mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 09:57:51 +01:00
Scalar\String_ and Scalar\Encapsed now have an additional "kind" attribute, which may be one of: * String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED * String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED * String_::KIND_NOWDOC * String_::KIND_HEREDOC Additionally, if the string kind is one of the latter two, an attribute "docLabel" is provided, which contains the doc string label (STR in <<<STR) that was originally used. The pretty printer will try to take the original kind of the string, as well as the used doc string label into account.
165 lines
6.1 KiB
165 lines
6.1 KiB
namespace PhpParser;
use PhpParser\Comment;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar;
use PhpParser\Node\Scalar\String_;
abstract class ParserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
/** @returns Parser */
abstract protected function getParser(Lexer $lexer);
* @expectedException \PhpParser\Error
* @expectedExceptionMessage Syntax error, unexpected EOF on line 1
public function testParserThrowsSyntaxError() {
$parser = $this->getParser(new Lexer());
$parser->parse('<?php foo');
* @expectedException \PhpParser\Error
* @expectedExceptionMessage Cannot use foo as self because 'self' is a special class name on line 1
public function testParserThrowsSpecialError() {
$parser = $this->getParser(new Lexer());
$parser->parse('<?php use foo as self;');
public function testAttributeAssignment() {
$lexer = new Lexer(array(
'usedAttributes' => array(
'comments', 'startLine', 'endLine',
'startTokenPos', 'endTokenPos',
$code = <<<'EOC'
/** Doc comment */
function test($a) {
// Line
// Comments
echo $a;
$code = canonicalize($code);
$parser = $this->getParser($lexer);
$stmts = $parser->parse($code);
/** @var \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_ $fn */
$fn = $stmts[0];
$this->assertInstanceOf('PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_', $fn);
'comments' => array(
new Comment\Doc('/** Doc comment */', 2, 6),
'startLine' => 3,
'endLine' => 7,
'startTokenPos' => 3,
'endTokenPos' => 21,
), $fn->getAttributes());
$param = $fn->params[0];
$this->assertInstanceOf('PhpParser\Node\Param', $param);
'startLine' => 3,
'endLine' => 3,
'startTokenPos' => 7,
'endTokenPos' => 7,
), $param->getAttributes());
/** @var \PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Echo_ $echo */
$echo = $fn->stmts[0];
$this->assertInstanceOf('PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Echo_', $echo);
'comments' => array(
new Comment("// Line\n", 4, 49),
new Comment("// Comments\n", 5, 61),
'startLine' => 6,
'endLine' => 6,
'startTokenPos' => 16,
'endTokenPos' => 19,
), $echo->getAttributes());
/** @var \PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable $var */
$var = $echo->exprs[0];
$this->assertInstanceOf('PhpParser\Node\Expr\Variable', $var);
'startLine' => 6,
'endLine' => 6,
'startTokenPos' => 18,
'endTokenPos' => 18,
), $var->getAttributes());
* @expectedException \RangeException
* @expectedExceptionMessage The lexer returned an invalid token (id=999, value=foobar)
public function testInvalidToken() {
$lexer = new InvalidTokenLexer;
$parser = $this->getParser($lexer);
* @dataProvider provideTestKindAttributes
public function testKindAttributes($code, $expectedAttributes) {
$parser = $this->getParser(new Lexer);
$stmts = $parser->parse("<?php $code;");
$attributes = $stmts[0]->getAttributes();
foreach ($expectedAttributes as $name => $value) {
$this->assertSame($value, $attributes[$name]);
public function provideTestKindAttributes() {
return array(
array('0', ['kind' => Scalar\LNumber::KIND_DEC]),
array('9', ['kind' => Scalar\LNumber::KIND_DEC]),
array('07', ['kind' => Scalar\LNumber::KIND_OCT]),
array('0xf', ['kind' => Scalar\LNumber::KIND_HEX]),
array('0XF', ['kind' => Scalar\LNumber::KIND_HEX]),
array('0b1', ['kind' => Scalar\LNumber::KIND_BIN]),
array('0B1', ['kind' => Scalar\LNumber::KIND_BIN]),
array('[]', ['kind' => Expr\Array_::KIND_SHORT]),
array('array()', ['kind' => Expr\Array_::KIND_LONG]),
array("'foo'", ['kind' => String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED]),
array("b'foo'", ['kind' => String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED]),
array("B'foo'", ['kind' => String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED]),
array('"foo"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]),
array('b"foo"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]),
array('B"foo"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]),
array('"foo$bar"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]),
array('b"foo$bar"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]),
array('B"foo$bar"', ['kind' => String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED]),
array("<<<'STR'\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("<<<STR\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("<<<\"STR\"\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("b<<<'STR'\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("B<<<'STR'\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("<<< \t 'STR'\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("<<<'\xff'\n\xff\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_NOWDOC, 'docLabel' => "\xff"]),
array("<<<\"STR\"\n\$a\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("b<<<\"STR\"\n\$a\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("B<<<\"STR\"\n\$a\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
array("<<< \t \"STR\"\n\$a\nSTR\n", ['kind' => String_::KIND_HEREDOC, 'docLabel' => 'STR']),
class InvalidTokenLexer extends Lexer {
public function getNextToken(&$value = null, &$startAttributes = null, &$endAttributes = null) {
$value = 'foobar';
return 999;