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Symfony Psalm Plugin



composer require --dev psalm/plugin-symfony
vendor/bin/psalm-plugin enable psalm/plugin-symfony


  • Detect ContainerInterface::get() result type. Works better if you configure compiled container XML file.
  • Detect return type of console arguments (InputInterface::getArgument()) and options (InputInterface::getOption()). Enforces to use InputArgument and InputOption constants as a part of best practise.
  • Detects correct Doctrine repository class if entities are configured with annotations.
  • Fixes PossiblyInvalidArgument for Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getContent. The plugin calculates real return type by checking the given argument and marks return type as either string or resource.
  • Detect return type of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\HeaderBag::get (by checking third argument for < Symfony 4.4)
  • Detects service naming convention violations
  • Complains when Container is injected to a service. Use dependency-injection.


If you followed installation instructions, psalm-plugin command would added plugin configuration to psalm.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<psalm totallyTyped="true">
    <!--  project configuration -->

        <pluginClass class="Psalm\SymfonyPsalmPlugin\Plugin" />

To be able to detect return types of services using ID (generally starts with @ in Symfony YAML config files. Ex: logger service) containerXml must be provided. Example:

<pluginClass class="Psalm\SymfonyPsalmPlugin\Plugin">

This file path may change based on your Symfony version, file structure and environment settings. Default file for Symfony versions:

  • Symfony 3: var/cache/dev/srcDevDebugProjectContainer.xml
  • Symfony 4: var/cache/dev/srcApp_KernelDevDebugContainer.xml
  • Symfony 5: var/cache/dev/App_KernelDevDebugContainer.xml

Multiple container files can be configured. In this case, first valid file is taken into account. If none of the given files is valid, configuration exception is thrown. Example:

<pluginClass class="Psalm\SymfonyPsalmPlugin\Plugin">
