* in PHP 8.0, `ReflectionUnionType` is composed on `ReflectionNamedType`s
* in PHP 8.1, `ReflectionIntersectionType` is composed of `ReflectionNamedType`s
* in PHP 8.2, `ReflectionUnionType` is composed of `ReflectionIntersectionType|ReflectionNamedType`s
Slight variations for each PHP version.
As per local testing, this doesn't work yet.
## Local testing setup:
I did some digging to make sure that the stubs work as expected.
Here's what I did to validate this patch locally (since I don't think it can really be fully automated)
## Create a dummy file to verify used symbols
namespace Testing;
/** @return \ReflectionClass<\stdClass> */
function getAClass(): \ReflectionClass { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
function getAnUnionType(): \ReflectionUnionType { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
function getAnIntersectionType(): \ReflectionIntersectionType { throw new \Exception('irrelevant'); }
// verifying that `getName()` is stubbed in all versions: this should always be a `class-string<\stdClass>`
$name = getAClass()->getName();
// union types should appear starting with PHP 8.0. Starting with PHP 8.2, they allow for intersections.
$unionTypes = getAnUnionType()->getTypes();
// intersection types should appear starting with PHP 8.1
$intersectionTypes = getAnIntersectionType()->getTypes();
$results = [$name, $unionTypes, $intersectionTypes];
/** @psalm-trace $results */ // tracing this will show us the differences between versions
return $results;
## Run the script against various `vimeo/psalm` versions
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:7.4 ./psalm --php-version=7.4 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.0 ./psalm --php-version=8.0 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.1 ./psalm --php-version=8.1 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.2.0RC7-cli ./psalm --php-version=8.2 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
## Evaluate output
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:7.4 ./psalm --php-version=7.4 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, mixed, mixed} (see https://psalm.dev/224)
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.0 ./psalm --php-version=8.0 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, mixed} (see https://psalm.dev/224)
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.1 ./psalm --php-version=8.1 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>} (see https://psalm.dev/224)
psalm on feature/#8720-improve-types-and-purity-for-reflection-symbols [!?] via 🐘 v8.1.13 via ❄️ impure (nix-shell) took 4s
❯ docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/app -w /app php:8.2.0RC7-cli ./psalm --php-version=8.2 --no-cache reflection-test.php | grep Trace
ERROR: Trace - reflection-test.php:20:1 - $results: list{class-string<stdClass>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>, non-empty-list<ReflectionNamedType>} (see https://psalm.dev/224)
* added PHP 8.2 stubs
* refined types to make impossible scenarios more clear (like `ReflectionIntersectionType#allowsNull()`)
This is a first attempt at refining these types: the structure of these stubs is quite confusing to me,
so I don't know if this approach is correct, and if the stubs are merged together, or if entire symbols
need to be completely re-declared for each PHP version.