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A curated list of amphp packages
- amphp-clamav - A ClamAV wrapper
- async-virus-scan - Async library for querying online virus scanners
- amphp-arduino - Demo for controlling an Arduino with PHP
- async_tgbot - async telelgram bots library based on amphp
- jeeves - Chatbot for Stack Overflow
- mellon - Mellon is a bot based on Amp
- amphp/cache - A fiber-aware cache API
- HarmonyIO/cache - Async caching library
- amp-csv - CSV library to use with Amp PHP framework
- amphp/mysql - Async MySQL client
- amphp/mysql-dbal - Doctrine MySQL driver
- amphp/postgres - Async Postgres client
- amp-sqlite - SQLite client
- rdb-php - Dead-simple async PHP migrations controlled from code
- doctrine-mysql-fiber-driver - Doctrine MySQL driver with Fiber support based on Amphp
Dependency Injection
- amphp/injector - A recursive dependency injector used to bootstrap and wire together S.O.L.I.D., object-oriented PHP applications
- docker-amphp-php - Docker image configured for amphp in production use
- php-alpine-event - Minimalistic (60Mb!) docker image based on php:7.1-cli-alpine with event extension
- amphp/dns - Async DNS resolution
- dns-over-https - Async DNS-over-HTTPS resolution
Event loop
- async-interop/event-loop - An event loop interface for interoperability in PHP.
- danog/loop - Loop abstraction for AMPHP
- loop-block - Detect blocking ticks in event loops
- revoltphp/event-loop - Revolt is a rock-solid event loop for concurrent PHP applications
- amphp/file - Access to the filesystem
- amp-fswatch - Filesystem watcher supporting multiple strategies
- amphp/http-client - Async HTTP/1.1+2 client
- amphp/http-client-cookies - Automatic cookie handling for amphp/http-client
- amphp/http-client-cache - Async HTTP cache for amphp/http-client
- amphp/http-client-psr7 - PSR-7 adapter for amphp/http-client
- HarmonyIO/http-client - Async caching aware http client
- http-proxy - Forward http proxy server built with async amphp framework.
- amphp/http-server-router - A router
- amp-http-router - An asynchronous HTTP routing engine for Amp based applications
- amphp/http-server - A non-blocking HTTP application server.
- amphp/http-server-form-parser - A form parser
- amphp/http-server-session - Session management
- amphp/http-server-static-content - A static content responder for amphp/http-server
- http-cors - Middleware for amphp/http-server to handle CORS requests
- amphp/http-tunnel - Provides an HTTP CONNECT tunnel
- jira-tempo-sdk-php - Asynchronous PHP Jira Tempo SDK
- jira-sdk-php - Asynchronous PHP Jira SDK
- kafka-php - Kafka client
- amphp/log - Non-blocking logging for PHP based on Amp and Monolog
- logger-php - Simple pre-configured non-blocking logging based on Amp and Monolog
- amphp/process - Async process dispatcher
- amphp/parallel - Parallel processing
- amphp/parallel-functions - Simplified parallel processing
- amphp/cluster - Building multi-core network applications
- gitamp - Listen to music generated by events across github
- oauth - Async OAuth client
- wkhtmltopdf-php - Non-blocking PHP wrapper for wkhtmltopdf
- amphp/react-adapter - Adapter to make any ReactPHP library compatible with Amp
- amphp/react-stream-adapter - Adapters to make React's and Amp's streams compatible
- amphp/redis - Redis Client
- rpq-server - RPQ: Simple, efficient, prioritized background processing for PHP
- kelunik/retry - A tiny library for retrying failed operations
- scriptfusion/retry - Retries failing operations.
- rpc-demo - Simple RPC demo to handle socket input in worker processes
- amphp/socket - Non-blocking socket and TLS functionality
- HarmonyIO/smtp-client - Async SMTP client
- amphp/ssh - Async SSH client
- amphp/byte-stream - A non-blocking stream abstraction
- streaming-base64 - On the fly Base64 encoding for Amp's streams.
- streaming-hash - On the fly hashing for Amp's streams.
- streaming-json - A streaming JSON parser
- styled-byte-stream - Write styled output to a terminal using amphp OutputStream!
- MadelineProto - Client/Server API for the telegram MTProto protocol
- amphp/php-unit-util - Helper package to ease testing with PHPUnit
- async-unit - A PHP8 unit and integration testing framework with first-class support for the amphp Loop
- asynit - Asynchronous HTTP Request Testing Library for API or more
- HarmonyIO/PHPUnit-Extension - Extends PHPUnit with async helpers
- mock-server - Flexible HTTP mocking application for testing and fast prototyping
- body-validator-php - Package to simplify validation of request body
- amphp/websocket-server - WebSocket component for amphp/http-server
- amphp/websocket-client - Async WebSocket client
- websocket-commands - A micro-framework to facilitate building Websocket powered applications
- amphp/windows-registry - Windows Registry reader
Unsorted yet
- amphp/beanstalk - Beanstalk client
- Service bus - Service Bus (publish-subscribe pattern) implementation
- ACME - Async ACME library
- ridge - Pure asynchronous PHP implementation of the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol
- cassis - Pure PHP asynchronous implementation of the Cassandra V4 binary protocol
- Wind framework - Pure PHP Coroutine Framework based on Workerman and Amphp
- ESB - Simple, beanstalkd powered, ESB framework
- Porter - calable and durable all-purpose data import abstraction for publishing testable APIs and SDKs.
- rate-limit - Rate Limiting
- AsyncTwitter - Just like regular Twitter, but async
- railway-fbp - Railway Flow Based Programming
- railway-fbp-symfony - Railway Flow Based Programming implementation for Symfony
- dag - Directed acyclic graph of tasks implementation based on Amphp promises
- paginate-php - Simple async paginator
- ipc - Async IPC component
- pact-php - Enables consumer driven contract testing, following the PACT foundation principles
- event-store-client - Event Store Client
- micro - Functional prooph for microservices
- php-service-bus/mutex - PHP Mutex implementation
- amp-elasticsearch - A non-blocking ElasticSearch client
- amp-magento - Magento REST Api wrapper
- amphp/pipeline - Asynchronous iterators and operators
- DaveRandom/Mutex - Basic common mutex framework for amp
- amphp-priority-emitter - AMP Emitter with priority queue inside
- amphp/serialization - Serialization tools for IPC and data storage in PHP.
- awsyncronic - amphp/artax client http handler for Guzzle.
- async-event - Triggering semantic application events within Amp's Event Loop
Projects using amphp
- grumphp - A composer plugin that enables source code quality checks
- mailgrab - Simple and easy to use catch-all SMTP mail server and debugging tool
- psalm - A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications
- socket-inspect - Reverse engineering and socket inspection tool
- stdinho - Turn any STDIN/STDOUT into HTTP server
Guides / Tutorials
- amphp/getting-started - A getting started guide for Amp