I think it makes more sense to have the errors that almost always appear (level 7 errors) next to the errors that always appear, instead of the level 1, least likely to appear errors being next to the ones that always appear. This also makes the order more similar to that output by the new --by-issue-level format report. Some time it might be nice to see if there's a way to auto generate most of this docs page from the actual issue class definitions, or have a test that checks the list of issues for each level is accurate and complete.
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Error levels
You can run Psalm in at different levels of strictness from 1 to 8.
Level 1 is the most strict, level 8 is the most lenient.
When no level is explicitly defined, psalm defaults to level 2.
Some issues are always treated as errors. These are issues with a very low probability of false-positives.
At level 1 all issues (except those emitted for opt-in features) that Psalm can find are treated as errors. Those issues include any situation where Psalm cannot infer the type of a given expression.
At level 2 Psalm ignores those Mixed*
issues, but treats most other issues as errors.
At level 3 Psalm starts to be a little more lenient. For example Psalm allows missing param types, return types and property types.
At level 4 Psalm ignores issues for possible problems. These are more likely to be false positives – where the application code may guarantee behaviour that Psalm isn't able to infer.
Level 5 and above allows a more non-verifiable code, and higher levels are even more permissive.
Always treated as errors
- AbstractMethodCall
- ComplexFunction
- ComplexMethod
- ConfigIssue
- DuplicateArrayKey
- DuplicateClass
- DuplicateFunction
- DuplicateMethod
- DuplicateParam
- EmptyArrayAccess
- ExtensionRequirementViolation
- ImplementationRequirementViolation
- ImpureByReferenceAssignment
- ImpureFunctionCall
- ImpureMethodCall
- ImpurePropertyAssignment
- ImpurePropertyFetch
- ImpureStaticProperty
- ImpureStaticVariable
- ImpureVariable
- InaccessibleClassConstant
- InaccessibleMethod
- InaccessibleProperty
- InterfaceInstantiation
- InvalidAttribute
- InvalidExtendClass
- InvalidGlobal
- InvalidParamDefault
- InvalidParent
- InvalidPassByReference
- InvalidScope
- InvalidStaticInvocation
- InvalidThrow
- LoopInvalidation
- MethodSignatureMustOmitReturnType
- MethodSignatureMustProvideReturnType
- MissingDependency
- MissingFile
- MissingImmutableAnnotation
- MissingTemplateParam
- MissingThrowsDocblock
- NonStaticSelfCall
- NoValue
- NullArrayAccess
- NullFunctionCall
- NullIterator
- NullPropertyAssignment
- NullPropertyFetch
- NullReference
- OverriddenPropertyAccess
- ParadoxicalCondition
- ParentNotFound
- TooFewArguments
- UndefinedAttributeClass
- UndefinedClass
- UndefinedConstant
- UndefinedDocblockClass
- UndefinedFunction
- UndefinedGlobalVariable
- UndefinedInterface
- UndefinedTrait
- UndefinedVariable
- UnimplementedAbstractMethod
- UnimplementedInterfaceMethod
- UnrecognizedExpression
- UnrecognizedStatement
- UnusedFunctionCall
- UnusedMethodCall
Errors that appear at level 7 and below
These issues are treated as errors at level 7 and below.
- AbstractInstantiation
- AssignmentToVoid
- CircularReference
- ConflictingReferenceConstraint
- ContinueOutsideLoop
- InvalidTypeImport
- MethodSignatureMismatch
- OverriddenMethodAccess
- ParamNameMismatch
- ReservedWord
- UnhandledMatchCondition
- UninitializedProperty
Errors that appear at level 6 and below
These issues are treated as errors at level 6 and below.
- InvalidArgument
- InvalidArrayAccess
- InvalidArrayAssignment
- InvalidArrayOffset
- InvalidCast
- InvalidCatch
- InvalidClass
- InvalidClone
- InvalidFunctionCall
- InvalidIterator
- InvalidMethodCall
- InvalidNamedArgument
- InvalidPropertyAssignment
- InvalidPropertyAssignmentValue
- InvalidPropertyFetch
- InvalidReturnStatement
- InvalidReturnType
- InvalidTemplateParam
- NullArgument
- NullArrayOffset
- TooManyTemplateParams
- TraitMethodSignatureMismatch
- UndefinedMethod
- UndefinedPropertyAssignment
- UndefinedPropertyFetch
- UndefinedThisPropertyFetch
Errors that appear at level 5 and below
These issues are treated as errors at level 5 and below.
- ConstructorSignatureMismatch
- FalsableReturnStatement
- InvalidNullableReturnType
- LessSpecificImplementedReturnType
- MoreSpecificImplementedParamType
- NullableReturnStatement
- UndefinedInterfaceMethod
- UndefinedThisPropertyAssignment
Errors that appear at level 4 and below
These issues are treated as errors at level 4 and below.
