mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 05:41:17 +01:00
Move doc string parsing logic from rebuildParsers.php and String_::parseDocString() into ParserAbstract. This stuff is going to get complicated now. For now only implement the validation of the indentation on the end label.
246 lines
7.7 KiB
246 lines
7.7 KiB
$grammarFileToName = [
__DIR__ . '/php5.y' => 'Php5',
__DIR__ . '/php7.y' => 'Php7',
$tokensFile = __DIR__ . '/tokens.y';
$tokensTemplate = __DIR__ . '/tokens.template';
$skeletonFile = __DIR__ . '/parser.template';
$tmpGrammarFile = __DIR__ . '/tmp_parser.phpy';
$tmpResultFile = __DIR__ . '/tmp_parser.php';
$resultDir = __DIR__ . '/../lib/PhpParser/Parser';
$tokensResultsFile = $resultDir . '/Tokens.php';
// check for kmyacc.exe binary in this directory, otherwise fall back to global name
$kmyacc = __DIR__ . '/kmyacc.exe';
if (!file_exists($kmyacc)) {
$kmyacc = 'kmyacc';
$options = array_flip($argv);
$optionDebug = isset($options['--debug']);
$optionKeepTmpGrammar = isset($options['--keep-tmp-grammar']);
/// Utility regex constants ///
const LIB = '(?(DEFINE)
const PARAMS = '\[(?<params>[^[\]]*+(?:\[(?¶ms)\][^[\]]*+)*+)\]';
const ARGS = '\((?<args>[^()]*+(?:\((?&args)\)[^()]*+)*+)\)';
/// Main script ///
$tokens = file_get_contents($tokensFile);
foreach ($grammarFileToName as $grammarFile => $name) {
echo "Building temporary $name grammar file.\n";
$grammarCode = file_get_contents($grammarFile);
$grammarCode = str_replace('%tokens', $tokens, $grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveNodes($grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveMacros($grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveStackAccess($grammarCode);
file_put_contents($tmpGrammarFile, $grammarCode);
$additionalArgs = $optionDebug ? '-t -v' : '';
echo "Building $name parser.\n";
$output = trim(shell_exec("$kmyacc $additionalArgs -l -m $skeletonFile -p $name $tmpGrammarFile 2>&1"));
echo "Output: \"$output\"\n";
$resultCode = file_get_contents($tmpResultFile);
$resultCode = removeTrailingWhitespace($resultCode);
file_put_contents("$resultDir/$name.php", $resultCode);
echo "Building token definition.\n";
$output = trim(shell_exec("$kmyacc -l -m $tokensTemplate $tmpGrammarFile 2>&1"));
assert($output === '');
rename($tmpResultFile, $tokensResultsFile);
if (!$optionKeepTmpGrammar) {
/// Preprocessing functions ///
function resolveNodes($code) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'~\b(?<name>[A-Z][a-zA-Z_\\\\]++)\s*' . PARAMS . '~',
function($matches) {
// recurse
$matches['params'] = resolveNodes($matches['params']);
$params = magicSplit(
'(?:' . PARAMS . '|' . ARGS . ')(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,',
$paramCode = '';
foreach ($params as $param) {
$paramCode .= $param . ', ';
return 'new ' . $matches['name'] . '(' . $paramCode . 'attributes())';
function resolveMacros($code) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'~\b(?<!::|->)(?!array\()(?<name>[a-z][A-Za-z]++)' . ARGS . '~',
function($matches) {
// recurse
$matches['args'] = resolveMacros($matches['args']);
$name = $matches['name'];
$args = magicSplit(
'(?:' . PARAMS . '|' . ARGS . ')(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,',
if ('attributes' == $name) {
assertArgs(0, $args, $name);
return '$this->startAttributeStack[#1] + $this->endAttributes';
if ('stackAttributes' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return '$this->startAttributeStack[' . $args[0] . ']'
. ' + $this->endAttributeStack[' . $args[0] . ']';
if ('init' == $name) {
return '$$ = array(' . implode(', ', $args) . ')';
if ('push' == $name) {
assertArgs(2, $args, $name);
return $args[0] . '[] = ' . $args[1] . '; $$ = ' . $args[0];
if ('pushNormalizing' == $name) {
assertArgs(2, $args, $name);
return 'if (is_array(' . $args[1] . ')) { $$ = array_merge(' . $args[0] . ', ' . $args[1] . '); }'
. ' else { ' . $args[0] . '[] = ' . $args[1] . '; $$ = ' . $args[0] . '; }';
if ('toArray' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return 'is_array(' . $args[0] . ') ? ' . $args[0] . ' : array(' . $args[0] . ')';
if ('parseVar' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return 'substr(' . $args[0] . ', 1)';
if ('parseEncapsed' == $name) {
assertArgs(3, $args, $name);
return 'foreach (' . $args[0] . ' as $s) { if ($s instanceof Node\Scalar\EncapsedStringPart) {'
. ' $s->value = Node\Scalar\String_::parseEscapeSequences($s->value, ' . $args[1] . ', ' . $args[2] . '); } }';
if ('makeNop' == $name) {
assertArgs(3, $args, $name);
return '$startAttributes = ' . $args[1] . ';'
. ' if (isset($startAttributes[\'comments\']))'
. ' { ' . $args[0] . ' = new Stmt\Nop($startAttributes + ' . $args[2] . '); }'
. ' else { ' . $args[0] . ' = null; }';
if ('strKind' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return '(' . $args[0] . '[0] === "\'" || (' . $args[0] . '[1] === "\'" && '
. '(' . $args[0] . '[0] === \'b\' || ' . $args[0] . '[0] === \'B\')) '
. '? Scalar\String_::KIND_SINGLE_QUOTED : Scalar\String_::KIND_DOUBLE_QUOTED)';
if ('prependLeadingComments' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return '$attrs = $this->startAttributeStack[#1]; $stmts = ' . $args[0] . '; '
. 'if (!empty($attrs[\'comments\'])) {'
. '$stmts[0]->setAttribute(\'comments\', '
. 'array_merge($attrs[\'comments\'], $stmts[0]->getAttribute(\'comments\', []))); }';
return $matches[0];
function assertArgs($num, $args, $name) {
if ($num != count($args)) {
die('Wrong argument count for ' . $name . '().');
function resolveStackAccess($code) {
$code = preg_replace('/\$\d+/', '$this->semStack[$0]', $code);
$code = preg_replace('/#(\d+)/', '$$1', $code);
return $code;
function removeTrailingWhitespace($code) {
$lines = explode("\n", $code);
$lines = array_map('rtrim', $lines);
return implode("\n", $lines);
function ensureDirExists($dir) {
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
/// Regex helper functions ///
function regex($regex) {
return '~' . LIB . '(?:' . str_replace('~', '\~', $regex) . ')~';
function magicSplit($regex, $string) {
$pieces = preg_split(regex('(?:(?&string)|(?&comment)|(?&code))(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|' . $regex), $string);
foreach ($pieces as &$piece) {
$piece = trim($piece);
if ($pieces === ['']) {
return [];
return $pieces;