mirror of
synced 2025-01-22 05:11:39 +01:00
The parser didn't account for the additional newline after the content of doc strings, which is left there by the tokenizer for some reason. Additoinally esacape sequences were parsed in nowdoc strings. Additionally this contains some minor changes to the grammar: Some _list nonterminals were refactored to have the possible single elements in a reparate rule and only assemble those single elements. (This reduces duplication and gives better assignment of line number context.)
218 lines
6.5 KiB
218 lines
6.5 KiB
const GRAMMAR_FILE = './zend_language_parser.phpy';
const TMP_FILE = './tmp_parser.phpy';
const RESULT_FILE = './tmp_parser.php';
/// Utility regex constants ///
const LIB = '(?(DEFINE)
const PARAMS = '\[(?<params>[^[\]]*+(?:\[(?¶ms)\][^[\]]*+)*+)\]';
const ARGS = '\((?<args>[^()]*+(?:\((?&args)\)[^()]*+)*+)\)';
/// Main script ///
echo '<pre>';
echo 'Building temporary preproprocessed grammar file.', "\n";
$grammarCode = file_get_contents(GRAMMAR_FILE);
$grammarCode = resolveConstants($grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveNodes($grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveMacros($grammarCode);
$grammarCode = resolveArrays($grammarCode);
file_put_contents(TMP_FILE, $grammarCode);
echo 'Building parser. Output: "',
trim(shell_exec('kmyacc -l -m kmyacc.php.parser -p PHPParser_Parser ' . TMP_FILE . ' 2>&1')),
'"', "\n";
rename(RESULT_FILE, '../lib/PHPParser/Parser.php');
if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
echo 'Building debug parser. Output: "',
trim(shell_exec('kmyacc -t -v -l -m kmyacc.php.parser -p PHPParser_Parser ' . TMP_FILE . ' 2>&1')),
'"', "\n";
if (!is_dir('../lib/PHPParser/Parser')) {
rename(RESULT_FILE, '../lib/PHPParser/Parser/Debug.php');
echo 'The following temporary preproprocessed grammar file was used:', "\n", $grammarCode;
echo '</pre>';
/// Preprocessing functions ///
function resolveConstants($code) {
return preg_replace('~[A-Z][a-zA-Z_]++::~', 'PHPParser_Node_$0', $code);
function resolveNodes($code) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'~(?<name>[A-Z][a-zA-Z_]++)\s*' . PARAMS . '~',
function($matches) {
// recurse
$matches['params'] = resolveNodes($matches['params']);
$params = magicSplit(
'(?:' . PARAMS . '|' . ARGS . ')(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,',
$paramCode = '';
foreach ($params as $param) {
$paramCode .= $param . ', ';
return 'new PHPParser_Node_' . $matches['name'] . '(' . $paramCode . '$line, $docComment)';
function resolveMacros($code) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'~\b(?<!::|->)(?!array\()(?<name>[a-z][A-Za-z]++)' . ARGS . '~',
function($matches) {
// recurse
$matches['args'] = resolveMacros($matches['args']);
$name = $matches['name'];
$args = magicSplit(
'(?:' . PARAMS . '|' . ARGS . ')(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,',
if ('error' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return 'throw new PHPParser_Error(' . $args[0] . ')';
if ('init' == $name) {
return '$$ = array(' . implode(', ', $args) . ')';
if ('push' == $name) {
assertArgs(2, $args, $name);
return $args[0] . '[] = ' . $args[1] . '; $$ = ' . $args[0];
if ('pushNormalizing' == $name) {
assertArgs(2, $args, $name);
return 'if (is_array(' . $args[1] . ')) { $$ = array_merge(' . $args[0] . ', ' . $args[1] . '); } else { ' . $args[0] . '[] = ' . $args[1] . '; $$ = ' . $args[0] . '; }';
if ('toArray' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return 'is_array(' . $args[0] . ') ? ' . $args[0] . ' : array(' . $args[0] . ')';
if ('parseVar' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return 'substr(' . $args[0] . ', 1)';
if ('parseDNumber' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return '(double) ' . $args[0];
if ('parseEncapsed' == $name) {
assertArgs(2, $args, $name);
return 'foreach (' . $args[0] . ' as &$s) { if (is_string($s)) { $s = PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String::parseEscapeSequences($s, ' . $args[1] . '); } }';
if ('parseEncapsedDoc' == $name) {
assertArgs(1, $args, $name);
return 'foreach (' . $args[0] . ' as &$s) { if (is_string($s)) { $s = PHPParser_Node_Scalar_String::parseEscapeSequences($s, null); } } $s = preg_replace(\'~(\r\n|\n|\r)$~\', \'\', $s); if (\'\' === $s) array_pop(' . $args[0] . ');';
throw new Exception(sprintf('Unknown macro "%s"', $name));
function assertArgs($num, $args, $name) {
if ($num != count($args)) {
die('Wrong argument count for ' . $name . '().');
function resolveArrays($code) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'~' . PARAMS . '~',
function ($matches) {
$elements = magicSplit(
'(?:' . PARAMS . '|' . ARGS . ')(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,',
// don't convert [] to array, it might have different meaning
if (empty($elements)) {
return $matches[0];
$elementCodes = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
// convert only arrays where all elements have keys
if (false === strpos($element, ':')) {
return $matches[0];
list($key, $value) = explode(':', $element, 2);
$elementCodes[] = "'" . $key . "' =>" . $value;
return 'array(' . implode(', ', $elementCodes) . ')';
/// Regex helper functions ///
function regex($regex) {
return '~' . LIB . '(?:' . str_replace('~', '\~', $regex) . ')~';
function magicSplit($regex, $string) {
$pieces = preg_split(regex('(?:(?&string)|(?&comment)|(?&code))(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|' . $regex), $string);
foreach ($pieces as &$piece) {
$piece = trim($piece);
return array_filter($pieces);
} |