boc" tuck B>file
."Query expires in " timeout . ."seconds" cr
."(Saved to file " type .")" cr