- FalseOperand
- ForbiddenCode
- ImplementedParamTypeMismatch
- ImplementedReturnTypeMismatch
- ImplicitToStringCast
- InternalClass
- InternalMethod
- InternalProperty
- InvalidDocblock
- InvalidLiteralArgument
- InvalidOperand
- InvalidScalarArgument
- InvalidToString
- MismatchingDocblockParamType
- MismatchingDocblockReturnType
- MissingDocblockType
- NoInterfaceProperties
- PossibleRawObjectIteration
- RedundantCondition
- RedundantFunctionCall
- RedundantPropertyInitializationCheck
- StringIncrement
- TooManyArguments
- TypeDoesNotContainNull
- TypeDoesNotContainType
- UndefinedMagicMethod
- UndefinedMagicPropertyAssignment
- UndefinedMagicPropertyFetch
Errors that appear at level 3 and below
These issues are treated as errors at level 3 and below.
- ArgumentTypeCoercion
- LessSpecificReturnStatement
- MoreSpecificReturnType
- PossiblyFalseArgument
- PossiblyFalseIterator
- PossiblyFalseOperand
- PossiblyFalsePropertyAssignmentValue
- PossiblyFalseReference
- PossiblyInvalidArgument
- PossiblyInvalidArrayAccess
- PossiblyInvalidArrayAssignment
- PossiblyInvalidArrayOffset
- PossiblyInvalidCast
- PossiblyInvalidClone
- PossiblyInvalidFunctionCall
- PossiblyInvalidIterator
- PossiblyInvalidMethodCall
- PossiblyInvalidOperand
- PossiblyInvalidPropertyAssignment
- PossiblyInvalidPropertyAssignmentValue
- PossiblyInvalidPropertyFetch
- PossiblyNullArgument
- PossiblyNullArrayAccess
- PossiblyNullArrayAssignment
- PossiblyNullArrayOffset
- PossiblyNullFunctionCall
- PossiblyNullIterator
- PossiblyNullPropertyAssignment
- PossiblyNullPropertyAssignmentValue
- PossiblyNullPropertyFetch
- PossiblyNullReference
- PossiblyUndefinedArrayOffset
- PossiblyUndefinedGlobalVariable
- PossiblyUndefinedMethod
- PossiblyUndefinedVariable
- PropertyTypeCoercion
- RiskyCast
Errors that appear at level 2 and below
These issues are treated as errors at level 2 and below.
- DeprecatedClass
- DeprecatedConstant
- DeprecatedFunction
- DeprecatedInterface
- DeprecatedMethod
- DeprecatedProperty
- DeprecatedTrait
- DocblockTypeContradiction
- InvalidDocblockParamName
- InvalidFalsableReturnType
- InvalidStringClass
- MissingClosureParamType
- MissingClosureReturnType
- MissingConstructor
- MissingParamType
- MissingPropertyType
- MissingReturnType
- NullOperand
- PropertyNotSetInConstructor
- RawObjectIteration
- RedundantConditionGivenDocblockType
- RedundantFunctionCallGivenDocblockType
- ReferenceConstraintViolation
- UndefinedTrace
- UnresolvableInclude
- UnsafeInstantiation
Errors that only appear at level 1
- LessSpecificReturnType
- MixedArgument
- MixedArgumentTypeCoercion
- MixedArrayAccess
- MixedArrayAssignment
- MixedArrayOffset
- MixedArrayTypeCoercion
- MixedAssignment
- MixedClone
- MixedFunctionCall
- MixedInferredReturnType
- MixedMethodCall
- MixedOperand
- MixedPropertyAssignment
- MixedPropertyFetch
- MixedPropertyTypeCoercion
- MixedReturnStatement
- MixedReturnTypeCoercion
- MixedStringOffsetAssignment
- MutableDependency
- PossiblyNullOperand
- RedundantIdentityWithTrue
- Trace
Feature-specific errors
- PossiblyUndefinedIntArrayOffset
- PossiblyUndefinedStringArrayOffset
- PossiblyUnusedMethod
- PossiblyUnusedParam
- PossiblyUnusedProperty
- TaintedCallable
- TaintedCookie
- TaintedCustom
- TaintedEval
- TaintedFile
- TaintedHeader
- TaintedHtml
- TaintedInclude
- TaintedInput
- TaintedLdap
- TaintedShell
- TaintedSql
- TaintedSSRF
- TaintedSystemSecret
- TaintedUnserialize
- TaintedUserSecret
- UncaughtThrowInGlobalScope
- UnevaluatedCode
- UnnecessaryVarAnnotation
- UnusedClass
- UnusedClosureParam
- UnusedConstructor
- UnusedForeachValue
- UnusedMethod
- UnusedParam
- UnusedProperty
- UnusedPsalmSuppress
- UnusedVariable